Lawsuit: In Session AlexanderLove v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 98

Alexander P. Love

Deputy Speaker of the House
Redmont Bar Assoc.
Legal Eagle Change Maker Popular in the Polls
Jun 2, 2021

AlexanderLove (Represented by Dragon Law Firm)


The Commonwealth of Redmont

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

On July 6th, my rights were tragically violated. I was jailed for 3 murders, which is a violation of the law as any sentencing exceeding 30 minutes must go through the Department of Justice. To top this, I was in a locked room, and somehow by witchcraft, the cop breached the property and cuffed me.

1. AlexanderLove (Victim)
2. Inalite (Agent of the Tortfeasor)
3. Department of Homeland Security (Tortfeasor)

1. On July 6th, I was wanted for 3 murders.
2. On July 6th, I was working in my locked office at Dragon Law HQ (C469, Exhibits A & B) with no way for anyone on the outside to get in.
3. On July 6th, I was put in cuffs by Inalite and charged with three counts of murder, then jailed for 30 minutes and fined $300 (Exhibits C & D).

1. According to the Standardized Criminal Code Act (link) section 4.2.ii, the Court has jurisdiction over summary offenses where 30+ minutes of jail time is imposed. I spent 30 minutes in the penitentiary and at least a few seconds in cuffs, making me incarcerated for over 30 minutes.
2. I was therefore prematurely jailed and fined by the DHS, and my right to a trial was not only violated, but outright discarded.
3. My private sanctity was illegally breached and the police stepped onto my property to illegally arrest me (using an exploit no less). My right to privacy and the right against unreasonable seizure was violated (seizure of a person is still seizure, on my property and person).
4. I was falsely imprisoned and therefore kidnapped, which will serve as a legal cause of action. In being kidnapped, I was scared as the police manhandled me into a cell in which I didn't belong. As a lawyer, the thought of going to a rough prison with murders frightened me as I will testify in this trial (my questioning will be handled by another attorney).

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. $1,800 in compensatory damages as the Standardized Criminal Code Act entitles me $50 per minute falsely spent in jail, plus my $300 in fines.
2. $15,000 in punitive damages for the complete disregard of my human and constitutional rights, as well as the belligerent nature of my arrest. Being pulled through a window off the top floor of a tall building is definitely excessive force, as well as a violation of my property.
3. $10,000 in emotional damages as I was kidnapped and put in fear of my life and liberty, as well as my personal safety. Without the security of my rights, what do I have to fall back on?
4. $8,040 in legal fees as it is 30% of the value of this case, with no less than $5,000 in legal fees as mandated by the Legal Damages Act.

1. Inalite
2. AlexanderLove


By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 6th day of July 2024.


@Dusty_3 (AG) is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case ofAlexanderLove v. The Commonwealth of Redmont. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures , including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​


The Commonwealth of Redmont

1. We affirm that Alexander was wanted for 3 murders
2. We neither confirm or deny if Alexander's office was locked with no way of getting inside
3. We affirm that Alexander was arrested by Inalite for 3 counts of murder and sentence to 30 minutes in jail and a $300 fine.

1. The Commonwealth understand the arrest in question was illegal and considered tresspassing. We offered Alexanderlove the legally required compensation required by law. $50 per minute in jail and the return of the $300 from the fine so a total of $1800 total. Alexander has refused this offer and we believe he is using this case to artificially raise damages.

2. For claim of relief one and two we must disagree. For a crime like this, even if Alexander's interpretation of the law is correct, the Standardize Criminal Code act says anything over 30 minutes is the jurisdiction of the court. Alexander was charged with exactly 30 minutes which would not qualify as over 30 minutes. Alexander can not have his rights to a trial violated if he never had the right to a trial to begin with.

3. For claim of relief four, false imprisonment does not mean kidnapping. The law defines kidnapping as being locked in a place without any way to get out. While in prison their is always a way to get out it is called serving your time. You can even lower your time via the mine in order to get out faster.

