Dept. State
Department of State
State Department
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The purpose of the State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.[/SIZE][/FONT]
Vanquish69 resigns as DPA secretary
huney69 is confirmed as DPA secretary
xEndeavour is appointed as a special advisor in order to increase the spending of government funds
A Redmont vs. Stratham soccer game is held, with the Redmont team winning
Two supply tenders are opened for roads and a train station
Muffins29 receives the first commendation of the Austin administration
Cabinet unanimously votes to remove Sumner as an official town
L0NE_PH4NT0M resigns as DER secretary
Yerevan_ is appointed as Chief of Staff
Black_ven0m is confirmed as DER secretary
LilDigiVert resigns as a Special Advisor and mayor of Aventura
The purge event is held
SumoMC is appointed and confirmed as the second Justice of the Supreme Court
Dr.Thunder7 resigns as DoS secretary
pugbandit resigns from his position of judge
xEndeavour is appointed and confirmed to be the Secretary of State
huney69 resigns as DPA secretary
Twixted is confirmed as DPA secretary replacement
The applications for the mining and industrial town open
Signed Bills
Appropriations Acts - Budget for the month of August
Whistleblowers Act - Change the definition of a whistleblower
Sign Abuse Act - Raise the punishments of sign abuse
Incremental Resistance Act - Raise the punishments of sign abuse
MDMA Legalization Act - Legalize Ecstasy
Activity Act - Defines an active player
Regulation Enforcement Act - Changes how transferring building’s with an eviction request works
Union Reform Act - Makes the punishment for union busting variable
The Foundation of Contract Law - Changes the requirements for a valid contract
Debt Recovery Implementation - Allows congress to appropriate funds to cover lawsuit debt recovery
Solicitor General Act - Establishes a Solicitor General position under the Attorney General
Corporate Crimes Act - Raises and makes the fine more variable for insider trading
Legal Board Act - Allows judges to appoint an attorney to inactive players
Power of Attorney Act - Allows a person to temporarily hand over the ownership of a company in-case of absence
Fair Campaigning Act - Allows the owner of a discord server to determine if it is political or not to avoid or enforce the fair campaigning act
The Eleven Act 2 : Electric Boogaloo Act - Shrinks the house to 11 members
Executive Orders
Executive Order 23/21 - Best Secretary - Defines Muffins as the best secretary
Executive Order 24/21 - AustinCare - Switches medicare from an opt-in program to opt-out
Executive Order 25/21 - Town Regulations - Requires towns to use the forums for purposes such as their constitution
Executive Order 26/21 - Town Merge - Merges the mining and industrial town
Executive Order 27/21 - PURGE - Established a temporary pause to certain laws in order to execute the Purge Event
Executive Order 28/21 - Wages - Raises certain government wages
Executive Order 29/21 - HCC Dissolution - Removes the Hamilton City Council and replaces it with a singular advisory position to the Executive
Executive Order 30/21 - Town Grants & Consolidation - Allows for town grants and adds certain extra regulations to towns
Economy Total: $37,900,429.71
Government Total: $2,413,583
Registered Businesses: 318
Registered Unions: 12
Job Counts:
My fellow citizens,
August was an eventful month to say the least. We saw members of my administration step away and we saw new ones come to join us. Change is a tricky thing, not everyone likes it but it’s necessary. This month, we’ve seen an abundance of it. When Vanquish and I started our campaign, we knew that if we won we’d have to face any challenge that came our way head on. When you’re a Secretary, you can simply ping the President when you get into a sticky situation or you can rely on your fellow cabinet members to help you out. But when you’re at the top, when all eyes fall to you, it’s much different. I will admit that this month, I felt - in a way - sort of isolated. I’ve learned that it takes a lot to hold back what you really want to say and in most situations when that’s the case, it’s best to just remove yourself. The Presidency is a position of great power, of great influence and of great challenge. You enter into it thinking you’re prepared, ready, that nothing can get in your way. Yet, you end up realizing that the Presidency is really a place to learn, to figure out right from wrong. Amongst all of the change we had this month, progress came as well. This month, we saw the Department of State become more active than it ever has before, under new leadership the department has flourished from what was a couple members to a full fledged team. The Department of Public Affairs has held an incredible number of events. Under the leadership of Vanquish, Huney69 and now Twixted, the DPA is more active than ever before. I must say that personally, I am grateful to our Event Coordinators, Media Advisors and department leadership for being so willing to adapt to whatever was thrown their way. The Department of Environment & Recreation also saw new leadership this month upon the abrupt resignation of former Secretary L0NE_PH4NT0M. Vanquish and I discussed who would be best to replace him and Venom was the obvious choice. Venom has stepped in and done incredible during such a time of uncertainty. We are hopeful to see the official release of Westin National Park in the coming month. Our government also saw one of the largest balance increases in history with the Department of Education & Commerce being under the leadership of Secretary Hugebob. These new funds have given us an abundance of opportunities, such as opening the town tender program, increasing government wages and raising commission payments for the government employees who work so hard to deserve it.
