- Thread Author
- #1
Department of Construction & Transport
Town of Oakridge,
The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:
1. cheesypig (Plaintiff, and winner of original auction)
2. ZekeTheKaiser (original plot owner who put plot on sale, and potential witness)
3. ManagerHell (person/renter who received my plot without my consent or authorization)
4. GoldBlooded (person who won ManagerHell's auction)
5. Town of Oakridge (town which this event took place)
6. Department of Construction and Transport(DCT) (department responsible with plot management, including evictions)
7. Heather (mod)
8. Mhad (mod)
9. Tylxr (mod)
1. On February 11, 2021, ZekeTheKaiser put up an auction for a residential plot (res-006)(coordinates: x = -5675, z = 760) for sale in Oakridge. As ZekeTheKaiser said in the auction, this was for PURCHASING the plot completely.
2. Cheesypig put a bid on it and eventually won the plot for $1,000 on February 14, 2021. Cheesypig visited the plot and soon paid the $1,000 required for the plot to ZekeTheKaiser, which was then transferred to cheesypig. ZekeTheKaiser confirmed to cheesypig, in game, that the plot transfer was successful. Due to the official and legal manner of the auction (being taken place on the DC Bid Discord), and cheesypig paying the $1,000 to ZekeTheKaiser, cheesypig, at this point, legally owns the plot.
3. At some point between February 14, 2021 and March 25, 2021, ManagerHell rented the plot for residential use.
4. On March 25, 2021, ZekeTheKaiser was permanently banned for "Homophobia and hate speech." As per legal procedure, ZekeTheKaiser's plots would eventually be evicted and taken away from him. For unknown reasons, this could've potentially included cheesypig's plot, which would imply that ZekeTheKaiser didn't completely and/or correctly transfer res-006 to cheesypig(which as stated before, is legally cheesypig's property as he paid for it). However, contrary to this theory, unlike with two of ZekeTheKaiser's other plots (forum page links in section V), res-006 was never evicted by the DCT as seen on the forums with the other two.
5. According to ManagerHell, he was "renting [res-006] before and then I just owned it so I thought the owner gave it to me or something." Looking at the evidence above, ZekeTheKaiser never (at least legally speaking) gave ManagerHell the plot. In fact, soon after ZekeTheKaiser was banned, the plot was for unknown reasons or methods, transferred to ManagerHell. Cheesypig never knew about any sort of plot transfer, nor did cheesypig consent or authorize for it to happen. ManagerHell noticed this at or before May 15, 2021. Furthermore, there is zero legal reason for the plot to be transferred from ZekeTheKaiser to ManagerHell by the DCT.
6. On May 15, 2021, ManagerHell put up an auction for res-006 (my plot) on the DC Bid discord channel, which was done without cheesypig's consent or authorization. GoldBlooded put a bid on it and eventually won it on May 17, 2021 for $4,600. The plot was, assumingly, paid for and transferred on or right after the date in which it was won.
7. On June 17, 2021, cheesypig took a visit to his Oakridge plot (res-006) and immediately notice that not only was his house completely demolished but he was unable to break blocks or otherwise edit the plot. The plaintiff assumes that GoldBlooded was responsible for the modifications as GoldBlooded bought ownership from ManagerHell as stated in the previous point.
8. If cheesypig was evicted from the plot, cheesypig was never notified by the Town of Oakridge or the DCT, whether in game or on discord. Furthermore, there is no official forum posts outlining an eviction of cheesypig from his own plot on the DemocracyCraft forums.
9. Immediately after this, cheesypig made a staff ticket on the DC discord, in which Heather, Mhad, and Tylxr responded to it, but they are unable to do much due to separation of staff and state. The mods claimed that they believed it could've been due to inactivity. However, this couldn't be the case because 1) Cheesypig was never inactive for longer than 1 month, 2) The DCT nor the town of Oakridge (The DCT is probably the one who deals with evictions in Oakridge at the time as seen with ZekeTheKaiser's evicted from his rented plot) made any formal eviction post on the forums, nor did they notify cheesypig at all via PMs in-game or on discord, and 3) If cheesypig was actually inactive (evidence says otherwise, but let's say this was the case for the sake of the argument), the other plots that cheesypig owned (such as his Hamilton residence) would've also been evicted, but that never occurred.
1. Res-006, which is the plaintiff's property, was, with no legal justification, taken away from him.
2. The plaintiff has no idea how his plot was taken away from him. This could've been either: 1) ZekeTheKaiser never correctly transferred the plot to the plaintiff and therefore never effectively game the plaintiff ownership of res-006, and the plot later on somehow got into the hands of ManagerHell, or 2) The DCT and/or the Town of Oakridge extrajudicially evicted the plaintiff from his own plot. Regardless of whatever occurred, point 1 under CLAIMS FOR RELIEF still stands valid.
Depending on which defendant(s) is determined to be at fault by the court, the Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant(s):
1. The plot res-006 to be transferred back to the plaintiff, OR
2. Monetary compensation of $4,600 to be paid from the defendant(s) to the plaintiff.
The evidence is in the following links and galleries:
1. The picture of the house in question as of February 2021: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857392309288304661/857399647014486016/unknown.PNG
2. Screenshot of plot now as of July 14, 2021:
3. Original auction of res-006:
4. ManagerHell’s auction of res-006:
5. ManagerHell’s comments: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...7882/Screen_Shot_2021-06-20_at_9.44.57_PM.png
6. Staff ticket link: https://tickettool.xyz/direct?url=h...56387469699710996/transcript-closed-3507.html
7. cheesypig's analytics: Plan | Login (Note that none of the gaps between cheesypig's two sessions are longer than three weeks, let alone a month, which is the minimum time before an eviction can take place).
