Dept. State
Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary
1st Anniversary
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4th Anniversary
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The purpose of the State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.
Vanquish_ap - Department of Environment and Recreation
MilkCrack - Press Advisor
Matt_S0 - Judge
ByeSprite - Attorney General
Executive Order 01/21 - Establish a Press Advisor
Executive Order 02/21 - Presidential Commendations
Executive Order 03/21 - Town Tier Revisions
Prodigium & Partners at Law v. the Commonwealth of Redmont (Case No. 01-2021-16) - Adjourned
Prodigium & Partners at Law v. The Commonwealth of Redmon (Case No. 01-2021-22)- Ongoing Case
BubbaRC v. the Department of Construction and Transport (Case No. 01-2021-23) - Dismissed
byeSprite v. Department of Education and Commerce (Case No. 01-2021-24) - Dismissed
BubbaRC v. the Department of Construction and Transport (Cas No. 01-2020-25) - Settlement Reached
Intercepticon v. Department of Construction and Transport (Case No. 02-2021-01-31) - Adjourned
Block86 for outstanding service to the community, in his extensive contributions in the infrastructure of Hamilton City.
hugebob23456 for outstanding service to the community, in his substantial contributions to the Government and to the acts of congress.
Matt_S0 for outstanding service to the community, in his advocacy for the advancement of the legal field as a whole.
Government Bonuses: $52,450 in total bonuses were given to highly performing government employees.
The amount of bonuses given to employees in each Department:
Well, I suppose that is it, the final month of the West Administration has concluded!
Where do I start? This month has been one of the most productive months of the West Administration. There have been so many new faces and changes in the Cabinet, but we've managed to continue to fulfill our duty: to deliver an effective, reliable, and progressive Government. Following the unfortunate events of the last month, we are been gifted with the dedication and experience of our new Environment and Recreation Secretary, Vanquish_ap, whom has done so much already in this month alone.
Additionally, Cabinet has been hard at work, implementing new policies, deciding on and creating new city expansions, delivering the second town, introducing new positions within Government, and much more. During this month, we also faced a challenge - Madam Vice President and Health Secretary Doxxx had went on a leave of absence due to urgent personal matters. In order to maintain stability in the last month, Cabinet riled together, and set out a plan. I helped oversee the Department of Health in my final weeks, and I would like to give a shout-out to our hardworking doctors and medical specialists, who are consistently active in protecting the health of the people of Redmont.
Furthermore, I'd like to touch on the matter of my commendations. I believe that Block86, Hugebob, Matt_S0, have contributed so much to our Government and community, that they truly deserve recognition. I hope that future Presidents will use this, not as a political tool, but as one to acknowledge and recognize those who have contributed much. With these commendations, we must also not forget the others who contribute to our Government and community. I would like to personally thank our Secretaries for their diligence, leadership, and hard work; as well as those working in our departments to keep our Government sustained and active, and to Congress. While I may not always get along with our members of Congress, I would like to thank them for the work they do to keep our laws up to date and reflective of the people.
To conclude as my final address in the final State of the Government of my administration, is to bring up one thing that I believe has been valued throughout my term: forgiveness. It is easy to hold grievances or resentment towards one another, but it is a challenge to forgive. This term has been defined by forgiveness. It was Vanquish_ap who sued the Department of Justice whom is now a member of our Cabinet, MilkCrack who voted for my censure as a Rep but is now the Press Advisor, or possibly even ByeSprite who sued the DEC weeks before becoming the Attorney General. In addition to those three, there have been many more who, while we have had our indifferences in the past, we've been able to let bygones be bygones. By holding onto resentment, you are losing out on greatness; for many of these people have excelled in their government roles. I truly hope that the next administration can exercise the same thoughtfulness and forgiveness of this administration. Thank you and may the people of Redmont have a wonderous next 4 months.
Economy Total: $16,952,306
Government Balance: $1,614,592 - This is a $112,896 decrease from last month.