4. For Alexander's Prayers of Reliefs we are willing to pay his first claim but nothing after that. For prayer two no constitutional rights were violated as alexander did not have the right to a trial as his punishment was not over 30 minutes. Claim 3 emotional damages are outragously greedy. Alexander did not fear for his life as there was nothing causing him any danger. This arrest happened late in the night so no one else was inside the jail and beside inmates there is nothing in the jail that would give someone the reasonable fear for their life. Finally for prayer four, Alexander is not hiring a law firm, he is saving money by representing himself therefore there are no damages of legal fees to be granted as alexander has not lost money by filing this lawsuit.

DATED: This 7th day of July, 2024.
We will now move into a 7 Day Discovery period. Should both sides agree, discovery can be ended early.

During this time any evidence or witnesses need to be asked/submitted. We will not be allowing new evidence or witnesses to be submitted during the course of the trial.
Finally for prayer four, Alexander is not hiring a law firm, he is saving money by representing himself therefore there are no damages of legal fees to be granted as alexander has not lost money by filing this lawsuit.
Objection, your honor. Perjury. It was stated that I am being represented by Dragon Law Firm. I also want to make it clear I am not representing myself, and while it is my firm, firm resources are still being used for this which cost money.
I tender Inalite and AlexanderLove as witnesses in this case.
1. Isn’t it true that when being arrested, you spend some time imprisoned in cuffs?
2. Isn’t it true that the defense cannot confirm there were no other inmates present in the prison?
3. Isn’t it true that prisons are generally regarded as unfriendly, uncomfortable, and undesirable locations to be in?
4. Isn’t it true there is no physical way to exit prison?
Objection, your honor. Perjury. It was stated that I am being represented by Dragon Law Firm. I also want to make it clear I am not representing myself, and while it is my firm, firm resources are still being used for this which cost money.

Alexander is so far the only person representing in this case. He seems to be the only person working on this case. Even though alexander's own law firm is listed. Alexander is still saving money with having his own law firm represent him as he can control how much his law firm spends compared to hiring an outside law firm.

Even if alexander didnt list his law firm he still has the resources provided by his law firm at his grasp as he owns the law firm. He can control what the resources are used for. so no matter if alexander is using his law firm's resources he is still representing himself as long as he is the acting attorney on this case. He has gained no extra resources then he would have at his disposal normally by listing dragon law. By every metric alexander is representing himself.
1. Isn’t it true that when being arrested, you spend some time imprisoned in cuffs?
2. Isn’t it true that the defense cannot confirm there were no other inmates present in the prison?
3. Isn’t it true that prisons are generally regarded as unfriendly, uncomfortable, and undesirable locations to be in?
4. Isn’t it true there is no physical way to exit prison?
1. It is not true as inprison is defined as "put or keep away in a prison" and you are never inside a prison while in handcuffs.
2. It isnt true. I can confirm if there was no one in the prison using multiple methods.
3. I can not speak in generalities but I know that the DHS and DCT pride themselves in having a nice looking and running prison.
4. It is not true. There are physical ways to enter and exit the prison.
1. Did you witness any other prisoners while serving your sentence in the prison
1. It is not true as inprison is defined as "put or keep away in a prison" and you are never inside a prison while in handcuffs.
2. It isnt true. I can confirm if there was no one in the prison using multiple methods.
3. I can not speak in generalities but I know that the DHS and DCT pride themselves in having a nice looking and running prison.
4. It is not true. There are physical ways to enter and exit the prison.
Objection, your honor on 4. Perjury. There is no way to physically exit the prison without resorting to exploitation.
Objection, your honor on 4. Perjury. There is no way to physically exit the prison without resorting to exploitation.
There is no roof on the prison so one can use and elytra to fly in and out. The question never clearified if a prisoner could leave only if there was a way to exit in general.

There is no roof on the prison so one can use and elytra to fly in and out. The question never clearified if a prisoner could leave only if there was a way to exit in general.
Fifth question: isn’t it true that there is no way for an incarcerated person to physically exit the prison facility?
Fifth question: isn’t it true that there is no way for an incarcerated person to physically exit the prison facility?
No it is not true. Physically is defined as "in a manner relating to the body as opposed to the mind." and when prisoner's sentences are up they are teleported to the front of the prison to exit. I would say teleporting someone is relating more to their body then their mind
No it is not true. Physically is defined as "in a manner relating to the body as opposed to the mind." and when prisoner's sentences are up they are teleported to the front of the prison to exit. I would say teleporting someone is relating more to their body then their mind
Objection, your honor. Non-responsive. Waiting for time to expire isn’t the same as physically walking out of a place. The defense knows exactly what I’m asking.
Objection, your honor. Perjury. It was stated that I am being represented by Dragon Law Firm. I also want to make it clear I am not representing myself, and while it is my firm, firm resources are still being used for this which cost money.
Overruled. Although you have hired Dragon Law, what Ko said doesn't constitute perjury because, ultimately, you are representing yourself since you filed the case.

