Lawsuit: Dismissed The Lovely Law Firm v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2023] SCR 19

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Alexander P. Love

Deputy Speaker of the House
Redmont Bar Assoc.
Legal Eagle Change Maker Popular in the Polls
Jun 2, 2021

The Lovely Law Firm


The Commonwealth of Redmont

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

On September 9th of 2023, Matthew100x was controversially appointed to the position of Federal Judge. This rushed nomination process as well as the political fallout as a result of it has left the Commonwealth to overlook two critical steps in the process of appointing a Judge. This negligence has led to Matthew being illegitimately being confirmed, when he should not have even been nominated in the first place according to the law. Further, the President of the Senate prematurely terminated the vote in the chamber when one Senator has not voted, and his vote could have affected the outcome of the confirmation.

1. The Lovely Law Firm (Plaintiff)
2. The Commonwealth of Redmont (Defendant)
3. Matthew100x (Government Official in Question)
4. Mhadsher101 (President of the Senate)
5. itsBlazeX (Witness)
6. RelaxedGV (Witness)

1. Matthew100x was nominated by LilDigiVert for the position of Federal Judge before September 9th, 2023.
2. Matthew100x was confirmed by The Senate for the position of Federal Judge on September 9th, 2023.
3. Matthew100x, as of September 9th, 2023, has accrued 146 hours of playtime (6 days and 2 hours).
4. In the confirmation vote, Matthew100x received a nay from senators A__C and xEndeavour, and an aye from Mhadsher101, Nacholibraa, and xLayzur. CivilizedMan did not cast a vote before The President of the Senate called the confirmation to an end.

1. The Judicial Activity Amendment (link) provides that "A Judge, Justice, or Chief Justice must hold the following requirements in order to be nominated to the bench... Judge - has accrued 150 hours and 12 hours of playtime in the last 30 days". Matthew100x has only accrued 146 hours of playtime, not 150. Therefore, his nomination was illicit and against the law. Congress should either repeal this law, which would involve the will of the House of Representatives who so far has been left out of this nomination process, or Matthew100x will need to attain four more hours of playtime to be eligible for the position.
2. CivilizedMan's vote could have affected the outcome of the confirmation. Had he voted nay, the vote would have gone to the Office of the Vice President for the tie to be broken. Disregarding anticipation as to how Vanquish69 would vote in that event, the matter is that she could vote nay and therefore the President of the Senate has done a disservice in calling this vote to an early end. Democratic processes were disrupted as the vote should not have ended, as the vote was not decisive enough to terminate it before all Senators had voted.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. Matthew100x to be removed from office.
2. $10,000 in compensatory damages for wasted time and effort lobbying against this nomination, as he should not have even been nominated in the first place.
3. $15,000 in damages for loss of enjoyment in Redmont for all the strife, argumentation, and general negative energy this illicit nomination has brought on the general legal environment. Further, the erosion of democracy because of one of our Senator's input not being taken into consideration when his vote could have changed the outcome of this important issue also gives grounds to this prayer.
4. $15,000 in damages for infliction of emotional distress, as the Lovely Law Firm morale fell low when the Judge was appointed due to his blatant comments expressing his contempt for many of the values Lovely Law stands for. The emotional damages and stress, as well as workplace negative morale, all were undue because of Matthew100x's nomination being illicit.
5. $10,000 in legal fees for the effort in trying this case and for the support of the Lovely Law Firm.


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By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 9th day of September, 2023
Owner's Notice

Player Matthew100x would exceed the 150 hour limit for this position, however his historical playtime was erased due to being banned previously.
The plaintiff still asserts the other arguments that are not in relation to playtime.


@Dartanman is required to appear before the Supreme Court in the case of The Lovely Law Firm v. The Commonwealth.

Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Given that the Chief Justice resigned and I am the official at question in the relationship, this case shall continue be in recess until a new justice is nominated.
I was briefly involved in this out-of-court during my tenure as Attorney General.

I don't really remember much of it. Does either party wish for me to recuse?
Your honor, may I ask how you were involved in it?
Your honor, may I ask how you were involved in it?
I was the Attorney General. I was preparing to mount either a request for dismissal, request for summary judgement, or defense. I genuinely don't remember which I was going to do, though.
The defense does NOT wish for the presiding Judge to recuse.
The Plaintiff does not wish for the presiding Judge to recuse.
Very well. I will not be recusing and also, between when I asked that and now, Drew_Hall has joined the Supreme Court.

In classical (and legally required) Supreme Court fashion, we will both be over this case.

The Commonwealth now has 48 hours to provide an Answer to Complaint or Motion to Dismiss.
Your honor, it would be improper for me to directly take this case. As such, I am appointing Anthony to this case and request a 24 hour extension so he has time to review the case and get organized.
Your honor, it would be improper for me to directly take this case. As such, I am appointing Anthony to this case and request a 24 hour extension so he has time to review the case and get organized.
Justice Drew_Hall has not responded to make a decision with me on this request.