Employment by Exam Jobs:
Employment by Government Jobs:
Registered Businesses: There are currently 116 Registered Businesses.
Registered Unions: There are currently 5 Registered Unions.
Oakridge Bay has continued to excel since its opening on November 20. It's elected council, and its mayor, Zab, have dedicated much of their time to the town. This month, the town has upgraded into a tier 2 expansion, utilizing the space for a market place, police station, town shop, and news station space. Additionally, the local government has passed bills to outline and create the foundations of property prices.
Willow has recently opened this month, providing a new farming space for the public. This rustic while modern town is considered a perfect place for new players and farmers to travel to and live in. The Mayor, Vanquish_ap, appointed a town council, with the promise to hold elections for the next council. We look forward to seeing what comes of the town in the coming months.
Office of the Attorney General
Attorney General: ByeSprite
Prosecutors: N/A
Former Attorney General Matt_S0 began the month by formulating plans to further expand the office with the addition of prosecutors and criminal cases. Additionally, he worked with the Legal Board to provide legislation to Congress that would further expand the legal profession. Unfortunately Matt_S0 left the position as he was nominated by the President to the courts. The newly appointed Attorney General, ByeSprite, has taken on the position in demanding times with two government lawsuits. He has been working on implementing the prosecutor system from the former AG as per the passing of the Criminal Jurisdiction Act since.
Office of the Press Advisor
Press Advisor: MilkCrack
The first and newly appointed Press Advisor, MilkCrack, has been working on delivering reliable and transparent press conferences. Such position has taken off the burden of holding press conferences from the DPA, and introduced someone who is dedicated to communicating any important Government information to the public. The Press Advisor has currently held one press conference, and plans to hold another tomorrow. This position has opened up new opportunities for the government to enable further transparency and to communicate directly with journalists and news organizations.
Treasurer: _Zab_
Deputy Treasurer: JoanM999
Economists: Trentrick_Lamar, hugebob23456, Icypenguin79, Uniwhale, Maxterpiece, MisterMagi, UnityMaster
Education Specialists: BubbaRC, Pugbandit, 218218Consumer
Department Update: The Department of Education and Commerce has been working on supply tender programs, updating policy, working on guides, and implementing more billboards. The department implemented the DCT Supply Tender program and its first tender, for the Hamilton Train Station. Following changes in the laws, the department also updated wholesale policy and refined other existing policies. The education specialists finished the mechanics job and guides, and await its implementation by the server administration. Additionally, after months of work, the department has updated many exams and exam guides. The department continues to sustain productivity with over 40 new business registrations, and a massive amount of new billboard locations.
Department Goals:
- Finish update to underused jobs such as the Chef job
- Create a tax evasion policy
- Create new billboard locations in Willow
- Enforce all new stock and wholesale policies
- Come up with a better system for billboards so that the player is fined and used the billboard correctly.
- Make website / discord of all prices for items
Secretary: Muffins29
Deputy Secretary: Yehm
Event Coordinators: Phatblunt, Taelor, AndreyMia, maddyarielle, Tealeaff, Blarien
Media Advisors: UnculturedSwine0, Ansgard_Ist, Flailyy, wolfistaken, DavidxOssoff, TheTrainFan, Westray
Department Update: This past month, the DPA has been focused on implementing changes to the tour guide system. The head tour guide position was created, which is charged with the general oversight of all tour guides. Their responsibilities include frequent audits and activity checks on all tour guides, oversight of the senior tour guides, and assist in the training of new tour guides. The senior tour guide role has been slightly modified, as they are now responsible for training new tour guides. The aforementioned training program was implemented to ensure that the new tour guides are properly equipped to give tours. A senior event coordinator position was also introduced, who is responsible for assisting the event coordinators in the creation and execution of new events. Additionally, Media advisors are now compensated $50 for every photo they take that is posted on the Instagram.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Block86
Deputy Secretary: Mhadsher101
Constructors: Hong_Kong_101, _37__, MilkCrack, Kenhui1214, kevvvvvvvvv, _Zab_, Krix, DrThunder7, phatblunt, xEndeavour
Building Inspectors: DrThunder7, Queen_Cats, RileyXChan, laurenpoo, 1950minecrafter, macoemacoe1, SimplyHarci
Department Update: The department has worked on drastically improving transport around the Commonwealth of Redmont, including a revamped Metro and a new Train Station, which allows warping to towns for the first time. This improvement to transport also comes with a decrease of metro fees from $8 to $4! We've also increased building reporting efficiency, which is helping Hamilton stay beautiful and always changing. Furthermore, building inspector commissions were recently raised, to further incentivize building inspector reports to keep eyesores and empty plots out of the city. Additionally, the department has constructed many new projects including a commercial and industrial plot expansion, providing more opportunities for players!
