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Provide for a Legal Fraternity
Provide for a Legal Fraternity
The people of DemocracyCraft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Legal Board Act”
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon passage and Presidential assent.
(3) This Act has been authored by: Senate President xEndeavour
(4) The Act has been co-sponsored by: Senate President xEndeavour
2 - Reasons
(1) The RBA has been marred by internal conflict since it's inception which led to its demise and subsequent removals.
(2) This act promotes a fraternity as a means to educate and network rather than police the legal profession.
3 - The Redmont Bar Association
(1) A state organization shall hereby be ordained and established, and legally regulated, by this law.
(2) This organization shall be called and hereby known as the Redmont Bar Association.
(3) It shall be responsible for promoting legal education, advising the Government on matters pertaining to the legal profession, acting as a collective in making legal commentary, and providing resources to all lawyers for the universal betterment of their careers.
5 - Organization of the Association
(1) The Board shall consist of all lawyers.
(2) Lawyers consist of all persons holding the solicitor, barrister, or attorney job, not including those disbarred in a Court of Law. This definition shall apply to every instance of the word 'lawyer' in legislation.
(3) The Board shall be administrated by a respected legal figure, as appointed by the Attorney General, for a term of no longer than 2 months (renewable) as 'Chairperson'.
(4) The chairperson may nominate 2 clerks to assist them in representing and administering the will of the organisation.
(4) Organisational policy can be proposed and voted on by all lawyers within the organisation.