Lawsuit: Adjourned AB6A5SI v. Department of Justice [2021] DCR 74

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Homeland Security Department
4th Anniversary
Police Officer
Jun 7, 2021

AB6A5SI (Crusaders at Law representing)


Department of Justice

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

Today was the DPA spleef event and I got there quite early and so there were only about 6 of us Gold and somone called dygyee were amongst the 6. We were just jumping around the platform waiting some of us hitting eachother (trying to knock one another off) and so dygyee hits me off, I have done nothing nor have I touched them before this, but I had my elytra on so i just fly back up. I hit them back and they also fall off the edge but somehow manage to die of fall damage even though the snow platforms were almost all surrounded by water. Then they go saying 'Arrest AB6A5SI for murder' even though they know it was an accident and i did not want their death, however only moments later I get cuffed by GoldBlooded and then arrested for the 'murder and distrupting a DPA event' when 1. the event was in the wild and 2. I was not the only one hitting people, dygyee hit me off first and yet they do not get arrested for 'distruption'. So on that note I make a DOJ ticket and a explain this pinging GoldBlooded once questioning them, but much to my surprise the ticket gets closed with not a single word of response.
After my 10min in jail was up I just chilled at my recently purchased r-069 (yes I am mentioning its number just to flex) building but I was obviously still annoyed so what my plan was is to wait till all the rounds are over then go back and since its in the wild and kills are legal I would take my revenge however I got impatient and came on the 'last round' they said of course I did not kill then I was just waiting. I flew up to the top snow layer as I had seen that the round had finished but as I do so I get teleported to spawn, confused as to why, I go back and land at the top. I see staff/DPA saying 'stop' in chat but just as I was about to ask 'stop what' I get sent to spawn and instantly cuffed by GoldBlooded still very confused I ask why, he does not reply and just keeps me cuffed for a good minute or 2 until he finally starts going over to the police station to send me to prison for 'public nuisance' this time but I do not let them imprison me as I log off. after this I go back onto discord to ask what is going on but do not get any answer so I just shut my pc down and went. and about 40min ago I come back to see the DOJ ticket I made closed with no reply so I make a staff ticket as I thought it was staff that sent me to spawn and ask why I got sent. Then Taelor says 'I was told by Muffins and others to stop as you were out but kept coming back' I then say that I didnt even play a single round and that it was a missunderstanding about me 'going back in after I was out'.

1. AB6A5SI (Crusaders at Law representing)
2. Department of Justice

1. The Plaintiff went to the DPA spleef event slightly early and there were only 6 people currently there.
2. The players who were early at the spleef event were just hitting each other off the platform and waiting around.
3. Dygyee hit the plaintiff off the platform first but had an elytra and flew back up.
4. The plaintiff hit them back and they managed to die from fall damage.
5. Dygyee said, "Arrest AB6A5SI for murder," and then a police officer (GoldBlooded) arrested the plaintiff, which is clearly corruption.
6. This event was in the wild.
7. The police officers did not stop to explain why he was being arrested.

1. The Police officer who arrested the plaintiff has been in lots of court cases which are about corruption.
2. The Defendant broke law 15.7 of Police Misconduct, under the category of Courts, Trials and Police.
3. The Defendant broke law 16.1 of Corruption, under the category of Corruption, Government, & Elections.
4. The DPA spleef event was in the wild, most laws do not apply.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. $150 to recover for all the wasted time the plaintiff had to spend in jail as he got sent there two times.
2. $50 for emotional stress.
3. $200 for the fines
4. $200 to pay for legal assistance

I would also like to request a different judge for this case as the current magistrate, Dygyee is included and can not be involved in the case because this might lead the judge to have a partial view.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 8th day of December 2021.


The Defendant,
The Attorney General, is required to appear before the court in the case of AB6A5SI v. Department of Justice. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Your honor, I will be taking this case on behalf of the Office of the Attorney General. I will be filing a response tomorrow.



The Department of Justice

Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:
1. The case is inaccurate: As implied by the Public Order Act, confirmed by the Saviour Act and Law 17.4, the laws do apply to DPA events, so the fact that it was in the wild is irrelevant.
2. The Plaintiff has confessed to negligent murder in this Court, so the arrest is clearly warranted.
3. There is no corruption as the Plaintiff has not demonstrated a government official using their office for a personal benefit.
4. The filing contains hearsay in section 2.5.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 12th day of December, 2021
Your honor, as one of the founders of Crusaders at Law I object to the motion to dismiss due to breach of procedure. The 72 hours that were given to the Commonwealth already passed almost 4 hours ago.
Your objection is overruled, since the difference in time is very minor, and this is a first time issue. However, I would like to impress upon both parties the importance of being more mindful of deadlines in the future.

