Dept. State
Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary
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The purpose of the State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.
BubbaRC - Attorney General
Toxikkun - Chief of Staff
Mhadsher101 - Secretary of Construction and Transport
Tekkovvs - Press Advisor
The Commonwealth of Redmont vs. DespicableThomas [Case No. 04-2021-22-03] - Adjourned in favor of The Commonwealth of Redmont
Crazy_Cryo_810 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 04-2021-22-01] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont vs. Burntburger_ [Case No. 04-2021-21-01] - Adjourned in favour of Burntburger_
The Commonwealth of Redmont vs. Griefer_206 [Case No. 04-2021-20-04] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont vs. Fighter_King - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
Icypenguin79 v. The Department of Construction and Transport [Case No. 03-2021-21-01] - Dismissed
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. didna [Case No. 04-2021-21-03] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Boopingberry [Case No. 04-2021-20-02] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
dygyee v. Department of Justice (Case No. 04-2021-13) - Dismissed
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. SonalDonal [Case No. 04-2021-03-02] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Night_fox12 [Case No. 04-2021-04] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
Government Bonuses: $35,410 in total bonuses were given to highly performing government employees.
The amount of bonuses given to employees in each department:
During this past month, our Government's largest project was by far Universal Basic Income. We pursued this policy in hopes that it would help close the tremendous wealth gap in our society, admittedly not fully knowing if it would work. After one month of Universal Basic Income, the middle class expanded by 13%, and the national treasury expanded by over $100,000. Universal Basic Income works and we can afford it. The state of our Government is STRONG.
Going forward, we will seek to have UBI renewed by the incoming Congress, as well as expanding more, smaller plots for the public. We recognize that people want more plots, and we will open more plots, but the reality is that wealthier players will acquire more of these plots than poorer players no matter what we price them at. At the end of the day, some will own land in the city, and others will not. This doesn't mean we have to give up on subsidizing small businesses. The DOH tent showed that the Government can serve as a middle man between individual businesses and the public. I'd like to see the prices decreased such that the tent's prices are competitive as this would allow for the DOH tent to exist as a recurring source of income for private healthcare suppliers.
But there's more to a nation than its economy. The current Executive has not been struck with a censure nor an impeachment. The Judiciary is full. The Congress is producing much legislation. Possibly for the first time, we have a truly active, cooperative Government.
Thank you.
Glory to Redmont
Economy Total: $26,299,857.34
Government Balance: $1,573,353.78 (This is a $164,440.37 increase from last month.)
Employment by Exam Jobs:
Employment by Government Jobs:
Registered Businesses: 186
Registered Unions: 9
The town of Oakridge Bay expanded to the new entertainment district which included a stadium for hosting events as well as more plots to help solve the plot crisis in Hamilton. The town also elected the 3rd town council and began passing town legislation such as the 420 Act, Lack of Candidates Amendment, Orchard Plot Removal Act and more. The town is planning two new expansions for more plots in the commercial area and a ranch plot district.
The town of Willow upgraded to tier 3 this month as well as transferred all of the farm pllots from Hamilton City to Willow. The town is looking forward to expanding even further and is working towards improving the town government via amendments to the town constitution.
The town of Aventura is preparing for it's launch. With builders working around the clock to make this town possible, Mayor LilDigiVert is excited for what's next. Aventura's industry is fishing and has exemplified that industry by including a dock area to fish and fish specific market stalls.
