State of the Commonwealth SOTG Report - MARCH 2021

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020

The purpose of the State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.

The month of March saw a change in administrations, please be mindful of that when reviewing this State of the Government Report. The Krix administration ended on March 31st and Vice President Hugebob assumed the Presidency shortly after.


_Zab_ - Vice President
_Austin27_ - Department of State
JoanM999 - Department of Justice
Nacholebraa - Chief of Staff (Resigned upon transfer of administrations)


Executive Order 04/21 - Hamilton City Council


The Commonwealth of Redmont v. OrHchiu [Case No. 03-2021-28-02] - Adjourned in favor of The Commonwealth of Redmont
Aladeen22 (Bubbarc representing) VS. the Department of Health [Case No. 03-2021-21-02] - Dismissed
Icypenguin79 v. The Department of Construction and Transport [Case No. 03-2021-21-01] - Ongoing
xEndeavour vs The Commonwealth - Ongoing
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Hanhatfre and KingCleaver [Case No. 03-2021-07-02] - Adjourned in favor of The Commonwealth of Redmont
Bubbarc vs. President Krix [Case No. 03-2021-07-01] - Adjourned in favor of BubbaRC


Government Bonuses: $27,500 in total bonuses were given to highly performing government employees.

The amount of bonuses given to employees in each department:
  • JoanM999: $1,000
  • Trentrick_Lamar: $900
  • BubbaRC: $850
  • ModSlayer: $750
  • Maxterpiece: $500
  • Liz: $500
  • Icypenguin79: $500
  • Total: $5,000
  • belovria: $400
  • Blarien: $400
  • PrincessRachel05: $400
  • wolfistaken: $400
  • Th0re_: $200
  • Dravamfo: $100
  • fischkopf2: $100
  • LilDashie: $100
  • KingCleaver: $100
  • YerevanArmenia: $100
  • Awesam5555: $100
  • Total: $2,400
  • Mhadsher101: $1,500
  • Queen_Cats: $1,000
  • xEndeavour: $1,000
  • Block86: $700
  • Hong_Kong_101: $500
  • Vanquish_ap: $200
  • DrThunder7: $200
  • Total: $5,100
  • L0NE_PH4NT0M: $1,300
  • IcedxSync: $1,000
  • Toxic_Animation: $1,000
  • QueenCats: $700
  • Toxikkun: $500
  • BurntBurger: $500
  • FriedPotaters: $500
  • Zemeits: $250
  • Tylxrfied: $250
  • Total: $6,000
  • Taelor: $625
  • Tealeaf: $375
  • Westray: $375
  • Ansgard: $375
  • LilDigiVert: $375
  • Hm_Shi: $175
  • Jada08572: $175
  • Fieweyy: $175
  • 1950Minecrafter: $175
  • Blarien: $175
  • Total: $3,000
  • ElainaThomas: $500
  • L0NE_PH4NT0M: $500
  • BubbaRC: $400
  • Sergecool: $300
  • IcedxSync: $300
  • MrPenderweed: $200
  • Capt_Jackman: $200
  • ReinausPrinzzip: $200
  • Ansgard: $200
  • PiOs67: $200
  • ReaperEduardo: $200
  • Toxic_Animations: $200
  • ByeSprite: $200
  • Westray: $200
  • Aladeen22: $200
  • Total: $4,000
  • DrThunder7: $1,000
  • BubbaRC: $200
  • Maxterpiece: $200
  • LilDigiVert: $200
  • VelvetKitty: $200
  • Zemetis: $200
  • Total: $2,000
No bonuses were issued for the Attorney General or the legislative branch during the month of March.


Our Government is actively engaging in increasing the prosperity of all players and opening up unprecedented transparency. We have much ambition for the months ahead, and have begun taking steps to ensure that the business of our Government is handled appropriately. Cabinet voting has been restored, and a shocking number of proposals have been made for the Executive to consider.

We've already begun bold economic policy, enacting a Universal Basic Income, a tax increase of on average $0.57 per day, and a repeal of the Minimum Commission. Our goal is to boost the private sector, as more private wealth means more taxable money, while at the same time providing a basic income to employed citizens to ensure everyone has the money they need to succeed.

We are also exploring potential new player initiatives such as a DOH tent near spawn so players don't have to stumble to the Hospital with a broken leg, and a strategic goods tent near spawn where players will be able to purchase things that are commonly needed like elytras, diamonds, and wood. Both of these tents will be privately supplied, private players will sell to the Government for profit, and the Government will then resell these goods to the public. Prices will be high to encourage player to player business.

