State of the Commonwealth SOTC Report - MARCH 2022

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020


The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings of the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals. This is the State of the Commonwealth for the month of March.

Prepared by:
pugbandit, huney69
Secretary of State _Austin27_
26 MAR 2022
Final Report 02 APR 2022


Economy Total: $47,502,738.47 ($1,207,002.54 increase - 2.6% increase)
Government Total: $731,644.5 ($456,627.93 decrease - 38.4% decrease)




Accountants - 190
Armourers - 1376
Brewers - 457
Contractor - 304
Chefs - 1322
Supplier - 59
Farmer - 1390
Fisherman - 195
Solicitor - 106
Barrister - 148
Attorney - 175
Lumberjack - 888
Mercenary - 1630
Miner - 1412
Mechanic - 677
Realtor - 345
Pharmacist - 1091
Recycling Operator - 328
Draftsman - 6
Clerk - 5
Press Assistant - 1
Inspection Manager - 2
Building Inspectors - 15
Construction Manager - 1
Constructors - 19
Senior Economist - 3
Economist - 31
Jeweler - 67
Electoral Officer - 8
Auditors - 9
Event Managers - 4
Event Coordinator - 15
Media Manager - 6
Media Advisors - 16
Archive Manager - 2
Archivist - 11
Tour Manager - 2
Guide - 9
Trainee Guide - 5
Trainee Doctors - 124
Doctors - 49
Medical Specialists - 9
Paramedic - 4
Trainee Officer - 19
Constable - 17
Sergeant - 8
Superintendent - 3
Ranger - 22
Environmental Managers - 5


By the people, for the people. Our government is built on the foundational nature of democratic institutions.

This government has faced newfound challenges as a result of the chaos ensued from external influences. Members in the community have expressed concern and discontent with Reveille and how their own assets would be protected.

In these tough times, we have also seen the resignation of multiple Secretaries, expressing their discontent with how matters occurred surrounding the Reveille controversy. Both Xerxesmc and Heather served as fine individuals, and defended our democratic institutions to the end of their tenure. Their efforts and legacy will not be forgotten.

Dealing with what has been forced upon the community and the elected government, we have managed to restore some levels of stability. Department vacancies have been filled by exceptional individuals - including Trentrick_Lamar, a longtime DEC and competent businessman; and TheDeadwax, a hardworking building inspector putting in time with the DCT. Despite not being allocated enough time to determine the most effective plans, we have made efforts to try and reduce the burden of a map transition on the community from a government standpoint as much as we can.

Aside from the controversies of this month, we've managed to achieve quite a bit. This government and our congress has been seeking public input in every avenue - through increased public opinion polls, department employee surveys, and community outreach.

I would like to thank everyone, from department employees, to members of congress, and to the individuals in cabinet in these tough times. I know many have been stressed, frustrated, and overwhelmed with everything going on. I hope things do change in the near future.

While we all adjust to the new normal, let us not forget the power that we hold as individuals in this community. Whether you are a high ranking government official, a businessman, or simply a regular player on the server, you matter. It is the people that compose this community that sustain itself. There is no server without the players that stay.

I look forward to a new month, hopefully with more positive outlooks, and with respect to the foundations of our government.

President of the Commonwealth of Redmont


Signed Bills in the month of March

LDV Juvenile, Repetitive, and Unhelpful Act
Severely Limit Actions of Toxic Trespassing Act
Budget for the Month of March
Enable the Purge Act
Open Charge Act Amendment
Weapon of mass destruction act
New Players Protection Act
Rental Unit Setup Act
Federal Deposit Insurance Program
Free The People Act

Signed Executive Orders in the month of March

Executive Order 08/22 - Prisoner Education Second Chances

Presidential Nominations Passed by the Senate in March

ElainaThomas29 - Secretary of Justice
Drew_Hall - Attorney General
Thedeadwax - Secretary of Construction & Transport
Trentrick_Lamar - Secretary of Education & Commerce

Published Reports in the month of March

Transparency Statement from the Executive on Reveille
Cabinet Meeting Notes - 19th March 2022


Department of Construction & Transport

Achievements in March:

- This month there has been a leadership change in the DCT. In the middle of the month, DCT Sec HM_shi Resigned and TheDeadwax was confirmed to be the new replacement.
- LavenderxBlaxii was also promoted to be Inspection Manager of the DCT.
- The DCT has hired 4 new constructors and 2 new Building Inspectors.