Department Goals:
Secretary: _Austin27_
Deputy Secretary: DavidxOssoff
Electoral Officers: DrThunder7, Technofied
Department Update: This month, the department of state worked with town mayors, the President and the rest of cabinet to formalize the new town tier system. The department of state was also able to officially open the town of Willow under the leadership of Mayor Vanquish. It has been an interesting month with the new addition of electoral officers as members of the department. The department now oversees all elections on the server.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Toxikkun
Deputy Secretary: Vanquish_ap
Sergeants: Jas_Boss_Bro, BubbaRC, JoanM999
Constables: lousydaddy, Dusty_3, Technofied, DavidxOssoff, LuckyPerms
Trainee Officers: xPalarista, Sergecool, L0NE_PH4NT0M, ElainaThomas29
Department Update:
The department has been in drafting stages of the new investigations sub department. The major changes came recently as we now have new equipment from new plugins. The department building has been redone and now includes an inventory that supplies the officers with riot shields, handcuffs, and tasers. As these plugins are new and abusable for the time being we have delegated taser permission to Sergeants only. We have assigned more powers and responsibilities to sergeants having them teach trainee officers at a specific standard. The constable test has also been given a more defined grading system.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Doxxx_
Deputy Secretary: Blaque (Block335)
Medical Specialists: Bunghungalow, JanGo515, Keegan7om, Sicspoti, wolfistaken, Mhadsher101, PrincessRachel05, Jwoodywoo
Department Update: The Department of Health has refined existing policy and implemented new policy, amid the hiring of many new medical specialists. This includes establishing a paramedic guide, updating guides to inform medical specialists how to deal with medicare abuse, and creating an assigned doctors program. The assigned doctors program will enable medical specialists to mentor and teach new doctors. Furthermore, the department has worked towards better advertising the use of /emt amid concerns that many players were unaware of the command. The department has also been committed to maintaining activity, with the termination of many inactive doctors this month.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Vanquish_ap
Deputy Secretary: L0NE_PH4NT0M
Rangers: L0NE_PH4NT0M, Lyonya, Nacholebraa, Rainalyn_Rose, lousydaddy,Atlantisco, Jas_Boss_Bro, Heartlyz, Zemetis, _37__ , Toxikkun, Icypenguin79 , Dusty_3, Flaily.
Department Update: The Department of Environment & Recreation has accomplished a lot this month with the implementation of new programs, the updating and revisions of policies, and changes to the animal shelter. This includes the major change of introducing ranger eviction reporting to wild regions, as well as commissions for adoption certificates. Additionally, the department has been updating policies like the Next Door Neighbour and Green New Deal policies. Furthermore, the department has revamped the farm area with new fences and decorations, as well as establishing regular postings of ranger "Cheat Sheets" to help educate employees.
Department Goals:
Secretaries were asked to provide advice to the next administration:
"You are never going to please everyone, and even the people you please will always want more. Trust what you think is right."
- Zab, Treasurer
"Good luck."