It would be safer to assume the extension has not been granted.
And as I posted that, I saw his response. The extension is granted.
It has now been nearly 96 hours since the Court asked the Commonwealth for its Answer to Complaint. The Supreme Court hereby finds the Department of Legal Affairs in Contempt of Court, and orders the Department of Justice to fine DCGovernmentDLA appropriately.

We will be moving on. The Plaintiff now has 72 hours to provide an Opening Statement.
AlexanderLove, do not delete filings once they're posted. If this happens again you will be found in Contempt of Court.
The Plaintiff has failed to respond in over 72 hours. The Supreme Court has decided to charge the Lovely Law Firm with Contempt of Court and order the Department of Justice to handle their fines appropriately.

We will now move on. The Commonwealth has 72 hours to provide an Opening Statement.
Your honor, 72 hours have passed and the Defendant has not responded.
Your honor, it is midterm season and it slipped my mind to ask for an extension. I ask for a 24 hour extension to allow my office time to finalize the draft.
Your honor, it is midterm season and it slipped my mind to ask for an extension. I ask for a 24 hour extension to allow my office time to finalize the draft.
Just an update: We are still deliberating on whether to approve this.
Your honor, it is midterm season and it slipped my mind to ask for an extension. I ask for a 24 hour extension to allow my office time to finalize the draft.
As the Commonwealth has already received an extension, and this request was made after the deadline, the Supreme Court has decided to deny this request.

Of course we recognize the importance of IRL circumstances, including midterms, but when given 72 hours we expect that you can inform us ahead of time.

We will be moving on. Both parties have 72 hours to provide a list of witnesses or declare they have none.
As the Commonwealth has already received an extension, and this request was made after the deadline, the Supreme Court has decided to deny this request.

Of course we recognize the importance of IRL circumstances, including midterms, but when given 72 hours we expect that you can inform us ahead of time.

We will be moving on. Both parties have 72 hours to provide a list of witnesses or declare they have none.
Motion to Reconsider
Your honor, I am not personally responsible for this case as I recused myself due to being the original filer. I had assigned this case out to Anthony a while ago but his lack of motivation in the Department caused us to miss the original response. He then resigned. With midterms, I was busy worrying about those and had not reassigned this case yet. I only got to it once the deadline had already passed, so I requested an extension. It would be improper for me to take this case myself, thus the DLA has appointed a new prosecutor to take this case.

Because of both my circumstances with the case itself and the recusal, as well as real life, AND Anthony dropping the ball then subsequently quitting on us, there are many variables that were out of my control that caused the DLA to miss this deadline. It would be a violation of a fair trial if the Commonwealth is not allowed to share any remarks whatsoever. Therefore, I motion to reconsider such that a prosecutor can outline our arguments before we move into the trial. Having witnesses before the Commonwealth establishes to the Court where it stands on the matter would be gravely inappropriate. Haste is not so important that a case so consequential to Government process be completely botched over a couple missed deadlines due to circumstances outside of our control.
Motion to Reconsider
Your honor, I am not personally responsible for this case as I recused myself due to being the original filer. I had assigned this case out to Anthony a while ago but his lack of motivation in the Department caused us to miss the original response. He then resigned. With midterms, I was busy worrying about those and had not reassigned this case yet. I only got to it once the deadline had already passed, so I requested an extension. It would be improper for me to take this case myself, thus the DLA has appointed a new prosecutor to take this case.

Because of both my circumstances with the case itself and the recusal, as well as real life, AND Anthony dropping the ball then subsequently quitting on us, there are many variables that were out of my control that caused the DLA to miss this deadline. It would be a violation of a fair trial if the Commonwealth is not allowed to share any remarks whatsoever. Therefore, I motion to reconsider such that a prosecutor can outline our arguments before we move into the trial. Having witnesses before the Commonwealth establishes to the Court where it stands on the matter would be gravely inappropriate. Haste is not so important that a case so consequential to Government process be completely botched over a couple missed deadlines due to circumstances outside of our control.
The Supreme Court has decided to overrule the Motion to Reconsider, for the following reasons:
  • As Attorney General, it is your responsibility to manage the Department and oversee its operations, even if you are not the Prosecutor on a specific case.
  • You've already been granted an extension, missed the extended deadline, and then later requested an extension after another deadline.
  • At some point, tardiness requires a consequence, and you've reached that point.

The Court understands that real life comes first, but the Commonwealth has a team of Prosecutors who are legally allowed to represent the State. There is no excuse for failing to request an extension in a 72+ hour timeframe.
The Court understands that real life comes first, but the Commonwealth has a team of Prosecutors who are legally allowed to represent the State. There is no excuse for failing to request an extension in a 72+ hour timeframe.
There's no I love Democracycraft!ing prosecutor who can take this case cuz everyone is busy, so whatever. Guess I will pull a prosecutor out of my ass. Charge me with contempt, but had to get that out there.

I motion for recess until someone can be appointed.
I apologize to the Court about my previous statement. Yesterday was stressful for many reasons and this was simply the thing that compounded upon it.

In light of the disappointing verdict by the Court, I have no choice but to take this case myself regardless of how unethical it may be. No other prosecutor is available on such short notice and able to put the time into this case to make up for the lost chances of argumentation. My hands are tied.

