Act of Congress Legal Reform Act


Speaker of the House
Congressional Staff
Education Department
Redmont Bar Assoc.
Oakridge Resident
Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary Statesman
Oct 5, 2023
House Vote: 8-1-1
Senate Vote: 4-0-0

Repeal the Super Modern Legal Board Act and Abolish the RBA

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the ‘Legal Reform Act’.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Rep. CaseyLeFaye.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Rep. UnityMaster.

2 - Reasons
(1) The RBA has been useless for years; all they do is disbar people but are otherwise inactive.
(2) They have power that they have mishandled in the past, which should be given to Departments with more accountability.

3 - RBA Abolition
(1) The Super Modern Legal Board Act is hereby repealed.
(2) The Redmont Bar Association (RBA) is to be disbanded and its assets seized by the Commonwealth of Redmont. The current RBA building will be repurposed as the Department of Construction and Transportation sees fit. The RBA Discord will be archived and preserved. All money in the RBA business account will be remitted to the DCGovernment balance. All materials pertaining to legal exams and legal classes shall be handed over to the Department of Education.
(3) Legal exams will be controlled exclusively by the Department of Education. The Department of Education must consult the Department of Justice on any changes to legal exams and provide reasonable time for the Department of Justice to comment on the changes before those changes are published.
(4) Holding a solicitor, barrister, or attorney tag in-game constitutes a valid legal license. All crimes pertaining to legal practice shall be indictable and be in the Department of Justice's jurisdiction to prosecute.
(5) Disbarment shall be defined as “the revoking of one's ability to legally practice law which shall include representing a party in Court and filing a case on a client's behalf.”

4 - Attorney-Client Privilege
(1) Attorney-Client Privilege shall exist as soon as a client or potential client engages in a formal discussion with a lawyer or law firm regarding a case, potential case, or other legal matter.
(2) The lawyer or law firm shall not be permitted to disclose the contents of the discussion except with the voluntary and written permission of the client.
(3) Lawyers and law firms shall not be held liable for conspiracy or acting as an accessory to a crime when it is in connection with matters protected by Attorney-Client Privilege.
(4) Breaking Attorney-Client Privilege
(a) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense​
(b) Definition: “Disclosing discussions of a client without their written permission.”​
(c) Maximum Punishment:​
(i) First Offense: $5,000 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time​
(ii) Second Offense: $10,000 fine + 15 Minutes Jail Time + Disbarment for a period of one month​
(iii) Subsequent Offenses: $20,000 (with $7,500 being the minimum) + 20 Minutes Jail Time + Disbarment for a period of two months (with two weeks being the minimum)​
(5) Clients may also sue the lawyer or law firm that broke Attorney-Client Privilege for any losses that can be proven in court.

5 - Legal Fraud
(1) Legal Fraud
(a) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense​
(b) Definition: “The misrepresentation of one’s legal credentials, or lack thereof, or unauthorized practice in any Court of law under this act or future acts governing the legal practice.”​
(c) Maximum Punishment:​
(i) First Offense: $5,000 Fine + 10 Minutes Jail Time​
(ii) Second Offense: $10,000 Fine + 15 Minutes Jail time + Disbarment for a period of four weeks​
(iii) Subsequent Offenses: $25,000 Fine (with $10,000 being the minimum) + 30 Minutes Jail Time + Disbarment for a period of three months​

6 - Conflict of Interest
(1) A conflict of interest arises when an individual or entity is engaged in multiple interests, whether financial or otherwise, and fulfilling one interest could potentially compromise their ability to fulfill another.
(2) In the legal context, a conflict of interest is defined as the situation where the same legal counsel represents both the defense and the plaintiff simultaneously in the same case.
(3) Discovery of a conflict of interest provides valid grounds for a person to appeal the court's decision in the case.
(4) Conflict of Interest
(a) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense​
(b) Definition: “The situation where the same legal counsel represents both the defense and the plaintiff simultaneously in the same case.”​
(c) Maximum Punishment:​
(i) First Offense: $20,000 Fine + 20 Minutes Jail Time​
(ii) Second Offense: $35,000 Fine + 35 Minutes Jail Time + Disbarment for a period of one month​
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
