Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth v. .LodgedRock27703 [2023] DCR 17

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Oakridge Resident
Jun 7, 2022

Commonwealth of Redmont



The prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the defendant as follows:

On July 24, 2023, the defendant attempted to convince the user who goes by the name of Nic02013, a new player who at the time had only been playing for 16:46 Minutes to give up their starting money to him in exchange for nothing. This is New Player Fraud.

1. Commonwealth of Redmont (Prosecution)
2. .LodgedRock27703 (Defendant)
3. Nic02013 (Victim)

1. On July 24, 2023, the defendant told Nic02013 to pay him his starting money
2. The defendant offered nothing in return for this money given
3. The White Collar Crack Doen Act says: "(8) New Player Fraud shall be defined as "If a player tries to get another player to pay them their starting balance or a portion of it without any reasonable justification or any service or item in return, within the affected players first 12 hours of playtime.
(9) Any player found guilty of New Player fraud shall be fined the amount of money demanded of the new player, If the scammed new player has already paid the scamming player money, the scamming player will have to give that money back to the new player, in addition to the specified fine.
4. Nic02013 is a new player, having a playtime of only 16:46

The prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the defendant:
1. New Player Fraud - The defendant attempted to take money from Nic02013, a new player, in return for nothing

The prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the defendant:
I. A fine of $1,490, the amount that the defendant attempted to take from the victim

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court



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.LodgedRock27703 is required to appear before the District Court in the case of Commonwealth v. .LodgedRock27703. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case. Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
I hereby charge .LodgedRock27703 with contempt of court for failure to appear before the district court.

A public defender will be appointed in place of .LodgedRock27703. The court will be in recess until then.
I am still waiting on a public defender, I will keep all parties up to date on anything that happens.
Your Honor,

The defense asks for 48 hours to familiarize themselves with the case, as I was just appointed the Public Defender for .LodgedRock27703.
I will grant the request.
Now that the defense has familiarized themselves with the case, I ask that they submit a motion to dismiss or answer to complaint within 48 hours.
Now that the defense has familiarized themselves with the case, I ask that they submit a motion to dismiss or answer to complaint within 48 hours.
Breach of Procedure

Your honor, the Public Defender appointed to this case has been deported. We request a new one to ensure a speedy trial.
Breach of Procedure

Your honor, the Public Defender appointed to this case has been deported. We request a new one to ensure a speedy trial.
Objection sustained. @Bibsfi4a is to appoint a public defender to this case within 48 hours and is to report back to the courts.
Upon extensive review and guidance from staff, I will be overturning the previous statement. The objection is overruled and @steveshat will have 34 hours from now to file an answer to complaint or motion to dismiss. This is not including the time that the objection was sustained for.

I apologize for any confusion.

The State


.LodgedRock27703 (Public Defender steveshat Representing)


1. The Defense DISPUTES that the Defendant told Nic02013 to pay him his starting money.
2. The Defense DISPUTES that the Defendant offered nothing in return for the money.
3. The Defense AFFIRMS that Nic02013 is a new player.


1. As seen in the evidence provided by the Prosecution, the Defendant did not ask Nic02013 for $1,490, rather he asked for $1.490. These are two very different amounts and one dollar can not be considered as starting money.

2. The Prosecution also claims that the Defendant did not offer anything in return, but this is false. As shown in evidence provided by the Prosecution, the Defendant offered Nic02013 a job for $1.490, saying “i can give tou a job”. This was in response when Nic02013 asked “why”. The definition of New Player Fraud is “If a player tries to get another player to pay them their starting balance or a portion of it without any reasonable justification or any service or items in return.” The Defendant clearly offered a job in return for the measly $1.490 making the charge of New player Fraud invalid.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement.

DATED: This 12th day of August, 2023
Your honor, due to a family member passing away I will be taking a few days' leave. I ask that I be given until Monday to respond to anything if the need for my response arises.
The court will be in recess until you are ready, Dartanman. Take all the time you need.
Your honor, I have returned. I request 48 hours to go over it and produce an Opening Statement with la_dano_34.
Welcome back, you have 48 hours from now to produce an opening statement.