- Block86, Construction and Transport Secretary
"Congrats to the new administration! Being a cabinet member is such an important role and I’m excited to see what you do with the DPA. Good luck
- Muffins29, Public Affairs Secretary
"To the next person to assume this office, I wish you all the luck in the world. The Department of State is a mere canvas ready to be painted on with whatever ideas you may have. This is your department now. Don't worry about the press, focus on what matters. The people. You have four months, make an impact"
- Austin27, State Secretary
"My time in the chair is now over and leave it up to you. I've spent my time working at making the police more fair, accessible, and transparent to citizens. The issue has always been the lack of PO’s but lets me tell you this. The issue isn't getting people to join, it’s getting people to stay. Work at incentivizing officers and the department will truly flourish. I've laid the ground work for communication and I hope you do well. I wish you the best of luck. I love the DOJ and I won't forget my time in it. I may return someday but for now I hand it off to you. I wish you the best, and go get em!"
- Toxikkun, Justice Secretary
"I’ve served 1 month as DER secretary under the west administration and it’s been an amazing time. I’m excited to see what the next administration brings for the community and the server as a whole. I wish you the best of luck in the next 4 months as you serve."
- Vanquish_ap, Environment and Recreation Secretary
"It was a fun ride but also a demanding one, by running for the Office of the President, you are to be committed not only to your administration, but to the people as a whole, for the next 4 months. Act with caution, but without mental reservation, to effectively fulfill the duties of your office. It will be a challenge, but what you can achieve will be admirable."
- Westray, President
The purpose of the State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.
Vanquish_ap - Department of Environment and Recreation
MilkCrack - Press Advisor
Matt_S0 - Judge
ByeSprite - Attorney General
Executive Order 01/21 - Establish a Press Advisor
Executive Order 02/21 - Presidential Commendations
Executive Order 03/21 - Town Tier Revisions
Prodigium & Partners at Law v. the Commonwealth of Redmont (Case No. 01-2021-16) - Adjourned
Prodigium & Partners at Law v. The Commonwealth of Redmon (Case No. 01-2021-22)- Ongoing Case
BubbaRC v. the Department of Construction and Transport (Case No. 01-2021-23) - Dismissed
byeSprite v. Department of Education and Commerce (Case No. 01-2021-24) - Dismissed
BubbaRC v. the Department of Construction and Transport (Cas No. 01-2020-25) - Settlement Reached
Intercepticon v. Department of Construction and Transport (Case No. 02-2021-01-31) - Adjourned
Block86 for outstanding service to the community, in his extensive contributions in the infrastructure of Hamilton City.
hugebob23456 for outstanding service to the community, in his substantial contributions to the Government and to the acts of congress.
Matt_S0 for outstanding service to the community, in his advocacy for the advancement of the legal field as a whole.
Government Bonuses: $52,450 in total bonuses were given to highly performing government employees.
The amount of bonuses given to employees in each Department:
JoanM999 - $2000
BubbaRC - $1750
Trentrick_Lamar - $1500
Pugbandit - $1000
218218Consumer - $1000
MisterMagi - $500
UnityMaster - $250
BubbaRC - $1750
Trentrick_Lamar - $1500
Pugbandit - $1000
218218Consumer - $1000
MisterMagi - $500
UnityMaster - $250
Block335 - $750
Blarien - $500
JanGo515 - $500
Jwoodywoo - $500
Sicspoti - $500
wolfistaken - $500
Mhadsher101 - $500
Keegan7om - $500
PrincessRachel05 - $500
CrystalMCx - $200
zaorsia - $200
008kevin - $200
Blarien - $500
JanGo515 - $500
Jwoodywoo - $500
Sicspoti - $500
wolfistaken - $500
Mhadsher101 - $500
Keegan7om - $500
PrincessRachel05 - $500
CrystalMCx - $200
zaorsia - $200
008kevin - $200
Mhadsher101 - $4000
Kenhui1214 - $1500
Krix - $1500
