Lawsuit: Dismissed MikeOxlonger1 and Soeboekaas v. VortexX_X [2025] DCR 13

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Aug 16, 2023

Case Filing


(Mike, Soeb)
Plaintiff [Represented by BabySoga proof if necessary can be provided]



The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:


1. Plaintiff [Mike, Soeb]
2. Defendant [VortexX_X]
3.Witness [pepecuu]
4. Witness [MRLOLO]

1. On the 19th of January 2025 the Defendant started a shooting on Client's of Mike and other bystanders.
2. The Defendant killed know to us 123 people close to Mike's Store around 90% of these were Mike's Customers
3. The Defendant trespassed into Mike's Store after a Banned Player sign was put up which had his and only his name on it.

Your Honor the Defendant breached the Following:

13.5 Assault
The act of hitting a player, causing a loss of no more than 3 hearts; or putting them in a place of danger (such as pointing a weapon at them).
Per Offense: $75 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time

13.6 - Attempted Murder
The act of repetitively hitting a player, causing a loss of more than 3 hearts. This crime overrides Assault.
Per Offense: $100 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time

13.9 - Harassment, Alarm, or Distress
The act of disorderly behavior towards an individual or a group of individuals, that may be deemed to a reasonable person as causing harassment, alarm, or distress.
Minimum Sentencing: $500 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time

13.15 - Trespass
The act of entering or being in a place without the consent of the owner, occupier or person having control or management of the place; or to remain in the place after being requested by a person in authority to leave the place.
Per Offense: $100 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time

We aren't suing on the Basis of Crimes, but on the basis of damages created.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:

1. Mike lost Profit the Average Customer spent around 240 mostly on rockets so the Plaintiff wishes for
90 × 240$ or 21,600$ in compensation as a lot of Profit as customers were sacred didnt return as in the Case Pepecuu v. VortexX_X (DCR) we can see an exampleof this.
2. The Plaintiffs seek 500$ as loss of enjoyment in Redmont.
3. The Plaintiff Mike also wishes for 5,000$ in additional compensation for Trespassed several diffrent times
(Attach evidence and a list of witnesses at the bottom if applicable)

Additionall Info: We have someone who confessed.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 20 day of January 2025



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Your Honor it wouldn't let me send more so here are the Additionals:


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Please provide proof of representation.
Your Honor, would also like to inform the Court of the Legal cost which will be covered by a Reatainrr.


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This case only seeks $27100, Therefore, this case does not belong in the Federal Court and is remanded to the District Court.
This case only seeks $27100, Therefore, this case does not belong in the Federal Court and is remanded to the District Court.
Are we getting smth?

Writ of Summons

@vortexx_x is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case of Mikeoxlonger1 and soeboekaas v. Vortexx_x [2025] DCR 13

Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.


Writ of Summons

@vortexx_x is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case of Mikeoxlonger1 and soeboekaas v. Vortexx_x [2025] DCR 13

Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.

Your Honor
Could we get Summary Judgment?
Your honor, I have been assigned as the public defender for this case.

I would like to request a 24 hour period to allow an answer to the complaint.

Attached is proof of representation.

Thank you.




The defence moves that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:

1. Court Rules and Procedures 5.12

Under Rule 5.12 (Lack of Personal Jurisdiction) 'the plaintiff fails to have sufficient standing in order to pursue the case.'

The plaintiff MikeOxlonger1 a.k.a LiveLaughToaster, has since been permanently deported since this case was filled. They no longer have standing within this court as they cannot participate in Redmont activities.

We can see this line specifically in this [Appeal Request 2023 SCR 2]

The idea that deported players have no rights within Redmont is a long upheld decision within the courts. In Ligthiago v. FuriousPaladin [2023 FCR 79] we see that the Judge had been informed of a deported players lack of right to representation.

We also see this in the appeal REALTV4968 v. Staff Team where a deported player attempts to represent themselves and is disallowed from doing so by staff, and is also reiterated here in gsse v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2024 FCR 101] by Judge Duke that deported players have no rights.

Most recently this supreme court decision upholds previous determinations that "Deported players have no rights in our nation", UnityMaster v. lcn [2025 SCR 2]

This recent case that was dismissed about the first listed plaintiff, and stands here. MikeOxlonger1 v. Philip_d_blank [2025 DCR 9]

2. Court Rules and Procedures 5.7

Under Rule 5.7 (Failure to include Party) 'plaintiff's failure to join all appropriate parties to the case'

'Soeboekaas' A user with this name has never joined the server, and does not exist as a characters name. A user does not exist on the forum with this name. This name does not appear in any of the provided evidence.

3. Court Rules and Procedures 5.12

Under 5.12 (Lack of personal jurisdiction) 'the plaintiff fails to have sufficient standing in order to pursue the case.'

