This bill should have never made it to my desk, it did not satisfy the requirement of a supermajority in both chambers. It failed to reach a supermajority in the house of representatives. A supermajority is defined as 2/3rds majority in the constitution. Seeing as there are 11 members of the...
This bill has been vetoed for the following reason:
Let's leave interpretation of the law to the courts, I don't see why this needs to be written into law when it should be the job of the Judge to determine whether or not ignorance of the law is an acceptable argument.
This bill has received Presidential Assent and is hereby signed into law.
I'd like to work with Representative Poemhunter to ensure this is implemented properly, there are a lot of variables in this bill which is why it took me a little bit to sign it, let's make sure we do this right. We do...
I hereby veto this bill based on the following reasons:
The term “goods” is not defined and could be interpreted as merely items. Meaning, bribing people with money would still be legal. Although I appreciate the concept of this bill and what it stands for, I would prefer that it be more in...
I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont,
hereby order the following Executive Order.
(1) In the original Federal Treasury thread, it states the following: "The Federal Government reserves the right to make modifications to this system at any...
This bill has been vetoed for the following reason:
I believe the word "goods" is too vague even with the definition you've put in there. If I signed this bill, there would effectively be reasoning for anyone to take a business owner to court over simply forgetting to fix their prices. I cannot...
I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont,
hereby order the following Executive Order.
(1) The 5th town will be created, labeled "Town E"
(2) Town E will be assigned the Industrial/Manufacturing Industry
(3) This town will follow all other guidelines as...
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