State of the Commonwealth SOTG Report - JUNE 2021

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020

The purpose of the State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.


LildigiVert - Special Advisor (Under Hugebob Administration)
BubbaRC - Superior Court Judge
Matthew100x - Superior Court Judge
DrThunder7 - State Secretary
ElianThomas - Justice Secretary
ChAkselsn - Treasury Secretary
Vanquish_AP - Public Affairs Secretary
Mhadsher101 - Construction Secretary
Belovria - Health Secretary
L0NE_PH4NT0M -Environmental Secretary
BlogWorldExpo - Chief of Staff
Canxx01 - Attorney General
Sicspoti - Special Advisor
LilDigiVery - Special Advisor
Huney69 - Press Advisor


Executive Order 06/21 - Property Tax Revision
Executive Order 06/21 - Presidential Pardon Reform
Executive Order 06/21 - Creation of National Symbols
Executive Order 06/21 - Government Job Expansion
Executive Order 06/21 - Corporate Taxes
Executive Order 06/21 - Town Growth Stimulus
Executive Order 06/21 - King of Terraforming
Executive Order 06/21 - Presidential Pensions
Executive Order 06/21 - Respect the Wooden Axe
Executive Order 06/21 - Mass Pardons
Executive Order 06/21 - Mayoral Removal & Succession
Executive Order 06/21 - Creation of Town E
Executive Order 06/21 - Federal Treasury Revision/Removal


Federal Court:

The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Rossallina [Case No. 05-2021-31-03] - Adjourned in a Default Judgement
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Dedidous [Case No. 05-2021-31-04] - Adjourned in a Plea Deal
The Commonwealth of Redmont vs. Fieldmarshall [Case No. 04-2021-20-01] - Adjourned in Favour of The Commonwealth of Readmont
Waterskichamp v. The Department of Health [Case No. 05-2021-19] - Adjourned in Favour of Commonweatlh of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Joshi_XD_ [Case no. 06-2021-20] - Adjourned in Favour of Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. ShinHeYing & Hong_Kong_101 [Case No. 06-2021-26-01] - Case Dismissed

Supreme Court:

AlexanderLove v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 06-2021-16] - Case Dismissed
AlexanderLove v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 06-2021-20] - Case Dismissed
AlexanderLove v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 06-2021-19] - Case Dismissed
xlayzur (Represented by AlexanderLove) v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 06-2021-23] - Case Dismissed



I'd like to start this by first honoring President hugebob23456 for his passion and dedication to DemocracyCraft. Bob contributed more than almost anyone to the Commonwealth of Redmont and for that, we're grateful.

But now, we've entered into a new day - the era of the Austin & Vanq Administration. I am the third elected President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, the 5th overall. I pay tribute to those who have gone before me but I look forward to forging my own path, one that promises to put the people first - always.

In the past month, we successfully facilitated a peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. I spent much of the month working on my campaign and upon my victory, I was greeted with a nice message from President Bob. After such, we spent days discussing and planning for the transfer to ensure that my administration would be successful.

Upon my victory, I began nominating members of my cabinet in the Senate. Unfortunately, Joan did not pass the Senate but we swiftly found an alternative - Elaina - who the Senate was pleased with and passed. I am proud of the cabinet Vice President Vanquish and I have developed and look forward to a prosperous administration.

This is just the beginning of something incredible, an administration that hopes to bring real change and real progress day in and day out. As my predecessor said and I will continue to say, Glory to Redmont.



Economy Total: $27,949,429.37
Government Balance: $1,876.132.15 an Increase of $107,541.15

Employment by Exam Jobs:
  • Accountants: 73
  • Armourers: 801
  • Journalists: 342
  • Brewers: 260
  • Contractor: 176
  • Chefs: 889
  • Doctors: 48
  • Trainee Doctor: 34
  • Electricians: 110
  • Farmers: 799
  • Solicitors: 68
  • Barristers: 90
  • Attorneys: 85
  • Lumberjacks: 530
  • Mercenaries: 1276
  • Miners: 880
  • Mechanic: 161
  • Realtor: 224
  • Recycling Operator: 222
  • Stockmen: 64
  • Guides: 18
  • Pharmacists: 690

Employment by Government Jobs:
  • Building Inspectors: 9
  • Constructors: 8
  • Education Specialists:
  • Economists:
  • Electoral Officers: 5
  • Auditors: 3
  • Event Coordinators: 16
  • Media Advisors: 11
  • Medical Specialists: 7
  • Trainee Officers: 13
  • Constables: 7
  • Sergeants: 7
  • Rangers: 14
  • Environmental Managers: 8

Registered Businesses: 148
Registered Unions: 8


Oakridge Bay -

Oakridge Bay had a successful transfer of power when the Town's founder and former mayor had resigned. 1950minecraft was the interarm mayor while the town held its first Mayoral Election! Elections closed on the 25th of with 1950minecraft as Mayor. Oakridge has also added a new Bus System which can take you from the Train Station to either the Theater or the Stadium!

