Lawsuit: Adjourned Steveshat v. Vanguard [2024] FCR 62

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Redmont School of Law
Construction & Transport Department
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Jan 7, 2024

steveshat (Represented by Dragon Law)


Vanguard (Shareholder of Keystone Holdings)

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

steveshat is a man who was having a good time, and tried his luck at several casino games within Keystone Holdings. He deposited over $900k, and when making his last bet before running out of gambling money, he won big: winner winner chicken dinner. To be exact, he won over 1.8 million dollars, doubling what he invested. The casino didn't like this, however, and flat-out refused to award this payout when the plaintiff requested a withdrawal. The reason? Betting limits that should have been there but weren't as a result of the defendant's negligence. The defendant offered the plaintiff a disgusting $265k, a total insult considering this results in a huge net loss. It is time to teach businesses accountability. It is time to get justice for a wronged victim of contract breach.

1. steveshat (Plaintiff)
2. Keystone Holdings (Tortfeasor)
3. Vanguard (Shareholder of Keystone Holdings)

1. On February 15th, 2024, steveshat deposited $969,009 into his Keystone Holdings gambling balance that could then be used to gamble, and could be withdrawn for cash at any time (Exhibit A).

2. On the same day, this money was gambled extensively with onlookers commenting on the gambling. To their shock, steveshat won $1,800,000.00 in a game of roulette (Exhibit B).

3. Keystone Holdings refused to pay out the winnings, offering to resolve the matter for a mere $265,000 under the reasoning that there was a max bet of $5,000 in place (Exhibits C and D).

4. Keystone Holdings had no posted policy of a max bet posted as of the 15th of February, 2024. Their gambling bot also did not have the feature of max betting properly configured, leading it to accept a higher bet (Exhibit E).

5. The plaintiff offered for the defendant to pay the 1.8 million dollars (and less in some offers) out overtime in a payment plan to protect their interests, but the defendant denied this request multiple times.

6. Keystone Holdings subsequently dissolved to avoid liability and distributed assets to its former shareholders (Exhibit F).

1. The casino receives actual monetary bets in return for the expectation of that money returned on a win. This constitutes a contract under the Foundation of Contract Law as it satisfies all the necessary elements, while maybe not as explicitly as other contracts. Whether or not this legally stands, that expectation still exists and is represented by the casino's posting of odds on specific games. Representing those odds is also backing the outcome of the bet, whether a win or loss. To misrepresent these facts constitutes gambling fraud under the Commercial Standards Act. These odds were misrepresented when the casino refused to compensate the plaintiff his winnings, and thus is grounds for damages under the Legal Damages Act.

2. The two factors described in fact four combine sum up to negligence on Keystone Holdings and no reasonable assumption of any risk by the plaintiff. The plaintiff is therefore entitled to his full earnings, and the excuse of a max bet holds no legal water.

3. Keystone Holdings dissolved, leaving liability for its actions to its shareholders. The plaintiff will be using discovery to find out how much liability is attributed to each shareholder and how much money should be clawed back from each. For now, the prayer for relief comprises a total amount of money owed collectively by all of the shareholders.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. $1,800,000 in compensatory damages - the duty to mitigate was satisfied as described in fact five of this filing.

2. $50,000 in punitive damages for grossly and outrageously denying the plaintiff his winnings and having the audacity to strongarm and lowball him to a tremendous degree.

3. 5% of $1,800,000 is $90,000 and this would be the monthly interest steveshat would earn if he stored his winnings in banks that offer 5% interest such as Atreides, S-Capital, etc... Therefore, each day of not having this money loses the plaintiff $3,000 in opportunity costs. The plaintiff therefore requests $3,000 each day starting from the 16th of February 2024 until the 1.8 million dollars is finally paid to the plaintiff. At the time of this posting, that total is 51 days = $153,000.

4. $50,000 in loss of enjoyment in Redmont as $1,800,000 can buy a lot of things, things that the plaintiff cannot enjoy for as long as he is denied his winnings.

5. $50,000 in punitive damages for attempting to launder this money by dissolving and distributing it to shareholders / other parties.

