Lawsuit: Dismissed ShinHeYing v. ValioR_1299 [2021] FCR 34


1st Anniversary
Mar 21, 2021







The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

The Defendant was hired by Tesco to kill me on the 25th of March. They lured me into the Tesco building on the pretense of business but instead, they killed me in front of Kcynn1703. Later on, they would message me stating that they were hired to kill me. I had submitted a ticket on 3/30/2021. The ticket was passed off as a murder case which would be under investigation. A few days later, yesterday at 9:39 PM EST. I filed a second case of murder. This is relevant to the case since both geven46, who goes by the same ingame nickname of pwn26wnd, and ValioR_1299 have connections to Kcynn1703.

In the second ticket, I expressed that pwn26wnd tricked me out of the safe zone of spawn in the pretense of business, then proceeded to led me to a secluded area within the city park and murdered me with Kcynn1703. Checking the logs, you'll notice that the kill log shows that Kcynn1703 killed me. I did not see him while going to the park, but I saw that he had killed me.

At this point, one would notice a pattern. A hitman gets hired, they bring the victim to where the boss can be seen, and then they attack the victim. However, this would not be the end.

Yesterday, 3/30/2021, at 4:50 PM EST, all three people had started spamming advertisements defaming my reputation, and slandering me. They even targetted my friend who tried to defend me from such accusations and slander. pwn26wnd was spamming advertisements when the server had 60 people online, 60 witnesses. ValioR_1299 targeted me by slandering my business and price values.

1. ShinHeYing
2. ValioR_1299
3. geven26 (pwn26wnd)
4. Funyolk
5. Kcynn1703

1. In an advertisement the Defendant claimed the Plaintiff "ShinHeYing is scammer"
2. In a statement the Defendant claimed the Plaintiff "Was paid to do the job."
3. More than 60 witnesses witnessed the spam of advertisements during the server's afternoon peak time.

1. The Defendant is accused of 1 charge of slander for the claims that the Plaintiff "ShinHeYing is scammer" & that the Defendant will continue harassing the Plantiff when paid to.
2. The Defendant is accused of 1 charge of libel for the advertisement taken out claiming the Plaintiff was a scammer slandering the prices which the Plantiff operate by without any prior knowledge to such information.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. The defendant to make a public retraction of their statements.
2. $3000 in damages, $1000 for each statement due to the extremely toxic nature of harassment and toxicity including the repeating offenses.
3. Should the court not accept that damages be paid then the Plaintiff would ask this amount either to be seized in assets or to be fined to the Plaintiff for their extreme disregard for the rule of law.
4. Due to the fact that the defendant was responsible for starting this harassment under business disagreements, the Plantiff requests 1,000$ in compensation for the waste of time and losses in business caused by the Defendant's multiple accusations and attacks.

Evidence 1: First Ticket. -DOJ Ticket.
Evidence 2: Second Ticket.-DOJ Ticket.
Evidence 3: Third Ticket- Server Ticket.
Evidence 4:



Witnesses of the advertisement slander:
-58 other people who were on during the time of 4:50 PM EST on 3/30/2021

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 31th day of March 2021

Member of the DER
Member of the RBA
Citizen of RedMont


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The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case of ShinHeYing v VaLioR_1299. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff.​
You're honor, I have been chosen to represent the defendant in this lawsuit.




Case no: 03-2021-31

1. VaLior_1299 and geven26 was trying to sell supplies to TESCO , No one hired us , plaintiff tried to steal customers of TESCO. plaintiff was sending messages to people about im selling cheaper than TESCO. Kycnn1703 did not say anything about plaintiff . we saw the messages came from him and we killed him. The result of that we got jailed and paid for government.
2. I did not tricked him , i just wanted to make business with him ;however , plaintiff tried to scam so i killed with Kycnn.
3. I did the same what she did before( ad spam) however i had 10 min ban after that.

1.My defendant has written to warn people , many people think she is scammer. I already posted the photos of what people think however i blurred them because maybe plaintiff will open new lawsuit include them.
2.Plaintiff has not enough evidence of VaLior_1299 working at TESCO . my defendent killed him at TESCO did not mean anything. My defendant selling own goods without market.
3.Plaintiff slandered about us , she did not even know who is Kycn1703 however she said VaLior_1299 and geven26 second account of Kycn1703. Now you HONOR you can confirm that , we are not using sec acc. Nacholebraa confirmed that you can see the picture below.


