Lawsuit: Dismissed Redmont Bar Association (RBA) v. AlexanderLove [2024] FCR 117

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Redmont Bar Association

Change Maker
Nov 19, 2022

Redmont Bar Association (Represented by Chair Matthew100x)




The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

Under the Super Modern Legal Board Act (see Act of Congress - Super Modern Legal Board Act) and subsequent The Futurist Legal Framework Bill (see Act of Congress - Super Modern Legal Board Act), the plaintiff is charged with process of disbarment of lawyers. On 07/21/2024, the defendant, in his capacity as a prosecutor, launched a prosecution against Nacholebraa with the intention of attacking the Bank of Reveille (see P-001). In doing so, the defendant opened up the government to over $2,600,000 million dollars of liability. The defendant admitted that the case was launched intentionally full-well knowing that he could likely be charged with 15.5 - Contempt of Court (see Act of Congress - Miscellaneous Offenses Act) and have the fine be doubled since it was a serial crime (see P-002). The defendant showed a complete lack of remorse and called this action one of his “tactics”, leading to the plaintiff’s investigation over the defendant’s conduct as a lawyer.

The plaintiff found over 14 different potential violations of the law: 8 contempt of court charges, 1 perjury objection sustained (with another court confirming the defendant lied on the stand but did not sustain a perjury objection), 6 instances of violating 3.3 —Egregious conduct in court, and other violations and other potential violations of the law (see P-003). The defendant had been engaging in a series of abusive tactics and practiced in such a way that was unbecoming of his status as a lawyer. The plaintiff placed a vote and passed a motion for the plaintiff’s Ethics Committee to investigate the referral for ethics charges (see P-004). After an investigation, the plaintiff’s Ethics Committee approved the following charges (see P-005):

  • Multiple Perjury Charges
  • Excessive Contempt of Court Charges
  • Conduct unbecoming of a lawyer
  • Excessive breach of the Ethical Doctrine

As such, the plaintiff moves with this complaint. Reiterating the words in Redmont Bar Association v. Royalsnakee [2024] FCR 38, “The Redmont Bar Association upholds rigorous standards for legal practitioners, emphasizing professionalism both inside and outside the courtroom, adherence to court procedures, and zealous advocacy for clients.” The defendant has failed to meet these standards, “exhibiting a consistent disregard for the law, ethical principles, and the professionalism expected of an attorney” (see Complaint, Lawsuit: Adjourned - Redmont Bar Association v. Royalsnakee [2024] FCR 38), thus the plaintiff requests that the defendant be disbarred for two months.

1. The Redmont Bar Association
2. AlexanderLove

1. On 07/21/2024, a lawsuit was launched by the defendant against Nacholebraa & the Bank of Reveille, opening the government up to over $2,600,000 dollars of liability (see P-001). That lawsuit would later be dropped via a Motion to Nolle Prosequi on 07/23/2024.

2. Also on 07/23/2024, the defendant explicitly said in #legal of the DemocracyCraft discord that he “was going to lose only 5k OR get the evidence I wanted” showing that he was intentionally launching cases full well knowing that he was conducting himself in such a way that he could get a Contempt of Court charge and that such a fine would be doubled due to it being a serial crime (see P-002).

3. An investigation was conducted and referred to the RBA Ethics Committee to review, certify, and approve (see P-003).

4. The plaintiff’s council placed a vote to refer the matter to the Ethics Committee on 07/25/2024, it passed on 07/26/2024 (see P-004).

5. The plaintiff’s Ethics Committee approved the following charges from the referral investigation: Multiple Perjury Charges; Excessive Contempt of Court Charges; Conduct unbecoming of a lawyer; Excessive breach of the Ethical Doctrine (see P-005).

6. On 07/21/2024, the defendant attacked the presiding judge for making “a faulty assumption about how tax law works contrary to how it actually does” (see P-006).

7. On 07/11/2024, the defendant was charged with contempt of court for failing to provide their answer in a timely fashion (see P-007).

8. On 07/08/2024, the defendant used language that the judge considered snarky that were "distracting in nature and interfere with the orderly process of the court" (see P-008).

9. On 07/10/2024, the defendant had a perjury objection sustained against them (see P-009).

10. On 07/12/2024, the presiding judge of the case stated that the defendant had clearly perjured themself (see P-010).

11. On 07/04/2024, the presiding judge found the defendant in contempt of court and admonished the defendant for poor courtroom etiquette (see P-011).

