Lawsuit: Adjourned Cofys v. Mr_SeaGuy [2022] DCR 19

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Former Public Relations Advisor - Willow
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Aug 3, 2021

Cofys (Robin&Co Legal representing)



The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

Earlier in the day, there was an army battle south of Klondike in the wilderness. There was three groups total, and mine dominated the battlefield. In revenge, Mr_SeaGuy (who I've had trouble with in the past) came to my bar in Hamilton (c-227), set a home and proceeded to spawn kill me as I would come in. He somehow even broke one of my barrel shop blocks, stealing the itemframe and drink it displayed. I tried reasoning with him, but he demanded I give him money and property or he'll stay there all night and continue killing me. I have a large order of brews ($1800 total) to complete, and he's preventing me from doing my work at Redmont Brews.

1. Cofys (Plaintiff, represented by Robin&Co Legal)
2. Mr_SeaGuy (Defendant)

1. Defendant extorted and blackmailed the Plaintiff via whisper. Threatening to keep returning to the property unless the property or money is handed to the Defendant.
2. C-227 (location of the events) owned by the Plaintiff has a clearly displayed sign stating the Defendant may not enter the property. Therefor trespassing on the property.
3. Defendant assaulted the Plaintiff.
4. Defendant damaged the property by breaking item frames.

1. Attempted Murder (Law 13.4) - The Defendant repetitively attempted (and at times succeeded) to murder the Plaintiff.
2. Trespassing (Law 13.6) - The Defendant repeatedly ignored the ban list sign on the front of the property and trespassed into the building without the permission of the Plaintiff. The Defendant set a home inside the property.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. $3000 in damages and personal loss (due to the fact that the plaintiff was unable to operate his commercial property due to the repetitive events).
2. $1000 in legal fees.
3. $1000 for blackmail and constant harassment of the Plaintiff at his property.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 21 day of may 2022


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*Additional Evidence*


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Both blackmail and harassments are rules and not laws. I will be dismissing that part of the case, and if you believe you have been harassed and/or blackmailed, I encourage you to create a staff ticket to deal with the issue. As for the rest of the case, the prayers for relief add up to $4,000, and again should have been filed in the District court. Because of this, I will again move this case to the District court, and it will be presided over by a magistrate.

Please do not refile this case again in the Federal court and raise the amount of money requested in the prayers for relief just so that your case is in the Federal Court and not the District Court. If you do, I will dismiss your case as frivolous and you will be fined accordingly.
Both blackmail and harassments are rules and not laws. I will be dismissing that part of the case, and if you believe you have been harassed and/or blackmailed, I encourage you to create a staff ticket to deal with the issue. As for the rest of the case, the prayers for relief add up to $4,000, and again should have been filed in the District court. Because of this, I will again move this case to the District court, and it will be presided over by a magistrate.

Please do not refile this case again in the Federal court and raise the amount of money requested in the prayers for relief just so that your case is in the Federal Court and not the District Court. If you do, I will dismiss your case as frivolous and you will be fined accordingly.
Noted. Thank you.

I'll await a magistrate.


The Defendant, @Mr_SeaGuy, is required to appear before the District Court in the case of Cofys v. Mr_SeaGuy.

Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
The defense ask for a 24 hour extension


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Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:
1. Lack of jurisdiction, Your honor, The plaintiff is suing on the basis of criminal charges not personal loss, thus making this case frivolous.

2. If a player commits murder, This overides trespassing and assault, The only crime that has been committed and can be legally enforced is murder, and thus must be enforced by the department of justice not the courts.
By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 22nd day of May 2022
The motion to dismiss is rejected, as the Prayers for Relief do not request that the Defendant be fined according to any criminal laws, but rather allege that business, and therefore revenue, was lost due to the Defendant's actions. Furthermore, repeated murder has been used before as justification for filing a lawsuit. As the Claims for Relief specifically mention that the actions were repeated, even though criminal law is referenced, the precedent stands for this case to be heard.

I would also like to make one other point in regards to statements that have been presented in this case, which I believe warrant clarification. Murder does override assault, however it does not override trespassing per the Murder and SLATT Acts. In either case, this would be something to open a DOJ ticket for.

The Plaintiff may now present their opening statement.

Your Honour; this case highlights and shows the defendants blatant disregard for my client and his business/operations. The sign outside of all of my clients establishments and businesses prohibit the defendants entry. These signs are clearly signed and located and can not be missed.

