Bill: Draft Aventura Property Standards Act


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Feb 10, 2024

Establish the Aventura Building Regulations​

The citizens of Aventura, through their elected Representatives in the Town-Council and the force of law ordained to that Town-Council by the people through the constitution of Aventura, do hereby enact the following provisions into the by-laws:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the Aventura Property Standards Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Councillor lcn.

2- Reasons
(1) To establish building regulations as their own thread under the Town of Aventura forum page.
(2) To reorganize the building regulations to be more clear.
(3) To add regulations to plots where there weren't regulations previously.

3- Jurisdiction
(1) The Department of Construction and Transportation shall retain jurisdiction to evict properties in accordance with these laws and regulations. These regulations will be listed under the Town of Aventura forums page.
(2) The Office of Urban Development may create property and building regulations outside of this Act, if not overridden by an Act of Council.

4- Repealed By-Laws
(1) The following by-laws are hereby repealed:
(a) The Plot Limit Act
(b) The Subletting Permissions Act
(c) The Exterior Act
(d) The Residential No Commerce Act
(e) The Market Stall Act
(f) The I'm The Captain Now Act
(g) The Boat Renting Limitation Act

5- Aventura Residential Plots
(1) Plots beginning with 'av-r' are Aventura Residential plots.
(2) Aventura Residential plots shall only have houses built on them.
(3) Aventura Residential plots shall not contain chest shops or rentable regions.

6- Aventura Commercial Plots
(1) Plots beginning with 'av-c' are Aventura Commercial plots.
(2) Aventura Commercial plots shall only have businesses, offices, shops, or apartments built on them.

7- Aventura Boat Plots
(1) Plots beginning with 'ab' are Aventura Boat plots.
(2) Every Captain must go down with their ship.

8- Aventura Yacht Plots
(1) Plots beginning with 'av-y' are Aventura Yacht plots.
(2) Every Captain must go down with their ship.

9- Aventura Island Plots
(1) Plots beginning with 'av-i' are Aventura Island plots.

10- Aventura Market Stalls
(1) Plots beginning with 'av-m' are Aventura Market Stalls. 'av-brewery1' is also an Aventura Market Stall.
(2) Aventura Market Stalls must contain shops.

11- Aventura Black Market Stalls
(1) Plots beginning with 'avbm' are Aventura Black Market stalls.
(2) Aventura Black Market stalls are exempt from certain laws, as directed by staff.
(a) such laws include possession, sale, and advertising of illicit items.

12- Aventura Apartments
(1) Plots beginning with 'av-apt' are Aventura Apartments.
(2) Aventura Apartments shall not contain chest shops.

13- Plot Limits
(1) Aventura Residential plots. No player shall own/rent more than one Aventura Residential plot.
(2) Aventura Commercial plots. No player shall own/rent more than one Aventura Commercial plot.
(3) Aventura Boat plots. No player shall own/rent more than one Aventura Boat plot.
(4) Aventura Yacht plots. No player shall own/rent more than one Aventura Yacht plot.
(5) Aventura Island plots. No player shall own/rent more than one Aventura Island plot.
(6) Aventura Market Stalls. No player shall own/rent more than four Aventura Market Stalls.
(7) Aventura Black Market Stalls. No player shall own/rent more than one Aventura Black Market Stall.
(8) Aventura Apartments. No player shall own/rent more than one Aventura Apartment.
(9) Realtors, like any other citizen, may not exceed plot limits without an exemption.

14- Building Alteration Policy
(1) The exterior of buildings on non-Island plots cannot be altered without approval from the Mayor and a majority of the Town Council.
(a) First Offense, Minor Alteration: $100 Fine + Repair Costs + Verbal Warning
(b) First Offense, Major Alteration: $1000 Fine + Repair Costs + Verbal Warning
(c) First Offense, Demolished Building: $2500 Fine + Repair Costs + Verbal Warning
(d) Subsequent Offenses: Plot Eviction
(2) The level of alteration shall be voted on by the Aventura Council.

15- Merged Plots Policy
(1) Plots can only be merged with approval from the Mayor.
(2) Unauthorized plot merging shall result in a $500 fine and all alterations shall be reversed.

16- Beacon Policy
(1) Plots shall not contain activated beacons.
(a) First offense: $500 Fine + Verbal Warning
(b) Second offense: $500 Fine + Plot Eviction

17- Breach of Property Standards
(1) Failing to comply with any part of the Aventura Property Standards Act shall incur a penalty unless otherwise provided within this Act.
(a) Per Offense: $250

18- Exemptions
(1) The Town Council, by a unanimous vote, with approval from the Mayor, has the power to issue and revoke exemptions and extensions for building regulation and legal compliance.
(2) The Office of Urban Development shall record exemptions and shall communicate them with the Department of Construction and Transportation.

19- Evictions
(1) Evictions shall be processed with the Department of Construction and Transport as outlined here.
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