That being said, the Plaintiff may post their rebuttal to the motion to dismiss.
Your objection is overruled, since the difference in time is very minor, and this is a first time issue. However, I would like to impress upon both parties the importance of being more mindful of deadlines in the future.

That being said, the Plaintiff may post their rebuttal to the motion to dismiss.
So what does this mean?
First of all, the Court is not a place to talk out of turn. If you do this again, you may be subject to legal penalties.
Second of all, this means your lawyers can now present a rebuttal to the State's motion to dismiss. I would suggest you ask them if you have questions about that process.



The Department of Justice

In response to the defense's motion to dismiss:
1. The core argument of the Plaintiff rests in the notion that the Plaintiff's conduct does not meet the threshold of Public Nuisance; and less so with the fact that the event occurred in the wild. Public Nuisance is defined, as the Defense has noted, in Law 17.4 and the Saviour Act as:

".. the act of Wilfully causing substantial and unreasonable interference by disrupting, destroying, or trolling DPA-sanctioned Events, government-sanctioned events, or political rallies of any kind in its planning, building/creation, and or execution."

The Plaintiff argues that our client's conduct does not meet this threshold of willingly causing substantial and unreasonable interference; our client's conduct, for which he was charged with Public Nuisance was both accidental and quite insubstantial.

Furthermore, the defense did not include the fact that the Saviour act as well as the Public Order Act, while including the wild in charges such as Public Nuisance, these acts do not include the crime of murder, for which our client was charged initially.

2. While the argument for confession holds merit, the Plaintiff maintains the notion that the crime of both murder and negligent murder is not applicable in the wild.

3. The Plaintiff argues the fact that the action of dygyee ordering a Police Officer to arrest our client for his murder, under accidental pretenses, in the wild, just after hitting the Plaintiff off of the platform in a similar manner, was a demonstration of a government official attempting to utilize their power for their own benefit, in this case, revenge.

4. The Plaintiff obliges the fact that section 2.5 of initial filing falls under hearsay, and requests the editing of section 2.5 from:

5. Dygyee said, "Arrest AB6A5SI for murder," and then a police officer (GoldBlooded) arrested the plaintiff, which is clearly corruption.


5. Dygyee said, "Arrest AB6A5SI for murder," and then a police officer (GoldBlooded) arrested the plaintiff.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 13th day of December, 2021.
I will be rejecting the motion to dismiss, given that there is a clear case for litigation here. I do not find the Plaintiff's initial case frivolous, given the claims presented to the court by both sides.

The Plaintiff may present their opening statement now. They have 48 hours to do so.
Your honor, it’s finals week which is very busy and stressful in real life. I have 6 AP/IB classes I’m handling so I therefore request a temporary recess until the weekend. I can have an opening statement by Sunday morning or Saturday afternoon. Thank you.
Given the circumstances, I will grant the extension. In the meantime, I would ask that the Plaintiff still post their opening statement as soon as possible to keep proceedings moving along, but an opening statement from the Defendant will not be required until Sunday.

It is the goal of this civil action to prove, within the threshold stated by our laws, that Police Officer GoldBlooded violated law 15.8 False Accusations in his handling of the situation regarding our client; as well as proving, within the threshold stated by our laws, that Magistrate dygyee's conduct violated law 16.1 Corruption, as well as 15.8 False Accusations in his own handling of the situation.

Regarding Officer GoldBlooded's conduct, as stated in fact 5 of this case, GoldBlooded arrested our client at the behest of Magistrate dygyee. The reasons given for our client's arrest, as outlined in our client's testimony were "murder and disrupting a DPA event". Despite the charge of disrupting a DPA event having absolutely no legal grounds, the charge of murder cannot be levied in the wilderness. As stated in Rules & Laws, 13.0:

"...PvP is fully legal in the Wilderness."

This is a widely known fact, and it is the opinion of the Plaintiff that a police officer, charging someone with murder, should reasonably understand the situations in which the charge of murder can be levied. As such, Officer GoldBlooded meets the threshold set by 15.8, which reads:

"Falsely accusing someone of a crime and attempting to incur legal punishment when they could reasonably infer that the accused was innocent."