The fact that the defendant ignored this sign and returned to the bar in which my client was preparing an high value order for a customer worth approximately two thousand dollars, shows the defendants intent to cause harm, disruption and overall disregard for my clients wishes on his property. In regards to the drinks order and should this court wish for further proof of an order being placed with a due date thereof the time the defendant continuously disrupted, trespassed and damaged my clients property; Myself, my client and his customer is happy to be presented before the court to confirm this order. If the court wishes; I present Yeet_Boy as a witness in relation to the order.

In terms of damage, your honour; The defendant sethome inside my clients property and kept using that to return to the property. This forced my client to have to stop brewing and making the order to continuously tell the defendant to leave the property; all of which the defendant ignored. In line with my clients signages PVP was used as a matter of self defence due to blatant attacks, assaults and murder from the defendant. However; I wish to agree the loss of revenue, trespass and damage to my clients property:

We can see by the evidence provided that my clients property displays the signs banning the defendant's entry. We can also see by those signs that PVP would be used for disregarding of warnings etc.

Your Honour, my client had to lock his doors to his business in an attempt to keep the defendant out. My client had to stop his business operations, stop an urgent drinks order worth a high value to my clients business and not be able to advertise his business; because he was constantly being attacked and his property damaged. In the evidence provided you can also see that the defendant broke item frames and took a bottle of alcohol from my clients business. Doing this all while trespassing and cause harm and distress to my client and his business.

We put our case simple;
1. The defendant blatantly ignored the banlist/no trespass signs which list his name - therefor he willing entered the business premises to cause disruption and showed willful intent to cause damage.

2. The defendant sethome inside my clients business to be able to gain entry to the business despite him being banned and prohibited access. Evidence shows that the defendant had full intent to "invade the brewery" as shown in the screenshots of a whisper from the defendant to my client.

3. My client had to stop his entire business operations due to the defendant coming back to the property and harming my client every few minutes (chats from discord global chat even show this).

4. The evidence shows the defendants constant intent and willingness to cause harm and damage, trespass and damage the property which has cost my client his own money to repair, as well as having to delay a high value drinks order significant to my client and his business.
Your honour, if this court so requires. I will be happy to provide the court with a screenshot of the drinks order from discord between my client and his customer as further evidence to support this claim and it's dates.
The Defense may now present their opening statement.
Your honour, may I request an extension of 24 hours to reply with the opening statement? I am taking over the case from lawanoesepr and since I have not been involved in this case until now I would need some time to get familiar with it.
24 hour extension is granted, and I would like to give a heads-up to both parties that I will be away for the weekend but should be back on Monday.

Your Honour, we can start off with the alleged “damage of property”. An OP on the server should be able to see who broke blocks with the server's anti-grief mod. I have attached a screenshot where it is confirmed that the server indeed has an anti-grief plugin.

Moving onto the displayed sign stating that my client may not enter the property. Going into the brewery, there are multiple signs telling you different things. It is easy to overlook the different ones, as it is a lot of information in a very small area. Picture also attached of the area. I would argue that it is not correctly displayed, as the rest of the signs could lead you to believe it is just another sign that welcomes you and tells you about the brewery.

In regards to the murders that my client committed, these should be dealth with by the DOJ. There is absolutely no reason to bring them to court, as the Plaintiff could just do /complain, and it would be handled. So should attempted murder. We have a police force for that exact reason.

I would therefor like to file for the attempted murder to be dismissed, as this is something that the court should not rule in, so the case only stands on the trespassing charge. Eventual loss of profits where also not due to the murders, but to the eventual trespassing, as you don’t lose money on being murdered.

Thank you, Your Honour.


Your Honour, I will continue to represent Mr_SeaGuy on behalf of the Platinum Law Firm because IRL issues popped up for avelanie.
I would first like to remind the Defense that there is no lawsuit for the charge of attempted murder, so their argument for it to be dismissed is redundant.

That being said, if either party has witnesses they would like to call, please submit a list so that all summons can be made at one time.
Your Honour,
In regards to my clients customer order, it's date and amount. To prove that an order was placed and to prove that a delay occurred as a result of this. I put forth @YeetBoy1872325 and my client @Cofys to testify.
Your honour, the defendant doesn't have a witness to call.


@YeetBoy1872325 and @Cofys are hereby summoned to the District Court in the case of Cofys v. Mr_SeaGuy [2022] DCR 19 as witnesses. Please familiarize yourself with the case as it stands at present. You will receive questions and may also be cross-examined.

I ask that all questions be provided to witnesses in a single post. If some questions need to be withheld as they depend on answers given to earlier questions, that is also considered reasonable.

