Appeal: Denied [2024] FCR 114 - Appeal - Appeal


Education Department
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Jul 8, 2022
Username: ko531

I am representing myself

What Case are you Appealing?: [2024] FCR 114 - Appeal

Link to the Original Case: Appeal: Denied - [2024] FCR 114 - Appeal

Basis for Appeal: I am appealing a supreme court decision on the bases of "applied an incorrect principle of law" as I have the right to under the constitution. The constitution only says Decisions and not Verdicts. As an appeal is a decision by the SC, I am legally allowed to appeal this appeal. Also as set in [2022] SCR 20 - Appeal Request, Supreme Court appeals do not have statute of limitations.

The decision by the Supreme Court to uphold the Federal Court Verdict as the Solitary Confinement was a "reasonable limits prescribed by law that are justified in a free and democratic society." Yet nowhere is Solitary confinement prescribed by law. The first time the words Solitary Confinement appeared in any legal capacity was in Duke's Court Order one which he granted without any request.

This sets very dangerous precedent as Judges and Justice can invent any Court Order an interpret it themselves as a "Reasonable limit prescribed by law." Judicial Officers are responsible for interpreting the law not inventing law. Currently there is nothing stopping Judicial Officers from inventing other court orders like the Death Penalty.

A second issue occurs as Duke had a Conflict of Interest and could not rule on the arrest warrant in the first place. First Duke was a witnesses and victim to the crime being alleged in the warrant. The second and more jarring issue is Duke Requested someone to file the warrant as seen in the "basis for request." which is held up by the fact Duke ruled on this warrant in under 60 seconds from the moment it was filed. No only was his ruling unconstitutional, he didn't have the ability to make any ruling in the first place

Supporting Evidence: Evidence is below
Your Honor,

I want to make an amicus brief as a former Chief Justice and long-time member of the legal community.

The process for appeals does not permit the secondary side of an appeal to be heard. I ask that you allow for either myself or the commonwealth to be able to present counters to this unsanctioned appeal by the appellate

Thank you for your time.
Your Honor,

I want to make an amicus brief as a former Chief Justice and long-time member of the legal community.

The process for appeals does not permit the secondary side of an appeal to be heard. I ask that you allow for either myself or the commonwealth to be able to present counters to this unsanctioned appeal by the appellate

Thank you for your time.

There is no arguing in an appeal. Nacho may be representing himself as a former Chief Justice, but he is currently a DOJ prosecutor, and he would be arguing for the commonwealth in this brief. There is precedent on matters in appeals just like this. In the [2024] FCR 07 appeal a similar brief was denied, and this brief should be as well. Appeals are not a place for arguments from both sides to be made, that is a lawsuit which appeals are not.
After careful consideration, the Supreme Court has upheld the ruling on the original appeal. The court finds no compelling arguments to change the initial judgment, and we maintain the ruling of the Federal Court on this matter.