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Your honor, additionally when I went to the Walgreens Kycnn and Geven were there and they killed me on the spot, One of them who was banned from Walgreens.
Your honor , this lawsuit is between VaLior_1299 and ShinHeYing . funyol you can open new case. You are the guysaid to me come 1vs1PVP ?
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your honor , we made peace with funyolk . you can ignore what i wrote him before. i love that guy:D
You're honor, I have been chosen to represent the defendant in this lawsuit.




Case no: 03-2021-31

1. VaLior_1299 and geven26 was trying to sell supplies to TESCO , No one hired us , plaintiff tried to steal customers of TESCO. plaintiff was sending messages to people about im selling cheaper than TESCO. Kycnn1703 did not say anything about plaintiff . we saw the messages came from him and we killed him. The result of that we got jailed and paid for government.
2. I did not tricked him , i just wanted to make business with him ;however , plaintiff tried to scam so i killed with Kycnn.
3. I did the same what she did before( ad spam) however i had 10 min ban after that.

1.My defendant has written to warn people , many people think she is scammer. I already posted the photos of what people think however i blurred them because maybe plaintiff will open new lawsuit include them.
2.Plaintiff has not enough evidence of VaLior_1299 working at TESCO . my defendent killed him at TESCO did not mean anything. My defendant selling own goods without market.
3.Plaintiff slandered about us , she did not even know who is Kycn1703 however she said VaLior_1299 and geven26 second account of Kycn1703. Now you HONOR you can confirm that , we are not using sec acc. Nacholebraa confirmed that you can see the picture below.

Regarding the first statement, the economy is a free economy. I have my customers and you have yours. Just because you have a chest shop doesn't mean that you have the sole monopoly of selling such goods. Thus accusing me of stealing your customers was a false judgment on your side. There's competition and I'm here to stay.

Regarding the second statement, I did not try to scam you. Reading the messages and the incident, you contacted me to "do business" in your own words. I state my prices and I state where to meet up. You can ask any actual customers who have brought from me. I always gave the goods once I'm paid. I remember that in the messages, you mentioned nothing of Kycnn being involved between our business. He was there just to kill me. This is what you called a First Degree murder, you had planned to kill me with Kycnn and you did.

Regarding the third statement,you used ads and spammed 4 messages in a row. Refering to the images of my previous proposed evidence, Evidence 4. That's what ad spamming is. I advertise my wares every few minutes, I don't cover the global chat in green.

On your first defense, I would like to point out that your evidence lacks credibility. Why? Because both of the people who claimed that I am a scammer have not done much business with me. I memorize who is on my client list and they're not on it. And you didn't include any more details on how exactly I am a scammer. What did I scam? That's just a statement with no evidence to defend it.

On your second defense, you claimed that Valior did not work at TESCO. Did you even bother to read your own defense? You just stated that you sell supplies to TESCO and also both you and Valior were suppliers of TESCO. You're also added to the rented plot of TESCO. And the alternate accounts were suspicions, I didn't legally state that you were alt accounts as a FACT. And Nacholebraa only confirmed you two weren't alt accounts after an investigation which took part after I posted my lawsuit, not before. So yes, Valior and you are both affiliated with TESCO.
Me (geven26) and Valior_1299 we are just selling goods for TESCO. Also we sell our goods by ourselves.
The second is that we paid our $ 100 fine for killing you in front of the university and went to jail for 10 minutes, it doesn't make any sense anymore.
Look what funyolk wrote about you ( Also I know one of the people who said Shin was a scam so I'll ask them if they said that ) people are saying you are scammer.
Also yes i spammed in global chat however hugebob banned me . we served our punishment.
you are very confident why because of you are ranger ?
first of all geven26 and valior_1299 are my suppliers They have no ties to TESCO company. The reason I add them to our stores is for them to put the items I want in the chests in the warehouse. I pay them after I receive the items. Please do not involve TESCO company in this case.
Best regards
owner of TESCO company
first of all geven26 and valior_1299 are my suppliers They have no ties to TESCO company. The reason I add them to our stores is for them to put the items I want in the chests in the warehouse. I pay them after I receive the items. Please do not involve TESCO company in this case.
Best regards
owner of TESCO company
Me (geven26) and Valior_1299 we are just selling goods for TESCO. Also we sell our goods by ourselves.
The second is that we paid our $ 100 fine for killing you in front of the university and went to jail for 10 minutes, it doesn't make any sense anymore.
Look what funyolk wrote about you ( Also I know one of the people who said Shin was a scam so I'll ask them if they said that ) people are saying you are scammer.
Also yes i spammed in global chat however hugebob banned me . we served our punishment.
you are very confident why because of you are ranger ?
your honor , we made peace with funyolk . you can ignore what i wrote him before. i love that guy:D
Also I know one of the people who said Shin was a scam so I'll ask them if they said that
Not Kycnn you are good but Kycnn attacked me
Your honor, additionally when I went to the Walgreens Kycnn and Geven were there and they killed me on the spot, One of them who was banned from Walgreens.