Willow -

With Vanquish_ap becoming the next Vice President of Redmont she passed the control on to Westray. Westray appointed Tekko as his Deputy Mayor. Shortly after Westray got to work looking for assistance from the public to fill various positions within the towns government.

Aventura -

Aventura is like the tourist destination. Some kind of event is either going on in the town's VC or inside it's town limits. Event from movie nights to parkour and even some weird game where an admin got to smite people! The town has expressed interest in expanding as fast as possible.

Sumner -

Sumner was approved by Cabinet under the Bob administration on June 8th. The towns mayor was excited to get to work on the town. The town had settled on a location East of Hamilton. Progress has been steady.


Secretary: ChAkselsn
Deputy Secretary: Trentrick_Lamar
Economists: Trentrick_Lamar, Liz37, ReinausPrinzzip, Maxterpiece, 415oldie, Aladeen22, TheLaziestLazy, Xerxesmc, Awesam5555, and FracturedGhast7
Education Specialists: Kycnn1703, pugbandit, Jaxon, Antatro,

Department Update:

The first couple of weeks has been governed by the focus of decreasing processing time of department affairs, cleaning up our affairs publicly. By implementing new rules regarding tickets, gathering outstanding payments from companies, categorising every company into sub divisions internally within the DEC. This will for the future help us deliver improved and more representational surveys and content. No longer impacted with flawed sources.
Trent assigned as Deputy Secretary and Xerxcmc assigned as Head Auditor.
Increased the continued workload of auditors to stabelise it and make it less radical.
Adding monitoring of DC bids to the charge of auditors.
Created more internal auditing of department spendings and earnings. Now its all categorised into separate channels within the department for easy auditing and reporting to the rest of government.
Created a map of all billboard locations, proposed the construction of more and assigned numerical numbers to each billboard.

Department Goals:

Right now we have elected to put billboard applications on hold, as we are trying to develop a new billboard system. Right now players can roam and just pick a billboard location. But with the map of all billboards it will be easier for us to track which are in use and establish better protocols for such. We also want to look into creating different price ranges on government billboards depending on location, and will be looking to make small changes to the pricing of private ones.

We recently began a new project of categorising all businesses to assigned industries. This has been completed, we will now be working on creating tiers to rank businesses in and change what businesses are required to report to the DEC. As currently we believe the information companies are supposed to report isnt viable to the auditors. These changes are currently in the early development stages, and focus groups have been established to bring ideas forward on how this is to be done.
Department management will make the final call on what is put into the finished products.

Department Bonus Totals: $0


Secretary: Vanquish
Deputy Secretary: LilDigiVert
Event Coordinators: Andrey, Blarien, Dwerpy, 218218consumer, Rurge, Tekko, Layzur, Chak, Huney69, Jada, Muffins29, BlogWorldExpo, Tealeaf, Taelor, Sic, Lildigivert.
Media Advisors: Fiewey, 1950minecrafter, 99pizza99pizza99, Kai, Ansgard, LouderLeo, PracticeTyping, Pugbandit, Westray, Muffins, Marty

Department Update:

So far this month the DPA has held a minimum of 3 events a week. The DPA has undergone organizational rearranging as well as boosted department activities via event coordinators.

Department Goals:
  • Organize more events.
  • Work with the DCT on Olympics Venue
  • Hosting Soccer Tournament
Department Bonus Totals: $4,500


Secretary - Mhadsher101
Deputy - xEndeavour
Constructors - Hong_Kong_101, Block68, xEndeavour, Kenhui1214, Krix, LouderLeo, Asthen, Relamorita, Historia_Orangie, Ferre007_, Galavance
Building Inspectors - Queen_Cats, _37__, SimplyHarci, Hm_shi, Vulgarfate, Yerevan, ReaperRay, Mhadsher101, Owielane

Department Update:

This month, we have brought two new Constructors into our team and one new Building Inspector. Our completed projects include revamping the path leading to the capital, cleaning up the north of the town, the new harbor station, the new canal area, and a new southern hospital. We have continued to make progress on our large Western expansion, the university hospital, and the aquarium. Building Inspectors have written a total of 120 reports this month!