_Zab_ - $1000
MilkCrack - $1500
DrThunder7 - $1500
Queen_Cats - $1500
1950minecrafter - $250
laurenpoo - $250
Kenhui1214 - $1500
Krix - $1500
_Zab_ - $1000
MilkCrack - $1500
DrThunder7 - $1500
Queen_Cats - $1500
1950minecrafter - $250
laurenpoo - $250
L0NE_PH4NT0M: $1500
Heartlyz - $1000
Zemetis - $1000
Nacho - $850
_37__ - $750
Icypenguin79 - $750
Heartlyz - $1000
Zemetis - $1000
Nacho - $850
_37__ - $750
Icypenguin79 - $750
Yehm: $3000
Taelor: $2750
Phatblunt: $2750
JudgedKitty: $500
Icypenguin79: $500
Taelor: $2750
Phatblunt: $2750
JudgedKitty: $500
Icypenguin79: $500
Vanquish_ap: $1750
JoanM999: $1500
lousydaddy: $1200
Dusty_3: $1000
JoanM999: $1500
lousydaddy: $1200
Dusty_3: $1000
_Zab_ - $1500
Vanquish_ap - $1500
Vanquish_ap - $1500
MilkCrack - $1000
ByeSprite - $750
ByeSprite - $750
Well, I suppose that is it, the final month of the West Administration has concluded!
Where do I start? This month has been one of the most productive months of the West Administration. There have been so many new faces and changes in the Cabinet, but we've managed to continue to fulfill our duty: to deliver an effective, reliable, and progressive Government. Following the unfortunate events of the last month, we are been gifted with the dedication and experience of our new Environment and Recreation Secretary, Vanquish_ap, whom has done so much already in this month alone.
Additionally, Cabinet has been hard at work, implementing new policies, deciding on and creating new city expansions, delivering the second town, introducing new positions within Government, and much more. During this month, we also faced a challenge - Madam Vice President and Health Secretary Doxxx had went on a leave of absence due to urgent personal matters. In order to maintain stability in the last month, Cabinet riled together, and set out a plan. I helped oversee the Department of Health in my final weeks, and I would like to give a shout-out to our hardworking doctors and medical specialists, who are consistently active in protecting the health of the people of Redmont.
Furthermore, I'd like to touch on the matter of my commendations. I believe that Block86, Hugebob, Matt_S0, have contributed so much to our Government and community, that they truly deserve recognition. I hope that future Presidents will use this, not as a political tool, but as one to acknowledge and recognize those who have contributed much. With these commendations, we must also not forget the others who contribute to our Government and community. I would like to personally thank our Secretaries for their diligence, leadership, and hard work; as well as those working in our departments to keep our Government sustained and active, and to Congress. While I may not always get along with our members of Congress, I would like to thank them for the work they do to keep our laws up to date and reflective of the people.
To conclude as my final address in the final State of the Government of my administration, is to bring up one thing that I believe has been valued throughout my term: forgiveness. It is easy to hold grievances or resentment towards one another, but it is a challenge to forgive. This term has been defined by forgiveness. It was Vanquish_ap who sued the Department of Justice whom is now a member of our Cabinet, MilkCrack who voted for my censure as a Rep but is now the Press Advisor, or possibly even ByeSprite who sued the DEC weeks before becoming the Attorney General. In addition to those three, there have been many more who, while we have had our indifferences in the past, we've been able to let bygones be bygones. By holding onto resentment, you are losing out on greatness; for many of these people have excelled in their government roles. I truly hope that the next administration can exercise the same thoughtfulness and forgiveness of this administration. Thank you and may the people of Redmont have a wonderous next 4 months.
Economy Total: $16,952,306
Government Balance: $1,614,592 - This is a $112,896 decrease from last month.