Objection, your honor on 4. Perjury. There is no way to physically exit the prison without resorting to exploitation.
Overruled. The open roof allows players to fly in and out.

Objection, your honor. Non-responsive. Waiting for time to expire isn’t the same as physically walking out of a place. The defense knows exactly what I’m asking.
Overruled. The objection "non-responsive" applies to witnesses, not to interrogatories.

I will, however, compel Mr. Ko to clearly re-answer the question.
Fifth question: isn’t it true that there is no way for an incarcerated person to physically exit the prison facility?
Again Physically is defined as "in a manner relating to the body as opposed to the mind". When prisoners sentences are up they have their whole person teleported outside the prison to exit. So their is a physically way for a incarcerated person to leave the prison facility. This can even be speed up by using the mine. Just because there isnt a door to walk through doesnt mean there is no way of exiting.
So their is a physically way for a incarcerated person to leave the prison facility
Objection, your honor. Perjury and non-responsive. When the timer runs out, the person is no longer incarcerated. Therefore, teleporting is not something an incarcerated person can do.
Objection, your honor. Perjury and non-responsive. When the timer runs out, the person is no longer incarcerated. Therefore, teleporting is not something an incarcerated person can do.
Incarcerate is defined as "imprison or confine" and as said earlier Imprison is defined as "put or keep away in a prison". By this definition it would be impossible for any Incarcerated person to leave prison because the act of doing so would not make them Incarcerated but we know that Incarcerated people enter and leave the prison all the time. The level of semantics that by leaving the prison the incarcerated person is no longer incarcerated therefore incarcerated people can never leave, this is not to the standard of perjury.
Objection, your honor. Perjury and non-responsive. When the timer runs out, the person is no longer incarcerated. Therefore, teleporting is not something an incarcerated person can do.
The objection for perjury is overruled, but the objection for non-responsive is sustained. Mr. Love, please reword the question for Mr. Ko.
Isn’t it true that there is no way for an incarcerated person to physically exit the prison facility, while in an incarcerated condition?
Isn’t it true that there is no way for an incarcerated person to physically exit the prison facility, while in an incarcerated condition?
On a technicality, yes as by leaving the prison you are no longer incarcerated.
On a technicality, yes as by leaving the prison you are no longer incarcerated.
Objection, nothing pending. All we needed was the “yes”.
The Defense would like to submit the following into Evidence:

Before an objection to relevance is made, these Screenshots goes to alexander trying to artifically raise his legal damages in order to be granted more damages in this case.
The plaintiff has 72 hours to present their opening statement.
Your honor, I request a 24 hour extension on this case as I have a 10.5 hour shift irl and only have time for so many video game law responsibilities today.
Opening Statement

May it please the Court,

Your Honor, opposing counsel, ladies and gentlemen gathered in witness of this case, this is a case of disregard for due process. A hostile police force is more focused on disregarding due process by making quick and hasty arrests, rather than upholding the law. Remember, disregard for due process. That is the de facto slogan of the Department of Homeland Security. I was formally charged with thrrr murders, as seen in the evidence, and then jailed for thirty minutes on top of being held in cuffs for about a minute despite the very clear right to a trial laid out in the Standardized Criminal Code Act, and by extension, the Constitution itself. In fact, the DHS has made it official policy for officers to jail for a max of two counts of murder when someone is wanted for three or more, demonstrating their complicity in this scenario. While the raw penitentiary time was 30 minutes, I was imprisoned for over that due to being under arrest in cuffs, as well as spending a couple seconds on the prison bus. The bus is simply a mobile prison, therefore imprisonment applies to time spent there too. Cuffs also serve the effect of imprisonment as my freedom and movement were restricted.

