Lawsuit: Adjourned The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Dedidous [2021] FCR 60

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1st Anniversary Grave Digger Popular in the Polls Legal Eagle
Mar 9, 2021

The Commonwealth of Redmont



The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows:


Decidous was selling cars for $500 which Baole444 and AB6A5SI took interest in and decided purchases the cars the defendant was selling. However upon payment the victims received a boat instead which the defendant blamed on another player stealing them.

  1. Poemhunter, State Prosecutor
  2. Baole444, Victim
  3. AB6A5SI, Victim
  4. Decidous, Defendant

1. With victims sort to buy a car from the defendant
2. Once both victims had paid the defendant he stated the car was stolen
3. In fact he gave boats and there was no cars

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:

1. 10.1 - Fraud

A dishonest or illegal scheme of obtaining something of value.
First Offence: 10 Minutes Jail + $200 fine + Repossession of items/monies.
Second Offence: 20 Minutes Jail + $250 fine + Repossession of items/monies.
Third Offence and after: 60 minutes jail + $300 fine + Repossession of items/monies.


The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
  1. First offence charges of a $200 fine for the crime of fraud against Baole444
  2. Second offence charge of a $250 fine for there crime of fraud against AB6A5SI
  3. Both shall receive repossession of money paid for of the car which amounts to $500 per victim
  4. No jail sentence will be sort from the state if the defendant co operates and returns monies and the required damages to the victims.

(Attach evidence below)

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 31 day of May 2021






The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case of The State v. Dedidous [Case No. 05-2021-31-04].
Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the prosecution.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures.

The Commonwealth of Redmont


Dedidous (wuutie Representing)

Case no: 05-2021-31-04

The defendant confirmd that they have sold items at spawn.
The defendant acknowledges the misunderstanding but no fraud has been committed by my client.

1. My client, Dedidous, is a very new player to our server and was "vibing" at spawn. He uses his boat to move around from place A to place B, so he likes to call his boat his car (Also because it drives on land instead of water, you cant name a boat riding on ground a boat.). My client found a new idea and invented the boat car and tried to sell it over at spawn for 500 dollars a car. The server always supported new ideas to benefit yourself by creating original ideas. This case would be a step back for the inventors of finding new ways to live. My client found a cheaper way to travel, which is not by foot. As a conclusion, we all did wrong things in the beginning of the server, for example: buying 200 dollars for a stack of carrots, a lower income because you didnt know what the average income is, buying a residential plot instead of an commercial plot to start a business, selling a boat as a car. Don't let this make him a fraud and lets help my client in the future, because of the lack of knowledge my client is here today standing before you, your Honour.
2. The average price is 6x the price my client asked. If they thought this thing through, then they needed to come to the same solution as I made when I first heard about this case, this is not possible and could be a spin-off off an orignal car. I ask for a bit of sympathy for my client as he is new to the server and don't know how things go around here and what the average price is for a specific object. Otherwise this could have been the opportunity to abuse my client for being brandnew to the server and got the old (DC car) for a price which is too low for anyone who wants to help people. I ask the prosecution to think about the dignity and their reputation if they move on with this case. Instead of helping and contacting a new player you judge them immediately. Instead of saying your price is way too low for the old (DC) car and helping him to get to know the market, you abuse his lack of knowledge.
3. My client isnt known at the DoJ and has been a good citizen for the rest of his time in the DC server.
4. While there are many definitions of cars, I want to present one: "a means of carrying or transporting something". This new idea by Dedidous follows this definition because he can transport or carry a player in that car. So this is not an actual fraud but a big misunderstanding. We can conclude that there was miscommunication between the buyer and the seller.

My client is prepared to offer a return off in total 1000 dollars for the misunderstanding and ask for sympathy for being a new player. My client requested also an postponing on this payment because he is in heavy debt. He has a job and will start working soon, so we kindly ask a postpone on this payment.
Do we want inventors to stop creating original/new ideas in the future for our server or do we want constant innovation and help for every new player so this won't happen again.