Secretary: _Zab_
Deputy Secretary: JoanM999
Economists: Trentrick_Lamar, Managerhell, Liz37, ReinausPrinzzip, SaintDan, IcyPenguin79
Education Specialists: BubbaRC, ChAkselsn, Poemhunter, pugbandit, Toxikkun
Department Update: This month has been another productive month for the DEC. The department has worked to accept more businesses and grants, the department has updated jobs and submitted new job proposals to the staff team such as the fisherman job. The department has performed audits to keep businesses in check and finished the average plot price index.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Muffins29
Deputy Secretary: Taelor
Event Coordinators: ChAkselsen, Andreymia, Blarien, LilDigiVert, Tealeafff
Media Advisors: Westray, 99pizza99, Antatro, BlogWorldExpo, Fieweyy, xLayzur, Ansgard, Louderleo, PracticeTyping, Ansgard_Ist
Department Update: The Department of Public affairs had a productive month beginning with implementing the auto-tour plugin. Tour guides have changed to simply just guides, there to answer questions rather than give tours. The departmenr created a TikTok account and published their first video as well as reshuffled the media advisor teams. The department changed the tour signs at spawn to account for the change to the new automated tours and fired inactive department members.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Mhadsher101
Deputy Secretary: xEndeavour
Constructors: Hong_Kong_101, Block86, xEndeavour, Kenhui1214, Galavance, Krix, Historia_Orangie, Ferre007_, LouderLeo
Building Inspectors: Queen_Cats, DrThunder, Mhadsher101, 37, 1950minecrafter, SimplyHarci, Vanquish_ap, Rachel
Department Update: This month, the department has been hard at work on the new fishing town, Aventura. It is looking very nice and the departmebt believes the public will be very pleased with it when it unveils. The department has updated roads and highways throughout the city and beyond to keep them looking as nice as the buildings around them. The pricing of pastes were adjusted to encourage more private building, and a new Secretary was nominated and approved to lead the department after the departure of former Secretary MilkCrack.
Department Goals:
Secretary: _Austin27_
Deputy Secretary: DrThunder7
Electoral Officers: Technofied, DrThunder7, Eleray, Westray
Auditors: Luckyperms, byeSprite
Department Update: The Department of State had a productive month, filled with elections and auditing, This month, the Department of State saw the addition of a new job to the department - Auditors. Auditors have been implemented to ensure the smooth running of the other departments, the smooth running of towns and to assist in writing the State of the Government Report. The Department of State oversaw progress on the new town of Aventura and is excited for it's release. The Department of State facilitated numerous special elections and union elections, keeping the Electoral Officers extremely busy.
Department Goals:
Secretary: JoanM999
Deputy Secretary: ElainaThomas
Sergeants: L0NE_PH4NT0M and ElainaThomas
Police Officers: BubbaRC, IcedxSync, Ansgard, PiOs67, ReinausPrinzzip, Sergecool, Reaperay, Capt_Jackman, Technofied
Trainee Officers: Aladeen, YuuiOtaka, TheToxicAnimator, Keegan7om
Department Update: The Department of Justice worked this month on new police stations spread throughout Hamilton. The Department also worked on a new classified job that works internally within the department. Guides were updated for department positions and the DOJ found new ways to allocate the department budget. The DOJ has worked with the Attorney General to create a team of active prosecutors.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Sicspoti
Deputy Secretary: Westray
Medical Specialists: belovria, Blarien, Dravamfo, GrandChaserz, Keegan7om, Mhadsher101, PrincessRachel05, wolfistaken, Yerevann, zaorsia
Department Update: The Department of Health worked this month to implement a department sponsored food drive on the fourth floor of the Hospital. The department also worked on making a guide for the paramedic license as well as a way to implement it. The department saw nominal operations and is proud of the hard working doctors in Hamilton, Oakridge Bay and Willow.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Vanquish_ap
Deputy Secretary: L0NE_PH4NT0M
Environmental Manager: _37__, Toxic_Animations, IcedxSync, Queen_Cats, Tylxfied, Nacholebraa, Zemeits
Rangers: Black_Venom, hanhatfre2, kayjee, simplymadi, sleepyjay_, burntburger, dravamfo, silverdoller, hm_Shi, bananaMuffin, Jabolko, Louderleo, ManagerHell, shinyju, skem, toxikkun, yuukisni.
Department Update: This month the Department of Environment and Recreation had some minor updates and fixes. All farm plots have been moved to the town of Willow. Rangers now have the ability to warp to Willow and Oakridge Bay for farm checks, Rangers also gained the ability to use the tree feller plugin. The department also had a significant progress jump on the national park. A schedule has now been setup for ranger payments via landscaping reports. Environmental Manager position was made and given in game roles.
Department Goals:
Secretary of State
The purpose of the State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.