As for the witness list, I will be calling Vanquish_69 and Matthew100x to the stand.
The Lovely Law Firm will be calling RelaxedGV and Mhadsher101 to the stand.
There's no I love Democracycraft!ing prosecutor who can take this case cuz everyone is busy, so whatever. Guess I will pull a prosecutor out of my ass. Charge me with contempt, but had to get that out there.

I motion for recess until someone can be appointed.
I apologize to the Court about my previous statement. Yesterday was stressful for many reasons and this was simply the thing that compounded upon it.

In light of the disappointing verdict by the Court, I have no choice but to take this case myself regardless of how unethical it may be. No other prosecutor is available on such short notice and able to put the time into this case to make up for the lost chances of argumentation. My hands are tied.

As for the witness list, I will be calling Vanquish_69 and Matthew100x to the stand.
Our apologies for the delay. The Supreme Court has decided to hold AlexanderLove in contempt for his behavior.

The Department of Justice is to fine/jail him appropriately if it is his first or second offense. If it is the third or higher, treat the fines/jail time as though it is his second.

We appreciate your apology.
Our apologies for the delay. The Supreme Court has decided to hold AlexanderLove in contempt for his behavior.

The Department of Justice is to fine/jail him appropriately if it is his first or second offense. If it is the third or higher, treat the fines/jail time as though it is his second.

We appreciate your apology.
Your honor, when will the witnesses be summoned?
I apologize to the Court about my previous statement. Yesterday was stressful for many reasons and this was simply the thing that compounded upon it.

In light of the disappointing verdict by the Court, I have no choice but to take this case myself regardless of how unethical it may be. No other prosecutor is available on such short notice and able to put the time into this case to make up for the lost chances of argumentation. My hands are tied.

As for the witness list, I will be calling Vanquish_69 and Matthew100x to the stand.
The Lovely Law Firm will be calling RelaxedGV and Mhadsher101 to the stand.
The Supreme Court would like to know why each of the witnesses are being called. Both parties have 72 hours to answer.
Your Honor, the Defense is requesting an extension of 72 hours due to a change in staffing - Alexander P. Love, Former Attorney General and the attorney assigned to this case has left the DLA and we have been unable to reassign an attorney as of now.


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Your Honor, the Prosecution is requesting an extension of 72 hours due to a change in staffing - Alexander P. Love, Former Attorney General and the prosecutor assigned to this case has left the DLA and we have been unable to reassign a prosecutor as of now.


72 hours granted from now.
The Commonwealth has called Vanquish69 because she was the Vice President at the time of the nomination. We have called Matthew because he is the nominee in question in the case.
i'm here i think this is when i say im here
i'm here i think this is when i say im here
Thank you for your eagerness to appear but please wait until you are summoned by the court.
The Lovely Law Firm will be calling RelaxedGV and Mhadsher101 to the stand.
@Snowy_Heart / @Alexander P. Love we are aware that Lovely Law has gone through some management changes recently, but you are still on this case. Please answer the previous question in the next 24 hours.
The Supreme Court has decided to grant 12 extra hours. There is no reason you cannot write a few sentences explaining why you want to call these witnesses. There is likely no need for an elaborate argument.
Your Honor,
We want to call Mhadsher101 and RelaxedGV up to the stand since they are first hand witnsses to mattew100x's confirmation vote.
Thank you,
Your Honor.
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@Mhadsher @RelaxedGV @Vanquish69 and @Matthew100x are required to appear before the Supreme Court in the case of The Lovely Law Firm v. The Commonwealth [2023] SCR 19 as witnesses.

Please familiarize yourself with the case as it stands at present. You will receive questions and may also be cross-examined.

The Court asks that all questions be provided to witnesses in a single post. If some questions need to be withheld as they depend on answers given to earlier questions, that is also considered reasonable. Once the witnesses have declared themselves present, the Plaintiff may begin with questions to their witnesses.
(Read the highlighted part thoroughly, as it is often misunderstood)

I am hereby informing each witness to ensure they are aware of the provisions of the law of perjury and its severity. Giving knowingly false testimony is highly illegal. Witnesses are required to tell the truth in their testimonies, subject to the penalties of perjury.

The Witnesses are to identify themselves in this case thread in the next 72 hours. Failure to comply with this summons may result in being held in Contempt of Court.​
Your honor, I'm present 😻
I am Present.
The Plaintiff request a 24 hour extension due to some personal issues
Mhadsher101 , RelaxedGV

Can you confirm that a proper vote didn't take place within the senate thier for making Matthew100x appointment false?

All witnesses

what do you constute as a proper vote?
1. From what I remember, it was in terms of the voting being Constitutionally correct.

2. What is written within the Constitution.
Mr. Dodrio3, I am not understanding the question, could it please be rephrased?
What would need to happen for a vote to be valid
Mr. Dodrio3, I need context. Are we talking about a vote in an election, a vote on a bill, a vote on a referendum, or a vote on a hearing? I can't answer such a vague question.
For the position that you hold
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