Lawsuit: Adjourned The Church of Pablo v. RelaxedGV and Associating Parties [2021] FCR 93

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Change Maker Staff Statesman 1st Anniversary
Feb 21, 2021

The Church of Pablo (tekkovvs Representing)


RelaxedGV and Associating Parties

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:


1. tekkovvs
2. belovria
3. Muffins29
4. Yerevan_
5. RelaxedGV
6. Bewoz
7. Randomboi2000

1. RelaxedGV broke into belovria and I's private estate in Sampson Hills.
2. There is a very clear NO TRESSPASSING sign on the property.
3. RelaxedGV then proceeded to break into my private room, which housed the Holy Saint Pablo, who was to be the next Saint of Hamilton.
4. RelaxedGV presumably killed the Holy Saint Pablo.
5. RelaxedGV messaged belovria, claiming that he killed Pablo.
6. RelaxedGV was bragging about killing Pablo in global chat.
7. belovria walked into my room, which also housed Pablo, to find him missing.
8. belovria then walked down the stairs, to find two of her horses, and a third which was Yerevan's, missing.
9. It appeared that one of them (Muffins the horse) was still on the residential plot, but the other, and Yerevan's horse were gone.
10. After that, belovria begun looking into the issue by looking up the kills, in order to prove that RelaxedGV had indeed killed Pablo and the other two horses.
11. No logs were found, so the horses are missing, presumed dead.
12. RelagedGV, Bewoz, and RandomBoi2000 stood in front of our house, mocking her and bragging about what they had done.
13. RelaxedGV then proceeded to sell "Pablo's Meat" on DC Bid.
14. All parties from the Church of Pablo are suffering from severe emotional damage and are extremely distraught.
15. There are multiple screenshots to substantiate these claims made by myself.
16. Muffins the horse is now missing.

1. RelaxedGV broke into belovria and I's private estate in Sampson Hills.
2. RelaxedGV stole, and presumably murdered two horses on the property. One being belovria's, the second being Yerevan's.
3. RelaxedGV then sold "Pablo's Meat" on DCBid.
4. This meat and wool is stolen property, and is being sold without our consent.
5. All parties from the Church of Pablo are severely distraught and heart broken.
6. Pablo is a brand icon for the Church of Pablo, and Pablo of Corporation. Without him, our organization is practically nothing.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. $35000 from RelaxedGV for the murder, and selling of Pablo.
2. $500 from Bewoz, for supplying the boat
3. $1000 from Randomboi2000 for supplying RelaxedGV with the idea.








By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 23rd day of July, 2021.



The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case of The Church of Pablo (tekkovvs Representing) v. RelaxedGV and Associating Parties. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.
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The Church of Pablo (tekkovvs Representing)


RelaxedGV and Associating Parties (antatro representing)

1. The evidence shown was them saying they murdered and showed them selling "pablos meat" on dc bid
2. Someone bragging they killed pablo can also be taken as a joke
3. No proof relates to muffins the horse with all relates to pablo.
4. In the proof section there is not one picture of them being near the house, no local chat, nor proof of tresspassing.

1. Anyone can name mutton "pablos meat", as long as they have access to an anvil
2. The "evidence" shown can be taken as all jokes, there is no evidence for this
3. Though mocking is frowned upon, this cannot be used as proof
4. This case relates to pablo the sheep only as shown in the prayer for relief, this makes the case unrelated to muffins the horse
5. In the "facts" section the word "presumed" is used alot, this section is for facts and not for presumtions

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

(proof I'm representing them)

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Before we proceed does the Defence lawyer have proof that they are also representing Bewoz?
Yes your honor,
I apologize as I forgot to add this screenshot.
Thank you. I would now like the Plaintiff to present their opening statement to the court.

The Church of Pablo (tekkovvs Representing)


RelaxedGV and Associating Parties (antatro representing)


1. The evidence shown was them saying they murdered and showed them selling "pablos meat" on dc bid

1. At best that is a copyright violation. The Church of Pablo is a subsidy of Pablo Corporation, with Pablo being one of our brand identities. In the rare occurrence that this is not the real Pablo Meat, the defendant RelaxedGV still attempted to sell a trademark of the Pablo Corporation.

2. Someone bragging they killed pablo can also be taken as a joke

2. The defendants were also being extremely toxic towards the plaintiffs to the point of staff almost having to warn them, proving that this is more than just a joke.

