Act of Congress Reveille Prison Clinic Resolution


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Feb 10, 2024

Build a clinic in the Reveille Prison.​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress, do hereby formally enact this non-binding resolution, as a request to our Government:

1 - Short Title
(1) This Resolution may be cited as the 'Reveille Prison Clinic Resolution'.
(2) This Resolution has been authored by: Representative lcn.
(3) This Resolution has been proposed by: Representative lcn.
(3) This Resolution has been co-sponsored by: Representative Towloo.

2- Reasons
(1) There is currently no way for prisoners to receive medical treatment.

3 - Clinic
(1) The Department of Construction and Transportation shall oversee the construction of a clinic in the Reveille Prison.
(a) The clinic should have a computer for the patients to check in at,
(b) A waiting area,
(c) At least one treatment room for contagious patients,
(d) And a room for doctors to get materials with at least 24 chests or barrels, a crafting table, a disposal sign, and 12 signs for cure prices.
(2) The Department of Health shall maintain the clinic's function.
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Details on what basic facilities are required in the clinic, staffing requirements, how will prisoners be charged and more relating to the function of the clinic would be very useful.
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Details on what basic facilities are required in the clinic, staffing requirements, how will prisoners be charged and more relating to the function of the clinic would be very useful.
Added details on the facility. It would be staffed like every other hospital (a patient clicks the computer and a doctor attends and teleports to them). Prisoners will be charged the same as any other patient.
BMO , department thingy ABS
abs - it's already within the powers of the Executive to do this