I’m proud of our government this month and for those who have worked so hard to get us to where we are today. When I say our government, I mean everyone who works for it - from department employees to the Vice President, you all have made me proud. I’ll end with my short saying - Glory to Redmont.
Updates & Current Goals: Secretary HugeBob23456 has had a week-long absence leaving the department in the hands of pugbandit and Thirtystone. The second deal has been reached with the Union of Commerce. They are pleased with Congress's recently modified version of the DEC’s taxation proposal and the existence of property taxes. For the coming month they plan on pushing the auto subsidies more while finishing up the details of partnerships with account firms for price index tracking. They are also looking into the option of publicly funding political parties, however currently it is just for informational purposes.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $250,000
Updates & Current Goals: The Department saw a change of Secretary mid-August. Just recently, it has started the planning process of the upcoming Olympics and proposed a Treaty of Friendship between Stratham and Redmont. It has ramped up audits significantly in order to ensure the management of the departments remains adequate. Through this, it has taken on 4 new staff which will aid in the rapid growth of responsibilities. Additionally, the department has revised the town system to better support towns and their leadership.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $8,000
Aventura Info: Aventura has fully transitioned to Muffins as mayor after the founder, Digi, resigned. It has also reopened it’s government shop where citizens may sell and purchase fish, coral, and other tropical resources. The town has been rapidly expanding, with further expansions planned. Nearly 20 businesses are domestic to the town.
Oakridge Info: Oakridge has just celebrated one of its largest expansions yet, with around 15 plots being put up for sale. A ranch expansion is in the works, allowing for a more luxurious and homely area in the town.
Willow Info: Willow is putting the focus towards higher resident counts and ranking up in the town tiers. It has just recently released a rentable housing expansion to fit groups.
Updates & Current Goals: August was more of a transitional month for the Department of Public Affairs), with the leadership team undergoing several changes. Social media posts and event planning were put on hold prior to the transition to Twixted's term as secretary. Plenty of new hires, four event coordinators and six media advisors in addition to promotions occurred. The department issued new guidelines for event planning in regards to the role of media advisors. One media advisor will be assigned to take pictures at each DPA-held event in order to have a constant stream of material to post on the server social media accounts. They also created a direct line of communication between town representatives and DPA event leadership in the form of a new channel in the DPA Discord server. With real-life matters taken as a priority they decided to put a pause on events to give people time to adjust to updated schedules. Finally, the department plans on increasing overall activity, improving communication throughout the department, and constructing an onboarding process for new employees.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $25,000
Updates & Current Goals: The Department of Construction has fully released the western expansion, with players owning all 195 plots in the area. Along with working on the other parts of the massive expansion, an updated museum is targeted to be released by September. The department has also implemented minor policy changes such as restricting excessive beacon use.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $40,000
Updates and Current Goals: The Department of Justice has pushed for more impound auctions, a more intuitive department evaluation system, and a system for encouraging resolving open charges. The secretary hopes to increase the hiring rate, continue the current amount of impound auctions, and transparency with the public.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $7,000
Updates & Current Goals: The department has set its main focus on continuing the large undertaking of the Westin National Park. They have been building an assortment of cabins and camping themed builds to be pasted into the area in order to bring more realism and use to the project. This month, they have gone through some major upgrades and expansions to the barn that houses the adoptable animals. They have also implemented a tank for the newly added axolotls.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $20,000
Updates & Current Goals: Recently, they have not had any large projects besides the Paramedic License. They have recently completed the questions for the exam and continue to work on the exact process that shall be required to get the license. Along with that, they’ve recently closed both Medical Specialist and Doctor’s exams since the department has a sufficient number of employees. As far as department goals, the Secretary Belovria has put the idea of a Medical Specialist of the Month award on the table.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $5,000
Secretary of State
The purpose of the State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.[/SIZE][/FONT]
Prepared by: Deputy Secretary LuckyPerms Auditor xLayzur | Dates: Started 28 AUG 2021 Final Report 5 SEP 2021 |
Vanquish69 resigns as DPA secretary
huney69 is confirmed as DPA secretary
xEndeavour is appointed as a special advisor in order to increase the spending of government funds
A Redmont vs. Stratham soccer game is held, with the Redmont team winning
Two supply tenders are opened for roads and a train station
Muffins29 receives the first commendation of the Austin administration