I. Rebuttals / Opening Statement

"As seen in the evidence provided by the Prosecution, the Defendant did not ask Nic02013 for $1,490, rather he asked for $1.490. These are two very different amounts and one dollar can not be considered as starting money."

In many languages, a decimal is used instead of a comma to mark numbers in the thousands. As a speaker of the Esperanto language, I can attest that in the Esperanto language, $1,490 would be written as $1.490 instead. The defendant might be a speaker of such a language, as not all people on the server are native speakers of English.

In monetary numbers in game, cents only go to the hundredths place, no more than two decimal places. 1.490 has three numbers after the decimal.

"The Prosecution also claims that the Defendant did not offer anything in return, but this is false. As shown in evidence provided by the Prosecution, the Defendant offered Nic02013 a job for $1.490, saying “i can give [you] a job”. This was in response when Nic02013 asked “why”. The definition of New Player Fraud is “If a player tries to get another player to pay them their starting balance or a portion of it without any reasonable justification or any service or items in return.” The Defendant clearly offered a job in return for the measly $1.490 making the charge of New player Fraud invalid."

This proposal makes no sense. You work a job so that you can earn money. Why would someone ask for all of your money to be hired?

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement.

DATED: This 22nd day of August, 2023
Thank you. The defense may now present their opening statement.
I hereby hold steveshat in contempt of court for failure to file an opening statement within 48 hours. I now request both parties provide a list of witnesses they would like to call.
The Commonwealth does not have any witnesses
I hereby find steveshat in contempt of court for failure to file a list of witnesses within 48 hours.

The court believes that the defendant does not have adequate legal counsel, therefore the court requests that public defender director @Bibsfi4a appoints a new public defender before we move on to closing statements.
Your honor, for the sake of a speedy trial, we request that Bibsfi4a be given a deadline to appoint a public defender by.
I will grant the request. @Bibsfi4a hereby has 24 hours to appoint a new public defender before being held in contempt of court.
bibsfi4a is hereby charged with contempt of court. I order the DOJ to fine/jail them appropriately.

@Bibsfi4a you are still required to appoint a public defender. Every 24 hours you do not respond to the courts will result in one contempt charge.

I thank all parties involved for their patience thus far.
Your honor, I am so sorry for my inactivity. I am faced with Irl bs and was not in a healthy mental state. Now I have returned and will appoint a Public Defender in the next 24 hours.
Your honor, one more request. We do acknowledge the right to speedy trial , but I request to post witness and opening statement again. Actually, steve had been deported and there was a confusion and hence staff was contacted. So I was basically stuck in a limbo. Hence, I request this.

Again, I take all responsibility for my inactivity.

Under guidance of staff, steveshat's temporary deportation was not grounds to exclude him from this case as a Public Defender. Thus, his failure to respond is his fault and to backtrack this case would be against everyone's right to a speedy trial.
After careful consideration I will reject the request and sustain the objection. As I stated earlier in this case, steveshat was free to continue as a public defender if he is temporarily deported.

We will now move onto closing statements. The plaintiff has 48 hours to post theirs. Following that, the defense will also have 48 hours to post theirs.
bibsfi4a is hereby charged with contempt of court. I order the DOJ to fine/jail them appropriately.

@Bibsfi4a you are still required to appoint a public defender. Every 24 hours you do not respond to the courts will result in one contempt charge.

I thank all parties involved for their patience thus far.
In regards to this, since over 24 hours passed between this court order and bibsfi4a replying I hereby order the DOJ to fine him 1,250 dollars for contempt of court.
The Commonwealth of Redmont is hereby held in contempt of court. I order the DOJ to charge the DLA’s representatives for this case with contempt of court and ask they are fined/jailed appropriately. We will now move onto the defense’s closing statement. I ask that they present theirs within 48 hours.
The Commonwealth of Redmont is hereby held in contempt of court. I order the DOJ to charge the DLA’s representatives for this case with contempt of court and ask they are fined/jailed appropriately. We will now move onto the defense’s closing statement. I ask that they present theirs within 48 hours.

