Lawsuit: Dismissed The Commonwealth of Redmont v. WackJap [2023] DCR 36

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Alexander P. Love

Justice Department
Popular in the Polls Legal Eagle Statesman Order of Redmont
Jun 2, 2021

The Commonwealth of Redmont



The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows:

Motivated by defiance against the rule of law, WackJap is a repeat offender of the crime 'incitement', which is urging others to commit a crime. The Commonwealth asks that he be punished accordingly for his heinous acts.

1. WackJap (Defendant)
2. The Commonwealth of Redmont (Prosecution)

1. On October 18, 2023 at 10:09PM EDT, WackJap stated "EVERYONE DO [ /addbounty alexanderlove 100 ]" (exhibit A) in the DLA discord, #general (link).

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1. The defendant has committed incitement of inciting murder. Essentially, inciting murder is a crime per the Saviour Act (link). Therefore, by urging other people to commit a crime by inciting murder, the defendant has incited incitement.

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. This is the defendant's sixth offense of incitement (exhibit B), therefore the Commonwealth seeks $300 in fines and 10 minutes imprisonment for the defendant.
2. Given the defendant's repeated record of incitement and the burden a case causes on the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth seeks $2,000 in legal fees.


By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 20th day of October 2023.
What the [EXPLETIVE]! I've had it. I'll see you in court. I want to speak to my lawyer. AND I plead the fifth.
Objection, Your Honor
The defendant has spoken out of turn. I motion to strike and charge the defendant with contempt of Court.


@WackJap is required to appear before the District Court in the case of The Commonwealth of Redmont v. WackJap.

Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Objection, Your Honor
The defendant has spoken out of turn. I motion to strike and charge the defendant with contempt of Court.
Do not tell the court that you believe someone should be charged with contempt. That is not your decision to make nor is it your place to try to sway the court's opinion on the matter.

The objection is sustained, and the comments will be struck.

@WackJap this is your only warning not to speak out of turn nor be disruptive in court. Further disobedience and disrespect will result in a Contempt of Court charge.

@Alexander P. Love please make sure you're using the proper format for Objections found in the Objections Guide, or they may be overruled in the future.
Your Honor, I will be taking this case on behalf of WackJap. I will be filing a response within 48 hours.
Your Honor, I will be taking this case on behalf of WackJap. I will be filing a response within 48 hours.
You may have a 24 hour extension. Do not go over this. This is a very generous extension as it has already been nearly 72 hours since the summons was issued.
You may have a 24 hour extension. Do not go over this. This is a very generous extension as it has already been nearly 72 hours since the summons was issued.
I understand, Your Honor. Please accept my sincerest apologies for my delay, as I have been attending a family wedding this past weekend. I will be filing a response within 24 hours.

Commonwealth of Redmont


WackJap (Represented by FrumpyLake)

1. The Defence affirms WackJap stated "EVERYONE DO [ /addbounty alexanderlove 100 ]" in the DLA discord, as seen in Exhibit A.

1. Your Honor, while WackJap did state this message, this does not mean that he has performed any illegal activity. Seeing as there are ways of collecting bounties without committing illegal activities, such as murder, WackJap has in no way broken the rules of this server. The placing of a bounty on an individual does not meet the legal definition of Incitement, according to The Savior Act (link). Anyone who desires to claim a bounty is not required, and arguably discouraged, to break the law to do it; so, if an individual breaks the law to claim said bounty, WackJap cannot be held liable for their actions, and therefore has not broken the law. We do not sue Armourers who sell guns and ammunition for inciting murder, because they are not the offenders in this instance; but instead, those who have purchased the firearms and ammunition and have used them for illegal activities.

The act of placing a bounty on another individual does not meet the requirements of Incitement according to The Savior Act (link); therefore affirming WackJap has committed no illegal activities according to the Prosecution's argument.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 23rd day of October 2023
Thank you for the Answer to Complaint. The Prosecution now has 72 hours to provide an Opening Statement.

I. Opening Statement

May it please the Court,

Your Honor, opposing counsel, people gathered here today to observe this case, The Defendant is here today since he has clearly incited murder without reason. As seen in both exhibits, the defendant encouraged everyone on the server at the time to set a bounty for Mr. Love. Because bounties have money involved for murder, people would want to murder him. And while murder is not the only way to collect a bounty, by far it is the most common way, and the defendant knows or at the very least, should know this given the amount of time he has been on the server.

"We do not sue Armourers who sell guns and ammunition for inciting murder, because they are not the offenders in this instance; but instead, those who have purchased the firearms and ammunition and have used them for illegal activities"

While you are correct that Armorers are not responsible for what people do with the weapons that they make, they do not incite nor encourage people to use the weapons for murder. The defendant knows that setting bounties will encourage that person to be killed, and we know this because the defendant has committed this crime six times before. The defendant is a recidivist offender, which clearly shows clear and obvious contempt of the law, and he had committed this exact same crime six times before.

