Lawsuit: Dismissed CraftyIso v Chase Bank [2023] DCR 23

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Chief Justice
State Department
Redmont Bar Assoc.
May 4, 2021

CraftyIso (Lovely Law Firm Representing)


Chase Bank

Your Honor, Chase Bank's interest rate is a 0.01% per month of money in the account. If you have $100 within the bank you earn 1 penny of interest every month. CraftyIso was a former banker at Chase Bank and thus can confirm in a Witness Testimony that Chase Bank had this amount of interest within their savings accounts. To withdraw your money from Chase Bank you have to pay a $50 fee on top of the withdrawal. So if you were to withdraw lets say $100 you will have to pay $50 on top of that. So in reality you would only be withdrawing $50 given the fee. In the Foundation of Contract Law (CLF and listed in Evidence A) it states that your contract must not "cause significant imbalance between the contractee's rights and obligations and those of the contractor". Given that Chase Bank was charging $50 per withdrawal at 0.01% interest per month this shows a clear disbalance which will be explored further in Claims for Relief.

1. CraftyIso (Plaintiff)
2. Chase Bank (Defendent)

1. CraftyIso wanted to have a Savings Account to earn interest along with storing their money.
2. Chase Bank was the only option at the time of looking that did Savings Accounts for 0.1% a month.
3. CraftyIso signs an illegal contract with Chase Bank.
4. Megacorp opens their own bank at 5% interest a month Savings Account.
5. CraftyIso switches to Megacorp Banking for better interest.
6. CraftyIso states that the amount of interest at Chase Bank is "ass".
7. Chase Bank sues CraftyIso.

1. The Defendant violated the CLF. The Defendant charged $50 per withdrawal with a limit of 2 withdrawals per week. Given they interest you would earn back was 0.01% this shows that even if you leave $300 inside the bank and withdraw $100 over 2 separate withdrawals you will have earned a penny whereas Chase Bank would earn $99.99. This shows heavy imbalance between the Signatory and the Contractor.
2. The Defendant violated the Corporate Law and Shareholder Protections Act (CLSP and listed in Evidence B). The Act states that you must not "intentionally engages in activity that undermines their duty or the integrity of the company". Given that the Defendant violated the CLSP this shows that they did not act with integrity and instead undermined the very company they were meant to keep the integrity of.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. $3,000 (3k) in Compensation due to the violations of both laws.
2. $3,00 (3k) in Punitive Damages to help prevent other Banks from doing the same.
2. $1,500 (1.5k) in Legal Fees.

Evidence A

Evidence B

Proof of Representation.

@Galavance is required to appear before the District Court in the case of CraftyIso v. Chase Bank. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case. Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Present, Ko531 will be representing me.
Thank you. @ko53, you have around 45 hours to respond with an answer to complaint or motion to dismiss.

CraftyIso (Lovely Law Firm Representing)


Chase Bank (ko531 Representing)


1. CraftyIso wanted to have a Savings Account to earn interest along with storing their money.

The defendant affirms this fact.

2. Chase Bank was the only option at the time of looking that did Savings Accounts for 0.1% a month.

The defendant affirms this fact.

3. CraftyIso signs an illegal contract with Chase Bank.

The defendant disputes this fact.

4. Megacorp opens their own bank at 5% interest a month Savings Account.

The defendant affirms this fact.

5. CraftyIso switches to Megacorp Banking for better interest.

The defendant disputes this fact.

6. CraftyIso states that the amount of interest at Chase Bank is "ass".

The defendant affirms this fact.

7. Chase Bank sues CraftyIso.

The defendant affirms this fact.

The fact of whether the contract "cause significant imbalance between the contractee's rights and obligations and those of the contractor" is subjective. Yes in the circumstance the Plantiff gave where someone only deposits $100 it may seem imbalanced but the majority of people depositing money in banks are depoisiting thousands of dollars. In a different circumstance Someone who has $500,000 in their account would receive about $50 each month and no longer seems imbalanced. The withdrawl rate was not just to make extra money, it was compensation for the services of switching the money over from the Company Balance to the Player Balance. So by including the services provide and the interest rate, the contract no longer seems imbalanced

We the Defense find that this lawsuit is nothing but malicious prosecution. The Plantiff understood the contract at the time of accepting showing they had zero problems with the contract. They left Chase Bank for about 2-3 weeks before suing us. The Plantiff then decides to file a Lawsuit against Chase Bank in the Federal Courts on Aug. 7th. which is only 4 days after they failed to have the lawsuit Chase Bank v. CraftyIso FCR 67 dismissed and only 3 days after the failed to have Justice JoeGamer recuse himself from the case. We see this lawsuit as nothing but a way of acting revenge against Chase Bank for Chase Bank v. CraftyIso FCR 67.

