Lawsuit: Adjourned The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Hanhatfre and KingCleaver [2021] FCR 23


Education Department
4th Anniversary 3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Change Maker
Jul 14, 2020

The Commonwealth of Redmont


Hanhatfre and KingCleaver


The State alleges that both members of the DOJ have committed the crime of 15.20 Police Misconduct. During an investigation made by the Attorney General, it was discovered that both defendants had abused their permissions. Their abuse has drawn great ire from not only the community but also from the server owners themselves.

I would like to charge Hanhatfre with one charge of Police Misconduct, and if the court finds it possible, the strongest sentence allowed possible by the 15.20 police misconduct charge.

I would like to charge KingCleaver for one charge of Police Misconduct.

1. The State of Redmont
2. Hanhatfre
3. KingCleaver

1. Hanhatfre engaged in criminal mischief and did not conduct himself properly as a PO.
2. Hanhatfre has in the past had issues with DoJ staff for abusing perms and has been reprimanded. He continues this behavior despite being told to stop.
3. In one incident, Hanhatfre arrested a person (Jontay) for no reason multiple times over and tazed (Evidence 1, 2, and 3). He also was reportedly dragged across the server as per his claims (Evidence 4) though I am unable to verify this with a screenshot.
4. In a second incident, Hanhatfre and KingCleaver were arresting each other multiple times over. This created severe lag that was kicking them from the server. Since they are both police officers they both had the ability to do it to each other. These actions however drew the ire of Technofied who demanded that they be fired from the office immediately and was angry with the lag that they caused. (Evidence 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9). Tech provided these screenshots in #politics of the discord server.

1. Hanhatfre has had a troubled reputation within the DoJ department. He has not made an attempt to improve his behavior and continues to scare the citizens of Redmont.
2. Hanhatfre has been seen giving punishments to players who did not do anything wrong.
3. Hanhatfre and KingCleaver were found to be abusing their permissions and giving themselves punishments unnecessarily. In addition, their actions caused a lag spike that because they were spamming the /arrest command on each other.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. Hanhatfre should be charged with Police Misconduct and be fired from the DoJ immediately if he's not been fired or has not resigned already. In addition, he should be given a 30 min jail sentence and fined $10,000 dollars for repeatedly abusing his permissions. He should be barred permanently from being a police officer again.
2. KingCleaver should be charged with Police Misconduct and be fired from the DoJ immediately if he's not been fired or has not resigned already. In addition, he should be given a 10 min jail sentence and be fined $2000 dollars for repeatedly abusing his permissions. He should be barred permanently from being a police officer again.
3. The Attorney General and members of Congress should create a bipartisan task force to investigate the DoJ to make sure that the department is operating efficiently and that no other police officers are abusing their permissions.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 7th day of March 2021


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The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case The State v Hanhatfre and KingClever. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff.

As this is a criminal trial, I will advise the defendants of the following provisions within the Criminal Jurisdiction Act:
(4) For a criminal trial to take place -
(1) The prosecuting authority must be represented by a prosecutor.
(a) The defendant may have representation or have declared they are representing themselves.
(b) If the defendant is eligible for a Public Defender, the Court must allow reasonable time for the defendant to source legal counsel.
(i) The process for criminal trials shall be the same as that for civil trials.
(3) The burden of proof is on the prosecuting authority.

The defendants must make the court aware of their intended type of representation. The type of representation does not need to be the same for both defendants. Representation may be sought from the RBA. I am aware there are currently no Public Defender's available from the RBA.
can you like just give me the punishment right now

I will accept guilty pleas on this matter. If you and/or your co-defendant wishes to plea as such please formally state so in the thread below.
I admit to this and I am guilty to everything said about me and I will take the punishment for my actions
Hey everyone.

I just wanted to say, I'm really sorry for what I did. I used my police equipment for fun, and I shouldn't have. I didn't use them that much, although that's no excuse. I still used my equipment, and in doing so, I lagged the server. I take full responsibility for my actions, and I will pay up for what I did. I hope some of you can forgive me, and I promise I will never do it again.


Due to the guilty pleas issued by the defendants, I will proceed to sentencing.


While both of your actions caused severe lag and caused you to be kicked, I do not believe your intention was to cause server-side lag.

Hanhatfre: I find your actions more culpable than your co-defendant, given your misconduct also involved a third party outside of the Department of Justice. It is easy to conclude your actions fell far below the standard expected. When sentencing I acknowledge your guilty plea, but also your apparent lack of remorse. As such I sentence you to:

- 20 mins in jail
- A $2000 fine
- Temporary barring of employment within the Department of Justice for a period of 8 weeks (6th May) before you may reapply.

KingClever: While less culpable than your colleague, it is clear to me your actions also fell below the standard expected of an officer. When sentencing I acknowledge your guilty plea and your lack of remorse. As such I sentence you to:

- 7 mins in jail
- A $1000 fine
- Temporary barring of employment within the Department of Justice for a period of 4 weeks (8th April) before you may reapply.

just to say I do have remorse for what I did I just don't know how to show that I do but I still accept my punishment