Bill: Vote Militia Establishment Act

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Aug 9, 2021
Establish a Standing Militia for the Town of Willow

The residents of Willow, through their elected representatives in the Council and the force of law ordained to that Council by the people through the Willow Constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Militia Act'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by xtub12345.

2 - Reasons
(1) There is currently no force to Protect the Citizens of Willow, along with the Town's interests.
(2) Oakridge has one, Why can't we :).

3 - Duties and Purposes
(1) The Militia of Willow's Primary Purpose will be the Protection of the Town and Her Interests.
(a) These interests and objectives are to be determined by the Mayor.
(2) The Duties of the Militia are the following:
(a) Protect the Town of Willow's Physical Property.
(b) Act as Security to Willow Government Sanctioned Events.
(c) Follow the Directives of the Mayor

4 - Adjutant General
(1) The Militia is to be led by an Adjutant General, they will have authority over the Militia, and are tasked with leading and recruiting its members.
(a) Any Decisions made by the Adjutant General can be overridden by either the Mayor, or the Deputy Mayor.
(i) In a disagreement between the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor, the Mayor Prevails.
(b) By a Unanimous Vote of Council, a decision made by the Adjutant General can be overridden.
(c) The Adjutant General can be Appointed and Dismissed by the Mayor at any time.

5 - Funding
(1) The funding for the Militia will be provided in the Appropriations bill from the council, for the given month.