Employment by Exam Jobs:
12 Accountants
202 Armourers
197 Journalists
112 Brewers
435 Chefs
64 Contractors
60 CUBER Drivers
62 Doctors
42 Electricians
343 Farmers
36 Solicitors
28 Barristers
22 Attorneys
152 Lumberjacks
544 Mercenaries
390 Miners
94 Realtors
66 Recycling Operators
47 Stockmen
36 Tour Guides
119 Pharmacists
202 Armourers
197 Journalists
112 Brewers
435 Chefs
64 Contractors
60 CUBER Drivers
62 Doctors
42 Electricians
343 Farmers
36 Solicitors
28 Barristers
22 Attorneys
152 Lumberjacks
544 Mercenaries
390 Miners
94 Realtors
66 Recycling Operators
47 Stockmen
36 Tour Guides
119 Pharmacists
Employment by Government Jobs:
8 Building Inspectors
12 Constructors
3 Education Specialists
9 Economists
8 Event Coordinators
7 Media Advisors
11 Medical Specialists
5 Paramedics
9 Trainee Officers
9 Constables
16 Rangers
7 Sergeants
12 Constructors
3 Education Specialists
9 Economists
8 Event Coordinators
7 Media Advisors
11 Medical Specialists
5 Paramedics
9 Trainee Officers
9 Constables
16 Rangers
7 Sergeants
Registered Businesses: There are currently 116 Registered Businesses.
Registered Unions: There are currently 5 Registered Unions.
- Press Advisor was established with a salary of $20 per 15 minutes.
- Electoral Officers were established with a salary of $15 per 15 minutes with an additional $250 commission per election.
- Tour Guide salaries were decreased from $15 to $10 per 15 minutes, while their commissions were increased from $30 to $40 per tour.
- Media Advisors now have a $50 commission for photos used on the social medias.
- Building Inspector commissions were raised by $100 for lack of progress, non-compliance, eviction, and eyesore reports.
Oakridge Bay has continued to excel since its opening on November 20. It's elected council, and its mayor, Zab, have dedicated much of their time to the town. This month, the town has upgraded into a tier 2 expansion, utilizing the space for a market place, police station, town shop, and news station space. Additionally, the local government has passed bills to outline and create the foundations of property prices.
Willow has recently opened this month, providing a new farming space for the public. This rustic while modern town is considered a perfect place for new players and farmers to travel to and live in. The Mayor, Vanquish_ap, appointed a town council, with the promise to hold elections for the next council. We look forward to seeing what comes of the town in the coming months.
Office of the Attorney General
Attorney General: ByeSprite
Prosecutors: N/A
Former Attorney General Matt_S0 began the month by formulating plans to further expand the office with the addition of prosecutors and criminal cases. Additionally, he worked with the Legal Board to provide legislation to Congress that would further expand the legal profession. Unfortunately Matt_S0 left the position as he was nominated by the President to the courts. The newly appointed Attorney General, ByeSprite, has taken on the position in demanding times with two government lawsuits. He has been working on implementing the prosecutor system from the former AG as per the passing of the Criminal Jurisdiction Act since.
Office of the Press Advisor
Press Advisor: MilkCrack
The first and newly appointed Press Advisor, MilkCrack, has been working on delivering reliable and transparent press conferences. Such position has taken off the burden of holding press conferences from the DPA, and introduced someone who is dedicated to communicating any important Government information to the public. The Press Advisor has currently held one press conference, and plans to hold another tomorrow. This position has opened up new opportunities for the government to enable further transparency and to communicate directly with journalists and news organizations.
Treasurer: _Zab_
Deputy Treasurer: JoanM999
Economists: Trentrick_Lamar, hugebob23456, Icypenguin79, Uniwhale, Maxterpiece, MisterMagi, UnityMaster
Education Specialists: BubbaRC, Pugbandit, 218218Consumer
Department Update: The Department of Education and Commerce has been working on supply tender programs, updating policy, working on guides, and implementing more billboards. The department implemented the DCT Supply Tender program and its first tender, for the Hamilton Train Station. Following changes in the laws, the department also updated wholesale policy and refined other existing policies. The education specialists finished the mechanics job and guides, and await its implementation by the server administration. Additionally, after months of work, the department has updated many exams and exam guides. The department continues to sustain productivity with over 40 new business registrations, and a massive amount of new billboard locations.
