Resolution for the Creation of a Local Government for the City of Hamilton


Interior Department
Aventura Resident
Oakridge Resident
1st Anniversary Change Maker Popular in the Polls Staff
Dec 17, 2020

Direct the Department of State to create a system of local government for our capital city, Hamilton

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment

(1) This Resolution may be cited as the “Resolution for the Creation of a Local Government for the City of Hamilton” or as the “Capital City Council Resolution”.
(2) This Resolution shall not be legally binding, but instead a recommendation sent to the DoS.
(3) This Resolution was authored by Representative Icypenguin79.

2 - Reasons

(1) This aids in the decentralisation of towns, cities, and the federal government.
(2) The City of Hamilton is a huge urban centre of development.
(3) The City of Hamilton is the Capital of Redmont, and it deserves a local system of government similar to towns.
(4) Newer players who want to start getting into the government can be part of the local government.
(5) A local government provides an alternative to expanding Congress every two months.

3 - Requests

(1) Congress calls upon the Department of State to create a local government for the City of Hamilton, consisting of a Council and a Mayor. The Council may pass local ordinances that get signed by the Mayor.
(2) Congress further requests that a special committee be made between members of Congress and the Department of State to further discuss jurisdiction and other details.