The Redmont Bar Association has begun the process of analyzing potential Judicial picks and we should be able to make a Judicial nomination within the next week.

We will also be looking to increase plot prices. The plan we've developed is simple and effective. We will be increasing the base price of plots based primarily on how far they are from spawn and major warps/landmarks, but this will have no effect on the current plot owner. The price increase will only actually have an effect in the event that the plot is resold, then the next buyer will pay the increased plot price. Final prices not yet determined.



Economy Total: $23,551,510.71
Government Balance: $1,408,913.41. This is a $21,973.58 decrease from last month.

Employment by Exam Jobs:
  • Accountants: 22
  • Armourers: 423
  • Journalists: 267
  • Brewers: 157
  • Chefs: 620
  • Contractos: 89
  • CUBER Drivers: 67
  • Doctors: 46
  • Trainee Doctor: 55
  • Electricians: 65
  • Farmers: 496
  • Solicitors: 46
  • Barristers: 40
  • Attorneys: 31
  • Lumberjacks: 289
  • Mercenaries: 888
  • Miners: 608
  • Realtor: 128
  • Recycling Operator: 132
  • Stockmen: 69
  • Tour Guides: 32
  • Pharmacists: 294
Employment by Government Jobs:
  • Building Inspectors: 7
  • Constructors: 14
  • Education Specialists: 5
  • Economists: 12
  • Electoral Officers: 3
  • Event Coordinators: 11
  • Media Advisors: 9
  • Medical Specialists: 9
  • Trainee Officers: 7
  • Constables: 13
  • Sergeants: 3
  • Rangers: 30
Registered Businesses: 186
Registered Unions: 9


The town of Oakridge Bay is working on their new entertainment district. With a new Deputy Mayor and members of the town council, bills are being pumped out almost daily it seems. Oakridge Bay is working towards their next expansion whilst working with the Department of State on further plans in regards to the new district program.

The town of Willow is preparing for it's tier 3 expansion. The town is also working with the Department of State on the transfer of existing farm plots in the city to a district near the town. Council elections concluded last month and the Willow town council is now fully functioning.


Secretary: _Zab_
Deputy Secretary: JoanM999
Economists: Trentrick_Lamar,
Maxterpiece, Icypenguin79, Babyfly2, IBMathHL, Liz37, SaintDann, Uniwhale, Modslayer
Education Specialists: BubbaRC, pugbandit, ReichsGarfield, Toxikkun

Department Update: This month has been very productive in the DEC adjusting to the first full month of the Krix administration. The DEC added the Auditing Branch that is responsible for all of the audits involving tax evasion, billboards, minimum commission, etc. The head of the branch appointed was Maxterpiece and has so far done a great job and is on top of everything asked. The department also started the Player Net Worth that will be rotated every month with the Business Rankings to bring something new to the player base and not keep giving the same information. Lastly, the major thing that was changed came with the forums in merging many channels and making it easier for businesses to apply for grants as well as posting the Average Price Index in a more clear way for everyone to understand where the market is heading.

Department Goals:
  • Accepting grants and registrations
  • Kick start the DC Tender program
  • Extend the DC Tender program to towns
  • In-game auctions building
  • Average Plot Price Index


Secretary: Muffins29
Deputy Secretary: Taelor
Event Coordinators: Tealeafff, Lil_Digi_Vert, Taelor, Blarien, Andrey, Pugbandit, Northeastprince
Media Advisors:
Westray, Ansgard, 1950Minecrafter, Fieweyy, Flaily, Unculturedswine, SGE24, Thetrainfan

Department Update: The Department of Public Affairs worked this month to implement the Marriage Act on the forums whilst also working on improving event coordinator efficiency and conducting weekly tour guide audits. The Department worked on proper communication with the rest of the Department leadership team and redid the tour guide script to account for the new spawn. Weekly movie nights were established to engage the community better.