12. On 05/31/2024, the presiding judge found the defendant in contempt of court (see P-012).

13. On 07/19/2024, the defendant was reprimanded for speaking out of line and being rude to the judge (see P-013).

14. On 06/01/2024, the defendant was admonished by the judge for cursing at and disrespecting the presiding judicial officer. The defendant said to the judge “Don't be all hard ass on me.” The defendant was given a contempt of court charge (see P-014).

15. On 06/02/2024, the defendant was charged with contempt of court for failing to respond on the behalf of a plaintiff they were representing (see P-015).

16 On 05/09/2024, the defendant was charged with contempt of court for impeding court proceedings (see P-016). (fact struck per Lawsuit: In Session - Redmont Bar Association (RBA) v. AlexanderLove [2024] FCR 117 )

17. On 05/01/2024, the defendant was charged with contempt of court for failing to provide a closing statement (see P-017).

18. Relating to fact 17, the defendant had their appeal for the 05/01/2024 contempt of court charge denied by the Supreme Court of Redmont.
While you may have chosen to not provide a closing statement, whether for strategic effect or not, you have wasted the Court's time and resources. Further, you have delayed the trial of the Defendant. Had you informed the Court, it is likely you would have not been found in contempt for what is more or less failing to present at all for three days (see P-018)

19. On 04/07/2024, the defendant was charged with contempt of court and reprimanded for failing to inform the court of their need for an extension to posting an opening statement and having an outburst before the court (see P-019).

20. On 07/23/2024, the defendant stated in #legal that if they would be disbarred, that they would ghost-write (see P-020).

21. On 01/01/2024, the defendant stated in #legal that if they would be disbarred, that they would ghost-write (see P-021).

22. On 08/05/2024, the defendant stated in #legal that if they would be disbarred, that they would ghost-write (see P-024).

23. Legal Fraud is defined as “The misrepresentation of one’s legal credentials, or lack thereof, or unauthorized practice in any Court of law under this act or future acts governing the legal practice” (see Act of Congress - Super Modern Legal Board Act).

24. RBA Ethical Doctrine defines 3.3 — Egregious conduct in court as “Egregious/unbecoming conduct within court proceedings may include, but is not limited to: disrespectful behavior towards the court, opposing counsel or parties; failure to comply with court orders or rules of procedure; making frivolous or misleading arguments; or engaging in conduct that undermines the administration of justice” (see P-022).

25. RBA Ethical Doctrine defines 3.4 — Perjury as “Perjury occurs when an individual knowingly makes false statements under oath or affirmation(s) during legal proceedings, including testimony in court.” (see P-022).

26. The RBA successfully passed a motion to disbar the defendant on 08/06/2024 (see P-023).

1. Under section 9.3 of the Super Modern Legal Boards Act (as well as the subsequent Futurist Legal Framework Bill), if the RBA council passed a motion and the RBA ethics committee completed an investigation, then the plaintiff is allowed to disbar lawyers for one or more of the following violations (see Act of Congress - Super Modern Legal Board Act):
  • Excessively committing perjury
  • Breaching Attorney-Client privilege any amount of times
  • Committing legal fraud any amount of times
  • Excessively filing frivolous court cases
  • Excessively committing contempt of court
  • Excessively violating the RBA ethics doctrine, which shall consist of reasonable ethics guidelines. Guidelines that are not reasonable nor prudent shall be struck by the Court in any disbarment surrounding such guidelines.
2. Under facts 9 and 10, the defendant twice has committed perjury once and was reprimanded for perjuring himself in court under the current statute of limitations. The plaintiff considers one sustained objection of perjury to be excessive. Additionally, the defendant violated 3.4 — Perjury of the RBA Ethical Doctrine in having been found committing perjury. The defendant shows a willingness to be dishonest and court and undermines the fairness of our legal system. This violation of the law is grounds for disbarment for excessively committing perjury.

3. Under facts 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 (17 denied on appeal), and 19, the defendant has violated the law and was charged with contempt of court 8 times. The plaintiff has previously considered two contempt of court charges to be excessive (see Lawsuit: Adjourned - Redmont Bar Association v. Royalsnakee [2024] FCR 38). The court has previously considered six charges of contempt of court to be excessive (it is not clear how many charges the court accepted, however, the argument for excessive contempt of court charges was accepted, see Lawsuit: Adjourned - Redmont Bar Association v. Royalsnakee [2024] FCR 38). Additionally, any contempt of court relating to failure to comply with a court order or rules of procedure would also be a violation of 3.3 —Egregious conduct in court. This violation of the law is grounds for disbarment for excessively committing contempt of court.

