Building Regulations Oakridge Building Regulations

Town of Oakridge

Oakridge Resident
Aug 24, 2021

1. Building Policy
(1) All builds must be 1950's small-town America themed.
(2) All builds on empty plots must be pasted and approved by the Mayor.

2. Oakridge Residential Plots
(1) Plots beginning with 'or-valley' or 'or-r' are Oakridge Residential plots.
(2) Oakridge Residential plots shall not contain chest shops.

3. Oakridge Commercial Plots
(1) Plots beginning with 'or-c' are Oakridge Commercial plots.
(2) Oakridge Commercial plots may only have businesses, offices, shops, or apartments built on them.
(3) All Oakridge Commercial plots with on-road seating alongside them must have a restaurant or other dining facility on the first floor. (Current plots falling under this are or-c023 and or-c024.)

4. Themed Oakridge Commercial Plots
(1) or-cinema, or-restaurant, or-depot, or-brewery, or-shop-06, or-shop-07, and or-dealership are all Themed Oakridge Commercial plots.
(2) Themed Oakridge Commercial plots may only operate businesses within their theme.

5. Orchard Plots
(1) Plots beginning with 'or-orchard' are Orchard plots.
(2) All non-tree farms must be underground and not visible.
(3) All buildings must be under 13 blocks tall.

6. Seaside Promenade Shops
(1) Plots beginning with 'or-sp' are Seaside Promenade Shops.
(2) Seaside Promenade Shops may only operate businesses within their theme.

7. Town Subsidized Commercial Spaces
(1) Town Subsidized Commercial Spaces includes several types of Oakridge-owned rentable areas:
(2) Market Stalls. Plots beginning with 'or-store' and 'or-shop' are Market Stalls, with the exception of or-shop-06 and or-shop-07.

(a) Some Market Stalls have themes. Market Stalls with themes may only operate businesses within their theme.​
(3) Black Market Stalls. Plots beginning with 'or-bm' are Black Market Stalls.
(4) Food Trucks. Plots beginning with 'or-truck' are Food Trucks.
(5) Park Stands. Plots beginning with 'or-parkstand' are Park Stands.
(6) Newsstands. Plots beginning with 'or-news' are Newsstands.
(a) No player shall rent both Newsstands in a single stall. The second one (with a higher number in the region name) will be evicted with no less than 72 hours notice via /mail ahead of time.

8. Oakridge Apartments
(1) Plots beginning with 'or-apt' are Oakridge Apartments.

9. Plot Limitations
(1) Oakridge Residential plots. No player shall own/rent more than 1 Oakridge Residential plot.
(2) Oakridge Commercial plots. No player shall own/rent more than 4 Oakridge Commercial plots.
(3) Themed Oakridge Commercial plots. No player shall own/rent more than 2 Themed Oakridge Commercial plots.
(4) Orchard plots. No player shall own/rent more than 1 Orchard plot.
(5) Town Subsidized Commercial Spaces. No player shall own/rent more than 2 of each type of Town Subsidized Commercial Space.
(6) Oakridge Apartments. No player shall own/rent more than 1 Oakridge Apartment.
(7) Seaside Promenade Shops. No player shall own/rent more than 2 Seaside Promenade Shops.
(8) Realtors may not exceed normal plot limitations.

10. Beacon Policy
(1) Plots shall not contain activated beacons.
(2) Plots containing activated beacons shall be evicted if it is not fixed by the plot owner within 7 days after being notified via /mail.

11. Building Alteration Policy
(1) The exterior of buildings on plots cannot be altered without approval from the Mayor.
(a) Minor Alteration: $500 Fine + Verbal Warning​
(b) Major Alteration: $1500 Fine + Plot Eviction​
(c) Demolished Building: $2500 Fine + Plot Eviction​
(d) The level of alteration shall be decided by the Head of Urban Development.​
(e) Before evicting a plot with an unauthorized exterior alteration, the Head of Urban Development must notify the plot owner. If the plot owner is able to fix the alteration within 7 days of being notified via /mail, they shall not be evicted, but still fined.​
(i) Alternatively, the Head of Urban Development shall also offer the plot owner the option to have the alteration repaired, for a fee. The fee shall be how much it costs the town to have the alteration repaired.​

12. Merged Plots Policy
(1) Plots can only be merged with approval from the Mayor and the Head of Urban Development.
(2) Unauthorized plot merging will result in an eviction from all affected plots if the merge is not fixed by the plot owner(s) within 7 days after being notified via /mail.

13. Breach of Property Standards
(1) Failing to comply with any part of the Oakridge Property Standards Act will incur a penalty unless otherwise provided within this Act.
(a) Per Offense: $250​

14. Exemptions
(1) The Head of Urban Development and Mayor in agreement have the power to issue and and revoke exemptions and extensions for building regulation and legal compliance when they are satisfied that either of the following criteria is met:
(a) there is a compassionate and compelling reason requiring an exemption/extension​
(b) that the exemption/extension does not undermine the intent of the eviction process​
(c) that there is significant progress being made to rectify the breach​
(d) in the interests of large-scale development​
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