Cabinet unanimously votes to remove Sumner as an official town
L0NE_PH4NT0M resigns as DER secretary
Yerevan_ is appointed as Chief of Staff
Black_ven0m is confirmed as DER secretary
LilDigiVert resigns as a Special Advisor and mayor of Aventura
The purge event is held
SumoMC is appointed and confirmed as the second Justice of the Supreme Court
Dr.Thunder7 resigns as DoS secretary
pugbandit resigns from his position of judge
xEndeavour is appointed and confirmed to be the Secretary of State
huney69 resigns as DPA secretary
Twixted is confirmed as DPA secretary replacement
The applications for the mining and industrial town open
Signed Bills
Appropriations Acts - Budget for the month of August
Whistleblowers Act - Change the definition of a whistleblower
Sign Abuse Act - Raise the punishments of sign abuse
Incremental Resistance Act - Raise the punishments of sign abuse
MDMA Legalization Act - Legalize Ecstasy
Activity Act - Defines an active player
Regulation Enforcement Act - Changes how transferring building’s with an eviction request works
Union Reform Act - Makes the punishment for union busting variable
The Foundation of Contract Law - Changes the requirements for a valid contract
Debt Recovery Implementation - Allows congress to appropriate funds to cover lawsuit debt recovery
Solicitor General Act - Establishes a Solicitor General position under the Attorney General
Corporate Crimes Act - Raises and makes the fine more variable for insider trading
Legal Board Act - Allows judges to appoint an attorney to inactive players
Power of Attorney Act - Allows a person to temporarily hand over the ownership of a company in-case of absence
Fair Campaigning Act - Allows the owner of a discord server to determine if it is political or not to avoid or enforce the fair campaigning act
The Eleven Act 2 : Electric Boogaloo Act - Shrinks the house to 11 members
Executive Orders
Executive Order 23/21 - Best Secretary - Defines Muffins as the best secretary
Executive Order 24/21 - AustinCare - Switches medicare from an opt-in program to opt-out
Executive Order 25/21 - Town Regulations - Requires towns to use the forums for purposes such as their constitution
Executive Order 26/21 - Town Merge - Merges the mining and industrial town
Executive Order 27/21 - PURGE - Established a temporary pause to certain laws in order to execute the Purge Event
Executive Order 28/21 - Wages - Raises certain government wages
Executive Order 29/21 - HCC Dissolution - Removes the Hamilton City Council and replaces it with a singular advisory position to the Executive
Executive Order 30/21 - Town Grants & Consolidation - Allows for town grants and adds certain extra regulations to towns
Economy Total: $37,900,429.71
Government Total: $2,413,583
Registered Businesses: 318
Registered Unions: 12
Job Counts:
Accountants - 104 | Trainee Doctors - 43 |
Armourers - 998 | Doctors - 44 |
Journalists - 372 | Building Inspectors - 14 |
Brewers - 327 | Constructors - 15 |
Contractor - 211 | Economists - 23 |
Chefs - 1022 | Education Specialists - 3 |
Electricians - 132 | Auditors - 4 |
Farmers - 976 | Electoral Officers - 5 |
Solicitors - 88 | Media Advisors - 12 |
Barristers - 110 | Event Coordinators - 21 |
Attorneys - 102 | Trainee Officers - 13 |
Lumberjacks - 626 | Constables - 19 |
Mercenaries - 1338 | Sergeants - 7 |
Miners - 1030 | Rangers - 44 |
Mechanic - 305 | Environmental Managers - 14 |
Realtor - 270 | |
Recycler - 244 | |
Pharmacists - 810 | |
My fellow citizens,
August was an eventful month to say the least. We saw members of my administration step away and we saw new ones come to join us. Change is a tricky thing, not everyone likes it but it’s necessary. This month, we’ve seen an abundance of it. When Vanquish and I started our campaign, we knew that if we won we’d have to face any challenge that came our way head on. When you’re a Secretary, you can simply ping the President when you get into a sticky situation or you can rely on your fellow cabinet members to help you out. But when you’re at the top, when all eyes fall to you, it’s much different. I will admit that this month, I felt - in a way - sort of isolated. I’ve learned that it takes a lot to hold back what you really want to say and in most situations when that’s the case, it’s best to just remove yourself. The Presidency is a position of great power, of great influence and of great challenge. You enter into it thinking you’re prepared, ready, that nothing can get in your way. Yet, you end up realizing that the Presidency is really a place to learn, to figure out right from wrong. Amongst all of the change we had this month, progress came as well. This month, we saw the Department of State become more active than it ever has before, under new leadership the department has flourished from what was a couple members to a full fledged team. The Department of Public Affairs has held an incredible number of events. Under the leadership of Vanquish, Huney69 and now Twixted, the DPA is more active than ever before. I must say that personally, I am grateful to our Event Coordinators, Media Advisors and department leadership for being so willing to adapt to whatever was thrown their way. The Department of Environment & Recreation also saw new leadership this month upon the abrupt resignation of former Secretary L0NE_PH4NT0M. Vanquish and I discussed who would be best to replace him and Venom was the obvious choice. Venom has stepped in and done incredible during such a time of uncertainty. We are hopeful to see the official release of Westin National Park in the coming month. Our government also saw one of the largest balance increases in history with the Department of Education & Commerce being under the leadership of Secretary Hugebob. These new funds have given us an abundance of opportunities, such as opening the town tender program, increasing government wages and raising commission payments for the government employees who work so hard to deserve it.