6. $585,000 + 30% of the award of prayer for relief 3 in legal fees, awarded to Dragon Law Firm (a recent amendment to the Legal Damages Act increases legal fees to 30%).


1. steveshat
2. Stoppers

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 25th day of April 2024


@georgelordx is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case of Steveshat v. Vanguard.

Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​

The plaintiff move that Judge RelaxedGV is removed from this case as granted by the court in the initial appeal request.

Thank you
I will grant the Motion to Recuse and Judge SumoMC will be Presiding when they are available.
With the recusal of Justice Relaxed I will be taking over, deadlines are still in effect.
Your honor, I am the defendant's lawyer. Requesting 24 hours extension to familiarize myself with the case, and get relevant proof and witnesses ready.
Your honor, I am the defendant's lawyer. Requesting 24 hours extension to familiarize myself with the case, and get relevant proof and witnesses ready.

Please provide proof of representation
@Bibsfi4a i need proof of representation within 12 hours or we will be moving on
@Bibsfi4a i need proof of representation within 12 hours or we will be moving on
Your honor, I am assuming, the 24 hours begins now. Couldn't really move ahead, as I forgot the proof of representation.
Your honor, I am assuming, the 24 hours begins now. Couldn't really move ahead, as I forgot the proof of representation.
No the 24 hours began when you asked for it, deadline remains in effect.
They have missed the deadline.
Your honor,

The defendant once again missed their deadline.
@Bibsfi4a is hereby held in contempt of court again, this is the last 24 Hours I will give before we move to default.
Your honor these extended deadlines are unprecedented. The defendant has missed deadline after deadline. We motion to reconsider this extension and ask for a summary judgment
Your honor these extended deadlines are unprecedented. The defendant has missed deadline after deadline. We motion to reconsider this extension and ask for a summary judgment
Motion to Reconsider is denied, this is a huge case and this court will act accordingly.
Your honor, as Chief Legal Officer of Discover / Vanguard Bank, we apologize for the delay. Counsel has been fired and me along with WhyDoesThisWork will be be taking over. We will issue a response to complaint as follows:

T (Yes this is intentional, before anyone calls me crazy there is logic to it that may be revealed later).

Now, we motion to dismiss. The case lacks a claim for the damages provided. It appears the plaintiff is putting 100% of the alleged liability for damages on the defendant when the defendant did not own 100% of Keystone Holdings. Under rule 5.5, damages must be backed with a claim and evidence and there is no evidence to support the amount of damages provided in this case. I urge the Court dismiss this case with prejudice for simply trying to milk my client out of absurd money over an issue my client has no involvement with and earned nothing out of. There are no claims nor evidence to suggest the defendant benefited off any "scam" if such claims are even true. Rule 5.5 is stringent as the Court has higher standards than frivolous cases with even more frivolous claims and prayers. Thank you.
The defendant's response is ludicrous, Your Honor. Permit me to address the motion and refute it.

  1. It is imperative to note that this case cannot be dismissed with a motion to dismiss, given its status as an appealed case.
  2. We have clearly articulated our intention to utilize the discovery process to determine the extent of liability for each shareholder and the appropriate restitution. Denial of this motion is requested.
Your Honor, we respectfully petition for the removal of Alexander Love from this case due to an unequivocal Conflict of Interest, a violation of the SMLBA. Mr. Love's prior ownership of Dragon Law, coupled with his involvement in initiating the dismissed original lawsuit, endows him with an intimate understanding of every facet of this case. There exists a palpable risk that he could exploit privileged attorney-client information to our detriment. Allowing him to continue as the opposing party's legal representative would not only contravene the law but also undermine the fairness of these proceedings.
The defendant's response is ludicrous, Your Honor. Permit me to address the motion and refute it.

