Vetoed STV Fix Act

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Jul 17, 2020

Amend the Electoral Act and the Constitution​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'STV Fix Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Rep. zLost
(4) This Act has been co-authored by Dragon Law Firm.
(5) This Act has been co-sponsored by Rep. lcn

2 - Reasons
(1) The Electoral Act doesn't state which votes are decided to be surplus votes.
(2) This act aims to fix that.

3 - Amendment
Section 8, Part 3 of the Electoral Act (link) will be amended from:
(3) Surplus Votes. If a candidate receives more votes than needed to meet the threshold, the surplus votes are transferred to the next preference on the voters' ballots.

(3) Surplus Votes. If a candidate receives more votes than needed to meet the threshold, the surplus votes are transferred to the next preference on the voters' ballots. The surplus votes are distributed proportionally, such that each ballot that contributed to the surplus has a fraction of its vote transferred. This fraction is determined by dividing the number of surplus votes by the total number of votes the candidate received. If there are decimals present after allocating the votes, the number will be rounded off to the nearest whole number.

Note: "Surplus Votes." shall be bold in the implementation of this legislation.
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To explain (if it may be confusing):

If monkey has 60 votes and the required votes to win are 33, then we divide 27/60 (27 is the amount of surplus votes) which is 0.45, then the 2nd preference votes from monkey voters are multiplied by 0.45 and allocated to the other candidates. Lets say the monkey voters had their 2nd preference votes as this:
Lion = 40 votes
Cheetah = 5 votes
Gorilla = 15 votes

Lion = 40 x 0.45 votes
Cheetah = 5 x 0.45 votes
Gorilla = 15 x 0.45 votes

Lion = 18 votes
Cheetah = 2.25 votes = 2 votes (rounded off)
Gorilla = 6.75 votes = 7 votes (rounded off)

and then these votes are given to the original vote count by the candidate
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STV = your vote moves. Single Transferrable Vote. Your vote moves from one candidate to another not a fraction of it.

This breaks STV lol
STV has many altercations to decide how surplus votes are decided, this is one of them and is used by Ireland in the real world. Your original amendment to the electoral act doesn't state how surplus votes are decided, and this is what this act aims to fix.

Also, can we debate this in the congressional discord server to not flood this forum?
Because I voted on this in the House and cannot vote as a senator on the poll my vote is: Abs


This bill further complicates the STV system by adding unnecessary complexity. These changes could further confuse electoral officers, reducing effectiveness of the process. It's essential to keep the STV system as simple as possible and clear to ensure fair elections.
