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You may provide a brief response. Thank you.I request a response, your honor.
1950minecrafter (The Lovely Law Firm and Pugbandit representing)
Commonwealth of Redmont
The Defendant objects on a point of relevancy to the questions posed to Elainathomas29 and responses provided.
The plaintiff has put forward evidence outside of the bounds of the Statute of the Limitations. The accusations for electoral fraud extend beyond 2 months ago, therefore they are subject to the statute of limitations and therefore cannot be considered in this case.
2(a) Prosecution for a criminal offence must be commenced within two months of the date of the alleged offence.
Albeit a jovial executive order, the President was also formally pardoned for Electoral Fraud in Executive Order 19/21, after the date that accusations in this evidence are presented.
I agree. The Defendant has 24 hours to respond to the Court's request, otherwise we will proceed to closing statements.Your honor, this case is urgent and the defendant keeps making these motions, and then taking a long time to answer any clarifying questions. I request the Court to compel the Defendant to answer within the next 24 hours or sooner.
Considering he is a key party to this case, I would agree with that notion. He will not be provided any sort of presiding oversight to this case. As for the recent vacancy of the Justice who was also presiding over this case, I will ask that both parties express patience with the courts.Your honor, I motion for xLayzur to not be allowed to assist in the presiding of the case (if he is) given his conflict of interest in the case.
Case No. 09-2021-15-02
1. The Plaintiff, 1950minecrafter, represented by Pugbandit and the Lovely Law Firm, allege that Austin27 and 218218Consumer engaged in corruption and electoral fraud as the presiding officers for the Speaker and Deputy Speaker elections as they disregarded procedure for political gain.
2. The Plaintiff claims that Austin27 had deliberately meddled with the Speaker election by not announcing 1950minecrafter's win after he had met a mere majority, instead waiting for all Representatives to vote before announcing.
3. The Plaintiff claims that 218218Consumer had deliberately meddled with the Deputy Speaker election by not allowing all Representatives to vote before announcing.
4. The Plaintiff asserts that prior to the Speaker election, the Standing Orders were not in effect as they had not yet been installed by the new House. They additionally assert that upon the passage of the new Standing Orders, they were not followed during the Deputy Speaker electoin.
5. The Plaintiff suggests that the President and Disputed Speaker have a history of political corruption and fraud, presenting a claim that the President (at the time of this instance) had leaked information about a voter to another individual.
1. The Defendant, the Commonwealth of Redmont, allege that the respective elections were handled with the proper procedure and that there is no evidence of political corruption.
2. The Defendant claims that Austin27 had misspoke in regards to when a winner is to be declared, and that they had enforced the Standing Orders properly, mandating that all members are to vote for the Speaker.
3. The Defendant claims that 218218Consumer acted within his authority as Speaker to conduct the Deputy Speaker elections differently, as they believe the Standing Orders are enforced by the Presiding Officer.
4. The Defendant asserts that there is no evidence to indicate that Austin27 used government information to inform an individual about a voter, and that it could have been simply based on what Austin27 had heard. Furthermore, they assert that Austin27 is protected under the Statute of Limitations due to the message being sent in June.
1. It is the opinion of the court that the Standing Orders applies to both the session it was re-passed in and the session following it. In §5.1 of the Legislative Standards Act it clearly states that it is the duty of the House to either "reconfirm" or "amend" the Standing Orders, not to re-propose, defining the Standing Orders of something that remains in effect until amended or otherwise.
2. It is additionally the opinion of the court that these Standing Orders are binding law within the Commonwealth of Redmont. We find the logic argued by the Defendant that effectively allows the Presiding Officer to interpret the Standing Orders to be fundamentally flawed within the principle of the rule and law. Just like every law that Congress proposes, the Standing Orders includes a key clause at the beginning that certifies its enactment into law.
3. Due to the existence of the Standing Orders that are applied as law, the court finds that the election of 218218Consumer as Speaker of the House was lawful due to the "all members are to vote for the Speaker" clause within the Standing Orders. It was clearly intended to ensure that all Representatives were granted an input into the election of the Speaker due to timezones and other matters. As for the remarks of Austin27 in the Speaker election, we believe that this was an honest mistake and have not been provided any evidence to indicate otherwise.
4. As a result of the Standing Orders are applied as law, the court finds that the election of xLayzur as Deputy Speaker of the House was conducted in a way that was unlawful as the result was announced prior to letting all members of the House vote. The Standing Orders is very clear in the total votes clause and has applied the same rules for Speaker and Deputy Speaker. It is incredibly inconsistent for the Speaker and Deputy Speaker to be elected in different ways when the Standing Orders mandate the same rules for each.