4. Under facts 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, and 19, the defendant has violated the RBA Ethical Doctrine charge 3.3 —Egregious conduct in court. By engaging in abusive tactics towards judicial officers, the defendant showed a lack of consideration for their authority. His conduct was unbecoming of a lawyer and disrespected the court. This violation of the law is grounds for disbarment for excessively committing violating the RBA Ethical Doctrine.

5. Under facts 20, 21, and 22, the defendant shows a clear willingness to practice the law regardless of whether or not they were licensed to do so. This would constitute Legal Fraud. While the plaintiff cannot prosecute this because it is an indictable offense, the plaintiff wishes to submit this as a claim for relief to request an injunction barring the defendant from working in or joining any legal or legal adjacent job to prevent them from breaking the law.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
  1. Disbarment of Defendant for a duration of two months, followed by a mandatory retesting procedure. Upon passing the retest, the defendant may seek re-licensure.
  2. Mandate for the defendant to enroll in a legal course provided by the RBA, which must be completed during the disbarment period if re-licensure is sought.
  3. Prohibition on defendant from representing an individual or legal entity in any legal capacity for the duration of the two-month debarment period.
  4. Prohibition on defendant engagement in any prosecutorial role, including special prosecutor assignments, at the DOJ for the duration of the two-month disbarment period.
  5. Prohibition on defendant engaging in any legal or legal-adjacent role in any government department for the duration of the two-month disbarment period.
  6. Prohibition on the defendant working for or owning a law firm, in any capacity, for the duration of the two-month disbarment period.
  7. Prohibition on the defendant working as of-counsel or legal counsel in any capacity for any company for the duration of the two-month disbarment period.
  8. $5,000 dollars in legal fees (see Lawsuit: Adjourned - Redmont Bar Association v. Royalsnakee [2024] FCR 38)

Emergency Injunctions are made with the goal of preventing harm (see Lawsuit: Adjourned - The Commonwealth v. Bardiya_King [2023] SCR 23). Per the Act of Congress - Judiciary Act, "(b) Emergency - Injunctions that are issued before the court has tried a case to prevent harm. If the applicant fails to file a lawsuit within 4 hours of requesting an emergency injunction the order will be null and void." Given the nature of this complaint and potential for continued violations of the Super Modern Legal Boards Act and The Futurist Legal Framework Bill as the defendant is currently representing people in court. We request that the defendant have his 2 month disbarment from the practice of law begin now and extend for the duration of the case, with time served counting towards the overall disbarment period. We request that this prevent him from:

  1. representing an individual or legal entity in any legal capacity for the duration of the two-month debarment period.
  2. engaging in any prosecutorial role, including special prosecutor assignments, at the DOJ for the duration of the two-month disbarment period.
  3. engaging in any legal or legal-adjacent role in any government department for the duration of the two-month disbarment period.
  4. working for or owning a law firm, in any capacity, for the duration of the two-month disbarment period.
  5. working as of-counsel or legal counsel in any capacity for any company for the duration of the two-month disbarment period.
The previous disbarment case took three months to reach a verdict. Given the time it takes for a verdict and the propensity for more harm to occur if this is not actioned immediately (the defendant having recently created $2.6 million dollars of liability), we request the honorable judge grant this emergency injunction in-part or in-full to prevent further harm and to protect the public.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 6th day of August, 2024.

Lawsuit: Dismissed - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Nacholebraa [2024] FCR 109


Alternative to the screenshot is the discord link: Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

Referral for Ethics Investigation

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games


(The plaintiff cannot place a link as it is in a private channel)

Lawsuit: Dismissed - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Nacholebraa [2024] FCR 109

Lawsuit: Adjourned - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Alexanderlove [2024] FCR 102

Lawsuit: Adjourned - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Alexanderlove [2024] FCR 102

Lawsuit: Adjourned - AlexanderLove v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 99

Lawsuit: Adjourned - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Alexanderlove [2024] FCR 102

Lawsuit: Dismissed - RylandW v. Krix [2024] FCR 94

Lawsuit: Adjourned - Commonwealth of Redmont v. xLayzur [2024] SCR 1

Lawsuit: In Session - smokeyybunnyyy v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 103