Goals for April:
- In the coming month the constructors have been working with Klondike to build them an Airport.
- Working with the Government and the Owners to assist with Reveille.
- Updating the Plot fee to be more block-based vs a flat fee.

Department of Health

Achievements in March:
- Doctor of the Month announced.
- Medical Exams have opened, were opened for about 3 days.
- 21 training sessions have been conducted.
- 21 evaluations have been conducted, 16 successfully passed in the first attempt, 4 retrained, and passed 2nd attempt.
- MS applications were open, and an MS has returned.
- 2 new Paramedics were hired.
- DoH held a department meeting and agreed on reverting Paramedic back to a license for doctors.
- In the same meeting, the DoH held a small game together.
- Pancake vending machine :)

Goals for April:
- Maintain status of Hospital + Clinics.
- Consider the addition of drug dispensaries to other clinics.
- Prepare the department for transition to Reveille.
- Revision of MS evaluation rubric to clarify certain aspects and make marking easier.

Department of Education & Commerce

Achievements in March:

- Corporate tax exemptions for nonprofits, charities, and financial institutions.
- Pushed through 20 custom crafting recipes.
- Began a reworking of the CPI to include all items bought for the month via server logs.
- Pushed through $92,000 worth of grants, and business applications, ranging from March 2nd to today.
- Reorganized Department teams through firing inactive members, promoting those who have performed well and shuttering the Business Team and redistributing its members more efficiently
- Cleaned up the Department Discord by moving inactive channels into the archive section for future reference.
- Implemented bots for the employees to use in their spare time in order to encourage spending more time within the DEC Discord.
- Ramped up compliance team efforts to enforce minimum commission violations both within Hamilton and the towns.

Goals for April:
- Company rankings on a monthly basis using information extrapolated from server logs.
- Sales reports being made available to companies using information extrapolated from server logs
- Sales report requests will be done for a fee on the basis that this is a hugely convenient service that cuts potentially hours' worth of work out of the equation for the business owner.​
- Completion of CPI reworking by the end of the month
- Ramping up of compliance team efforts to enforce commerce law beginning with minimum commission violations.
- If it is possible to obtain logs stating the total amount of product in each chest on the server, a primitive GDP measurement based on finished products in the economy.

“I lost the game.” - Trentrick_Lamar, DEC Secretary

Department of Environment and Recreation

Achievements in March:
- The department has worked on the zoo, sadly it hasn't been finished yet.
- Sell shops set up in the supply depot for the shelter stock (saddles, leads, and nametags) as we had no way of obtaining those yet.
- Fixed the extreme dog overflow (again) in the shelter by releasing quite a few of them in the wild.
- Hired a few new hardworking rangers, sadly enough also like 3-4 rangers quit this month and we've been making plans for Reveille.

Goals for April:
- Finishing the zoo as it's as good as done.
- Finishing the way to work with the dog abandon act.
- Reveille planning.

Department of Public Affairs

Achievements in March:
- Released videos for the Inauguration and Political Roast events.
- Introduced a direct DPA to DCTV connection for team members.
- Launched an EU Event Team to handle events during EU time zones.
- Gave media advisors and event coordinators fly permissions for use during events.
- Promoted Tylxrfied to media manager and head of videography.
- Established town portfolios for event managers.
- Began considering changes and reforms for the DPA’s occupation structure, starting with the Guide program.
- Released several Wiki articles.
- Held the Congressional debates, jba Concert, Politicon, Hide and Seek, Game Night, Maze, and The Office Day events.

Goals for April:
- Ensure all teams within the department remain active.
- Consider cutting inactive programs.
- Officially propose and implement changes to the Guide program.
- Continue considering reforms to all DPA occupations and their responsibilities.
- Give more leadership opportunities to DPA managers.
- Create more occupation documentation e.g. Tips and Tricks.
- Continue experimenting with organizational tools and methods.
- Host more events within towns in conjunction with town leadership.
- Draft ideas for Reveille-related department reforms, events, and outreach strategies.