This is true due to the fact that Officer GoldBlooded not only attempted to incur legal punishment when he could reasonably infer that the accused was innocent of murder(given his knowledge of the DPA event, and thereby its location), but he also followed through in his attempt to deliver legal punishment to our client.

Regarding the conduct of Magistrate dygyee, as stated in the 3rd fact of this case, the Magistrate was the first to punch our client. This fact alone demonstrates that the action of hitting another player prior to the DPA event was not a breach of the law, or a big deal, in the mind of not only Magistrate dygyee, but all other players participating. However, upon our client's retaliation to this, and Magistrate dygyee's subsequent accidental death, it was suddenly illegal in the mind of the Magistrate to perform an action he himself had just done, minutes prior. The legality of an action in someone's mind means nothing unless that person is to take action, which Magistrate dygyee did do. Using his status as a Magistrate, he requested that our client be arrested for murder, despite him reasonably understanding the laws which govern such a charge, which explicitly state that PVP in the wild is not illegal, and instead seeking, in his own private interest, revenge on our client, forgoing the laws he should understand better than anyone else. It is this conduct that so clearly violates both laws 15.8 and 16.1:

"Falsely accusing someone of a crime and attempting to incur legal punishment when they could reasonably infer that the accused was innocent."
"To use a government position, elected or otherwise, to benefit one's private interests or corporate ventures. By applying for a position or being elected into a position in government, the player agrees to serve the server over themselves."

In regards to 15.8, a Magistrate, having no doubt overseen numerous cases relating to the charge of murder, should reasonably understand the exception of the wild. As such, his accusing of our client of a crime which he reasonably should understand to not mean anything in the wild, is clearly an example of False Accusations.

In regards to 16.1, Magistrate dygyee's post as a Magistrate gives him status as someone who deeply understands laws. When a Magistrate requests something, especially so as pertaining to violations of laws, that request will no doubt be taken extremely seriously by Police Officers and members of the Department of Justice who read it. To an extreme extent, such as in this case, this could mean a Police Officer falsely arresting someone under the simple pretense that a Magistrate accused them of murder. Furthermore, Magistrate dygyee had a clear motive to seek revenge on our client following his accidental death. In his moment of anger, he sought revenge on our client, and therefore attempted to benefit his private interests, using his government position as a Magistrate to coerce a Police Officer to falsely arrest our client for a crime that he knew he was innocent of.

This being said, however, although we plan on demonstrating the conduct of both Officer GoldBlooded and Magistrate dygyee to be extremely evidently in violation of our laws, given this is a civil action, we do not seek any criminal action being taken against any parties involved, and instead only hope for the financial compensation of our client, who we intend on proving was clearly wronged. We hope that by the end of this suit, our client is fairly compensated for his troubles, which included 2 jail sentences, fines, emotional stress, and the legal fees required to file this civil action itself.

DATED: This 15th day of December, 2021.
May it please the Court,

Your honor, opposing Council, this is a case of omission. The Plaintiff has filed a case, cherry-picking from the true events of the situation, in order to fabricate a story of a victim. In this case, the defense will call key witnesses from the event to testify about what happened. You will see that there is more to the story than what the Plaintiff is telling you. These missing facts are what will disable their case. Furthermore, this case is alleging criminal actions on two individuals, yet this is supposed to be a civil case against the Department of Justice. The Plaintiff murdered someone at a DPA sanctioned event. Regardless of its location, that is disturbing a DPA event and therefore the arrest is valid. Additionally, because the lands are being used by the DPA for an event, the laws are considered valid regardless of location pursuant to the Savior Act. The Plaintiff simply has no case here already based on their twisted story. When we call Dygyee and GoldBlooded to testify about what actually happened at the event, you will see the Plaintiff's failed attempt at deception in order to extort the Government for money.

Thank you.
This concludes opening statements. We will now move on to witness testimonies. Both parties, please list your witnesses, or declare that you have none, within 24 hours so that I can summon all witnesses.
Your honor, the defense would like to call the following:


I apologize for the tardiness; I have been busy with work and getting my COVID booster and stuff so I didn't even see this until now.


@GoldBlooded, @dygyee, @Muffins29, and @Taelor are required to appear before the court in the case of AB6A5SI v. DOJ as witnesses.