Lawsuit: Dismissed - Starlight0661 v. bibsfi4a [2024] FCR 71

Lawsuit: Dismissed - Starlight0661 v. bibsfi4a [2024] FCR 71

Lawsuit: Adjourned - Steveshat v. Vanguard [2024] FCR 62

Lawsuit: Adjourned - Aladeen v. Redmont Bar Association [2024] FCR 46

Appeal: Denied - FCR 46 - Contempt Appeal Request

Lawsuit: Dismissed - Thegoatt123 v. Crimson Dawn Construction [2024] FCR 42

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games




Last edited:


@Alexander P. Love is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case of Redmont Bar Association (RBA) v. AlexanderLove. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures , including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Your honor, there is an emergency injunction within the complaint.
I will review within the next few hours.
I am away for a family dinner feel free to respond. I will review both the emergency injunction and the response when I get back.
you guys have nothing to do fr
Mr. Stoppers don’t speak unless summoned. Struck.
The Emergency Injunction is denied. The request from the RBA essentially asks me to impose a disbarment before I have ruled on the case itself. This preemptive action would undermine the principle of a fair trial and due process. Currently, there is no immediate threat or harm that justifies such a drastic measure. The purpose of an emergency injunction is to prevent imminent harm, and in this situation, the conditions do not meet that threshold. The defendant's activities do not pose a direct or immediate danger that would warrant bypassing the standard judicial procedures. Therefore, we will proceed with the case as scheduled, ensuring that all parties have the opportunity to present their arguments fully and fairly before any decisions are made.
Mr. Love has not submitted an answer to the complaint. This will be noted. I am granting an additional 24 hours to file an answer, or you will be held in contempt. @Alexander P. Love

Redmont Bar Association


AlexanderLove (Represented by Solid Law Firm)

I. Answer to Complaint

1. The Defendant does not contest this fact. While the Defendant in his role as the lead prosecutor of the case did file the case against the Bank of Reveille for their alleged crimes, he was acting under the authority of the Department of Justice in doing so.

2. The Defendant denies this fact. The accusation made by the Plaintiff that the Defendant is intentionally filing unmeritorious cases, or in this instance intentionally conducting himself in a manner worthy of a contempt of court charge, does not stand and is not reasonably incurred from provided evidence.

3. The Defendant affirms this fact.

4. The Defendant affirms this fact.

5. The Defendant affirms this fact.

6. The Defendant denies denies fact. The Defendant issued his opinion of a previous decision of the Court in a motion to reconsider, and in a respectable way. The Court responded to the motion in an equally respectable manner. This exchange does not reasonably constitute any form of “attack” or otherwise forbidden behaviour in the courtroom, nor did the presiding judicial officer ever claim so.

7. The Defendant affirms this fact.

8. The Defendant affirms this fact.

9. The Defendant does not contest this fact. Even though the charge was issued for perjury, it arose because of the nature of the preceding question which was later ordered to be rephrased to allow my Defendant to answer it with a better understanding. It was the compound nature of it which led the Defendant to be charged with perjury, and it is evident later that he acted bona fide when answering the simplified version.

10. The Defendant does not contest this fact. The case in question did not utilise any such “apparent” perjury, and the presiding judicial officer who presided over the case soon after retreated from it. This cannot be used as grounds for disbarment, as this case did not involve any such violations, it only mentioned a previous one, and as such this cannot be used in a disbarment proceeding.

11. The Defendant partially denies this fact. While the contempt of court charge was issued, the presiding judicial officer never “admonished” the Defendant for “poor” courtroom etiquette. The presiding officer simply stated he expected a superior etiquette to what he had seen, as the only “crime” the Defendant is guilty of is not posting an opening statement. Court proceedings went in a more orderly fashion from there.

12. The Defendant affirms this fact. However, it is to be duly noted how the charge was issued for failing to post an opening statement.

13. The Defendant partially denies this fact. The presiding officer addressed the Defendant’s incomplete motion to reconsider (complete one was filed shortly after), and never stated that he is reprimanding the Defendant because of supposed rudeness, but conflicting opinion of the Court about possible withholding of evidence.

14. The Defendant does not contest this fact.

15. The Defendant affirms this fact.

16. The Defendant does not contest this fact. Even though the Defendant was charged with contempt of court, the Defendant moved to reconsider the charge and his role in supposed obstruction of court proceedings. The Court agreed with the Defendant and the charge was overturned, and this cannot be used in a disbarment proceeding.