3. No proof relates to muffins the horse with all relates to pablo.

Relevancy of one animal does not disregard the other. We’re merely representing the Church of Pablo since it was an attack on our company. Meanwhile, other assets (horses) were involved. Should we not hold them accountable solely because we are all under a single name that refers to one of the animals that were killed ? Or are the opposing counsel picking and choosing the evidence they select, due to their client not bragging about it ?

4. In the proof section there is not one picture of them being near the house, no local chat, nor proof of tresspassing.

4. The file size was too large to include with the main lawsuit. But we do have an additional screenshot with the defendants in the vicinity of the area where they were caught right in front of the home and caught speaking in local chat outside the home, proving that they were in the vicinity. If this evidence still isn't submittable, however, we still have belovria as a witness, who can attest to them being there.

5. In the "facts" section the word "presumed" is used alot, this section is for facts and not for presumtions

5. The word presumably was only used once in the facts section and was only used related to RelaxedGV killing Pablo, which is what this lawsuit is trying to prove. This point is baseless and is attempting to discredit our valid evidence.


1. The evidence shown was them saying they murdered and showed them selling "pablos meat" on dc bid

1. At best that is a copyright violation. The Church of Pablo is a subsidy of Pablo Corporation, with Pablo being one of our brand identities. In the rare occurrence that this is not the real Pablo Meat, the defendant RelaxedGV still attempted to sell a trademark of the Pablo Corporation.

2. The "evidence" shown can be taken as all jokes, there is no evidence for this

2. The defendant RelaxedGV admitted to killing Pablo the sheep, and the two horses in the evidence attached above

3. Though mocking is frowned upon, this cannot be used as proof

3. This point completely ignores all of our other evidence, including the one mentioned in the previous response, where RelaxedGV admitted to killing Pablo and the two horses.

4. This case relates to pablo the sheep only as shown in the prayer for relief, this makes the case unrelated to muffins the horse

4. Relevancy of one animal does not disregard the other. We’re merely representing the Church of Pablo since it was an attack on our company. Meanwhile, other assets (horses) were involved. Should we not hold them accountable solely because we are all under a single name that refers to one of the animals that were killed ? Or are the opposing counsel picking and choosing the evidence they select, due to their client not bragging about it ?

5. In the "facts" section there is the word "presumed", this section is for facts and not presumptions

5. The word presumably was only used once in the facts section and was only used related to RelaxedGV killing Pablo, which is what this lawsuit is trying to prove. This point is baseless and is attempting to discredit our valid evidence.

The plaintiff also requests the opposing council to please capitalise Pablo Corporation brand identities such as Pablo and Muffins the Horse.
Thank you. I would now like the Defence to present their opening statement to the court.

The Church of Pablo (tekkovvs Representing)


RelaxedGV and Associating Parties (antatro representing)


Toxicity does not prove guilt in any form, and if they were being toxic there were no screenshots to prove it, only screenshots of them bragging.
Muffins the horse cannot be accounted for in this lawsuit as no evidence includes it, therefore, they can not be held accountable for it.
Though a witness can be accounted for in court it is still not definite proof, if the file size of the screenshot is too large to send then it can not be accounted for itself.
The word presumably was used multiple times in FACTS: #4 and #11, this is not evidence as you, yourself are not 100% the sheep is dead.


Though Relaxed "admitted" to killing the sheep this can still be taken as a joke, and cannot be used as valid evidence.
Things that can be taken as oblivious jokes cannot be used as evidence
Though a witness can be accounted for in court it is still not definite proof, if the file size of the screenshot is too large to send then it can not be accounted for itself.
The word presumably was used multiple times in FACTS: #4 and #11, this is not evidence as you, yourself are not 100% the sheep is dead.

Muffins the horse becoming a symbol of "the church of pablo" is circumstancial, frivilous, and only made to raise the price of the fine
I would like to thank both parties for promptly providing the opening statements to the court.

Was there any witness testimony or additional evidence that either party wished to present before we proceed to closing statements?
Your honour, I would first like to address the claims that the defendant has brought up to avoid unnessecary speculation.


Toxicity does not prove guilt in any form, and if they were being toxic there were no screenshots to prove it, only screenshots of them bragging.

I can easily pull screenshots from the main discord proving toxicity.

Muffins the horse cannot be accounted for in this lawsuit as no evidence includes it, therefore, they can not be held accountable for it.