Claims of Relief
1. Malicious prosecution

Prayers of Relief
1.$4000 in Punitive Damages for malicious prosecution
2. $1000 in Legal Fees

Evidence A

Evidence B

Your Honor, The defendent Galavance has zero records from Chase Bank prior to aquiring the company from Steveshat. As this all happened prior to Galavance's ownership in Chase Bank and that the Plantiff's complaint only talked about hypothetical situations, we ask to compel the plantiff to the transfer balance information of the account including

1. The amount of money in the account
2. The amount of time the account was open
3. The amount of times CraftyIso withdrew from the account
4. All deposits into the account

For all we know CraftyIso could have had enough money in the account that they were making money off the interest.
I will grant the motion to compel. The plaintiff has 48 hours to provide the information requested.
Your Honor. The Plaintiff does not have records regarding the account other than an agreement to the contract which is in Evidence B and I will post a screenshot of it here. The Plaintiff wishes to state that it should be up to the company to maintain records of all current and former account holders to maintain their books thus it is not the Plaintiff's responsibility to do so.

I have also noticed I added the wrong Evidence A as I showed this case from Federal. The correct Evidence is here - Act of Congress - The Foundation of Contract Law (CLF) this was an accident on my behalf Your Honor, apologies for the confusion.
Your Honor even if the Plantiff doesnt have all the exact details, we find it hard to believe they can't at least give an estimate as to:

1. How much money is in the account
2. How long the account was open for

This information is essential to truely see if the Plantiff actually suffered any monetary loss
You may ask that during witness questioning. We shall now move onto opening statements, the plaintiff has 48 hours to file theirs.
I’d also like to make it known that the counter claims are recognized by the court.
Your Honor, I understand it has been past 48 hours however did you want the Plaintiff to present an Opening Statement? There is nothing in your messages that states this which is why I ask for clarity on the matter. If so I would like at least 24 hours to present an Opening Statement.
You may ask that during witness questioning. We shall now move onto opening statements, the plaintiff has 48 hours to file theirs.
I stated earlier that the plaintiff had 48 hours to file their opening statement, however I will grant you a 24 hour extension past the deadline.
Your Honor the Defense feels that just because the Plantiff failed to read a simple comment that it should not be a emergency on our part. We wish to have a speedy trial as is our right and this only impedes on that right. We ask to have the extension revolked and allow us our time to present our opening statement.
I will reject the request, however I ask that the plaintiff please file their opening statement in a timely manner.

Your Honor, Opposing Council.

Why does one deposit money into a bank? It could be to earn interest on the money, to take advantage of tax benefits on the balance, or just to keep the money safe. What we are looking at today is interest banking or more commonly known as Savings Accounts. Savings Accounts will commonly have around 5% interest on any money inside the account with a normal amount of withdrawal fee usually around $25. These are normal rates that many expect or are used to the amount being.

Let’s look at Chase Bank’s interest at the time of CraftyIso having their Savings Account. The interest was 0.1% which is not only 4.9% below the typical expected amount but is also so low that you will only earn 0.1 cent if your account had $1. If you have $10,000 you would earn $10. Which is not only incredibly low but is so low that Chase Bank would be earning far more from investing than the holder would be earning back by holding their money inside the bank.

Now onto fees. The fees for withdrawal are $50 everytime which means if you were to put in $100 and wish to withdraw all $100 then you would be receiving half of the expected amount. Withdrawal fees are pretty standard for Banks however $50 every withdrawal when an average player can likely make 10’s a week will add up quickly especially if you cannot make enough to sustain the $50 per.

Now canceling is a major issue with the contract. If Chase Bank were to cancel your contract with them you would be stuck footing the bill for any outstanding balance on your account. Now given this does not specify what exactly would be an outstanding balance it could mean anything. It can just be simply you have to pay the $50 withdrawal or any fees you haven’t paid or it could mean you have to pay the entire balance you have currently in the account before termination.

Now why can Chase Bank change any term of the contract at any time without any input from the account holder. Usually if a provision inside a contract needs to change then both parties shall come to an agreement in good faith to have it changed. If most of the contract needs changing then usually a new contract will be sent to update it with both parties resigning and making the previous contract null and void. Now I ask, why can Chase Bank change the terms for any reason at any time with no input from the Signatory while the Signatory is not allowed to do the same? Heck the Signatory cannot even ask if a provision can be changed according to the unfair contract.

This unfair contract was signed by Account Holders and CraftyIso is a major power imbalance in favor of the Bank giving themselves too much power and making the Signatory screwed in the face of the law. The FCL prohibits a power imbalance which this unfair contract has granted Chase Bank to have. Chase Bank at any time for any reason can screw over the Account Holders without any warning and being only notified regarding it after the fact with the Account Holders only recourse is canceling their account with Chase Bank. In which case Chase Bank can have any outstanding balance (including the amount in your account) be sent an invoice for you to have to pay the entire balance which can include the balance you held in the account.

All of this leads into why this unfair contract is a complete power imbalance between the Contractee (Chase Bank) and the Signatory (the Account Holder). In this case it's just CraftyIso suing for damages and for this outrageous and unfair contract to be updated and all previous ones to be found null and void. This is not an attack against the new CEO Galavance but, rather a needed change in the unfair contracts that Chase Bank will be giving out assuming it has not been done. Including repayment to CraftyIso for signing an unfair contract.
Your Honor, the Plaintiff and Defense have come to an agreement. Given this we would like to drop this case with prejudice.
Can the defense confirm this?
Thank you, this case is hereby dismissed with prejudice.
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