17. The Defendant affirms this fact.

18. The Defendant affirms this fact. However, it is to be duly noted that this appeal, or its outcome, do not play a role at this disbarment, and is considered redundant by the Defendant. Everyone has a right to appeal, so my client did. Appeals are not grounds for disbarment, nor serve to prove anything alleged by the Plaintiff.

19. The Defendant partially denies this fact. The Defendant was notified that the charge was issued because of the failure to post the opening statement in a timely manner, not because of the “outburst”, which was only mentioned previously. In the decision, it is pretty evident how the opening statement was the reason, it is mentioned immediately before the charge was issued, and it was specified that the statement was the underlying cause. The charge was not issued for any such “outbursts”.

20. The Defendant denies this fact. The Defendant stated how they could, not that they will, “ghost write”, as it is only speculative. Furthermore, in the verdict of the case Commonwealth of Redmont v. AlexanderLove [2024] FCR 116, the Court established how ghostwriting is legal. An appeal by the Commonwealth has been filed, but until such time that the verdict is overturned, it cannot be used as something upon which to disbar my client.

21. The Defendant denies this fact. The Defendant claimed no such thing, rather talking about the previous practice of “ghost writing” from a past period. Suffice it to say, the Defendant did not commit any such actions while being a practising lawyer, and as such cannot be used to disbar the Defendant.
22. The Defendant denies this fact. Again, the Defendant only speculatively states that he could “ghost write”, but dismisses it as unfun. Regardless of fun, it is only speculation and not a serious threat or committed action. It cannot be used to disbar my client.

23. The Defendant affirms this fact.

24. The Defendant affirms this fact.

25. The Defendant affirms this fact.

26. The Defendant affirms this fact.


1. The Defendant holds that the charges for his disbarment are summarily erroneous, and do not represent my clients regard for the law, justice, and jurisprudence of Redmont, to which he contributed a lot. Firstly, out of all of the alleged violations the Plaintiff laid out in his Complaint, most have been either misrepresented (such as 18, 20, 21 and 22), some plainly refused to embrace reality and tried to falsely prejudice Your Honour against the Defendant (such as 16), and others are mostly incomplete. All of that was already addressed, and it is my wish to point at the pattern of wrongful legal action by judicial officers in several instances (Lawsuit: Adjourned - smokeyybunnyyy v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 103 and Lawsuit: Adjourned - Steveshat v. Vanguard [2024] FCR 62) against the Defendant, (in the former case perjury, in the latter case contempt of court), which were hastily inflicted upon him, only to be overturned upon reconsideration. The Defendant uses his legal skills in a manner different to most lawyers, and even though there have been some outbursts for which the Defendant does take full responsibility, disbarring him would be a riddance of an experienced, seasoned lawyer. If his intent was laid in the domain of frivolous actions in Court for his own supposed amusement, he certainly wouldn’t reason with judicial officers through established motions, prosecute cases to the best of his ability, both for the DOJ and for his own firm, and he certainly wouldn’t be the one winning most of his cases. Disbarment is a measure out of proportion, as the Defendant proved in numerous instances above his ability to show the officers of law acted hastily in administering legal remedies in the form of contempt of court charges or perjury. It is an unacceptable remedy which would cause more harm than good, both to the Defendant and the legal community of Redmont. It is not more reasonable than not to assume the Defendant’s absence will improve it.

2. To add a bit of context and clarification, the Chairperson of the Redmont Bar Association, Matthew100x, lead counsel for the Plaintiff in this case, upon getting unfavourable results in a Motion to Recuse the Defendant from the Motion to Disbar, accused me, also a member of the RBA Council, of being an “accomplice to [the Defendant’s] corruption”. His general conduct regarding the matter may signalise personal grudges against the Defendant which the Chairperson is trying to proliferate through this lawsuit. The conversations are publicly available in RBA Discord (Shall be submitted as evidence during Discovery).

Proof of Consent to Represent:

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 10th day of August, 2024.
I apologise for the missed deadline. The Court has my assurances it will not happen again.
Thank you. Please remember not to edit posts after submission without prior approval.

We will now begin a three-day Discovery Period. At the end of this period, the Plaintiff will have 72 hours to post their opening statement. Immediately after the Plaintiff’s opening, the Defendant will have 72 hours to post their opening statement.

I would like to keep this trial progressing smoothly, as it involves a significant amount of information. Please adhere to these deadlines, or you will be held in contempt.
Does the Defendant concur?
You bet. The Defendant agrees to an ingame trial. However, we would like the Discovery to continue for its remainder and allow any questions within it to stay on forums.