  1. It is imperative to note that this case cannot be dismissed with a motion to dismiss, given its status as an appealed case.
  2. We have clearly articulated our intention to utilize the discovery process to determine the extent of liability for each shareholder and the appropriate restitution. Denial of this motion is requested.
Your Honor, we respectfully petition for the removal of Alexander Love from this case due to an unequivocal Conflict of Interest, a violation of the SMLBA. Mr. Love's prior ownership of Dragon Law, coupled with his involvement in initiating the dismissed original lawsuit, endows him with an intimate understanding of every facet of this case. There exists a palpable risk that he could exploit privileged attorney-client information to our detriment. Allowing him to continue as the opposing party's legal representative would not only contravene the law but also undermine the fairness of these proceedings.
Objection your honor breach of procedure. A response was not warranted.
Your honor, as Chief Legal Officer of Discover / Vanguard Bank, we apologize for the delay. Counsel has been fired and me along with WhyDoesThisWork will be be taking over. We will issue a response to complaint as follows:

T (Yes this is intentional, before anyone calls me crazy there is logic to it that may be revealed later).

Now, we motion to dismiss. The case lacks a claim for the damages provided. It appears the plaintiff is putting 100% of the alleged liability for damages on the defendant when the defendant did not own 100% of Keystone Holdings. Under rule 5.5, damages must be backed with a claim and evidence and there is no evidence to support the amount of damages provided in this case. I urge the Court dismiss this case with prejudice for simply trying to milk my client out of absurd money over an issue my client has no involvement with and earned nothing out of. There are no claims nor evidence to suggest the defendant benefited off any "scam" if such claims are even true. Rule 5.5 is stringent as the Court has higher standards than frivolous cases with even more frivolous claims and prayers. Thank you.
Motion to Dismiss is denied, the court accepted the appeal and will move forward with the case.
Defense has 24 hours to deliver their Answer to Complaint.
The defendant's response is ludicrous, Your Honor. Permit me to address the motion and refute it.

  1. It is imperative to note that this case cannot be dismissed with a motion to dismiss, given its status as an appealed case.
  2. We have clearly articulated our intention to utilize the discovery process to determine the extent of liability for each shareholder and the appropriate restitution. Denial of this motion is requested.
Your Honor, we respectfully petition for the removal of Alexander Love from this case due to an unequivocal Conflict of Interest, a violation of the SMLBA. Mr. Love's prior ownership of Dragon Law, coupled with his involvement in initiating the dismissed original lawsuit, endows him with an intimate understanding of every facet of this case. There exists a palpable risk that he could exploit privileged attorney-client information to our detriment. Allowing him to continue as the opposing party's legal representative would not only contravene the law but also undermine the fairness of these proceedings.

Motion is denied, this is the defenses chosen council and in my opinion does not rise to the level of removal based on the SMLBA
Motion is denied, this is the defenses chosen council and in my opinion does not rise to the level of removal based on the SMLBA
Your Honor, motion to reconsider,

The SMLBA states In the legal context, a conflict of interest is defined as the situation where the same legal counsel represents both the defense and the plaintiff simultaneously in the same case. Your honor, Mr. Love, wrote this entire case in the original complaint, which you can view here. Mr. Love worked with the plaintiff and was given privileged information about the case. He is now not representing him in the case and is representing the other side in the very same case Mr. Love appealed in the Supreme Court. See that here. This is the very foundation of a conflict of interest. Mr. Love represented the plaintiff in this case, lost, appealed the case, and now that it's refiled, Mr. Love is taking the other side?? This is beyond clear to be a COI, and this court should uphold not only the SMLBA that defines COI as an indictable criminal offense but also ethics. Of course, the defendant wants Mr. Love to represent them when he is the one who originally sued them in this SAME case.
Your Honor, motion to reconsider,

The SMLBA states In the legal context, a conflict of interest is defined as the situation where the same legal counsel represents both the defense and the plaintiff simultaneously in the same case. Your honor, Mr. Love, wrote this entire case in the original complaint, which you can view here. Mr. Love worked with the plaintiff and was given privileged information about the case. He is now not representing him in the case and is representing the other side in the very same case Mr. Love appealed in the Supreme Court. See that here. This is the very foundation of a conflict of interest. Mr. Love represented the plaintiff in this case, lost, appealed the case, and now that it's refiled, Mr. Love is taking the other side?? This is beyond clear to be a COI, and this court should uphold not only the SMLBA that defines COI as an indictable criminal offense but also ethics. Of course, the defendant wants Mr. Love to represent them when he is the one who originally sued them in this SAME case.