Even if the above plaintiff is recognized by the court it is unclear how they were involved. The only reason they're involved is seemingly because they agreed to be on discord. It is unclear they were damaged at all by this event.




The defence moves that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:

1. Court Rules and Procedures 5.12

Under Rule 5.12 (Lack of Personal Jurisdiction) 'the plaintiff fails to have sufficient standing in order to pursue the case.'

The plaintiff MikeOxlonger1 a.k.a LiveLaughToaster, has since been permanently deported since this case was filled. They no longer have standing within this court as they cannot participate in Redmont activities.

We can see this line specifically in this [Appeal Request 2023 SCR 2]

The idea that deported players have no rights within Redmont is a long upheld decision within the courts. In Ligthiago v. FuriousPaladin [2023 FCR 79] we see that the Judge had been informed of a deported players lack of right to representation.

We also see this in the appeal REALTV4968 v. Staff Team where a deported player attempts to represent themselves and is disallowed from doing so by staff, and is also reiterated here in gsse v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2024 FCR 101] by Judge Duke that deported players have no rights.

Most recently this supreme court decision upholds previous determinations that "Deported players have no rights in our nation", UnityMaster v. lcn [2025 SCR 2]

This recent case that was dismissed about the first listed plaintiff, and stands here. MikeOxlonger1 v. Philip_d_blank [2025 DCR 9]

2. Court Rules and Procedures 5.7

Under Rule 5.7 (Failure to include Party) 'plaintiff's failure to join all appropriate parties to the case'

'Soeboekaas' A user with this name has never joined the server, and does not exist as a characters name. A user does not exist on the forum with this name. This name does not appear in any of the provided evidence.

3. Court Rules and Procedures 5.12

Under 5.12 (Lack of personal jurisdiction) 'the plaintiff fails to have sufficient standing in order to pursue the case.'

Even if the above plaintiff is recognized by the court it is unclear how they were involved. The only reason they're involved is seemingly because they agreed to be on discord. It is unclear they were damaged at all by this event.

Before I rule on this, Can the plaintiff give the court any information on the identity of Soeboekaas. That name has never appeared in game, in the discord or even have an MC account tied to it on NameMC.
Before I rule on this, Can the plaintiff give the court any information on the identity of Soeboekaas. That name has never appeared in game, in the discord or even have an MC account tied to it on NameMC.
Yes your Honor,
His ingame name is MrCheesGuy.



The defence moves that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:

1. Court Rules and Procedures 5.12

Under Rule 5.12 (Lack of Personal Jurisdiction) 'the plaintiff fails to have sufficient standing in order to pursue the case.'

The plaintiff MikeOxlonger1 a.k.a LiveLaughToaster, has since been permanently deported since this case was filled. They no longer have standing within this court as they cannot participate in Redmont activities.

We can see this line specifically in this [Appeal Request 2023 SCR 2]

The idea that deported players have no rights within Redmont is a long upheld decision within the courts. In Ligthiago v. FuriousPaladin [2023 FCR 79] we see that the Judge had been informed of a deported players lack of right to representation.

We also see this in the appeal REALTV4968 v. Staff Team where a deported player attempts to represent themselves and is disallowed from doing so by staff, and is also reiterated here in gsse v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2024 FCR 101] by Judge Duke that deported players have no rights.

Most recently this supreme court decision upholds previous determinations that "Deported players have no rights in our nation", UnityMaster v. lcn [2025 SCR 2]

This recent case that was dismissed about the first listed plaintiff, and stands here. MikeOxlonger1 v. Philip_d_blank [2025 DCR 9]

2. Court Rules and Procedures 5.7

Under Rule 5.7 (Failure to include Party) 'plaintiff's failure to join all appropriate parties to the case'

'Soeboekaas' A user with this name has never joined the server, and does not exist as a characters name. A user does not exist on the forum with this name. This name does not appear in any of the provided evidence.

3. Court Rules and Procedures 5.12

Under 5.12 (Lack of personal jurisdiction) 'the plaintiff fails to have sufficient standing in order to pursue the case.'

Even if the above plaintiff is recognized by the court it is unclear how they were involved. The only reason they're involved is seemingly because they agreed to be on discord. It is unclear they were damaged at all by this event.

I am granting this motion to dismiss

Mikeoxlonger1 is deported and therefore no longer has the right to make or continue any legal challenges in court.

As for soeboekaas or if the plaintiff's attorney is to be believed MrCheeseguy, does not get mentioned once in the entire complaint besides the title and parties. Even in the prayers of relief it says "The Plaintiff Mike" and never referees to soeboekaas/MrCheeseGuy. It is completely unknown to the court how they are involved with the facts of the case and therefore they don't have standing.

The District Court would like to thank all parties involved
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