Department Goals:

Our goals for the month of July is to make enough progress on the Western expansion to release some of the plots to the public. We would like the roads to be fully completed by then, now we're just doing sidewalk decoration and other touch-ups. We would also like to continue our high number of reports for the month of July, trying to reach a goal of 100 total reports.

Department Bonus Totals: $3,450


Secretary: DrThunder7
Deputy Secretary: Vacant
Electoral Officers: Technofied, DrThunder7, Westray
Auditors: Luckyperms, byeSprite, Kayjee
Ambassador: Ansgard_1st

Department Update:

The month of June has been a busy one when it comes to Specials Elections. With a total of 3 Special elections and Hamilton City Council elections hosted the Electoral Officers have been very busy. On the Auditing side of things we audited quite a few departments. This month we finalized the location of Sumner.

Department Goals:
  • Introduce a Town Residency System
  • Continue to audit the crap out of other Departments
  • Hold the General Elections for both Senate and House of Representatives.
  • Hire more people! Please apply.
  • Continue Bugging Sumner
Department Bonus Totals: $0


Secretary: ElainaThomas
Deputy Secretary:
Sergeants: L0NE_PH4NT0M, Aladeen22, Sergecool, GoldBlooded, Ansgard_Ist, JoanM999, and PiOs67
Police Officers: Fieweyy, IcedxSync, Keegan7om, Partypig678, Technofied, Reaperay, and Toxic_Animations
Trainee Officers: YuuiOtaka, xLayzur, ReinausPrinzzip, MrPenderweed, LousyDaddy, JitoAlbo, huney69, EasyZlyWet, Canxx01, Baole444, awwimnicki, Deekade1004, Antatro, and AlexThelilLion

Department Update:

This month, the DoJ has begun to work on improvements from the previous term. We held our first meeting under new leadership, promoted various employees, added employee offices, wrote a budget proposal, began working to update our commendation/infractions, began working on an officer evaluation system, polled the public on their opinions of the department, started working on updating the police guide and training guide, increased hiring, solved open charges that had been unresolved, and implemented a new mentor program.

Department Goals:

Begin to implement the officer evaluation system, update the forums and move things from the discord to the forums, increase EU hiring, transparency reports, more public opinion surveys, create open charge initiative, go through impounds and look at what can be auctioned off, less complaints, quicker response time to crimes.

Department Bonus Totals: $3,900


Secretary: belovria
Deputy Secretary: Zaorsia
Medical Specialists: Yerevan_ SleepyJay_ Sicspoti Dravamfo Muffins29 JitoAlba victoireal, and Zaorsia

Department Update:

Established a new Punishment Protocol. Put potatoes for Sale to aid deflation. Remodeling DOH Dept Building. Increasing communication through engaging in more discord conversations, asking for MS's opinions, etc. Open Medical Specialist Applications. Converse w DOJ Secretary regarding PO and Doctor relations while they're on duty. Start working on Aventura supply room. Implement Doctor of the month to promote activity.

Department Goals:
  • Create MS presentation to best inform new MS.
  • Settle on a day for the department to meet (vc) and a day for MS to meet, to effectively combat communication issues.
  • Implement vaccines again.
  • Put the punishment policy on forums.
  • Implement Paramedic Licenses
Department Bonus Totals: $7,400


Secretary: L0NE_PH4NT0M
Deputy Secretary: kayjee
Environmental Manager:

Department Update:

Our main focuses were on identifying strong and weak points within the department. A preliminary survey was created and sent out to all DER workers. As a result, ranger training and newbie experience was heavily overhauled, with a new mentor/trainee system being implemented. National park was also named and largely finished, just doing fine tuning right now as well as final checks. As of the submission of this report, I am currently working with my deputy to introduce a more consistent system of landscaping payments.

Department Goals:

Finish up everything regarding the national park, roll out new payment system, reopen applications, and address the issue of privately owned pet stores.

Department Bonus Totals: $0
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