Does The Commonwealth have any additional points it would like to raise or any evidence it wants to present before moving on to the opening statements?
Your Honour,

i am about to leave for work and I may have additional information.

can I ask for a 24hr extension before proceeding.
There is currently no time frame in which you must have formally responded to my comment by. As long you respond within a reasonable fashion it should be fine.
Your Honour,

The state dismisses all statements made by the defence due to the recent evidence that has been presented to us in this case of fraud. I was contacted by a member of the public about this case due to another fraudulent act by the defendant. it seems that the additional evidence I will provide that he has once again scammed another two player this time with renaming nether brick and posing them as ingots. picture evidence below is provided of there conversation along with short statements about the fraudulent act.

The state will in its opening statement dismantle the defences made by opposing council, but before we proceed I want this evidence submitted for the record and for the court to examine.

The state would now like to proceed with the following:

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:

1. 10.1 - Fraud

A dishonest or illegal scheme of obtaining something of value.
First Offence: 10 Minutes Jail + $200 fine + Repossession of items/monies.
Second Offence: 20 Minutes Jail + $250 fine + Repossession of items/monies.
Third Offence and after: 60 minutes jail + $300 fine + Repossession of items/monies.


The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
  1. First offence charges of a $200 fine for the crime of fraud against Baole444
  2. Second offence charge of a $250 fine for there crime of fraud against AB6A5SI
  3. Two Third Offence of $300 fines and a 60 minute jail sentence for the fraudulent act against both Teuntje1234567 and Cashtron527
  4. All shall receive repossession of money paid for of the repetitive items.

"so, Decidous placed an ad claiming that he sold netherite ingots for $50, that made me interested immediately. i messaged him, if he had any left, he said he did and i ordered 10 of them, i paid him the $500 and he gave me the renamed netherbricks. after that i talked to him for a while that this was scamming and that he should pay me and Cashtron527 (another person that he scammed) back, he finally paid me back $20 but still no sign of the remaining $480, he never paid Cashtron527 back, not even a penny. He also claimed that what he was doing was legal and that he was just doing "business". i told him that what he did was scamming and not business and that he should pay me back. he claimed that he paid someone elso on accident my money back and that they wouldn't react but he wouldn't want to tell who he had accidentally paid. He also claims that I dont need my $500 back because i already have some money, even tho i work a lot for $500. he also spent some of my money on food, because he said that doing that is legal because I supposably don't need my money. I believe that this is it.[/ISPOILER]

Screenshot 2021-06-06 at 23.48.26.png






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Would the defendant like to raise any objection before I'm making my ruling as to whether or not the plaintiff may update the complaint to include an additional charge?
Your Honour,

Objection: This case is brought up after a suspicious case about my client and suddenly the prosecutor finds another charge that came out of nowhere. I could say a dozen times that I was scammed in the past but that is too late to act on. It is suspicious that he just finds another complaint, to confirm his charges. We have no conversation between my client and the buyer of the ingots before the deal was made, the details of the buy/sell contract are lacking and no confirmation on the payment made by the plaintiff 2 times. If we start to tell everyone that he stole my money with no evidence and then sue the man who "stole" the money, where does the world go? No evidence shows that the act was done, only the after part where my client denies the "scam" and the plaintiff acts on it to get information out of my client. So the extra charges needs to be thrown out of court.

Also are the charges for the extra plaintiffs very hard with the rise in price from 200 dollars to 300 dollars and from zero hours in jail to 60 minutes in jail, while my client isnt been convicted 3 times.

My client still stands behind the earlier deal made for a full return of the money to the original plaintiffs because of the misunderstanding.
I'm allowing the charges to be added to the complaint
Does either side want to present evidence before moving to opening statements?
Your Honour,

The defendant council has reach out to me looking for a plea deal. The state is currently deciding what might be fair to both the victims of the defendant and the defendant themselves.

i will post any deal here and if not accepted them the state is ready to move forward.
Your Honour,

The state is prepared to to offer the defendant a plea deal on the terms set out below:

  1. The defendant pleads guilty to four counts of fraud.
  2. They agree to server a 30 minute jail sentence
  3. In return the state will drop all fines
  4. And all monies stolen from the victims must be returned to them within a three month period of accepting this deal.

  • Baole444 $500
  • AB6A5SI $500
  • Teuntje1234567 $480
  • Cashtron527 $500
Total amount to be paid: $1,980
Your Honour,

The defendant, Decidous, accepts the offer made by the prosecutor.


The plea deal is granted and this court is adjourned

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