In the law, Assault is defined as "The act of hitting a player, causing a loss of more than 3 hearts; or putting them in a place of danger (such as pointing a weapon at them)." By telling and encouraging people to put a bounty on Mr. Love, the defendant has put him in a place of danger, by putting him in a place where people would want to kill him.

Overall, the defendant has incited murder to Mr. Love, for no reason whatsoever. Furthermore, since he has done this six times, he clearly has no remorse for his actions, as well as clear contempt for the law. Clearly, stricter punishments like the one proposed by the prosecution are necessary in order to deter and properly punish the defendant for what he has done, so hopefully he does not ever have to end up in this court again.

The Prosecution asks that the defendant is found guilty and that he is sentenced according to the request of the prosecution. Thank you Your Honor.

DATED: This 26th day of October, 2023
Thank you for the Opening Statement. The Defense now has 72 hours to provide their Opening Statement.
It has been 73 hours since the Defense was told to provide an Opening Statement. I hereby find FrumpyLake in Contempt of Court and order the Department of Justice to fine/jail them appropriately. We will be moving on.

Both parties now have 72 hours to provide a list of witnesses or declare they have none.
Your Honor, upon checking how much time I have left to provide my opening statement last night, I saw the time of 11:39AM.

I apologize if this time was incorrect, but this is what I saw, and have planned my schedule according to this, with what little time I have. I am currently writing the opening statement at work in this moment, so if I may have until 11:39AM, I would be ever grateful. Again, I apologize for the inconveniences I have caused, however life has a way of keeping my schedule organized and on time.
Your Honor, upon checking how much time I have left to provide my opening statement last night, I saw the time of 11:39AM.
View attachment 38517
I apologize if this time was incorrect, but this is what I saw, and have planned my schedule according to this, with what little time I have. I am currently writing the opening statement at work in this moment, so if I may have until 11:39AM, I would be ever grateful. Again, I apologize for the inconveniences I have caused, however life has a way of keeping my schedule organized and on time.
The time shown is the time in your timezone. The time has passed.
The time shown is the time in your timezone. The time has passed.
Understood. Please accept my sincerest apologies for my misunderstanding, as I figured if it was due at 11:39AM in my time zone, and it is currently only 10:02AM in my time zone, that I still had a little over an hour to complete it.

Shall I provide you a list of witnesses rather than an Opening Statement, Your Honor?
Understood. Please accept my sincerest apologies for my misunderstanding, as I figured if it was due at 11:39AM in my time zone, and it is currently only 10:02AM in my time zone, that I still had a little over an hour to complete it.

Shall I provide you a list of witnesses rather than an Opening Statement, Your Honor?
Please provide a list of witnesses.
Very well. The Defence would like to call byeSprite, ko531, AnArab, and Ligthiago.

byeSprite and ko531 were present for when my client placed the 5 bounties on Mr. Love; however, my client had immediately removed the bounties, not allowing any reasonable time for them to be claimed.

AnArab and Lightiago are two of the server's top bounty hunters, and know the best methods to claim bounties. There are several ways to claim bounties legally, which do not involve murder, such as the target bargaining with the bounty hunter to split the bounty with them on certain conditions.
Very well. The Defence would like to call byeSprite, ko531, AnArab, and Ligthiago.

byeSprite and ko531 were present for when my client placed the 5 bounties on Mr. Love; however, my client had immediately removed the bounties, not allowing any reasonable time for them to be claimed.

AnArab and Lightiago are two of the server's top bounty hunters, and know the best methods to claim bounties. There are several ways to claim bounties legally, which do not involve murder, such as the target bargaining with the bounty hunter to split the bounty with them on certain conditions.
Objection, Your Honor
Speculation. The defense, with AnArab and Ligthiago, is trying to craft an argument grounded in hypotheticals. X “can” happen is not an appropriate method of argumentation in the Court.
Very well. The Defence would like to call byeSprite, ko531, AnArab, and Ligthiago.

byeSprite and ko531 were present for when my client placed the 5 bounties on Mr. Love; however, my client had immediately removed the bounties, not allowing any reasonable time for them to be claimed.

AnArab and Lightiago are two of the server's top bounty hunters, and know the best methods to claim bounties. There are several ways to claim bounties legally, which do not involve murder, such as the target bargaining with the bounty hunter to split the bounty with them on certain conditions.
Objection, Your Honor

byeSprite and ko531 are slotted to testify regarding the actual act of setting a bounty in the defendant’s incitement record. However, this case is a new charge regarding incitement of incitement, and has nothing to do with previous incitement of murder charges. The mention of these five charges is only to assert WackJap has a criminal record filled with incitement charges and nothing more. This case is not an appeal on those incitement charges, this case is about a unique incitement charge separate from the other five. Therefore, the witnesses have nothing to offer this case.
Objection, Your Honor
Speculation. The defense, with AnArab and Ligthiago, is trying to craft an argument grounded in hypotheticals. X “can” happen is not an appropriate method of argumentation in the Court.
Overruled. The burden of proof in criminal prosecution is proof beyond reasonable doubt. If the Defendant can show that they may have feasibly not disobeyed the law, they are allowed to do so.
Objection, Your Honor

