State of the Commonwealth SOTG Report - SEPTEMBER 2020

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020
The purpose of the State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.

Presidential Cabinet Appointments:

The_Marxsisters - Department of Justice
Thire_ - Department of Public Affairs
Doxxx_ - Department of Health
Executive Orders:

Creation of Towns |
This order was issued to allow the creation and implementation of the Towns Expansions
Government Court Cases:

Thire_ v. State |
Thire_ is contesting the state on the grounds of the “Congressional Jurisdiction act" > Adjourned in favor of the government.
Government Bonuses: $10450
Block: 2000
Oli: 1500
Rain: 1500
Nacho: 750
Corbin: 300
Mhadsher: 750
Dox: 750
Muffins: 300
West: 600
TheNewShep: 200
Lousydaddy: 600
Vanquish: 300
Toxxikun: 600
LeBlock: 300
Presidential Address:

As the Endeavour administration draws to a close, our focus shifts to stabilizing and consolidating departments prior to the succeeding president. We have made momentous developments this month which I think is visible through the introduction of towns and road redevelopments. Furthermore, we have scrapped the old farmland and we are have also drafted a tentative budget. The opening of the museum and new courthouse build also speaks volumes about our work. I look forward to seeing the presidential debates which will be an interesting event for our two informally declared candidates - and perhaps others? These next two weeks will be a good time to reflect on what we have achieved during this short 6 months. Good luck to all the Presidential candidates.
State of the Economy:

Economy Total: $7,381,208.30
Government Balance: $884,734.85

Registered Businesses: 120 | 63 boosts from the previous month.

The economy of DemocracyCraft is strong, breaking the all-new record of $884k in total Government balance and a total of $7M in the economy circulating. Sectors like Mining and Ores have become ever more competitive with businesses waging a war on affordable ores. Many new companies are also undergoing the process of Business Registration and hiring programs are now underway within player-run companies which is an encouraging sign. Overall the DEC is proud to report excellent economic growth reflected by competition between player-run businesses and an influx of local business hiring.

- Treasurer Technofied
Department of Justice

Secretary: The_MarxSisters
Deputy Secretary: Jas_Boss_Bro

Department Updates:
The Secretary has been unfortunately in and out in terms of activity, her current task is trying to get the President to answer for killing ten people. The Secretary has appointed Jas_Boss_Bro as Deputy DoJ Sec as Dox resigned from the position, days ago. Currently, the Secretary is in charge of investigating two major crimes with one operation needing a search warrant to complete the investigation, however, the judge has yet to answer much to the Department's frustration.
There are currently three Sgts and 12 Constables. The ranking system has been changed per the President and Cabinet's orders.

The Secretary is very proud of the activity of her police force despite some setbacks in trainee officer's training gaps; however, she remains resolute in finishing the official training manual and wanting the Cabinet to support her plans for a permeant officer training facility. The DoJ is planning for a two-day retreat within the next two weeks for the sole purpose of training and using feedback from the President, Cabinet, and the public to better train our staff.

She believes that the Deputy DoJ Secretary, Officers Toxikkun, Vanquish_ap, Westray, and Lousydaddy are all deserving of bonuses for competence, activity, excellent conduct, and arrest records, as well as their positive and outgoing help towards members of the public and assisting the Secretary in her duties.

Department Goals:
  • Training Facility
  • Training Manual
Department of Education and commerce

Treasurer: Technofied
Deputy Treasurer: Corbinjc

Department Update:
The Department is focused on internal reform while tending to the day to day operations and execution of the department tasks.

Department Goals:
  • Creation of New Jobs
  • Expansion into new industries
  • Diversifying competition
Department of Public Affairs

Secretary: Thire_
Deputy Secretary: Muffins29

Department Update:
The DPA is running smoothly. We are preparing for presidential elections and have a lot of events coming through. Tour Guides are struggling to get popular, however, I’m advertising the job shortly. Our media advisor is working well and our event coordinators hit a few bumps but we are ready to bring Halloween events to the server. The deputy secretary is doing great and I look forward to presenting the presidential debate.

Department Goals:
  • Plans to expand the press
Department of Construction and Transport

Secretary: Block86
Deputy Secretary: Mhadsher

Department Update:
The DCT is in the process of some major reforms in our protocol and leadership structure, as well as in the infrastructure of the city of hamilton. we are sorting through the private contract backlog and trying to lessen the number of materials that are spawned in. We have appointed Mhadsher to deputy secretary and assigned Olivier panda to head constructor.

Department Goals:
  • Refining the Building Inspector Process
  • Doing more follow up classes with constructors
Department of State

Secretary: Nacholebraa
Deputy Secretary: N/A

Department Update:
The DOS is operating at normal status, audits have been completed for the month of September. Will be finalizing the results and submitting them for review in the coming week. If a secretary wishes to view their audits please feel free to reach out to the DOS. Town applications have been posted, as well as privatization of the internal audits.

Department Goals:
  • Finalize Town applications
  • Refine the Department Audits
  • Review Department Policies
Department of Health

Secretary: Doxxx
Deputy Secretary: LeBlock

Department Update:
The DOH has made some effective changes to ensure an efficient and reliable Department. Since the change in the cost of the vaccine prescription, the amount of vaccines given has increased as expected. This is great news for the health and safety of the general public as it encouraged more people to get vaccinated. The Department has also hired more medical specialists to keep up with the demanding workload of the Department. Many of the goals set previously have been achieved;
- Updated Doctor Guides.
- Updated Exams to match with information relating to the current procedure.
- Established a formal process with the support of Medical Specialists to audit Doctors for inactivity within the Department.
- The Department has been successful in the promotion of their discord, with newfound activity and more members.

Department Goals:
  • Maintain activity in doctors.
  • Continue with the redecoration of the hospital.
  • Continue to improve and promote discord.
Department of Environment and Recreation

Secretary: Rainalyn_Rose
Deputy Secretary: Nacholebraa

Department Update:
The Department of Environment and Recreation has continued to make changes to the server actively. Starting off by removing the theme park to make a national park. By adding a national park the DER hopes to implement a nice peaceful area away from the city that players may seak out a nice campground retreat. Going later into the month, the DER decided to team up with the DEC to make a new job! We have added the fisherman job as requested by the citizens of Hamilton city. This job is its own plugin entirely, the fisherman will be allowed to now only catch fish, but get new types of fish-based off the biome they are in. Along with selling and weight of the fish in a whole new GUI. From there the DER went around fixing the wild warps and highways, making them look much nicer.

Department Goals:
  • Renovate the Zoo
  • Add Campgrounds/Caravans
  • Greenery Events
  • Parks within city limits
  • Renovate the Pound
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