Bill: Rejected Resolution Draft - Civil Unrest Resolution

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Commerce Department
Public Affairs Department
Education Department
Oct 19, 2020

Expand the Department of Justice

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress, do hereby formally enact this non-binding resolution, as a request to our Government:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Resolution shall be referred to as the Civil Unrest Resolution.
(2) This Resolution shall act as recommendation toward the Department of Justice.
(3) This resolution was penned by Trentrick_Lamar with input from LuckyPerms.

2 - Reasoning
(1) Government meetings are areas where high-profile individuals meet together with the public absent of a dedicated security force which has, on several occasions, lead to mass murder. This applies not only to those meetings with government officials but also to public events in general.

3 - Solution
(1) I recommend that, as a solution to such a problem, the Department of Justice be expanded to include a Department of Defense (separate from my meme idea) which operates under a Secretary of Defense who provides guidance to a select few individuals within this department in order to prepare them to handle the possibility of civil unrest at public events, which they will be tasked with combating.

4 - Provisions
(1) Following the creation of the Department of Defense the most reputable and active police officers within the Department of Justice may be considered for a position within it.
(1a) Alongside these more elite police officers shall be considered newcomers at the recommendation of the police who have been moved over to the Department of Defense .
(3) Those working under the Department of Defense shall retain the title of Royal Guard
Due to the associated confusion I will elaborate that "Secretary of Defense is", as one given to an employee working within a sub-branch of the Department of Justice, an honorary title meant to distinguish the fact that they work within that sector of the DoJ.
Nay, the resolution fails to meet a conclusion. The stated reasoning for this is the protection of players and the government during high-profile events. However, the creation of the DoD does nothing to fix the problem it sets out in its reasoning. Only senior members of the police would be considered DoD members, confers no additional responsibility or powers to the DoD, nor creates a reason to hire more police for the protection of events. Also the naming of the "Royal Guard" does not make sense in the context of our Democracy, we have no monarchy.
Nay - Did I heard Royal Guard ? No, more seriously, in my opinion, DoD meens military and I am against an army on DC.