Motion to Reconsider is DENIED, the law states that “(2) In the legal context, a conflict of interest is defined as the situation where the same legal counsel represents both the defense and the plaintiff simultaneously in the same case.Mr. Love is not representing the Plaintiff and the defendant at the same time in the same case, he is only representing the defense.

All deadlines are still in effect.
Motion to Reconsider is DENIED, the law states that “(2) In the legal context, a conflict of interest is defined as the situation where the same legal counsel represents both the defense and the plaintiff simultaneously in the same case.Mr. Love is not representing the Plaintiff and the defendant at the same time in the same case, he is only representing the defense.

All deadlines are still in effect.
Your honor, the answer to complaint was already submitted. I motion to move to discovery.
Your honor, the answer to complaint was already submitted. I motion to move to discovery.

A valid Answer to Complaint under Court Rule 3.2 has not been submitted, you have 12 Hours to submit a correct Answer to Complaint.

Rule 3.2 (Initial Answer Format Requirements)​

All answers, even Small Claims, must use the appropriate “Creating a Lawsuit” format and must have:
  1. An affirmation of what facts are affirmed, denied, or non contested.
  2. Either defenses under the law, defenses under facts, or a statement of defense that will develop throughout the course of discovery.



Vanguard Bank

1. Fact one is disputed by the defense.
2. Fact two is disputed by the defense.
3. Fact three is disputed by the defense.
4. Fact four is disputed by the defense.
5. Fact five is disputed by the defense.
6. Fact six is disputed by the defense.

1. A thorough examination and refutation of facts will be performed over the duration of this case. Claims of law or fact may or may not be added to this complaint as evidence comes to light during discovery.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 5th day of May 2024.



Vanguard Bank

1. Fact one is disputed by the defense.
2. Fact two is disputed by the defense.
3. Fact three is disputed by the defense.
4. Fact four is disputed by the defense.
5. Fact five is disputed by the defense.
6. Fact six is disputed by the defense.

1. A thorough examination and refutation of facts will be performed over the duration of this case. Claims of law or fact may or may not be added to this complaint as evidence comes to light during discovery.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 5th day of May 2024.
Thank you, we will now move into a 7 day Discovery period.
Your honor, I object to exhibit A on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit B on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit C on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit D on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit E on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit F on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit F on the grounds of relevance. This screenshot shows shareholder information which is not relevant to this case as companies assume full liability for their actions, not shareholders. See below:
Your honor I motion to dismiss with prejudice under rule 5.5 lack of claim. The Commercial Standards Act absolves my client of any alleged liability incurred by Keystone Holdings, as Vanguard was not in a management position. See below:

Therefore there is no valid claim of wrongdoing by my client. Rule 5.6 does not apply because this case is NOT an appeal. This case is a remand back to the Federal Court. The APPEAL went to the Supreme Court, and the VERDICT of said appeal was to declare the first trial a mistrial, and to hold a new original trial. This trial is not an appellate trial and is a new instance. Furthermore, this case names a new defendant than the original appealed case. Therefore, this case is legally separate and different anyways.
Your honor, I object to exhibit A on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit B on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit C on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit D on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit E on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit F on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit F on the grounds of relevance. This screenshot shows shareholder information which is not relevant to this case as companies assume full liability for their actions, not shareholders. See below:
View attachment 43476
Your Honor, It is established precedent that cropping screenshots does not diminish their evidential value. Such editing is often conducted for organizational purposes, as it is impractical to present an entire Discord conversation as evidence.

Regarding the objection to Exhibit F, its purpose is to illustrate the percentage of ownership held by each organization or individual. The law cited by the defendant pertains solely to passive shareholders without decision-making authority. Vanguard's decision to dissolve the company is evidenced by a conversation from the defendant's lawyer attached below therefore they made the management decision to fraudulently dissolve the company to avoid labiality.

Your honor I motion to dismiss with prejudice under rule 5.5 lack of claim. The Commercial Standards Act absolves my client of any alleged liability incurred by Keystone Holdings, as Vanguard was not in a management position. See below:
View attachment 43477
Therefore there is no valid claim of wrongdoing by my client. Rule 5.6 does not apply because this case is NOT an appeal. This case is a remand back to the Federal Court. The APPEAL went to the Supreme Court, and the VERDICT of said appeal was to declare the first trial a mistrial, and to hold a new original trial. This trial is not an appellate trial and is a new instance. Furthermore, this case names a new defendant than the original appealed case. Therefore, this case is legally separate and different anyways.
Your Honor, It has been firmly established that this case is indeed an appealed one, having been refiled with all defendants involved. The decision to refile with a single defendant was at your direction, Your Honor, due to the disparity in legal representation among the defendants.