BubbaRC - Attorney General
Toxikkun - Chief of Staff
Mhadsher101 - Secretary of Construction and Transport
Tekkovvs - Press Advisor
The Commonwealth of Redmont vs. DespicableThomas [Case No. 04-2021-22-03] - Adjourned in favor of The Commonwealth of Redmont
Crazy_Cryo_810 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 04-2021-22-01] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont vs. Burntburger_ [Case No. 04-2021-21-01] - Adjourned in favour of Burntburger_
The Commonwealth of Redmont vs. Griefer_206 [Case No. 04-2021-20-04] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont vs. Fighter_King - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
Icypenguin79 v. The Department of Construction and Transport [Case No. 03-2021-21-01] - Dismissed
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. didna [Case No. 04-2021-21-03] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Boopingberry [Case No. 04-2021-20-02] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
dygyee v. Department of Justice (Case No. 04-2021-13) - Dismissed
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. SonalDonal [Case No. 04-2021-03-02] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Night_fox12 [Case No. 04-2021-04] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
Government Bonuses: $35,410 in total bonuses were given to highly performing government employees.
The amount of bonuses given to employees in each department:
- Trentrick_Lamar- $2,000
- BubbaRC - $2,000
- JoanM999 - $1,500
- ReinausPrinzzip - $750
- ManagerHell - $500
- ChAkselsn - $500
- Liz37 - $250
- Total: $7,500
- Westray - $300
- belovria - $200
- Blarien - $200
- Dravamfo - $200
- GrandChaserz - $200
- Keegan7om - $200
- Mhadsher101 - $200
- wolfistaken - $200
- Yerevann - $200
- zaorsia - $200
- BoopingBerry - $80
- Deekade1004 - $80
- Fieweyy - $80
- Hanhatfre - $80
- Kg4m3r - $80
- Qurosu - $80
- xlayzur - $80
- Total: $2,760
- Block86 - $750
- xEndeavour - $750
- Queen_Cats - $750
- MilkCrack - $750
- HistoriaOrangie - $500
- Ferre007 - $500
- LouderLeo - $500
- DrThunder - $300
- SimplyHarci - $300
- Hong_Kong_101 - $250
- Total: $5,350
- L0NE_PH4NT0M- $1,500
- The_Toxic_Animator- $1,000
- IcedxSync- $1,000
- Queen_Cats- $1,000
- Kayjee- $700
- BlackVenom- $500
- Nacho- $500
- burntburger- $300
- Managerhell - $300
- Total: $6,800
- Taelor - $700
- Tealeafff - $400
- Westray - $400
- Ansgard_Ist - $400
- Fieweyy - $275
- PracticeTyping - $275
- LouderLeo - $275
- LilDigiVert - $275
- Totals: $3,000
- ElainaThomas - $500
- L0NE_PH4NT0M - $500
- BubbaRC - $400
- Sergecool - $300
- IcedxSync - $300
- MrPenderweed - $200
- Capt_Jackman - $200
- ReinausPrinzzip - $200
- Ansgard - $200
- PiOs67 - $200
- ReaperEduardo - $200
- Toxic_Animations - $200
- ByeSprite - $200
- Westray - $200
- Aladeen22 - $200
- Total: $4,000
- DrThunder7 - $2,000
- Westray - $500
- Eleray - $500
- byeSprite - $500
- LuckyPerms - $500
- Total: $4,000
- Aladeen - $1,000
- poemhunter - $1,000
During this past month, our Government's largest project was by far Universal Basic Income. We pursued this policy in hopes that it would help close the tremendous wealth gap in our society, admittedly not fully knowing if it would work. After one month of Universal Basic Income, the middle class expanded by 13%, and the national treasury expanded by over $100,000. Universal Basic Income works and we can afford it. The state of our Government is STRONG.