I’m proud of our government this month and for those who have worked so hard to get us to where we are today. When I say our government, I mean everyone who works for it - from department employees to the Vice President, you all have made me proud. I’ll end with my short saying - Glory to Redmont.
Updates & Current Goals: Secretary HugeBob23456 has had a week-long absence leaving the department in the hands of pugbandit and Thirtystone. The second deal has been reached with the Union of Commerce. They are pleased with Congress's recently modified version of the DEC’s taxation proposal and the existence of property taxes. For the coming month they plan on pushing the auto subsidies more while finishing up the details of partnerships with account firms for price index tracking. They are also looking into the option of publicly funding political parties, however currently it is just for informational purposes.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $250,000
Updates & Current Goals: The Department saw a change of Secretary mid-August. Just recently, it has started the planning process of the upcoming Olympics and proposed a Treaty of Friendship between Stratham and Redmont. It has ramped up audits significantly in order to ensure the management of the departments remains adequate. Through this, it has taken on 4 new staff which will aid in the rapid growth of responsibilities. Additionally, the department has revised the town system to better support towns and their leadership.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $8,000
Aventura Info: Aventura has fully transitioned to Muffins as mayor after the founder, Digi, resigned. It has also reopened it’s government shop where citizens may sell and purchase fish, coral, and other tropical resources. The town has been rapidly expanding, with further expansions planned. Nearly 20 businesses are domestic to the town.
Oakridge Info: Oakridge has just celebrated one of its largest expansions yet, with around 15 plots being put up for sale. A ranch expansion is in the works, allowing for a more luxurious and homely area in the town.
Willow Info: Willow is putting the focus towards higher resident counts and ranking up in the town tiers. It has just recently released a rentable housing expansion to fit groups.
Updates & Current Goals: August was more of a transitional month for the Department of Public Affairs), with the leadership team undergoing several changes. Social media posts and event planning were put on hold prior to the transition to Twixted's term as secretary. Plenty of new hires, four event coordinators and six media advisors in addition to promotions occurred. The department issued new guidelines for event planning in regards to the role of media advisors. One media advisor will be assigned to take pictures at each DPA-held event in order to have a constant stream of material to post on the server social media accounts. They also created a direct line of communication between town representatives and DPA event leadership in the form of a new channel in the DPA Discord server. With real-life matters taken as a priority they decided to put a pause on events to give people time to adjust to updated schedules. Finally, the department plans on increasing overall activity, improving communication throughout the department, and constructing an onboarding process for new employees.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $25,000
Updates & Current Goals: The Department of Construction has fully released the western expansion, with players owning all 195 plots in the area. Along with working on the other parts of the massive expansion, an updated museum is targeted to be released by September. The department has also implemented minor policy changes such as restricting excessive beacon use.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $40,000
Updates and Current Goals: The Department of Justice has pushed for more impound auctions, a more intuitive department evaluation system, and a system for encouraging resolving open charges. The secretary hopes to increase the hiring rate, continue the current amount of impound auctions, and transparency with the public.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $7,000
Updates & Current Goals: The department has set its main focus on continuing the large undertaking of the Westin National Park. They have been building an assortment of cabins and camping themed builds to be pasted into the area in order to bring more realism and use to the project. This month, they have gone through some major upgrades and expansions to the barn that houses the adoptable animals. They have also implemented a tank for the newly added axolotls.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $20,000
Updates & Current Goals: Recently, they have not had any large projects besides the Paramedic License. They have recently completed the questions for the exam and continue to work on the exact process that shall be required to get the license. Along with that, they’ve recently closed both Medical Specialist and Doctor’s exams since the department has a sufficient number of employees. As far as department goals, the Secretary Belovria has put the idea of a Medical Specialist of the Month award on the table.
Monthly Budget Allocation: $5,000
Secretary of State
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