RelaxedGV admitted to killing two horses. Muffins the Horse was also missing. it's not too difficult to put two and two together.

Though a witness can be accounted for in court it is still not definite proof, if the file size of the screenshot is too large to send then it can not be accounted for itself.

The witness, on top of the screenshot of RelaxedGV admitting to killing Pablo and two horses, should prove without a doubt that RelaxedGV killed our animals.

The word presumably was used multiple times in FACTS: #4 and #11, this is not evidence as you, yourself are not 100% the sheep is dead.

I used the word "presumed" in fact #11, and the context is different from when I used the word "presumably". Either way, RelaxedGV took our horses. We just don't know if he killed them, or has them captive somewhere. We assume he has them captive, however, due to him admitting to killing two horses when three are missing. With the last part of this rebuttal however, the plaintiff requests from the court to use the core inspect logs as further evidence.


Though Relaxed "admitted" to killing the sheep this can still be taken as a joke, and cannot be used as valid evidence.

RelaxedGV admitted to killing the sheep. Not "admitted" or however you want to frame this. This is a serious matter and not a joke, and it's shameful that the defense is taking it as such. As stated previously, the defendants were also toxic towards us, proving that this is more than a joke.

Things that can be taken as oblivious jokes cannot be used as evidence

The defendants, are clearly not oblivious, as they admitted it multiple times, and rubbed it Bel's face. Also, if this were just a joke, they would have said so then and there. Not while trying to play it off in court.

Though a witness can be accounted for in court it is still not definite proof, if the file size of the screenshot is too large to send then it can not be accounted for itself.

The witness, on top of the screenshot of RelaxedGV admitting to killing Pablo, and two horses, should prove without a doubt that RelaxedGV killed our animals.

The word presumably was used multiple times in FACTS: #4 and #11, this is not evidence as you, yourself are not 100% the sheep is dead.

I used the word "presumed" in fact #11, and the context is different from when I used the word "presumably". Either way, RelaxedGV took our horses. We just don't know if he killed them, or has them captive somewhere. We assume he has them captive, however, due to him admitting to killing two horses when three are missing. With the last part of this rebuttal however, the plaintiff requests from the court to use the core inspect logs as further evidence.

Now finally, the plaintiff would again, like to pull the Core Inspect logs from this incident to add to the evidence. The plaintiff also would like to call belovria to the witness stand.
Before I proceed, I would like to ask/confirm with the Plaintiff what exactly they are searching for in the Core Inspect logs?
The plaintiff will be searching for any proof of Pablo or the horses being killed or stolen.
Your honour, I would also like to state that I'm going to be out of town for the week, so please excuse me if I do not reply in a timely manner.
Your honor,
Logs cannot be used unless there is a court order or warrant as stated by westray
Your honour, I would also like to state that I'm going to be out of town for the week, so please excuse me if I do not reply in a timely manner.

Thank you, I have decided to issue a court order to receive those Core Inspect Logs from staff.
A staff ticket to receive those logs has been opened. I have also now summoned the witness as per request of the Plaintiff.
Your honor, I recognize that I was summoned as a witness to this case.
Thank you- I would like to ask the Plaintiff to present their questioning for the witness.
I would also like to confirm with the Defence on whether they would like to call any witnesses?
No your honor,
we would not like to call any witnesses
Staff have provided the court with the following logs:
Your honour, the plaintiff would also like to request item placement logs if possible, due to us believing that the defendants used a boat to glitch into the Sampson property.
Your honour, the plaintiff would also like to request item placement logs if possible, due to us believing that the defendants used a boat to glitch into the Sampson property.

Before I make a ruling on this, would you like to ask the witness questions before or after I make a decision on whether to issue a court order?
Before I make a ruling on this, would you like to ask the witness questions before or after I make a decision on whether to issue a court order?

Yes your honour. My questions for the witness are the following:

1. Could you explain the events which you witnessed on the date of July 23rd, 2021 ?

2. Even in the following days after the events occurred, were you harassed regarding Pablo and the horses by the defendant ?