byeSprite and ko531 are slotted to testify regarding the actual act of setting a bounty in the defendant’s incitement record. However, this case is a new charge regarding incitement of incitement, and has nothing to do with previous incitement of murder charges. The mention of these five charges is only to assert WackJap has a criminal record filled with incitement charges and nothing more. This case is not an appeal on those incitement charges, this case is about a unique incitement charge separate from the other five. Therefore, the witnesses have nothing to offer this case.
The Defense may respond to this objection within 24 hours.
Your Honor, the Defence will agree to the Prosecution's objection and revoke the calling of byeSprite and ko531 as witnesses. We would still like to call AnArab and Lightiago as witnesses, nonetheless.
Objection, Your Honor

byeSprite and ko531 are slotted to testify regarding the actual act of setting a bounty in the defendant’s incitement record. However, this case is a new charge regarding incitement of incitement, and has nothing to do with previous incitement of murder charges. The mention of these five charges is only to assert WackJap has a criminal record filled with incitement charges and nothing more. This case is not an appeal on those incitement charges, this case is about a unique incitement charge separate from the other five. Therefore, the witnesses have nothing to offer this case.
Your Honor, the Defence will agree to the Prosecution's objection and revoke the calling of byeSprite and ko531 as witnesses. We would still like to call AnArab and Lightiago as witnesses, nonetheless.
Sustained. Ko531 and byeSprite will not be called as witnesses.

I will remind the Commonwealth to respond with a list of witnesses (or declaration of no witnesses) before the deadline.
The Commonwealth would like to call AlexanderLove as a witness.


AnArab, @Ligthiago , and @Alexander P. Love are required to appear before the District Court in the case of The Commonwealth of Redmont v. WackJap [2023] DCR 36 as witnesses.

Please familiarize yourself with the case as it stands at present. You will receive questions and may also be cross-examined.

I ask that all questions be provided to witnesses in a single post. If some questions need to be withheld as they depend on answers given to earlier questions, that is also considered reasonable. Once the witnesess have declared themselves present, the Plaintiff may resume with questions to their witnesses.

I am hereby informing each witness to ensure they are aware of the provisions of the law of perjury and its severity. Giving knowingly false testimony is highly illegal. Witnesses are required to tell the truth in their testimonies, subject to the penalties of perjury.

The witnesses are to identify themselves in this case thread in the next 72 hours. Failure to comply with this summons may result in being held in Contempt of Court.​
Hi I’m here.
Present, your honor.
The Prosecution may now question AlexanderLove.

AnArab and Ligthiago, your time will come.
1. Has anyone killed or attempted to kill you as a result of bounties placed on you that can be traced back to the defendant?
2. Has there been any violence against you as a result of bounties traceable to the defendant?
1. I have had NUMEROUS bounties set on me. I noticed this trend of bounty setting on me increasing after WackJap encouraged people to set bounties on me.

2. People of course tried to claim all the bounties that were set on me. More bounties being set on me led to more violence and threat of violence against me. Many bounty hunters such as ko531 continually went after me when I had a bunch of bounties set on me. All the bounties were eventually claimed due to people killing me.
Does the Prosecution have any follow-up questions?
1. Do you have any evidence that bounty hunters like ko531 went after you as a result of the bounties placed on you?
1. Do you have any evidence that bounty hunters like ko531 went after you as a result of the bounties placed on you?
Objection, Your Honor
Leading Questions

The Prosecution is clearly leading the witness to claim that there were illegal activities performed to himself as a result of the Defendant's actions; however, as previously stated, the Defendant's actions clearly may not have resulted in bounty hunters coming after the witness, but instead the supposed bounty hunters actions that have resulted in the witness's discomfort.
Objection, Your Honor
Leading Questions

The Prosecution is clearly leading the witness to claim that there were illegal activities performed to himself as a result of the Defendant's actions; however, as previously stated, the Defendant's actions clearly may not have resulted in bounty hunters coming after the witness, but instead the supposed bounty hunters actions that have resulted in the witness's discomfort.
Overruled. The question does not lead the witness to claim that there were illegal activities. It asks if there is evidence that bounty hunters "went after [him]"
1. Do you have any evidence that bounty hunters like ko531 went after you as a result of the bounties placed on you?
Yes the DOJ criminal records have videos showing ko531 has attacked me before. I can't access their records anymore however.
The Defense now has 72 hours to cross-examine AlexanderLove or declare they do not wish to do so.
The Defense wishes cross-examine Mr. Love.

To begin, have any bounties been placed on you, or have you had any bounty hunters such as ko531 go after you, in the time period after you became Attorney General and before my client urged others to place bounties on you?
Objection, compound 🤣
Have any bounties been placed on you in the time period after you became Attorney General and before my client urged others to place bounties on you?
Your Honor,

The Commonwealth has elected to not continue this case and asks that it be dismissed
Case dismissed with prejudice at the request of the prosecution.
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