Lawsuit: Adjourned Concerned Citizens v. xEndeavore (Case No. 04-2021-11-01) Anniversary Kangaroo Court [2021] FCR 41


Grave Digger 3rd Anniversary Legal Eagle Change Maker 1st Anniversary Statesman Popular in the Polls
Feb 16, 2021

Concerned Citizens (Lord_Donuticus, ByeSprite, & Nacholebraa)



The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

1. xEndeavour
2. The DemocracyCraft Server
3. Concerned Citizens (Lord_Donuticus, ByeSprite, & Nacholebraa)

1. This time 1 year ago xEndeavour created the server DemocracyCraft.
2. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
3. In this time we have seen chaos, riots, scheming, insurrections, terrorists, economic downturn, bad driving, endless arguing, dirty politics, rigged elections, and so much more! - None of this would have happened if the server had not been created!
4. xEndeavour has been widely known to be colluding with Koalation on the creation of DemocracyCraft.
5. "Democracy is cringe" - ByeSprite
6. xEndeavour has a personal relationship with an emu who once asked him to make a bad Minecraft server, thus the Plaintiff will ask that the emu recuse himself from being a judge in this case.
7. The judge in the case "Thire_ vs The State" referred to the owner as xEndeavore without objection, so who is legally the proper owner of the server anyway?

1. The constitution of DemocracyCraft states that "For the Benefit of the server, the Owner retains the reserve power to completely override any Government decision" therefore by creating the server in the first place xEndeavour is in violation of his constitutional duties to benefit the server.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. xEndeavour (Or xEndeavore, either or really) is impeached as owner.
2. The complete and immediate shut down of the server.
3. Wuutie is named Chief Justice.
4. $75,000.

Just read anything in #politics

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 11th day of April 2021



As I am bound by precedent, the name xEndeavore must be used from now on. Failure to use this name will result in contempt of court.

The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case of Concerned Citizens v xEndeavore. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff and the deletion of the server at my direction.​
Your, honour please excuse me for my tardiness. I was about to travel to the courthouse, but unfortunatly I couldn't have known there would be an impending rain attack. I was unable to proceed with my travels due to the fact that I have recently purchased new Yeezy-croc's and I didn't want to get them wet.

My actions in no way shape or form were to intentionally result in the delay, impedance and or retardation in this process, anyway I would like to file the following motion.

Motion to Extend

I will be representing the defendant together with my loyal inexperienced associate Westray.

I request a 48-hour extension before, you make a default judgement. On the grounds that I, unfortunatly was stuck on the escalator on my way to buy drugs from my crack addicted girlfriend's husband.

If you allow faulty escalators, to ruin this server judicial process it will be the biggest injustice our server has ever seen since the creation of dusty land.
I'd kindly ask Crazy_Cyro_810 to chile otherwise they'll be in contempt of court and I won't hesitate to yeet them from the server.

Your, honour please excuse me for my tardiness. I was about to travel to the courthouse, but unfortunatly I couldn't have known there would be an impending rain attack. I was unable to proceed with my travels due to the fact that I have recently purchased new Yeezy-croc's and I didn't want to get them wet.

My actions in no way shape or form were to intentionally result in the delay, impedance and or retardation in this process, anyway I would like to file the following motion.

Motion to Extend

I will be representing the defendant together with my loyal inexperienced associate Westray.

I request a 48-hour extension before, you make a default judgement. On the grounds that I, unfortunatly was stuck on the escalator on my way to buy drugs from my crack addicted girlfriend's husband.

If you allow faulty escalators, to ruin this server judicial process it will be the biggest injustice our server has ever seen since the creation of dusty land.

I am seriously considering jailing you for crimes against humanity for even contemplating wearing crocs.

I was almost convinced by your escalator escapade, before remembering that you have legs. That said, I will take pity on you as I know only too well how difficult it can be to get a timeslot with your girlfriend, never mind her husband.

As such your motion has been granted. And before there's any silly business with motions to recuse, I find absolutely NO conflict of interest with Judge Westray continuing on the defence team.
If I get yeeted from the server you have to create a conversation with me on the forums and send me an audio file of you screaming YEET in as high of a pitch is possible for at least 5 seconds. (Seeing as this is a joke trial I'm hoping I don't legit get charged with contempt of court.) Also, I wear crocs with socks sometimes. Is it probably a crime, yes. Do I care, no.
I would ask that all members of the public not concerned in the case hold any thoughts until the defendant has replied to the summons.
I'd kindly ask Crazy_Cyro_810 to chile otherwise they'll be in contempt of court and I won't hesitate to yeet them from the server.