The repeated invocation of a particular law by the defense is unfounded. The defendant in question made a managerial decision to commit fraud in an attempt to evade liability.
Your honor I motion to dismiss with prejudice under rule 5.5 lack of claim. The Commercial Standards Act absolves my client of any alleged liability incurred by Keystone Holdings, as Vanguard was not in a management position. See below:
View attachment 43477
Therefore there is no valid claim of wrongdoing by my client. Rule 5.6 does not apply because this case is NOT an appeal. This case is a remand back to the Federal Court. The APPEAL went to the Supreme Court, and the VERDICT of said appeal was to declare the first trial a mistrial, and to hold a new original trial. This trial is not an appellate trial and is a new instance. Furthermore, this case names a new defendant than the original appealed case. Therefore, this case is legally separate and different anyways.

Motion to Dismiss is yet again denied, we will be moving forward with the case.
Your honor, I object to exhibit A on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit B on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit C on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit D on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit E on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit F on the grounds of improper evidence as it is cropped. We can't see the context of that screenshot nor can we even see the Discord server it is in. The plaintiff should submit an uncropped screenshot.

Your honor, I object to exhibit F on the grounds of relevance. This screenshot shows shareholder information which is not relevant to this case as companies assume full liability for their actions, not shareholders. See below:
View attachment 43476
Objections Overruled
Motion to Dismiss

Your honor, I move to dismiss under rule 5.5, lack of claim as well as lack of standing. Vanguard Bank did not own shares in Keystone at the time of the alleged damages. The allegations are from February but the stocks were transferred March 7th. They were sold to Vanguard without disclosure of the incident, in an attempt to dump liability on my client falsely. The lawsuit should be against those who owned shares at the time of damages. See here they initially went to MSS from wetc’s account then to Vanguard. wetc is the one who assumes the burden of that share of the company.

Your honor I request a 24 hour extension I am traveling today and tomorrow.
Your Honor, I respectfully submit again that, according to court policy, a motion to dismiss cannot be entertained for a case that has been appealed. Regarding the particulars of the motion to dismiss, from the evidence presented by the Defendant they did not possess shares during the decision-making process leading to non-payment to the client. However, it remains pertinent that despite lacking ownership when that decision was made, the Defendant, in their capacity as an owner later on, participated in the decision to dissolve the company to evade liability. This decision constitutes managerial action and can be construed as fraudulent since, as an owner, they assented to dissolving the company to evade their obligation to compensate the client. The question of when the Defendant acquired ownership is not under contention; rather, the focus is on their managerial role in the decision-making process to dissolve the company and avoid liability.

1. What percentage of Keystone Holdings did Vanguard possess at the time of its dissolution?
a motion to dismiss cannot be entertained for a case that has been appealed
Objection, your honor. Perjury.

This is not true. A motion to dismiss cannot be entertained on an appeal, which is subtly but dramatically different than what the plaintiff is claiming. This case is not an appeal. The appeal was a separate case.
they assented to dissolving the company to evade their obligation to compensate the client
Objection, your honor. Assumes facts not in evidence and speculation.
Motion to Dismiss

Your honor, I move to dismiss under rule 5.5, lack of claim as well as lack of standing. Vanguard Bank did not own shares in Keystone at the time of the alleged damages. The allegations are from February but the stocks were transferred March 7th. They were sold to Vanguard without disclosure of the incident, in an attempt to dump liability on my client falsely. The lawsuit should be against those who owned shares at the time of damages. See here they initially went to MSS from wetc’s account then to Vanguard. wetc is the one who assumes the burden of that share of the company.
View attachment 43562
View attachment 43563

Motion to Dismiss is hereby denied and @Alexander P. Love is hereby charged with contempt of court for impeding court proceedings, the DHS is ordered to fine/jail accordingly.
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