Their intent is incredibly clear: they wanted to get a quick arrest in and therefore violated my rights. This is even more clear when they trespassed into my office to jail me. They busted a window (glitched it) and hauled me through said window many stories above the ground. This was a terrifying experience as I was the victim of police brutality, and can no longer feel safe on my private property. Furthermore, the harsh environment of the prison made me feel scared, and the conduct of pulling me through a window was quite outrageous, constituting both emotional and punitive damages at the highest degree. If editing a contract is eligible for $50,000 in punitive damages, surely pulling me out of my private property through a window tens of meters above the ground ought to count for something.

The plaintiff requests the Court award it the full amount of remedies requested to preserve and protect the civil rights of the people. Thank you.
The defense has 72 hours to present their opening statement.

The Commonwealth affirms the arrest in question was illegal and considered tresspassing. We offered Alexanderlove the legally required compensation required by law. $50 per minute in jail and the return of the $300 from the fine so a total of $1800 total. Alexander has refused this settlement offer and has done nothing by try and turn this case into a money grab as seen by D-1 and D-2. This court should be able to see through attempt at a cash grab and not reward alexander with nearly the amount he is requesting.

Alexander argues his right to a trial was violated which is was not. the SCCA specifically says over 30 minutes of jail time. When a criminal is in handcuffs they are not in jail therefore it does not count towards their jail time. With Alexander's sentence being exactly 30 minutes and not over 30 minutes then he never had a right to a trial according to the SCCA.

No rights of alexander were violated, We agree the arrest was illegal and offered the required amount to be payed as stated in the law. So far Alexander has refused which means he is willingly going on with the legal process and causing his own damages to legal fees and he is continuing this case as a cash grab. We ask the court to grant nothing but the required amount by law which is $1800.
In fact, the DHS has made it official policy for officers to jail for a max of two counts of murder when someone is wanted for three or more, demonstrating their complicity in this scenario.
Facts not in Evidence

Alexander is stating a Fact (as seen by the start "In Fact") which has zero evidence to support it, submitted
Mr. Love response?
Mr. Love response?
Your honor, objections are not permitted generally in argumentative portions such as the opening statement. Objections are meant to limit evidence from being admitted including testimony, not argumentation.
Facts not in Evidence

Alexander is stating a Fact (as seen by the start "In Fact") which has zero evidence to support it, submitted


@Inalite and @Alexander P. Love is required to appear before the court in the case of AlexanderLove v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 98. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a Contempt of Court charge.​
Present, your Honor. A lawyer from Dragon Law Firm will conduct my examination.
Present, your honor.
@Alexander P. Love You may begin questioning the witnesses. Please direct your questions both witnesses at the same time within the next 24 hours. Witnesses, please respond within 24 hours. Any follow-up questions should also be asked within 24 hours after the witnesses' responses.
@Alexander P. Love You may begin questioning the witnesses. Please direct your questions both witnesses at the same time within the next 24 hours. Witnesses, please respond within 24 hours. Any follow-up questions should also be asked within 24 hours after the witnesses' responses.
Your honor, I request a 24 hour extension, I’m busy the next couple days with work.
1. Where was I when you arrested me?
2. How did you arrest me through the glass?
3. Did you use a glitch to arrest me?
4. Was there a physical way into the room I was in?
5. How high up off the ground was the room I was in when you cuffed me?

AlexanderLove will be questioned in response to Inalite's answers.
1. Where was I when you arrested me?
You where in an office at c469.
2. How did you arrest me through the glass?
Trough breaking the glass with the handcuffs in hand and holding right click at the same moment
3. Did you use a glitch to arrest me?
You may say so, yes.
4. Was there a physical way into the room I was in?
I don't know, since I didn't try to enter into the building to search you the conventionnal way and instead stopped at the window sill since I noticed your hit box
5. How high up off the ground was the room I was in when you cuffed me?
I don't remember but if I had to guess 3/5 floor? (This question isn't even relevent since you where away from keybord as proven by Exibit C)
This question isn't even relevent since you where away from keybord as proven by Exibit C
Motion to strike, your honor.
Mr. Love I will grant 12 more hours to submit any questions to yourself.
With no more questions we will move on. @ko531 You may begin questioning the witnesses. Please direct your questions both witnesses at the same time within the next 24 hours. Witnesses, please respond within 24 hours. Any follow-up questions should also be asked within 24 hours after the witnesses' responses.