3. Can you attest that the Church of Pablo is now shutting down, due to the death of Pablo ?

4. Did you have methods in place to prevent trespassing or an incident like this ? (ie. a no tresspassing sign, proper doors and walls)

5. Did the defendant admit to you that he killed Pablo ?
Apologies for the delay. As I just came back from my break. With reference to tekkovvs's questions,

  1. To begin with, I had not seen the killing itself. But the aftermath of it all I was present for. As provided in the screenshots, I was not on DC at the time being of this incident. I responded shortly after, and hopped online, only to see four animals from my Samspson plot gone, one of them being Pablo. I proceeded by looking for a sign of entry, and things of the sort. To which Relaxed and company decided to stand just before my house and mock me. From then on, they proceeded to brag about what they had done. Though it didn't quite stop there. The following days after the incident, a variety of conversations, images, and pictures were released by the defense. And while they may be pleading "innocent" in their testimony, are still far more likely to have been involved given the chain of events leading to this moment. Which is why I proceeded with this lawsuit, in search of the truth.
  2. Countless times, yes. Most of which happened through global chat. Not to mention that Pablo's remains were put up for auction, and some images were uploaded in #media on the main discord. I, however, payed no mind to it, knowing that it was best not to add fuel to the fire.
  3. Yes. On behalf of the corporation, I felt the need to suggest that the Church of Pablo be disbanded. As it no longer served any point after Pablo went missing.
  4. Yes. Every single entrance of the house is closed shut, and there is no proper way of getting inside unless someone were to use exploits to get in. In addition to that, there is a "No Trespassing" sign of sorts on the property.
  5. Yes, and multiple times as well.
Your honour, the plaintiff would also like to request item placement logs if possible, due to us believing that the defendants used a boat to glitch into the Sampson property.

I am granting this and thus am issuing a court order to receive these logs too.
The Defence may also cross examine the witness now and can present their questions if they have any.
Staff have provided the following logs:


I will give the Defence 24 more hours if they wish the cross examine the witness.
24 hours have passed. I would like to thank the witness, firstly. The Plaintiff may now proceed with their closing statement and that it is presented within 72 hours.

The Church of Pablo (tekkovvs Representing)


RelaxedGV and Associating Parties (antatro representing)


In conclusion, this case is more than just the death of a sheep. It's about the brutal murder of an icon. A public figure, which citizens of Redmont and Stratham look up to. The death of Pablo shocked numerous people, and the individuals who killed him deserve to face the wrath of the judicial system. The death of Pablo wasn't just the death of a sheep. It was the death of a company, a church, and most importantly, the death of hopes and dreams.
I have provided more than enough evidence against RelaxedGV and the associated parties, to prove that they killed the Holy Prophet Pablo for the fame and clout that would follow, including RelaxedGV directly admitting to killing Pablo. They even tried to sell the Holy Prophet on DC Bids for a quick buck.
I would also like to point out, that during this trial, we at the Church of Pablo have faced repeated harassment, from the Defendants, and even members of our esteemed government such as the Attorney General. Now with all of these points aside and EVEN if you look at this case objectively your honour, not including all of the external factors, such as the trespassing, or glitches to get into the property, or the endless taunting and harassment. Pablo was a private animal killed in the City of Hamilton, which is in fact illegal.

Long live Pablo. In Pablo we trust.
Thank you. The Defence may proceed with their closing statement within 72 hours, please.
Your honour, more than 72 hours have passed, so I request that we move onto the next step. I would also assume that there is a new Judge appointed to this case, due to the resignation of pugbandit.
Sorry for the push, but I would prefer that we get this done and over with as soon as possible, as this case is a headache for all parties involved.
As Chief Justice, I would like to express my apologies for the delay. Pugbandit had left the courts with little notice and therefore we had not yet arranged new Judges to preside over this case.

The Honourable Judge BubbaRC will be presiding over this case at his earliest convenience.
Thank you Westray, I would like to ask both parties express patients towards the court while they await a verdict.



Case No. 07-2021-23

The Court's Opinion

1. The logs provided by staff and the bragging from the defendant, RelaxedGV, that it is beyond a reasonable doubt that he had murdered the sheep

2. One horse was evidenced to have been killed by Bewoz through the staff logs, through the other horse is not anywhere to be seen in the logs, therefore it will be ignored

3. The court fails to see the involvement of RandomBoi2000, he is not included in any evidence included in the lawsuit, therefore he will be disregarded in the verdict

4. The court will account for the particular importance of the murdered sheep, "Pablo," in the verdict.


I hereby rule in favor of the Plaintiff, and order that

1. RelaxedGV pay Tekkovvs $750 in damages for the murder of Pablo, the sheep

2. Bewoz pay the plaintiff $250 in damages for the murder of one horse

I would like to thank both parties for their time, the court is now adjourned

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