Department Goals:
- Finish update to underused jobs such as the Chef job
- Create a tax evasion policy
- Create new billboard locations in Willow
- Enforce all new stock and wholesale policies
- Come up with a better system for billboards so that the player is fined and used the billboard correctly.
- Make website / discord of all prices for items
Secretary: Muffins29
Deputy Secretary: Yehm
Event Coordinators: Phatblunt, Taelor, AndreyMia, maddyarielle, Tealeaff, Blarien
Media Advisors: UnculturedSwine0, Ansgard_Ist, Flailyy, wolfistaken, DavidxOssoff, TheTrainFan, Westray
Department Update: This past month, the DPA has been focused on implementing changes to the tour guide system. The head tour guide position was created, which is charged with the general oversight of all tour guides. Their responsibilities include frequent audits and activity checks on all tour guides, oversight of the senior tour guides, and assist in the training of new tour guides. The senior tour guide role has been slightly modified, as they are now responsible for training new tour guides. The aforementioned training program was implemented to ensure that the new tour guides are properly equipped to give tours. A senior event coordinator position was also introduced, who is responsible for assisting the event coordinators in the creation and execution of new events. Additionally, Media advisors are now compensated $50 for every photo they take that is posted on the Instagram.
Department Goals:
- Complete the new player guide.
- Modify and implement additions to the museum.
- Continue to coordinate fun and engaging events.
Secretary: Block86
Deputy Secretary: Mhadsher101
Constructors: Hong_Kong_101, _37__, MilkCrack, Kenhui1214, kevvvvvvvvv, _Zab_, Krix, DrThunder7, phatblunt, xEndeavour
Building Inspectors: DrThunder7, Queen_Cats, RileyXChan, laurenpoo, 1950minecrafter, macoemacoe1, SimplyHarci
Department Update: The department has worked on drastically improving transport around the Commonwealth of Redmont, including a revamped Metro and a new Train Station, which allows warping to towns for the first time. This improvement to transport also comes with a decrease of metro fees from $8 to $4! We've also increased building reporting efficiency, which is helping Hamilton stay beautiful and always changing. Furthermore, building inspector commissions were recently raised, to further incentivize building inspector reports to keep eyesores and empty plots out of the city. Additionally, the department has constructed many new projects including a commercial and industrial plot expansion, providing more opportunities for players!
Department Goals:
- Revise and review department policy.
- Work on furthering Redmont's transportation systems.
- Streamline efficiency on DCT private request tickets.
- Plan and construct future city expansions.
Secretary: _Austin27_
Deputy Secretary: DavidxOssoff
Electoral Officers: DrThunder7, Technofied
Department Update: This month, the department of state worked with town mayors, the President and the rest of cabinet to formalize the new town tier system. The department of state was also able to officially open the town of Willow under the leadership of Mayor Vanquish. It has been an interesting month with the new addition of electoral officers as members of the department. The department now oversees all elections on the server.
Department Goals:
- Ensure a smooth transfer to the next administration
- Ensure the success of both towns
- Implement possible town grants
- Wrap up any loose strings
Secretary: Toxikkun
Deputy Secretary: Vanquish_ap
Sergeants: Jas_Boss_Bro, BubbaRC, JoanM999
Constables: lousydaddy, Dusty_3, Technofied, DavidxOssoff, LuckyPerms
Trainee Officers: xPalarista, Sergecool, L0NE_PH4NT0M, ElainaThomas29
Department Update:
The department has been in drafting stages of the new investigations sub department. The major changes came recently as we now have new equipment from new plugins. The department building has been redone and now includes an inventory that supplies the officers with riot shields, handcuffs, and tasers. As these plugins are new and abusable for the time being we have delegated taser permission to Sergeants only. We have assigned more powers and responsibilities to sergeants having them teach trainee officers at a specific standard. The constable test has also been given a more defined grading system.
