Recent content by Southray_

  1. S

    Take your new year resolutions here (only for DC)

    My resolution was to not have one, and I am succeeding.
  2. S

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Ko531 v. Department of Health [2022] DCR 59

    By medical items, do you mean the materials, or the cures? Either way, they are legal to possess on hospital grounds. To be clear, I am not a lawyer, so I may be incorrect regarding this.
  3. S

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Ko531 v. Department of Health [2022] DCR 59

    I do believe that all of the items you mentioned are legal in the wild.
  4. S

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Ko531 v. Department of Health [2022] DCR 59

    It seems that the screenshots did not send, here they are in the correct order.
  5. S

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Ko531 v. Department of Health [2022] DCR 59

    How long is the firing supposed to be for?: It is supposed to be a while, at least until ko531 proves that they would be a good doctor. I said indefinitely, as I did not know the rough time until I or the next secretary would let ko531 back. According to Oxford dictionary, indefinitely means...
  6. S

    Election Sheriff Election - DECEMBER 2022

    "I, Southray_, declare that I will be contesting the Office of Sheriff."
  7. S

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Ko531 v. Department of Health [2022] DCR 59

    I am present and familiarized myself with the case.
  8. S

    Act of Congress Judicial Standards Act

    I wish to change my nay vote to aye
  9. S

    Bill Nye, the...

    Bill nye, you made me cry
  10. S

    Bill: Rejected AE Treasure Chest Act

    Aye - 5% is a reasonable amount, with a 100$ purchase only having 5% tax, which is a good amount to the government and not too much of a difference to the consumer and shopkeeper.
  11. S

    Edit the word above you by changing one letter

    dic.. i mean peck
  12. S

    Lawsuit: Adjourned A__C v. SalsaStar [2022] FCR 56

    (Text Removed Due to length)
  13. S

    Blind Typing!
