Lawsuit: Adjourned ChAkselsn v. AcilousS [2021] FCR 83

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May 14, 2021

ChAkselsn (The Lovely Law Firm Representing)



The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

On June 23rd of 2021, AcilousS killed ChAkselsn's villagers (94). As a result our client suffered a loss of over $500,000 in damages.

1. ChAkselsen (Plaintiff)
2. AcilousS (Defendant)
3. Mask3D_WOLF (Counsel)
4. nnmc (Co-Counsel)
5. Magills0819 (Co-Counsel)
6. AlexanderLove (Advisory Counsel)

1. On June 23, 2021 AcilousS murdered 94 villagers belonging to the plaintiff.
2. These villagers were commercially used by the plaintiff to produce desirable trades.
3. The murder of these villagers has resulted in severe financial loss for the plaintiff.

1. When the villagers were slain, the plaintiff lost their favorable items with them. The cost of doing business has been heavily multiplied, a significant burden on the plaintiffs business.
2. This burden is entirely to blame on the defendant, who is responsible for the mass murder of the plaintiff’s highly profitable villagers
3. The defendant was previously found guilty in a criminal case (Commonwealth of Redmont v. AcilousS) of murdering 94 of the plaintiff’s villagers

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
We are seeking a total of $505,960 which is broken down as follows:
1. $5000 (legal fees)
2. $470,000 (value of the slain villagers according to reputable industry leader Onyx Industries… 94 villagers were slain and Onyx Industries values a villager at $5000 on its balance sheet, and 94 * $5000 = $470,000)
3. $30,960 (cost of lost opportunity due to the slain villagers… by very conservative estimates based solely on the enchanted books line of business, the plaintiff is losing $3096 per week due to the loss of the highly profitable villagers, and recovery of those villagers, if even possible, will take a minimum of 10 weeks… $3096 * 10 weeks = $30,960)

Lawsuit: Adjourned - The Commonwealth of Redmont (Canxx01 representing) v. AcilousS [Case No. 06-2021-24] (Adopting all evidence in that case as evidence in this case)

Onyx Industries Stocks / Worth - Google Drive (Evidence of the $470,000 villager value)

(Consent of representation)

(Evidence of the $30,960 opportunity cost)

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 19th day of July 2021
Seeing, as the defendant, in this case, is permanently banned, and therefore unable to answer the complaint, the court will come up with a default judgement immediately. However, before doing so there are a few questions I would like to ask.

Does Plaintiff have CSN records that show he in fact earns 3096$ a week from his enchanted book business?
Does, the plaintiff has evidence that ALL of the villagers were of the same quality as Onyx-Industries?
Why does the plaintiff think he is entitled to attorney fees, and will the plaintiff be required to pay 5000$ to the lovely law firm if the attorney fees are not granted?
Your Honor, speaking in my capacity as a Partner at The Lovely Law Firm and co-counsel for the plaintiff, we would like to request an additional 48 hours to compile the answers to your questions. We would like this time to obtain CSN records and some other data to answer your questions.
As Chief Justice I find it important to notify both parties that a new Judge will be taking over this case in the coming days. Please express patience with the Court.
Thank you for that information.

Due to delays in obtaining CSN data from staff, we will be needing more time to answer Milkcrack’s questions. We will still answer those questions despite the departure of Milkcrack.
As Justice Milkcrack has departed the court, I will take over the case as the new presiding judge. I will grant 48 hours to the plaintiff to answer the questions set out by the former judge.

I’m addition to all of that this is a case worth over 500k dollars, therefor I would like to see the numbers set out on how they came up with that number.
I will be taking up the remainder of the case but I would like the plaintiff to still answer the questions from the previous judges
As a preface, the court should know that all of the numbers in this lawsuit are conservative estimates that likely understate the true losses suffered by the plaintiff. The plaintiff's company, Spectre, does not keep highly detailed financial records broken down by lines of business, but the available financial records do show that our requested monetary damages are very reasonable to ask.

In response to Milkcrack's first question, we have attached balance records for the Spectre company from the month of May. The month of May was the last full business month before the catastrophic villager killings. After speaking with staff, CSN records for Spectre are glitching and showing almost no records for Spectre, but the company's balance records are a strong alternative to using CSN. These records show revenues of $233,640 in the month of May. This breaks down to $58,410 in revenue per week. This does include far more than just the enchanted books line of business, but at the same time, the villager killings have impacted more than just the enchanted books line of business. The plaintiff's company is largely based on obtaining an array of items from villagers and selling them for profit. So in response to this first question, it is quite reasonable to say that the defendant is responsible for at the very least the loss of $3096 in revenue per week from the enchanted book line of business and other lines of business based on the villagers.


In response to Milkcrack's second question, we again refer to the Spectre company's balance records. It shows weekly revenue of about $58,410. We are also attaching a screenshot of Onyx Industries' financial report which shows revenue per period (a period is usually a week but this can vary according to the CEO of Onyx Industries as seen in the same screenshot). According to the Onyx financial report, their revenue per period (i.e. per week) is a little bit under $53,000. This shows that the plaintiff's company Spectre makes about the same amount of money that Onyx Industries does. Both Spectre and Onyx are involved in villager trading to obtain items to sell for profit. So in response to this question, it is reasonable to draw the conclusion that Spectre and Onyx have similar quality villagers, if both companies have similar revenues.


In response to Milkcrack's third question, the Plaintiff is entitled to the attorney fees as this large case required the gathering of a lot of data and statistics, and a lot of time and effort on the part of the Law Firm. While the Lovely Law Firm will not charge the Plaintiff this $5,000 if it is not awarded, it would be ideal to reward the Lovely Law Firm for their time and effort in this case. This case is particularly large and goes beyond the expected workload of the firm when the Plaintiff retained the firm's services.

In response to SumoMC's question, we explained the $5k legal fees in the 4th paragraph of this post. We explained the $470k villager valuation in the original filing (first post on this thread), and we further justified that the plaintiff's villagers are worth just as much as Onyx's villagers in the 3nd paragraph of this post. As for the $30,960 opportunity cost, see the last evidence photo on the first post of this thread. All of the data ranges provided, we took the middle data point for calculations. The plaintiff usually obtains 40 books per week, and each of those books cost about 45 emeralds to obtain, resulting in the plaintiff needing 1800 emeralds per week. The $ value of an emerald is $1.72, based on the fact that reputable Costco sells 32 emeralds for $55. This means that the 1800 emeralds per week will cost $3096 per week. This means that the expenses of ONLY the enchanted books business are $3096 per week. The plaintiff is incurring that excessive expense to do business, and many other similar expenses, solely because the defendant killed the villagers that once allowed the plaintiff to obtain these items for just one emerald. There are no screenshots of a one emerald cost, but the plaintiff and his employees could testify to confirm it. I hope the court is satisfied by these explanations for our requested monetary damages.

Should the court have any further questions or need for clarification, we would be glad to answer.


As the defendant is permanently banned I will proceed with default judgement, I hereby order the DOJ to fine the defendant for however much of the $505,960 as they can obtain and unfine that amount to the plaintiff, I would like to thank the plaintiff for their time

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