Witnesses are asked to ensure they familiarise themselves with the case and respond to the respective parties when questioned. They may also be cross-examined.

Witnesses are asked to identify themselves as present on the forum thread within 48 hours.​
Present, your honor.
I'm here your honor
Present, your honor
Present, your honor.
The Defendant may now present their questions to the witnesses. Please post all applicable questions within one post, except in the case of questions that may depend on the answers to previous questions.
To all witnesses:

What truly happened at the event? Particularly the facts that are relevant to this case. Please be detailed.

I may have follow-up questions after the responses are posted.
From what I remember, this is what happened however it was a long time ago that this happened so here's what I remember: I went to the spleef event, and I don’t remember punching first, from what I remember I punched in retaliation. Then the Plaintiff started punching me I said stop in local chat, and he kept going till I fell of the side of the platform and died. (After all if I punched first, the police logs would have said so) so then he was arrested for murder because gold was there. Then later when we were in the final round, he flew up to the top platform during the game when there were about 2 or 3 people left, so he was teleported by staff to the bottom and was told to stay there, but he flew back up. This happened about 3 times so he was arrested for disturbing a DPA event for that.
P.S. Sorry for the late reply.
This is a notice to all parties that my response times may be a little bit slow for the next few days, as I will be visiting family. I apologize for any delays, but there should not be too much interruption.
From what I recall, I tried to play a round but fell pretty fast and people on the ground were trying to build back up to the bottom layer of the snow so I was doing staff stuff trying to prevent people from interrupting event. In the VC I was in, people were saying that the prosecuter was already out and was flying to the top using their elytra. They were told by Muffins, myself, and others in game multiple times. I can try to find logs. We then reported them to GoldBlooded for interrupting a DPA event and in order to get them to stop a staff member teleported them to spawn because it was truly affecting the event.
I was hosting the spleef event and Taelor came to help me with replacing snow blocks after each round, teleporting players back to the top before the round started, etc. The spleef "arena" had three different levels of snow before the player dropped down into the ocean below. If a player fell from the third layer, then that meant that they were out for that round. After each round Taelor and I would fix all the holes in all three layers and teleport all the players back to the top for the next round.

After AB6A5SI was out, he kept on trying to build back from the ocean to the bottom layer so he could keep on playing. He eventually began using his elytra and some rockets to get back into the game after he was already out for that round. This significantly interfered with the event and was causing annoyance in several players, as AB6A5SI was supposed to be out. Taelor and I told him to stop several times, but he refused to listen. At one point he even set a home on the first layer and kept on teleporting back to it whenever he fell into the ocean. Goldblooded was participating in the event, so he told us to create a DOJ ticket on discord and send screenshots of AB6A5SI interfering with the event. Taelor and I issued several verbal warnings to AB6A5SI, even after we submitted the ticket, but he refused to listen.
@GoldBlooded has 36 hours to testify before the court, or provide any communication at all as to his availability, before he is found in contempt of court.
Your honor,

It seems that Mr. GoldBlooded's allotted 36 hours have expired. This case sits at its 20th day in session and I believe all parties are somewhat fatigued. The plaintiff respectfully requests the continuation of proceedings and hopes to cross-examine present witnesses once the defense has asked all their relevant questions.
Given that the allotted time for GoldBlooded to testify has passed, I am hereby finding him in contempt of court, and I request that the DOJ fine him $250.

If the Defense is satisfied with the questions asked, the Plaintiff may move to cross-examination.
The Defense has no further questions.
The Plaintiff has 24 hours to post their questions for the witnesses or we will be moving on without them.
Specifically for Magistrate Dygyee:

To make the record of the court abundantly clear:

1. Did you witness officer GoldBlooded arrest AB6A5SI under the charge of murder for his conduct at the DPA event?
2. Was this arrest made in any way at your behest? (Did you ask in chat for him to be arrested for murder?)