8. Zeke’s vaulting and eviction:
9. Zeke’s ban and appeal
By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
DATED: This 14th day of July, 2021
Department of Construction & Transport
Town of Oakridge,
The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:
1. cheesypig (Plaintiff, and winner of original auction)
2. ZekeTheKaiser (original plot owner who put plot on sale, and potential witness)
3. ManagerHell (person/renter who received my plot without my consent or authorization)
4. GoldBlooded (person who won ManagerHell's auction)
5. Town of Oakridge (town which this event took place)
6. Department of Construction and Transport(DCT) (department responsible with plot management, including evictions)
7. Heather (mod)
8. Mhad (mod)
9. Tylxr (mod)
1. On February 11, 2021, ZekeTheKaiser put up an auction for a residential plot (res-006)(coordinates: x = -5675, z = 760) for sale in Oakridge. As ZekeTheKaiser said in the auction, this was for PURCHASING the plot completely.
2. Cheesypig put a bid on it and eventually won the plot for $1,000 on February 14, 2021. Cheesypig visited the plot and soon paid the $1,000 required for the plot to ZekeTheKaiser, which was then transferred to cheesypig. ZekeTheKaiser confirmed to cheesypig, in game, that the plot transfer was successful. Due to the official and legal manner of the auction (being taken place on the DC Bid Discord), and cheesypig paying the $1,000 to ZekeTheKaiser, cheesypig, at this point, legally owns the plot.
3. At some point between February 14, 2021 and March 25, 2021, ManagerHell rented the plot for residential use.
4. On March 25, 2021, ZekeTheKaiser was permanently banned for "Homophobia and hate speech." As per legal procedure, ZekeTheKaiser's plots would eventually be evicted and taken away from him. For unknown reasons, this could've potentially included cheesypig's plot, which would imply that ZekeTheKaiser didn't completely and/or correctly transfer res-006 to cheesypig(which as stated before, is legally cheesypig's property as he paid for it). However, contrary to this theory, unlike with two of ZekeTheKaiser's other plots (forum page links in section V), res-006 was never evicted by the DCT as seen on the forums with the other two.
5. According to ManagerHell, he was "renting [res-006] before and then I just owned it so I thought the owner gave it to me or something." Looking at the evidence above, ZekeTheKaiser never (at least legally speaking) gave ManagerHell the plot. In fact, soon after ZekeTheKaiser was banned, the plot was for unknown reasons or methods, transferred to ManagerHell. Cheesypig never knew about any sort of plot transfer, nor did cheesypig consent or authorize for it to happen. ManagerHell noticed this at or before May 15, 2021. Furthermore, there is zero legal reason for the plot to be transferred from ZekeTheKaiser to ManagerHell by the DCT.
6. On May 15, 2021, ManagerHell put up an auction for res-006 (my plot) on the DC Bid discord channel, which was done without cheesypig's consent or authorization. GoldBlooded put a bid on it and eventually won it on May 17, 2021 for $4,600. The plot was, assumingly, paid for and transferred on or right after the date in which it was won.
7. On June 17, 2021, cheesypig took a visit to his Oakridge plot (res-006) and immediately notice that not only was his house completely demolished but he was unable to break blocks or otherwise edit the plot. The plaintiff assumes that GoldBlooded was responsible for the modifications as GoldBlooded bought ownership from ManagerHell as stated in the previous point.
8. If cheesypig was evicted from the plot, cheesypig was never notified by the Town of Oakridge or the DCT, whether in game or on discord. Furthermore, there is no official forum posts outlining an eviction of cheesypig from his own plot on the DemocracyCraft forums.
9. Immediately after this, cheesypig made a staff ticket on the DC discord, in which Heather, Mhad, and Tylxr responded to it, but they are unable to do much due to separation of staff and state. The mods claimed that they believed it could've been due to inactivity. However, this couldn't be the case because 1) Cheesypig was never inactive for longer than 1 month, 2) The DCT nor the town of Oakridge (The DCT is probably the one who deals with evictions in Oakridge at the time as seen with ZekeTheKaiser's evicted from his rented plot) made any formal eviction post on the forums, nor did they notify cheesypig at all via PMs in-game or on discord, and 3) If cheesypig was actually inactive (evidence says otherwise, but let's say this was the case for the sake of the argument), the other plots that cheesypig owned (such as his Hamilton residence) would've also been evicted, but that never occurred.
1. Res-006, which is the plaintiff's property, was, with no legal justification, taken away from him.
2. The plaintiff has no idea how his plot was taken away from him. This could've been either: 1) ZekeTheKaiser never correctly transferred the plot to the plaintiff and therefore never effectively game the plaintiff ownership of res-006, and the plot later on somehow got into the hands of ManagerHell, or 2) The DCT and/or the Town of Oakridge extrajudicially evicted the plaintiff from his own plot. Regardless of whatever occurred, point 1 under CLAIMS FOR RELIEF still stands valid.
Depending on which defendant(s) is determined to be at fault by the court, the Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant(s):
1. The plot res-006 to be transferred back to the plaintiff, OR
2. Monetary compensation of $4,600 to be paid from the defendant(s) to the plaintiff.
The evidence is in the following links and galleries:
1. The picture of the house in question as of February 2021: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857392309288304661/857399647014486016/unknown.PNG
2. Screenshot of plot now as of July 14, 2021:
6. Staff ticket link: https://tickettool.xyz/direct?url=h...56387469699710996/transcript-closed-3507.html
7. cheesypig's analytics: Plan | Login (Note that none of the gaps between cheesypig's two sessions are longer than three weeks, let alone a month, which is the minimum time before an eviction can take place).
8. Zeke’s vaulting and eviction:
9. Zeke’s ban and appeal
By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
DATED: This 14th day of July, 2021