Thank you.
I will set up a sidebar to arrange a time for the in-game trial.

Here’s the format we’ll follow:

Discovery will continue on the forums. Any witnesses called will need to either join us in-game or respond to questions on the forums.

The verdict will not be delivered on the same day. It will be announced the following day or later in the stage VC at the courthouse, allowing time to review all case materials.
As part of Discovery I wish to move this into evidence:

Snimka zaslona 2024-08-12 120951.png

Snimka zaslona 2024-08-12 121018.png
Your honor,

The plaintiff would like to submit the following pieces of evidence into discovery:

Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 8.32.50 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 8.33.34 PM.png


Your honor, we would like to call the defendant as a witness.


1. Relating to Fact #2, what does the defendant mean when they said "I knew all along I was gonna only lose 5k OR get the evidence I wanted" to RBA Chairman Matthew100x?
2. Relating to Fact #2, why does the defendant say that they were going to get charged "5k" ($5,000 dollars) when the standard Contempt of Court charge is $2,500 (see Act of Congress - Savior* Act)
3. Relating to Fact #6, what does the defendant mean when they said "you made a faulty assumption about how tax law works contrary to how it actually does" to the judge?

The plaintiff may ask more interrogatories after the defendant finishes answering.
I am not going to testify for the people prosecuting me. I am exercising my rights.

I will testify for the defense.
The prosecution submits:
1. Relating to Fact #2, what does the defendant mean when they said "I knew all along I was gonna only lose 5k OR get the evidence I wanted" to RBA Chairman Matthew100x?
2. Relating to Fact #2, why does the defendant say that they were going to get charged "5k" ($5,000 dollars) when the standard Contempt of Court charge is $2,500 (see Act of Congress - Savior* Act)
3. Relating to Fact #6, what does the defendant mean when they said "you made a faulty assumption about how tax law works contrary to how it actually does" to the judge?
1. I filed the case without any specified sentencing as I needed evidence from discovery to make a determination. As this could be construed as ambiguous and Matthew100x was having grandiose thoughts about getting $2.6mil in legal fees, I amended the complaint to one charge of $7,500 to ensure legal fees would be capped at $5,000 regardless of how it would be interpreted. The move was strategic and made in a way to avoid liability for my client at the time, the Commonwealth.
2. I got the fine mixed up.
3. The presiding Judge made an error in interpreting the tax law. I risk elaborating on this as the presiding Judge of my disbarment is the same Judge I supposedly "attacked", but I will anyways as it is important the Court recognizes where I came from. I filed the contents in a formal motion to reconsider, so anything I said within the motion is protected speech. The error arose where the Judge interpreted the statute more narrow than it was worded, and used that to deny a warrant impinging on an investigation. The Judge said that personal tax evasion "The act of intentionally or maliciously transferring, funds to one or more personal balances or company bank accounts with no legitimate purpose, with the result that less tax is paid" only applied to company balances in-game, HOWEVER, the bank in question, BOR, has an in-game company balance through the plugin. Therefore the tax law was misapplied grossly and I pointed this out. Usually, my direct approach in motions to reconsider gets presiding officers to capitulate even if begrudgingly. This all explains what I meant by that line in the motion to reconsider.
Witness List
The defense tenders the following witnesses:
1. Avaneesh2008
2. Towloo
3. Bardiya_King
4. CrackedAmoeba1
5. razorsharpbread
6. v__d
7. steveshat
8. The_Superior10
9. Nexalin
10. Stoppers
11. supersuperking
12. AlexanderLove
1. Isn't it true that the person representing the plaintiff, Matthew100x, was recently opposing counsel against AlexanderLove in a case within the past month where Matthew100x only earned $5,000 in legal fees when he thought he would be entitled to more than that?
2. Isn't it true that the person representing the plaintiff, Matthew100x, subsequently threatened to have the defendant prosecuted for crimes and also disbarred?
3. Isn't it true that Matthew100x owns Prodigium Law Firm, a business rival to Dragon Law Firm?
Motion to Extend Discovery
Given the gravity of this case, and active interrogatories with less than 24 hours remaining, I think it is safe to say both sides need more time to prepare. The defense does not wish to walk into this blindly as it is potentially the most impactful case in the defendant's career, and therefore requests to extend discovery under rule 4.4.
Under facts 9 and 10, the defendant twice has committed perjury
Objection, Your Honor

The defendant has only had an objection of perjury sustained against them once. There is no second instance of perjury. Furthermore, the defendant was not convicted of perjury as it is an indictable offense that must be prosecuted, so the plaintiff cannot stipulate that the defendant has committed perjury, only that a perjury objection against the defendant was sustained.
Objection, Your Honor

In Commonwealth v. AlexanderLove, it was ruled that ghost writing is not against the law. The talk of being able to ghost write is not relevant to this case even if it was illegal, especially given it was handled in a different prosecution.
20. On 07/23/2024, the defendant stated in #legal that if they would be disbarred, that they would ghost-write (see P-020).