For both Taelor and Muffins29:

Did you directly witness any conduct relating to AB6A5SI's charging of murder? Did you see him get arrested, notice anything in chat at the time, or watch the entire event unfold? Any details can make the picture clearer for the court.
I did witness GoldBlooded arrest AB6A5SI under the charge of public nuisance due to his conduct at the DPA event. I was at the event the entire time and did see him flying up, had a home set at the top and was actively disrupting the event. Multiple people, both staff and participants were telling them to stop.
2. Was this arrest made in any way at your behest? (Did you ask in chat for him to be arrested for murder?)
Objection your honor,

The question calls for hearsay. Furthermore, I don't see how a citizen asking for a criminal to be arrested is relevant to this case. It happens all the time in other arrests and it is never significant.
Objection your honor,

The question calls for hearsay. Furthermore, I don't see how a citizen asking for a criminal to be arrested is relevant to this case. It happens all the time in other arrests and it is never significant.
Your honor,

This question clearly does not meet the definition of hearsay. The witness is testifying about statements made by themselves, not another person. Furthermore, as discussed earlier in this case, this is potentially relevant as these statements would have been made by a magistrate, who is in a position that is seen as extremely knowledgable of the legal field. Their words pertaining to legal matters may carry more weight and may have influenced officer GoldBlooded's first arrest of our client, in spite of the obvious fact that the charge of murder cannot be levied in the wild. The defense's argument that such statements are "never significant" is clearly inapplicable to this case. It is the opinion of the Plaintiff that the defense's objection here, given the events of this case, is without legal precedent.
Your honor,

This question clearly does not meet the definition of hearsay. The witness is testifying about statements made by themselves, not another person. Furthermore, as discussed earlier in this case, this is potentially relevant as these statements would have been made by a magistrate, who is in a position that is seen as extremely knowledgable of the legal field. Their words pertaining to legal matters may carry more weight and may have influenced officer GoldBlooded's first arrest of our client, in spite of the obvious fact that the charge of murder cannot be levied in the wild. The defense's argument that such statements are "never significant" is clearly inapplicable to this case. It is the opinion of the Plaintiff that the defense's objection here, given the events of this case, is without legal precedent.
Objection your honor, breach of court procedure. The Plaintiff was not asked for a response, and therefore spoke out of turn.
Objection your honor, breach of court procedure. The Plaintiff was not asked for a response, and therefore spoke out of turn.
Objection overruled because responses are allowed to objections, and always have been. Although, I will remind xstarpro to please wait in the future.

Objection your honor,

The question calls for hearsay. Furthermore, I don't see how a citizen asking for a criminal to be arrested is relevant to this case. It happens all the time in other arrests and it is never significant.
Objection sustained as the content of a citizen's accusations are not used as a basis for arresting someone for murder. Murder charges are levied through the use of /complaint if the murder meets the requirement. The witness will still answer the first question, but the second will no longer be valid.
1: I didn't witness the arrest, however I saw the message in chat that said something along the lines of "AB6A5SI has been arrested for __ minutes." Followed by a message that said he was arrested for murder. And to be clear the murder charge was separate from his charge for disturbing the DPA event which came later.
@Muffins29 has 24 hours to respond to the questions provided or they will face a contempt of court charge.
I saw GoldBlooded arrest AB6A5SI for public nuance after several event participants, DPA members, and staff members told him to stop interfering with the event after he was out. Several warnings (both in chat and over VC) were issued prior to AB6A5SI before he was arrested.
Does the Plaintiff have any further questions?
Alright, we will now move on to closing statements. The Plaintiff has 48 hours to present their closing statement, or we will move on without it.
Your honor, it is my duty to inform the Court that I have resigned from the Office of the Attorney General, and therefore will not be completing this case.

This case has been in the works for a somewhat extensive time. It is for this reason the Plaintiff feels obliged to remind the court of the facts of this case.

Our client, AB6A5SI, was arrested by Police Officer GoldBlooded for the charge of murder for his conduct at the DPA event taking place in the wild.

This is an undisputed fact of this case.

Our client, AB6A5SI, faced jail time and fines, as well as stress as a result of this arrest.

This is an undisputed fact of this case.

There is no legal precedent, even in the case of a DPA event, wherein the charge of murder can be levied in the wild.

This is an undisputed fact of this case.

In spite of our clients actions that may have justified the charge of Public Nuisance in some instances, what is abundantly clear before this court is the malpractice of the Department of Justice charging him with a crime that is completely without legal merit. Plain and simply, there is no context, and no argument that may justify our client facing jail time for the crime of murder, when the crime of murder is not illegal in the wild.

Whatever predispositions this court may have regarding our client's conduct must be pushed aside in light of this fact. It is for this reason this litigation remains in our courts to this day, and the reason the legal fees to file this case were incurred. It is a simple fact, the Department of Justice caused our client undue harm by charging him with murder; a crime which could not have been committed under these circumstances. Whether this was by reason of mal intent is completely irrelevant to this argument- what matters to this case is that this happened.