Going forward, we will seek to have UBI renewed by the incoming Congress, as well as expanding more, smaller plots for the public. We recognize that people want more plots, and we will open more plots, but the reality is that wealthier players will acquire more of these plots than poorer players no matter what we price them at. At the end of the day, some will own land in the city, and others will not. This doesn't mean we have to give up on subsidizing small businesses. The DOH tent showed that the Government can serve as a middle man between individual businesses and the public. I'd like to see the prices decreased such that the tent's prices are competitive as this would allow for the DOH tent to exist as a recurring source of income for private healthcare suppliers.
But there's more to a nation than its economy. The current Executive has not been struck with a censure nor an impeachment. The Judiciary is full. The Congress is producing much legislation. Possibly for the first time, we have a truly active, cooperative Government.
Thank you.
Glory to Redmont
Economy Total: $26,299,857.34
Government Balance: $1,573,353.78 (This is a $164,440.37 increase from last month.)
Employment by Exam Jobs:
- Accountants: 37
- Armourers: 577
- Journalists: 282
- Brewers: 181
- Chefs: 704
- Contractos: 115
- CUBER Drivers: 64
- Doctors: 52
- Trainee Doctor: 43
- Electricians: 77
- Farmers: 592
- Solicitors: 51
- Barristers: 54
- Attorneys: 40
- Lumberjacks: 368
- Mercenaries: 1024
- Miners: 697
- Realtor: 158
- Recycling Operator: 156
- Stockmen: 70
- Tour Guides: 33
- Pharmacists: 424
- Building Inspectors: 8
- Constructors: 14
- Education Specialists: 6
- Economists: 15
- Electoral Officers: 3
- Event Coordinators: 9
- Media Advisors: 11
- Medical Specialists: 10
- Trainee Officers: 20
- Constables: 12
- Sergeants: 3
- Rangers: 33
Registered Unions: 9
The town of Oakridge Bay expanded to the new entertainment district which included a stadium for hosting events as well as more plots to help solve the plot crisis in Hamilton. The town also elected the 3rd town council and began passing town legislation such as the 420 Act, Lack of Candidates Amendment, Orchard Plot Removal Act and more. The town is planning two new expansions for more plots in the commercial area and a ranch plot district.
The town of Willow upgraded to tier 3 this month as well as transferred all of the farm pllots from Hamilton City to Willow. The town is looking forward to expanding even further and is working towards improving the town government via amendments to the town constitution.
The town of Aventura is preparing for it's launch. With builders working around the clock to make this town possible, Mayor LilDigiVert is excited for what's next. Aventura's industry is fishing and has exemplified that industry by including a dock area to fish and fish specific market stalls.
Secretary: _Zab_
Deputy Secretary: JoanM999
Economists: Trentrick_Lamar, Managerhell, Liz37, ReinausPrinzzip, SaintDan, IcyPenguin79
Education Specialists: BubbaRC, ChAkselsn, Poemhunter, pugbandit, Toxikkun
Department Update: This month has been another productive month for the DEC. The department has worked to accept more businesses and grants, the department has updated jobs and submitted new job proposals to the staff team such as the fisherman job. The department has performed audits to keep businesses in check and finished the average plot price index.
Department Goals:
- Become more efficient
- Finish API for items
- Business Rankings/Player net worth
- Revamp billboards
- Update exam guides
Secretary: Muffins29
Deputy Secretary: Taelor
Event Coordinators: ChAkselsen, Andreymia, Blarien, LilDigiVert, Tealeafff
Media Advisors: Westray, 99pizza99, Antatro, BlogWorldExpo, Fieweyy, xLayzur, Ansgard, Louderleo, PracticeTyping, Ansgard_Ist
Department Update: The Department of Public affairs had a productive month beginning with implementing the auto-tour plugin. Tour guides have changed to simply just guides, there to answer questions rather than give tours. The departmenr created a TikTok account and published their first video as well as reshuffled the media advisor teams. The department changed the tour signs at spawn to account for the change to the new automated tours and fired inactive department members.