21. On 01/01/2024, the defendant stated in #legal that if they would be disbarred, that they would ghost-write (see P-021).

22. On 08/05/2024, the defendant stated in #legal that if they would be disbarred, that they would ghost-write (see P-024).
Objection, Your Honor

The defense moves to have the plaintiff counsel, Matthew100x, be lodged three sustained objections of perjury. In all of these pictures, it is only shown that the defendant discusses the possibility of ghost writing while the plaintiff boldly asserts that the defense stated that they would ghost-write. These are two very different ideas and the Chairman of the RBA reasonably knows the difference. He is attempting to deceive the Court through malice or recklessness by lying about the defendant's statements.
Motion to Extend Discovery
Given the gravity of this case, and active interrogatories with less than 24 hours remaining, I think it is safe to say both sides need more time to prepare. The defense does not wish to walk into this blindly as it is potentially the most impactful case in the defendant's career, and therefore requests to extend discovery under rule 4.4.
Does the RBA concur?
Objection, Your Honor

This contempt of court charge was overturned: link. P-16 should therefore be struck for relevance and the accompanying claim for relief should also be struck.

While a fact may be struck, the entire claim for relief should not be thrown out as a result.
Objection, Your Honor

The defense moves to have the plaintiff counsel, Matthew100x, be lodged three sustained objections of perjury. In all of these pictures, it is only shown that the defendant discusses the possibility of ghost writing while the plaintiff boldly asserts that the defense stated that they would ghost-write. These are two very different ideas and the Chairman of the RBA reasonably knows the difference. He is attempting to deceive the Court through malice or recklessness by lying about the defendant's statements.


Nothing stated in the fact was a lie. The defendant said three times that they would be ghost writing.

"Disbarring me doesn't really stop me either lol
I can just ghost write"

"Oh people have tried that before
Didn’t work
I just ghost write cases
It’s inconvenient but it’s not gonna stop me bud"

"It does and it doesn't
I can find someone to ghost write for me"

In all three instances that the defendant stated there was a "lie", there is verifiable proof that the defendant clearly stated that they would ghost-write. The defendant is a lawyer and practices. Stating the loophole in the law currently to practice without a license three times is an indicative pattern that ghost-writing is what the defendant would do if disbarred.
Objection, Your Honor

In Commonwealth v. AlexanderLove, it was ruled that ghost writing is not against the law. The talk of being able to ghost write is not relevant to this case even if it was illegal, especially given it was handled in a different prosecution.


Relevance is the intentionality behind the statements. It is proof that the defendant intends to practice even if this court grants the injunction disbarring the defendant.
Objection, Your Honor

Relevance is related to defendant's defense and evidence:

2. To add a bit of context and clarification, the Chairperson of the Redmont Bar Association, Matthew100x, lead counsel for the Plaintiff in this case, upon getting unfavourable results in a Motion to Recuse the Defendant from the Motion to Disbar, accused me, also a member of the RBA Council, of being an “accomplice to [the Defendant’s] corruption”. His general conduct regarding the matter may signalise personal grudges against the Defendant which the Chairperson is trying to proliferate through this lawsuit. The conversations are publicly available in RBA Discord (Shall be submitted as evidence during Discovery).

Lawsuit: In Session - Redmont Bar Association (RBA) v. AlexanderLove [2024] FCR 117 (linking the post @Jakovus made submitting evidence).
Witness List
The defense tenders the following witnesses:
1. Avaneesh2008
2. Towloo
3. Bardiya_King
4. CrackedAmoeba1
5. razorsharpbread
6. v__d
7. steveshat
8. The_Superior10
9. Nexalin
10. Stoppers
11. supersuperking
12. AlexanderLove

Your honor,

While the defendant is able to call whomever they want as a witness, I am struggling to see the relevance in all of these witnesses with the exception of AlexanderLove. For the sake of time and judicial economy, can an injunction be written ordering the defendant to have witnesses that are demonstrate relevancy to the case by either being a party to the case or material to a fact relevant to the case?
It should be noted that we still call AlexanderLove as a witness, regardless of whether or not they want to be our witness.
Objection, Your Honor

The defendant has only had an objection of perjury sustained against them once. There is no second instance of perjury. Furthermore, the defendant was not convicted of perjury as it is an indictable offense that must be prosecuted, so the plaintiff cannot stipulate that the defendant has committed perjury, only that a perjury objection against the defendant was sustained.

