New profile posts

Yay, yay, yay, it’s your birthday, hey, hey, hey, it’s your day. It’s not Monday, It’s not Tuesday, It’s not Wednesday, It’s not Thursday, It’s not Friday, It’s not Saturday, It’s not Thursday. . .It’s your birthday! (Pooh Bear says “Hello” from the train)


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Happy birthday! Try to enjoy your day, and spend time with family or friends, if family is busy and we are the only friends open tell us, we will throw a party.
Hello people of DC. I have made the unfortunate decision to quit DC for a while. The reason why is that my life has just been way way too busy and there really isn’t any time at all for being online. I’ll still be on the servers and I’ll stay in contact with everyone, but when every time you think about DC, you get anxiety, you know something is wrong. I love all of you, and I’ll see you later.
Yay, yay, yay, it's your birthday, hey hey, hey, it's your day! It's not Monday it's not Tuesday it's not Wednesday it's not Thursday it's not Friday it's not Saturday it's not Thursday..........your birthday!!!