Department Goals:
- Modify Guide Exam
- Create an FAQ page for the guides
- Edit the tour guide forums page
- Hire more employees
- Frequently post on all social media platforms
- Host regularly occurring events
Secretary: Mhadsher101
Deputy Secretary: xEndeavour
Constructors: Hong_Kong_101, Block86, xEndeavour, Kenhui1214, Galavance, Krix, Historia_Orangie, Ferre007_, LouderLeo
Building Inspectors: Queen_Cats, DrThunder, Mhadsher101, 37, 1950minecrafter, SimplyHarci, Vanquish_ap, Rachel
Department Update: This month, the department has been hard at work on the new fishing town, Aventura. It is looking very nice and the departmebt believes the public will be very pleased with it when it unveils. The department has updated roads and highways throughout the city and beyond to keep them looking as nice as the buildings around them. The pricing of pastes were adjusted to encourage more private building, and a new Secretary was nominated and approved to lead the department after the departure of former Secretary MilkCrack.
Department Goals:
- Release Government House Urban Renewal Project
- Improve the look of Hamilton's roads
- Make a considerable amount of progress on the fishing town
- Possible district system
- Improve BI policy
- Release new police stations
- Continue highway expansion
Secretary: _Austin27_
Deputy Secretary: DrThunder7
Electoral Officers: Technofied, DrThunder7, Eleray, Westray
Auditors: Luckyperms, byeSprite
Department Update: The Department of State had a productive month, filled with elections and auditing, This month, the Department of State saw the addition of a new job to the department - Auditors. Auditors have been implemented to ensure the smooth running of the other departments, the smooth running of towns and to assist in writing the State of the Government Report. The Department of State oversaw progress on the new town of Aventura and is excited for it's release. The Department of State facilitated numerous special elections and union elections, keeping the Electoral Officers extremely busy.
Department Goals:
- Department auditing
- Audit towns
- Release Aventura
- Upgrade existing towns
- Town tier Executive Order
- Improve existing systems/policies
Secretary: JoanM999
Deputy Secretary: ElainaThomas
Sergeants: L0NE_PH4NT0M and ElainaThomas
Police Officers: BubbaRC, IcedxSync, Ansgard, PiOs67, ReinausPrinzzip, Sergecool, Reaperay, Capt_Jackman, Technofied
Trainee Officers: Aladeen, YuuiOtaka, TheToxicAnimator, Keegan7om
Department Update: The Department of Justice worked this month on new police stations spread throughout Hamilton. The Department also worked on a new classified job that works internally within the department. Guides were updated for department positions and the DOJ found new ways to allocate the department budget. The DOJ has worked with the Attorney General to create a team of active prosecutors.
Department Goals:
- New system for open charges
- New Training System (Mentors)
- Improve Bank Security
Secretary: Sicspoti
Deputy Secretary: Westray
Medical Specialists: belovria, Blarien, Dravamfo, GrandChaserz, Keegan7om, Mhadsher101, PrincessRachel05, wolfistaken, Yerevann, zaorsia
Department Update: The Department of Health worked this month to implement a department sponsored food drive on the fourth floor of the Hospital. The department also worked on making a guide for the paramedic license as well as a way to implement it. The department saw nominal operations and is proud of the hard working doctors in Hamilton, Oakridge Bay and Willow.
Department Goals:
- Paramedic Liscense
- Improve communication
- Department efficiency
- Ensure employee satisfaction
Secretary: Vanquish_ap
Deputy Secretary: L0NE_PH4NT0M
Environmental Manager: _37__, Toxic_Animations, IcedxSync, Queen_Cats, Tylxfied, Nacholebraa, Zemeits
Rangers: Black_Venom, hanhatfre2, kayjee, simplymadi, sleepyjay_, burntburger, dravamfo, silverdoller, hm_Shi, bananaMuffin, Jabolko, Louderleo, ManagerHell, shinyju, skem, toxikkun, yuukisni.
Department Update: This month the Department of Environment and Recreation had some minor updates and fixes. All farm plots have been moved to the town of Willow. Rangers now have the ability to warp to Willow and Oakridge Bay for farm checks, Rangers also gained the ability to use the tree feller plugin. The department also had a significant progress jump on the national park. A schedule has now been setup for ranger payments via landscaping reports. Environmental Manager position was made and given in game roles.
Department Goals:
- Aquarium Project
- National Park
- Landscaping size payment guide
- Organized and fair payments
Secretary of State