State of the Commonwealth SOTG Report - MAY 2020

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020

The purpose of State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.


Welcome to the first State of the Government Report. I'd like to start by commending all the secretaries for their hard work in setting up their departments from scratch. It is a demanding job at the best of times and their efforts highlight their unmatched work ethic and dedication to the server.

Cabinet has held two meetings prior to this report where several plans were laid out as seen in the released Cabinet meeting notes. We plan on maintaining this public record of notes to keep a degree of transparency in Government operations.

This month will take in to consideration all prior work from previous months.


MikeZondernaam - Judge
Temujim - Vice President
Simplymadi - Advisory Secretary


Executive Order 01/20 - Constitutional Amendments
Executive Order 02/20 - Congressional Process Amendments
Executive Order 03/20 - Department of Parks and Recreation


Superpacman04 v. the Government of Democracy Craft (Case No. 05-2020-2) - Adjourned In Favour of the Government.
KooksterMeme (rubtrained2go Representing) vs. the Government (Case No. 05-2020-4) - Ongoing


Secretary: Block86
Deputy Secretary: N/A

The DCT has been extremely busy with several fantastic projects. The addition of a fully functional tram transport system, the start of a highway system, and an airport have highlighted the department's strong emphasis on transportation recently. The department has grown to 3 constructors now, with two recent additions. The new stadium, golden gate bridge, theme park, police station, hospital, and prison are also the work of this busy department. In the future, the department aims to acquire a larger highly skilled build staff, complete the labelling and directional signage on the streets of Hamilton CIty, and finally to construct more suburban homes and urban storefronts to auction off to players.


Secretary: SacredSpice
Deputy Secretary: N/A

The DOJ has been tested with the recent spike in crime, however the junior force has adapted to the job quickly. The recent appointment of the inaugural Sergeant will aid further training. The department is ready to combat the new wave of drugs plaguing the city with a newly developed drug testing method in anticipation of strict new laws from Congress. The DCT recently completed the new Police Station which features and automatic compound gate and are currently working on a new prison to provide overflow to the Station lockup. The department is currently looking at reducing firearm violence.


Secretary: MistyRoses
Deputy Secretary: N/A

The addition of 2 new event coordinators will see more events around the City. The DPA is working on a soccer tournament among other event plans to get the community engaged. The DPA will be reviewing Tour Guide requirements and their supporting materials such as job guides to increase the quality of tours. A build contest and Olympics style event are on the cards. Keep an eye on DC social media for periodic updates!


Secretary: Technofied
Deputy Secretary: Jevil_FromVSauce

The DEC has provided job guides to every job on the server and is looking to increase opportunities on the server through better economic management. A few new jobs were released recently such as Stockman and Financial Adviser which were proposed by the Department. Grants have been consuming a large amount of the Department's time with robust discussions taking place between economists over each grant. Changes to the Draftsman role are also in the process. The department is looking into further incentives.


Secretary: Temujim
Deputy Secretary: N/A

The new hospital has given the DoH a face lift. A highlight of the Department has been the recent release of the Paramedic License which allows Doctors to progress into a role where they receive an ambulance and higher pay. The Paramedic then is able to transfer patients to and from the Hospital. The department continues to monitor the amount of doctors, as such the exam is currently closed. The exams were recently made more difficult through splitting them into two categories.


Secretary: VelvetKitty
Deputy Secretary: N/A

The introduction of citizen reports allows landscapers to respond to citizen requests fir landscaping work. A tutorial explaining the work of a landscaper will soon be available on the DC youtube account. The Animal Shelter isnow up and running with multiple rangers now working for the DPR. The department recently changed it's title from the Department of Parks & Wildlife to the Department of Parks & Recreation to assume the maintenance of all current and future government recreational facilities in addition to it's wild responsibilities.
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