I am seriously considering jailing you for crimes against humanity for even contemplating wearing crocs.

I was almost convinced by your escalator escapade, before remembering that you have legs. That said, I will take pity on you as I know only too well how difficult it can be to get a timeslot with your girlfriend, never mind her husband.

As such your motion has been granted. And before there's any silly business with motions to recuse, I find absolutely NO conflict of interest with Judge Westray continuing on the defence team.

The Honorable Judge does not have the authority to grant such a small amount of time. Extensions are required for a minimum of 60 hours. As established in ( this outrageous nature of such a small extension is rather ridiculous and concerning.
Wait I have evidence in favor of the defendant!

The Honorable Judge does not have the authority to grant such a small amount of time. Extensions are required for a minimum of 60 hours. As established in ( this outrageous nature of such a small extension is rather ridiculous and concerning.


I am not bound by that precedent. The individual who requested the 60 hour extension is clearly a ridiculously poor lawyer, and basically a jester. Further, the judge who presided over the case also lacked any sense of understanding when it came to simple extension requests, as can be seen here: (6) Lawsuit: Adjourned - CorbinJc vs Department of Justice (Case No. 8-11-2020) | DemocracyCraft.

Due to the reasons listed above, your objection is very much...dismissed.
View attachment 8619

I am not bound by that precedent. The individual who requested the 60 hour extension is clearly a ridiculously poor lawyer, and basically a jester. Further, the judge who presided over the case also lacked any sense of understanding when it came to simple extension requests, as can be seen here: (6) Lawsuit: Adjourned - CorbinJc vs Department of Justice (Case No. 8-11-2020) | DemocracyCraft.

Due to the reasons listed above, your objection is very much...dismissed.
Bro am the Justice here smh
I am the GOD EMPEROR!Bow before me! I find the defendant guilty.
I'm absolutely appalled that you think I dragged him in here! I would like request formal apology as result of this outrageous slander. 😠

Bro am the Justice here smh
Bro this is my courtroom who gave you an invite?

It would have been highly inappropriate for milk to walk off of the escalator.
I find it contemptable that xEndeavore can reply to this but not reply in any substantive way to the issues before this court. I would kindly ask him and his representation to hurry tf up. At this rate, the server will not need to be deleted because continental drift will have pulled the United States apart and ruined all current undersea cables.

Bro this is my courtroom who gave you an invite?

I find it contemptable that xEndeavore can reply to this but not reply in any substantive way to the issues before this court. I would kindly ask him and his representation to hurry tf up. At this rate, the server will not need to be deleted because continental drift will have pulled the United States apart and ruined all current undersea cables.
As such your motion has been granted. And before there's any silly business with motions to recuse, I find absolutely NO conflict of interest with Judge Westray continuing on the defence team.
Thank you, your honour. I have gratitude that the court can understand it's difficult for xEndeavore to hire any additional lawyers, given the alimony he will have to pay to his soon-to-be ex-wife, VelvatKitty.

I will now proceed with our response:


Concerned Citizens



Case No: 04-2021-11-01

Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alledges:
1. The Plaintiff's team consists of multiple americans, whom clearly have no knowledge on how a commonwealth, such as the Commonwealth of Redmont, functions.
2. The Plaintiff has provided no justification as to how they can truly represent "Concerned Citizens", since as established in Creppernicus v. Govt (Case No. 06-2020-4) the Plaintiff must justify how they represent such a group.
3. The claims for relief are outlandish, given that the Defendant has a history of making poor business decisions, he is on the verge of bankruptcy, and cannot pay $75,000.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 15th day of April 2021
Hello your courtroom is stinky Matt I’m here with some air freshener
I find the defendant not guilty and order all assets held by the prosecution to be sent to me. I also will have the prosecution banned from the server. That is my verdict.
that lawsuit is a meme
Uh guys, I think we have bigger problem than this lawsuit. Why in actual hell is this room shaking, and what is that giant black thing right outside?
I will begin fining people who are not involved in this case but feel the need to post. Let's keep this related to the content at hand now.
Thank you, your honour. I have gratitude that the court can understand it's difficult for xEndeavore to hire any additional lawyers, given the alimony he will have to pay to his soon-to-be ex-wife, VelvatKitty.