Department of Justice

Achievements in March:

- Further development of Sheriff role.
- Working with reps to create pieces of legislation that would assist the department.
- Reorganization of the impound room Rewriting of guides.
- Changing squad structures.
- Recruiting more officers.
- /doj-notify to alert criminals of their rights.
- Law exam to remove initial record from the criminal record upon passing the exam.

Goals for April:
- Another public opinion survey.
- Events to connect officers with the public.
- Public forums to educate the public on laws.
- Continued transparency.

Department of State

Achievements in March:

- Appointed a new Deputy Secretary
- Hired new Auditors and Electoral Officers
- Reworked the Payment System
- Reworked Auditor Guide

Goals for April:
- New Secretary
- Reworked Policies
- More Town Programs

Office of the Attorney General

Achievements in March:
- In March, Drew_Hall took on the role of Attorney General and has advertised applications for both paralegals and state prosecutors.
- As well as that, the Attorney General has put out a statement regarding laws to inform to the public.
- The Office of the Attorney General also had a case filed against the Commonwealth dismissed.

Goals for April:
- Increased activity in the Office of the Attorney General can be expected in the coming month, with possible prosecutions taking place in the near future.
- We can also expect a reorganization of the OAG Discord and how it functions day-to-day.
- Finally, further coordination between departments for any possible criminal activity worth pursuing is to be expected.

Chief of Staff

Achievements in March:

- Handling internal disputes in departments.
- Giving opinions/reviews of matters in the executive.

Goals for April:
- Ease the transition of all new department Secretary nominees.
- To be more involved with department-related activities.

Press Advisor

Achievements in March:

- Recently just released news stands that exclusively journalists will be able to utilize in order to sell copies of their books at central locations.
- Created and started taking applications for Cabinet Briefing Passes which allows 2 representatives from a news access to the cabinet discord to ask questions from the cabinet directly. They also have access to special updates to keep them informed on what departments have done and what they are doing now.
- Press advisor Tairo has also been keeping up with weekly recaps and has been collaborating with departments and other advisors to create advertisements and other graphics for current projects/hiring initiatives.

Goals for April:
- To continue to maintain transparency with the public and to continue to support departments with their work.
- The press advisor is also hoping to see more people use journalist stands and has been doing the best to personally support journalists.

Advisor for Supply Coordination

Achievements in March:

- Supply Coordination Advisor Overlordofpeonys has been working with the DCT to get this new supply depot built and only has to do a few more things before the release.

Goals for April:
- To have a new supply depot near spawn that is easier for players to find and it will have rooms for each department.


Ambassador to the Republic of Stratham and the Democratic Republic of Vindexcraft

Ambassador: Nacholebraa

According to the Ambassador, throughout the past month, the Republic of Stratham has elected a new Prime Minister (Cherub) and a new cabinet was confirmed. In the Democratic Republic of Vindex, the nation went through another presidential cycle, however, there have been no responses to the Ambassador's attempts to communicate with the government after the Ambassador attended the presidential inauguration.

Due to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister falling ill, Stratham's government had a moment of a lull. However, the discussion has begun, following the sincere wishes sent to the Prime Minister and Deputy following the illness.

In the future, the Ambassador is intending to look into the possible economic summit as well as a possible general check-in with the government. Even possible UN summit to have a general check-in and discussion.

Ambassador to the State of Harlon and the República de United Land

According to the Ambassador, Harlon went through an election with the Ambassador still trying to gather further information on that. United Lands is currently reforming its government and had to close its server for a bit for maintenance and some updates.

In the future, the Ambassador is waiting for United Lands to get settled and get their server and their staff updated. The Ambassador will firstly be working hard to continue our ongoing relations with Harlon and cannot wait to work with the new Prime Minister.



Number of Residents: 45

- The town has started the transition over to Reveille.
- The town has pasted in Sunset Village - a home for the town's resort and festival grounds.
- The town released Cypress Bay with mega-mansion plots, yacht plots, and an Aventura SuperStore.
- The town held auctions for a Lighthouse commercial plot, cabins, and mansions.
- The council decided to cover the first month of rent for all operational rented commercial spaces in the town.
- The town will be paying and sponsoring those who hold events in the town.

- The town is looking to recruit a new Office of Commerce Councillor.
- According to Mayor LilDigiVert, the town will be looking to continue its "excellence" in the coming month.
- The town will be releasing a Megamall when the Reveille transition occurs.


