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Address the fine safeguard in relation to punishing criminals
Address the fine safeguard in relation to punishing criminals
The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “The Broke B Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act was authored by Tairo, with some changes made by Freeze28.
(4) This Act is proposed by Representative Freeze28
(5) This Act is Co-Sponsored by Senator LilNickiVert
2 - Reasons
- With the safeguard on /fine, if a criminal does not have the necessary amount in their balance to be fined, they no longer go into the negatives.
- Because of this safeguard, if a criminal cannot be fined, the government cannot take that money.
- This act’s goal is to encourage players to pay their fine in a timely manner or face further jail time, instead of having to pay that fine.
3 - What to do with a broke person
(1) In the event an individual does not have the necessary balance to pay their entire fine, an officer shall fine the individual of all they currently have.
(2) From here, the officer shall create an open charge for the individual to pay the remaining fine.
(3) Officers should inform the individual in jail of their remaining fine that will be taken from them within the next 30 days.
(4) In relation to the Open Charge Act, if a player cannot be fined the remaining balance within 30 days, they will instead undergo their jail sentence related to the fine once more.
(5) If a player is permanently banned before these 30 days are up, a warrant may be obtained in order to attain the remaining fine amount.
5 - Notes on the matter
(1) When jailing a player who was unable to be fully fined within the 30 days they were given, they must not be jailed for the same reason they were originally jailed for in order to avoid confusion.
(2) This failure to pay shall not be documented on the individual’s criminal record.
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