Department Goals:
  • Host events for the server’s anniversary
  • Host more regular events (EX: movie night)
  • Museum history floor
  • Start having longer events (EX: Olympics, weekend soccer tournament, etc.)
  • Start holding public opinion polls
  • Find a way to increase player-department communication

Secretary: Milkcrack
Deputy Secretary: Mhadsher101
Constructors: soverhs, Galavance, Hong_Kong_101, Block86, kevvvvv, xEndeavour, kenhui1214, DrThunder7, Orangie, ferre007_
Building Inspectors: __37_, 1950Minecrafter, SimplyHarci, DrThunder7, Mhadsher101, Queen_Cats, Vanquish_ap

Department Update: This month, the Department of Construction & Transport worked to build and implement the new spawn area. As a part of the new spawn area, the train station and central park were also built and implemented. The bus system has been implemented with a new bus terminal at the new spawn. The harbour expansion was started and is currently being worked on in addition to the new residential expansion which is also in progress. The Department finished the Event Center for the Department of Public Affairs as well. The new player CBD is being worked on, however may be discontinued by the Bob Administration. The Department worked on and finished the new donator hub, ferries and beach renovation as well.

Department Goals:
  • Finish harbour expansion
  • Finish residential expansion
  • Work on the national park buildings
  • Finish Courthouse Interior
  • Major renovations for the hospital, police station and capitol building
  • New district system
  • New BI policy
  • Department builds
  • Starter goods tent at spawn


Secretary: _Austin27_
Deputy Secretary: DrThunder7
Electoral Officers: Technofied, Aquaxi, DrThunder7
Stewards: BubbaRC, DrThunder7, LilDigiVert, VelvetKitty, Maxterpiece, Zemetis

Department Update: The Department of State gained new leadership this month with the resignation of former Secretary 218218Consumer. Upon taking up the reigns, Secretary _Austin27_ began crafting his policy for the department. The Department has worked to establish national holidays and a formal districting plan for towns. Under this new districting plan, towns will be able to implement their large visions but at no expense. The Department of State saw changes in steward staff and hosted two steward elections to counter such changes. The Department of State also oversaw the implementation and facilitation of the new Hamilton City Council. Elections are currently being held for Mayor and Advisor positions.

Department Goals:
  • Department auditing
  • Audit towns
  • Cabinet public forum
  • Move farm plots to Willow
  • New Town/Mayor
  • Facilitate Hamilton City Elections


Secretary: JoanM999
Deputy Secretary: ElainaThomas

Sergeants: L0NE_PH4NT0M and ElainaThomas
Police Officers: Reaper Eduardo, BubbaRC, Capt_Jackman. Heartlyz, PiOs67, ReinausPrinzzip, Sergecool, Technofied
Trainee Officers: IcedxSync, Ansgard, ByeSprite, MrPenderweed, Westray, Aladeen22, Babyfly, TheToxicAnimations, Tylxrfied

Department Update: The Department of Justice worked this month to promote qualified candidates for leadership positions and bring stability back to the Department after the previous leadership. Additionally, the Department implemented an Infraction/Promotion System. This System is helping the officers improve via way of additional feedback. The Department has implemented a drill program specifically for trainee officers to improve their training. The Department worked with Mayor Vanquish of Willow to establish the formal police branch there.

Department Goals:
  • Bring stablility back
  • Hire more officers
  • Improve police guide
  • Change the firearms license system
  • Reward system for officers working overtime


Secretary: Sicspoti
Deputy Secretary: Westray
Medical Specialists:
Block335, GrandChaserz, Keegan7om, Mhadsher101, _Vintage, wolfistaken, PrincessRachel05, belovria, Keegan7om

Department Update: The Department of Health worked in the month of march to successfully implement the Nurse job, along with removing the Paramedic job. Additionally, the Department added the option for people to request a Doctor at both Oakridge and Willow. A proper infraction report system along with a list of all trained nurses has been added to the DoH Discord.

Department Goals:
  • Hire more Medical Specialists
  • New guides for doctors
  • Implement a food drive/charity for less fortunate citizens


Secretary: Vanquish_ap
Deputy Secretary: L0NE_PH4NT0M
Rangers: _37__, Tylxrfied, Zemeits, Toxic_Animation, Nacholebraa, IcedxSync, Friedpotaters, Rainalyn_Rose, Toxikkun, Burntburger, Queen_Cats, SimplyMadi, Gameskipper, Lord_ Donuticus, iiCrystxlClxxr, Jabolko, Shinyju, Yuukishi, Lyonya, ManagerHell, _Austin27_

Department Update: This month the Department of Environment and Recreation worked to implement the new Animal Shelter, Ranger Call Sign, formal Department meetings, the National Park, and the Senior Ranger position. The Department has worked to green-ify the city by adding more parks and working on larger green initiatives. The Department has continued to maintain the wild warps and has terraformed for larger projects including the proposed residential expansion.

Department Goals:
  • Release National Park
  • Public Aquarium
  • Detailed landscaping report guide
  • Implementing the park trooper position

Secretary of State
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