I will now proceed with our response:


Concerned Citizens



Case No: 04-2021-11-01

Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alledges:
1. The Plaintiff's team consists of multiple americans, whom clearly have no knowledge on how a commonwealth, such as the Commonwealth of Redmont, functions.
2. The Plaintiff has provided no justification as to how they can truly represent "Concerned Citizens", since as established in Creppernicus v. Govt (Case No. 06-2020-4) the Plaintiff must justify how they represent such a group.
3. The claims for relief are outlandish, given that the Defendant has a history of making poor business decisions, he is on the verge of bankruptcy, and cannot pay $75,000.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 15th day of April 2021

I accept all of the points of your motion to dismiss, however, because I feel like it, this motion has been dismissed. I would now demand that xEndeavour or their representation provides a substantive response to this preposterous allegation.
Motion to Recuse Judge Matt, Judge Eleray, and Chief Justice Westray

- My favourite motion!

Consider yourselves all FREACC'd.

Such Kangaroo business should only be dealt with by an owner themselves.
Your Honor i would like to request a dispersal order this lawsuit is a campaign studio and the dispersal order will purge everything thank you
Motion to Recuse Judge Matt, Judge Eleray, and Chief Justice Westray

- My favourite motion!

Consider yourselves all FREACC'd.

Such Kangaroo business should only be dealt with by an owner themselves.

Do you even lawyer, bro? CJ Westray is still acting as your defence so not sure why you'd want to recuse him 👀 trouble at home?

Also, Judge Element isn't partaking in this as the judiciary did an internal vote and we voted me as "(Simply) The Best" (Tina Turner, eat your heart out), therefore you would only need to recuse me.

That said, I do agree that the matter at hand is extremely complex and Kangaroo business should be solved by an Aussie.

As such, I am hereby recusing myself from this case.

It is only in the interest of justice that xEndeavore handles this case against himself. I trust him to rule with total impartiality and integrity.

It is now for him to manage this circus.
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Motion to take control of the case against XEndeavore. I am a highly qualified judge with exactly 66.000 seconds of experience.
Endevour is stinky boy from a made up country. See you later NERDS!
lol seems I was the only one to make an argument Seems like I win.
I had to right something and now I feel kind of bad XD.


I thank the whole judiciary for handing all of their power over to me, xEndeavour. Judge Matt said it best, It is only in the interest of justice that xEndeavore handles this case against himself. I trust him to rule with total impartiality and integrity. I don't want to toot my own legal eagle horn, but I'm very impartial, as evidenced by this case.

Rest assured justice will be delivered in this verdict against xEndeavore's high crimes in relation to kangaroo business.

Sentencing Remarks

I, Honorary Judge xEndeavour find an Owner of DC, xEndeavore guilty of the following:

1. 20,000 counts of Ruining players' grades.
2. 1 count of Kangaroo Business.

I hereby order that:
1. The server is shut down no later than 100 years from this date.
2. Wuutie is named Chief Justice in 99 years and 364 days from this date.
3. xEndeavore is to pay the Government $75,000 for conducting Kangaroo Business
4. The Government is to remunerate Judge xEndeavour $75,000 for having to rule in this case.

Can I have the legal eagle badge? I feel a majorly contributed to this court case.


I thank the whole judiciary for handing all of their power over to me, xEndeavour. Judge Matt said it best, It is only in the interest of justice that xEndeavore handles this case against himself. I trust him to rule with total impartiality and integrity. I don't want to toot my own legal eagle horn, but I'm very impartial, as evidenced by this case.

Rest assured justice will be delivered in this verdict against xEndeavore's high crimes in relation to kangaroo business.

Sentencing Remarks

I, Honorary Judge xEndeavour find an Owner of DC, xEndeavore guilty of the following:

1. 20,000 counts of Ruining players' grades.
2. 1 count of Kangaroo Business.

I hereby order that:
1. The server is shut down no later than 100 years from this date.
2. Wuutie is named Chief Justice in 99 years and 364 days from this date.
3. xEndeavore is to pay the Government $75,000 for conducting Kangaroo Business
4. The Government is to remunerate Judge xEndeavour $75,000 for having to rule in this case.

i hereby order deez nuts lmaooo