5. The court believes that 218218Consumer had directly meddled in the election of the Deputy Speaker. We believe that 218218Consumer should have been well aware as to how to properly conduct the election, given he was elected as Speaker using the all members must vote rule. He did not apply the same rule that allowed for him to get elected, resulting in this inconsistency.
6. While expressing discontent with some of the questionable actions that have occured, the court's opinion is that the evidence presented throughout this case over the actions of 218218Consumer and Austin27 during the respective elections do not prove political corruption beyond a reasonable doubt. Not enough evidence has been presented by the Plaintiff to show any distinct benefit that either individual had received from their actions.
7. The court believes that the evidence presented of the conversation between Austin27 and ElainaThomas29 is not evidence of political corruption by the former President. There is no evidence to indicate that Austin27 used his position as President to discover this information, nor has any personal benefit from it been shown. The law on corruption clearly prohibits an individual from using their government position to benefit their own private or corporate interests.
Remarks from the Hon. Westray:
Congress is a fundamental aspect of the democratic institution of the Commonwealth of Redmont. While I am saddened to see the issues that have occurred within the 9th House of Representatives, I believe that this lawsuit has allowed us to clarify and certify current and potential future disputes within Congress.
The direction of the law has lead us to to clarify the role of the Standing Orders in the Congress, and how crucial it is to how the House of Representatives operates. While both parties today argued against the authority of the Standing Orders in one way or another, we affirmed the binding element of the Standing Orders as law. The Standing Orders is key in the proper procedure in conducting the Speaker and Deputy Speaker elections, and it is something that I hope every spectator to this trial takes into account. For every single session, the beginning of the Standing Orders have clearly stated "do hereby enact the following provisions into law" just as every other bill has.
When it comes to the election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker, I truly do believe that the Standing Orders were designed in a way that circumvents contentious situations like this. Since any Representative can change their vote through discord reactions, it is crucial that the entire House has came to the consensus that the vote has concluded. It prevents the he-said-she-said situations over timelines and who voted for who when. The legal fact is that 218218Consumer was lawfully elected as the Speaker of the House after all Representatives had carefully considered their choices and all voted.
What I find irresponsible was the actions of 218218Consumer after the Speaker election, in which he deviated from the Standing Orders in concluding the Deputy Speaker election prior to the vote of all members. To say that he is inexperienced or it was a mere error is a stretch - the way that voting was conducted should have been clearly evident to 218218Consumer. In fact, it was the very provision he violated in the Deputy elections that got him elected as Speaker. The actions there are nothing short of hypocritical in approach.
This case also dealt with an onslaught of other allegations. This included political corruption, accusing 218218Consumer and Austin27 of abusing their authority for their own personal gains. That was clearly a key goal of this lawsuit, to potentially remove these individuals from office, however we have not found enough evidence to take such severe action.
The removal of someone from government office is an exceptionally high standard, given these individuals were elected by the people. While the Honourable Justice SumoMC and I agree that the sharing of a voter's choice is morally repugnant, we do not believe that enough evidence can link this information to being accessed through his role as President nor what kind of benefit that Austin27 would receive from revealing the choice of a voter who was severely inactive.
As for 218218Consumer's actions, while I support punishing him for the meddling of the Deputy elections, I support this decision because he failed to abide by the Standing Orders and thus the law, not because I believe that evidence has proven beyond a reasonable doubt any further malicious intent. No evidence presented in this case has presented more than speculation in regards to the accusations of corruption.
- Westray, Chief Justice
This was a long and drawn out case. We observed new Presidential and Speakership elections, yet the issue was still there, did the President and Speaker of the House break the law? As seen in the Court's opinion, we believe that the then Speaker of the House Consumer did indeed meddle in the Deputy Speaker Elections, and is indeed guilty of Electoral Fraud. He went against the same rules that gave him the speakership, the standing orders clearly state that all representatives must vote if there are 2 or more candidates. If we overlooked this and ruled that the same rules did not apply to the Deputy Speaker Elections then we would not only be breaking the law, but we would be hypocrites.
This case also brought up corruption when it came to the then President Austin27 talking about the way an individual voted, in my opinion this was not the right thing to do. The security of everyone's vote and privacy in that vote must and will be protected, but there was no evidence proving that the President abused his power in order to obtain this information, a point I brought up to the Chief Justice when we were deliberating this case. Morally, President Austin was in the wrong but with the evidence provided, there was not enough to prove he abused his power as the President of the Commonwealth. I stand by and fully agree with the verdict given in this case and hope that this will serve as a deterrent to any future potential acts of corruption or election meddling.
- SumoMC, Justice