The filer of this case is the Prosecution, not the Plaintiff. As a result, your request that the  Plaintiff respond to the case led to confusion and the  Prosecution did not respond.

As far as we are aware, no public defender has been appointed to this case, and the case cannot continue.

As far as we are aware, no public defender has been appointed to this case, and the case cannot continue.
Untrue, your honor, @zLost has been appointed to the case.

The filer of this case is the Prosecution, not the Plaintiff. As a result, your request that the  Plaintiff respond to the case led to confusion and the  Prosecution did not respond.
Your Honor, we ask that our deadline time be put on hold until this objection has been responded to for our closing statement.

The filer of this case is the Prosecution, not the Plaintiff. As a result, your request that the  Plaintiff respond to the case led to confusion and the  Prosecution did not respond.
Objection overruled, one could reasonably infer that it was referring to the Commonwealth, and if you did have confusion you could have inquired about it in this case thread.


As far as we are aware, no public defender has been appointed to this case, and the case cannot continue.
Objection overruled. Public Defender Director bibsfi4a stated that a public defender would be appointed within 24 hours, which it appears that is indeed what happened.

The defense may present their closing statement within 48 hours.

Your Honor, I have listed all the arguments of the defendant and provided a rebuttal to them below:

In many languages, a decimal is used instead of a comma to mark numbers in the thousands. As a speaker of the Esperanto language, I can attest that in the Esperanto language, $1,490 would be written as $1.490 instead. The defendant might be a speaker of such a language, as not all people on the server are native speakers of English.

Your Honor, just because it is possible, does not mean that it is true. There is absolutely 0 evidence that the Defendant is a native speaker of any language that uses decimals instead of commas. Along with this, the defendant was speaking English meaning they intended to use English grammar and rules. If this argument were to be accepted, it would create dangerous precedent that if someone uses decimals, it means they're using commas. For example, if someone were to bid 1.330, the auctioneer could argue they bid 1,330$ using precedent of this case.

In monetary numbers in game, cents only go to the hundredths place, no more than two decimal places. 1.490 has three numbers after the decimal.

1.490$ means 1.49$ as 0 holds no value, meaning this payment is possible. There is nothing wrong in clarifying that there are no more digits after 1.49.

This proposal makes no sense. You work a job so that you can earn money. Why would someone ask for all of your money to be hired?

It is normal and legal to pay people money to help you find a job, just like in real life.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This (day) day of (month) (year)
I apologize, Your Honor. I accidently posted the closing statement twice, and have deleted the second closing statement.
Thank you. Court will now be in recess until a verdict is posted.
Your honor, it's been nearly 2 weeks without a verdict.

When do you think one will be delivered?
I am currently finalizing a verdict and I hope to have it out by tonight.
Your Honor, it has been 2 months since this case was filed and around 3 weeks since the court went into recess. When can we expect a verdict?



Commonwealth v. .LodgedRock27703 [2023] DCR 17

1. The defendant committed new player fraud
2. This occured when they said in chat to a new player to pay them 1.490 to get a job
3. You do not pay someone for a job

1. The defendant failed to appear and a public defender was assigned
2. The defense pleads not guilty
3. The defenant said 1.490, which means 1 dollar and 49 cents
4. You can pay people to get a job

1. I will break down the ruling of the court into two sections: Did the defendant say one dollar and fourty-nine cents or one thousand four hundred ninety dollars, and would this be considered new player fraud?
2. The language of this server is English, therefore it would make sense for it to be $1.49.
3. Additionally if the victim were to run the command /pay .LodgedRock27703 1.490 it would only execute a payment as $1.49.
4. The court, however, very much acknowledges this could be misunderstood as either 1,490 or 1.49
4. We will now look at whether $1.49 is reasonable to pay someone to get a job
5. The defendant states that he would give the victim a job
6. Therefore, the court believes it is unreasonable because a reasonable person would not request money to give someone a job

1. .LodgedRock27703 is hereby found guilty of new player fraud and shall be fined $1.49.

The District Court thanks la_dano_34, Dartanman, and zLost.

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