This is getting silly. For those who aren't aware, you must first ask to make a submission here. This lets me organise and referee the thread. Given you are all relatively new players I won't fine you for contempt of court, but if this gets out of hand again I will be liberal with fines. It makes the thread messy, hard to understand and leads to bits of information being included without proper scrutiny.
I will now ask for closing statements in this case. These statements must stick strictly to the matter at hand: alleged defamatory messages. From my understanding, the alleged murders have been duly punished. The matter before the court in this thread is defamation and defamation alone.

In your closing statements you may refer to each other's submissions throughout this case regarding the defamatory messages. I will first ask for a submission by the plaintiff, with the defendant then submitting their closing statement afterwards. I urge both parties to consider the offences within the defamation act here. when formulating your closing statement. Try to encompass all of the required elements of the offence in your closing statements, showing either why they are satisfied or why they are not.

Any third parties wishing to make a statement must first ask to do so. I would kindly ask these closing statements are submitted within 48 hours.
Closing Statement:

I will stand by my claim and provide the evidence necessary to prove that Valior was slandering me. If needed, I will request witnesses if the judge asks for more evidence. Disregarding the main ad spam and other threatening and harassment, my lawsuit was specifically pointing out the slander. I hope to be compensated for my lost time and business because of this case.

I have given them two chances with the DOJ and server tickets for harassment and I hope this court case will end this feud once and for all.

They have contacted me once in a game to make a peace agreement before I made this closing statement but the agreement was denied because their offer does not cover my damages.

I also hope that this will be the last time that I need to make a lawsuit like this since I am only prosecuting one person which is Valor. If geven26 and Kycnn want to partake in this case. Please state yourself as representing Valior. Considering if that's following court processing.

Your honor, thank you for your time.

- Plantiff.


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To confirm, the defendant now has an opportunity to make a closing statement if they wish. If you do not wish to do so, please make the court aware.


It is important that the court only focuses on the facts in issue in this case, slander regarding the first message in evidence claiming the plaintiff is a scammer. No other messages adduced in the initial complaint are of a slanderous nature.

For slander to be satisfied, on a balance of probabilities it must be shown that:

- There was a false statement of fact that impacts on someone's reputation.
- This is spoken communication i.e. in-game chat
- Damage as a consequence of the slander must be proven
- The defamation must have been intentional

I will evaluate the case on each of these points. Firstly, on a balance of probabilities, I do not find that the plaintiff has scammed customers, there has been no evidence adduced to prove the accusations made. As such, the statement made was false. The nature of how it is made is, to me, pertaining to be a factual statement. The message was intended to be taken as fact by the maker of the statement. Falsely claiming someone to be a scammer does, on a balance of probabilities, impact on someone's reputation by way of claiming they have a propensity to be dishonest.

Secondly, the communication is indeed spoken, as the evidence shows the communication took place in an /ad.

Thirdly, damage must be proven. The plaintiff has claimed that they have lost business as a result of the statement made, there has been no evidence adduced to prove this loss of business on a balance of probabilities.

Finally, the statement made must have been intentional. It is clear the defendant's communication was indeed intentional as they made the statement clearly and in an /ad format.

There has been no real damage proven in this case, and this is one of the core elements of defamation (s.5(1) of the Defamation Act October 2020). Without evidence of a damage suffered by the plaintiff (i.e. evidence of loss of business), slander can not be deemed to have been committed. As aforementioned, there has been no evidence adduced to this effect and thus I am unable to find that slander has been committed here. Therefore, this matter is dismissed. I thank both parties for their effort in this case.
