Lawsuit: Dismissed Andublack v drew8716 [2022] FCR 8

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3rd Anniversary Grave Digger Change Maker
Jan 9, 2022

  1. IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT CIVIL ACTION Andublack Plaintiff v. Drew8716 Defendant COMPLAINT The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows: I bought the plot r-013 from Drew8716 on 17 January 2022 for $8,000. I had seen it was for sale and went to the plot, expressing my interest to him. I had originally borrowed $4,000 from LuckyPerms to give me the enough to buy the plot but have since paid off that $4,000 loan. I was not informed by Drew8716 in any way that the plot had an eviction report on it for lack of progress ( I. PARTIES 1. Andublack 2. Drew8716 II. FACTS 1. I bought r-013 for $8,000 2. I was not informed there was an eviction report on it. III. CLAIMS FOR RELIEF 1. Under the Regulation Enforcement Act passed on 115 JAN 2021 in the Failure to Disclose: "Failure of a party to provide the other parties with all legally required information and/or documents which are relevant to a property: per offence: cost of damages incurred by the recipient as a result of the failure to disclose". IV. PRAYER FOR RELIEF The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant: 1. $6,200 for the purchase of the property. (I got reimbursed 1800 when it was evicted). LavenderxBlaxii (BI who reported the property originally) By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court. DATED: This 18 day of January 2021 (editado)

  2. [22:51]

I will be dismissing this case because of the following reason: You did not comply with the format set forward by the Courts. This is a breach in procedure and grounds for dismissal. I suggest going by a lawyer for advice and help for refining this lawsuit.

Case dismissed.​
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