The Plaintiff humbly asks the court to keep in mind the objective facts of this case, and rule in our favor; awarding our client the money he lost as a result of the Department of Justice's malpractice.

This money includes the $150 noted in the initial filing of this case, as a result of lost profit due to the jailing.
This money includes the $50 noted in the initial filing of this case, as a result of emotional stress.
This money includes the $200 noted in the initial filing of this case, as a result of fees incurred from charges.
This money includes the further $200 noted in the initial filing of this case, as a result of legal fees incurred.

And with that, the Plaintiff hopes the court makes a reasonable decision in this case, a decision based on the merits of the Plaintiff's argument, and not based on any predilections arising from the alleged actions of our client.
I’ll be stepping in to handle the remainder of this case for the Defense.

Closing statement:

Act of Congress - Public order Act The public order act clearly shows that laws do apply to DPA-sanctioned events.

Act of Congress - Saviour Act Section 3.1 of the Saviour Act as well as Law 17.4 confirm that disrupting a DPA event, which logically includes chaos-inducing murders, is a crime.

While in general the wild is a place where murder is legal, it is NOT legal at a DPA sanctioned event taking place in the wild. Public nuisance would have required a court case, but the immediate remedy at the time of the incident was to charge the plaintiff with murder.

Defense rests.
I’ll be stepping in to handle the remainder of this case for the Defense.

Closing statement:

Act of Congress - Public order Act The public order act clearly shows that laws do apply to DPA-sanctioned events.

Act of Congress - Saviour Act Section 3.1 of the Saviour Act as well as Law 17.4 confirm that disrupting a DPA event, which logically includes chaos-inducing murders, is a crime.

While in general the wild is a place where murder is legal, it is NOT legal at a DPA sanctioned event taking place in the wild. Public nuisance would have required a court case, but the immediate remedy at the time of the incident was to charge the plaintiff with murder.

Defense rests.
Your honor, the Plaintiff objects on the grounds of perjury:

Specifically, the defense states that
"While in general the wild is a place where murder is legal, it is NOT legal at a DPA sanctioned event taking place in the wild."
and the defense attempts to support this claim with the Public order and Saviour Acts.

The Saviour Act makes the following crimes illegal:

1) Public Nuisance
2) Obstruction of Justice
3) Weaponry in a Safezone
4) Abusing the Tour Guide Call-out sign
5) Abusing /911
6) Incitment
7) Frivolous Court Case
8) Driving Under the Influence
9) Abandoned Vehicles
10) Improper Parking

The Saviour Act makes a set crimes illegal, only one of which is slightly applicable to this case, that being Public Nuisance. However, the Saviour Acts do NOT include the crime of murder.

The Public order Act makes the folloing crimes illegal:

1) Violent Disorder(defined as: "Where 3 or more persons who are present together use or threaten unlawful violence and the conduct of them (taken together) is such as would cause a person at the scene to fear for his personal safety, each of the persons using or threatening unlawful violence is guilty of violent disorder.")
2) Harassment, Alarm or Distress

The Public Order Act does demonstrate that 2, highly specific laws, that do not include murder apply in the wild at DPA sanctioned events, but these laws do not include anything along the lines of murder, and the charges listed are not the charges levied upon our client.

Clearly, these acts do not support the defense's claim that:
"While in general the wild is a place where murder is legal, it is NOT legal at a DPA sanctioned event taking place in the wild."
and by making such a claim, they have perjued themselves.

Furthermore, the Plaintiff reminds the defense that it is a gross malpractice of Department of Justice to, in any instances, charge someone with a crime they did not commit, even if this was done to avoid a court case. The Plaintiff would also like to note that this is not the case in this case, given that our client was charged with Public Nuisance on top of the Murder charge. If the Department of Justice wanted to avoid a court case by charging our client with just Murder, which would be a problem in of itself, they did not follow through with this because the Department charged him with both Murder and Public Nuisance.

The notion that charing our client with Murder in the place of Public Nuisance to skimp out on a court case is especially dangerous given that the punishment for murder is a $100 fine and 10 minutes in jail, while the punishments for Public Nuisance is a $60 fine, and a verbal warning on the first offense, and a dismissal from the event on the second offense.
Does the Defendant have a rebuttal to this objection?
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