Department Goals:
- Investigations department in addition to other interdepartmental departments.
- Updating the constable test, guides, and training program to cover the new materials and protocols.
- Police benefits program.
- Higher officer standards.
- Higher efficiency in the teaching of trainee officers.
- Officer report section on the forums.
- Update of DOJ policies.
Secretary: Doxxx_
Deputy Secretary: Blaque (Block335)
Medical Specialists: Bunghungalow, JanGo515, Keegan7om, Sicspoti, wolfistaken, Mhadsher101, PrincessRachel05, Jwoodywoo
Department Update: The Department of Health has refined existing policy and implemented new policy, amid the hiring of many new medical specialists. This includes establishing a paramedic guide, updating guides to inform medical specialists how to deal with medicare abuse, and creating an assigned doctors program. The assigned doctors program will enable medical specialists to mentor and teach new doctors. Furthermore, the department has worked towards better advertising the use of /emt amid concerns that many players were unaware of the command. The department has also been committed to maintaining activity, with the termination of many inactive doctors this month.
Department Goals:
- Maintain activity in doctors
- Continue to improve and promote discord
- Continue assigned doctors program
- Update offices in the hospital
Secretary: Vanquish_ap
Deputy Secretary: L0NE_PH4NT0M
Rangers: L0NE_PH4NT0M, Lyonya, Nacholebraa, Rainalyn_Rose, lousydaddy,Atlantisco, Jas_Boss_Bro, Heartlyz, Zemetis, _37__ , Toxikkun, Icypenguin79 , Dusty_3, Flaily.
Department Update: The Department of Environment & Recreation has accomplished a lot this month with the implementation of new programs, the updating and revisions of policies, and changes to the animal shelter. This includes the major change of introducing ranger eviction reporting to wild regions, as well as commissions for adoption certificates. Additionally, the department has been updating policies like the Next Door Neighbour and Green New Deal policies. Furthermore, the department has revamped the farm area with new fences and decorations, as well as establishing regular postings of ranger "Cheat Sheets" to help educate employees.
Department Goals:
- Continue to oversee completion of the zoo.
- Implementation of a national park.
- Implement further changes to the animal shelter.
Secretaries were asked to provide advice to the next administration:
"You are never going to please everyone, and even the people you please will always want more. Trust what you think is right."
- Zab, Treasurer
"Good luck."
- Block86, Construction and Transport Secretary
"Congrats to the new administration! Being a cabinet member is such an important role and I’m excited to see what you do with the DPA. Good luck

- Muffins29, Public Affairs Secretary
"To the next person to assume this office, I wish you all the luck in the world. The Department of State is a mere canvas ready to be painted on with whatever ideas you may have. This is your department now. Don't worry about the press, focus on what matters. The people. You have four months, make an impact"
- Austin27, State Secretary
"My time in the chair is now over and leave it up to you. I've spent my time working at making the police more fair, accessible, and transparent to citizens. The issue has always been the lack of PO’s but lets me tell you this. The issue isn't getting people to join, it’s getting people to stay. Work at incentivizing officers and the department will truly flourish. I've laid the ground work for communication and I hope you do well. I wish you the best of luck. I love the DOJ and I won't forget my time in it. I may return someday but for now I hand it off to you. I wish you the best, and go get em!"
- Toxikkun, Justice Secretary
"I’ve served 1 month as DER secretary under the west administration and it’s been an amazing time. I’m excited to see what the next administration brings for the community and the server as a whole. I wish you the best of luck in the next 4 months as you serve."
- Vanquish_ap, Environment and Recreation Secretary
"It was a fun ride but also a demanding one, by running for the Office of the President, you are to be committed not only to your administration, but to the people as a whole, for the next 4 months. Act with caution, but without mental reservation, to effectively fulfill the duties of your office. It will be a challenge, but what you can achieve will be admirable."
- Westray, President