Perjury is "When a witness has perjured themselves on the stand by lying or strongly misrepresenting facts on the stand (proof of perjury should be made with the objection)."

The objection perjury has usually extended to lawyers (as seen above in this very case).

The defendant had a successful perjury objection as shown in P-009. This is uncontested.

The defendant had indeed perjured himself a second time as shown in P-010. The presiding judge made the following comments even though they did not issue a perjury objection due to tampering of evidence: "Regardless of whether it was perjury, it still was said, wasn't it?" (see Lawsuit: Adjourned - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Alexanderlove [2024] FCR 102), "Evidence which contains perjury is still evidence" (see Lawsuit: Adjourned - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Alexanderlove [2024] FCR 102), and "Firstly, let me be crystal clear, it is clear that Mr. Love perjured himself in the screenshot you have submitted, but for the life of me I cannot figure out why you're scribbling on it... While this court may not be able to consider the contents of Mr. Love's Perjury as a fact, we can certainly use the fact that he said what he said, if it is deemed necessary" (see Lawsuit: Adjourned - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Alexanderlove [2024] FCR 102).

The plaintiff has demonstrated that the defendant has lied. Under the RBA Ethical Doctrine (see P-022), successful objections of perjury can result in a referral for perjury as an indictable offense. However, the plaintiff does not need perjury as an indictable offense to act on the RBA Ethical Doctrine, just the mere proof of a sustained objection. Therefore, the defendant's argument that "the plaintiff cannot stipulate the defendant has committed perjury" is simply untrue. The defendant has perjured themselves in court and the plaintiff has acted on said perjury.
1. Isn't it true that the person representing the plaintiff, Matthew100x, was recently opposing counsel against AlexanderLove in a case within the past month where Matthew100x only earned $5,000 in legal fees when he thought he would be entitled to more than that?
2. Isn't it true that the person representing the plaintiff, Matthew100x, subsequently threatened to have the defendant prosecuted for crimes and also disbarred?
3. Isn't it true that Matthew100x owns Prodigium Law Firm, a business rival to Dragon Law Firm?

1. Matthew100x did not earn in legal fees associated with any case within the past month.
2. Plaintiff's counsel said that he would begin the process of investigating misconduct by the defendant and that he is "coming for your (defendant's) license." Plaintiff's counsel does not recall saying that he would have the defendant prosecuted for crimes, though for the sake of disclosure did refer the conspiracy charges that the defendant was found not guilty of.
3. Yes.
Matthew100x did not earn in legal fees associated with any case within the past month.
Motion to Compel
Your honor, the plaintiff failed to answer the question. I didn’t ask whether he earned legal fees, that was only one element of the question.

Your honor,

While the defendant is able to call whomever they want as a witness, I am struggling to see the relevance in all of these witnesses with the exception of AlexanderLove. For the sake of time and judicial economy, can an injunction be written ordering the defendant to have witnesses that are demonstrate relevancy to the case by either being a party to the case or material to a fact relevant to the case?
Response, your honor?
Objection, Your Honor

This contempt of court charge was overturned: link. P-16 should therefore be struck for relevance and the accompanying claim for relief should also be struck.
Fact struck
Objection, Your Honor

The defense moves to have the plaintiff counsel, Matthew100x, be lodged three sustained objections of perjury. In all of these pictures, it is only shown that the defendant discusses the possibility of ghost writing while the plaintiff boldly asserts that the defense stated that they would ghost-write. These are two very different ideas and the Chairman of the RBA reasonably knows the difference. He is attempting to deceive the Court through malice or recklessness by lying about the defendant's statements.
Objection, Your Honor

In Commonwealth v. AlexanderLove, it was ruled that ghost writing is not against the law. The talk of being able to ghost write is not relevant to this case even if it was illegal, especially given it was handled in a different prosecution.
Motion to Compel
Your honor, the plaintiff failed to answer the question. I didn’t ask whether he earned legal fees, that was only one element of the question.
Sustained. Please provide a clearer answer to the question.
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