Number of Residents: 36

- Government reform with portfolios abolished and councilor roles introduced.
- Declarations opened and 3rd council elections are to be finished by end of March.
- Development of Klondike lore.
- Planning for the Reveille transition.

- For the town to tier up in efforts to better the release of the new town in Reveille.
- Continue to work with builders for the new town release.


Number of Residents: 55

- Started to remodel sections of the town as part of the mayor's plan.
- Held town elections for the 7th council and appointed; TommysToe for Chief of Staff, SlimeGlitch for Sheriff, and Eastray for Arsky's management.
- The Town of Oakridge has started to buy back plots in preparation for transitioning over to Reveille & holding public meetings to answer questions or concerns people may have.
- Changed name to Oakridge.

- On April 20th, the town of Oakridge plans to host an Apple-style event.
- At the event, there will be announcements regarding the future of the town's government, a newly revamped theater, sneak peeks into the new layout of the town, and plans for Arsky.


Number of Residents: 55

- Converted the historic Willow Church into an event venue for public use.
- Held elections for a full sheriff term.
- Began implementing the carriage transportation system.
- Announced expressions of interest for industrial advisor and public relations advisor positions.
- Began discussions between the mayor and deputy mayor regarding plans for Reveille.

- Fill all positions in the council.
- Continue working on Willow’s layout in Reveille.
- Improve current town navigation/signage.
- Fully implement the carriage transportation system.
- Raise awareness of the town's available services, especially in-game.
- Introduce more commercial initiatives like Small Business Week.
- Maintain the town in Hamilton before the transition to Reveille.
- Consider strategies for ensuring a smooth transition to Reveille for current residents.



President Westray: 94.7% Approve/ 5.3% Disapprove
Vice President Muffins29: 86.3% Approve/ 13.7% Disapprove
Secretary of State _Austin27_: 62% Approve/ 27% Disapprove
Secretary of Education and Commerce Trentrick_Lamar: 90.5% Approve/ 9.5% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction and Transport TheDeadwax: 84.3% Approve/ 15.7% Disapprove
Secretary of Justice ElainaThomas: 82.9% Approve/ 17.1% Disapprove
Secretary of Health VerySmolBirb: 86.5% Approve/ 13.5% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs Twixted: 86.8% Approve/ 13.2% Disapprove
Secretary of Environment & Recreation Teuntje1234567: 92.9% Approve/ 7.1% Disapprove
Attorney General Drew_Hall: 84.7% Approve/ 15.3% Disapprove
Ambassador Nacholebraa: 81.7% Approve/ 18.3% Disapprove
Ambassador LavenderxBlaxii: 83.6% Approve/ 16.4% Disapprove


Speaker of the House MilkCrack: 82.2% Approve/ 17.8% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of the House A__C: 81.1% Approve/ 18.9% Disapprove
Representative BubblyBo: 37.8% Approve/ 62.2% Disapprove
Representative ComradeLuigi: 47.1% Approve/ 52.9% Disapprove
Representative ManagerHell: 72.9% Approve/ 27.1% Disapprove
Representative Freeze28: 60.6% Approve/ 39.4% Disapprove
Representative Mhadsher101: 57.7% Approve/ 42.3% Disapprove
Representative wetc: 73.6% Approve/ 26.4% Disapprove
Representative SlimeGlitch: 50.7% Approve/ 49.3% Disapprove
Representative Psypio: 47.9% Approve/ 52.1% Disapprove

President of the Senate huney69: 82.9% Approve/ 17.1% Disapprove
Senator sleepyjay_: 81.7% Approve/ 18.3% Disapprove
Senator black_ven0m: 66.7% Approve/ 33.3% Disapprove
Senator LilDigiVert: 81.1% Approve/ 18.9% Disapprove
Senator LilNickiVert: 75% Approve/ 25% Disapprove


(Acting) Mayor of Willow Twixted- 93.2% Approve/ 6.8% Disapprove
Mayor of Aventura LilDigiVert- 94.4% Approve/ 5.6% Disapprove
Mayor of Klondike Tylxrfied- 85.9% Approve/ 14.1% Disapprove
Mayor of Oakridge MartysToes- 77.8% Approve/ 22.2% Disapprove

The Department of State thanks you for reading this month's State of the Commonwealth report. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please open a Government support ticket where we can attend to your needs.

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