I am hereby informing each witness to ensure they are aware of the provisions of the law of perjury and its severity. Giving knowingly false testimony is highly illegal. Witnesses are required to tell the truth in their testimonies, pursuant to the Perjury Act.
I, too, am present
Your honour,
May I begin questioning?
You may question the witnesses.

1. Can you tell the court how the Defendants actions affected your business financially? Including the drinks order placed by Yeet?

2. The order placed by your client; did it get delayed as a result of the defendants actions?

3. Can you tell the court the theft of the alcohol bottle and the breaking of the barrel?

4. Can you tell the court about the threats to invade your brewery, made by the defendant?

5. Can you tell the court about the extent you had to go too, in order to try keep the Defendant from harming your business?

6. Can you tell the court about the constant trespassing and the signs and warnings, you gave to the defendant to leave your business?


1. You placed a large drinks order from my client business, correct?

2.As a result of the defendants actions, my client had to delay your order past its due date. Correct?

3. Can you confirm that you paid around $2,000 for this order?

4. Can you tell to the court about your disappointment, after my clients business had to delay your order?
Your honor,
Could you please ask the Defendant to refrain for talking on the thread while I'm questioning.

In regards to a plea bargin, me and my client would be happy to engage in one.

1. Can you tell the court how the Defendants actions affected your business financially? Including the drinks order placed by Yeet?

2. The order placed by your client; did it get delayed as a result of the defendants actions?

3. Can you tell the court the theft of the alcohol bottle and the breaking of the barrel?

4. Can you tell the court about the threats to invade your brewery, made by the defendant?

5. Can you tell the court about the extent you had to go too, in order to try keep the Defendant from harming your business?

6. Can you tell the court about the constant trespassing and the signs and warnings, you gave to the defendant to leave your business?


1. You placed a large drinks order from my client business, correct?

2.As a result of the defendants actions, my client had to delay your order past its due date. Correct?

3. Can you confirm that you paid around $2,000 for this order?

4. Can you tell to the court about your disappointment, after my clients business had to delay your order?


Section A

Question 4- Objection, relevance. The question will not help us to know the loss of the company.

Question 5- Objection, relevance. The question doesn’t answer if the business had any damage.

Question 6- Objection, relevance. The question can’t point out the damages given to the company.

Section B

Question 4- Objection, relevance. The question asks for the own opinion of the Yeet_boy, which doesn’t point out the loss of the company or the Yeet_boy
1. You placed a large drinks order from my client business, correct?

2.As a result of the defendants actions, my client had to delay your order past its due date. Correct?
-Yes, roughly two days if I remember correctly.

3. Can you confirm that you paid around $2,000 for this order?
-Yes, I did.

4. Can you tell to the court about your disappointment, after my clients business had to delay your order?
-It delayed some of my drink business; I could have stocked up my stores earlier if the order had been on time, which meant possible sale loss.
Your Honour,
In response for the aforementioned objections; I'd like to state for the record that the witnesses presented are being questioned in regards to the the wider point of the lawsuit. In which to give testimony's relating to the order, transaction, trespass and damage to business and person.

Therefore my questions hold there relevance to this case in giving a testimony regarding the events and facts stated in the filing of this case.

To clarify the mentioned objections I provide the following:

Section A:

Q4. This questions allows the business owner to explain the events that unfolded in regards to the trespassing as a major point of this case.

Q5. This shows the extent, time and length my client had to go through to stop the defendant in an attempt to contain the events, so he could proceed with his business operations.

Q6. This provides clarification and testimony in relation to a point regarding the pvp and signage; brought forth by the defense earlier in this case.

Section B:

Q4. This shows the disappointment and the knock on affect from the client as a result of delay and in turn how it affected a major customer of my clients, overall view and opinion in relation to my client's business reputation. Therefor ties in with reputational damages.
1. Can you tell the court how the Defendants actions affected your business financially? Including the drinks order placed by Yeet?

The Redmont Brewery was at the time my only business, and still to this day the only way I profit. An order of $1,800 is significant to our operation. We still had well over half of the order remaining to be produced which I alone was tasked with completing, each of these barrels taking several hours to complete. To understand better how much the defendants actions affected my business, you have to understand the time and precision it takes to produce a perfect brew. Not only do you have to very quickly (and record your timing down to the second) put a list of ingredients into a cauldron, you then have to precisely wait a very specific time (there's 29 seconds exactly for room for error) to take the brews out of the cauldron. Which then get sent to a distiller, then into aging barrels for a very specific amount of time which often takes the longest, ranging from 1 hour to 8 hours per barrel.

Without guarantee of being able to handle each process on time, absolutely nothing can be accomplished without wasting time, money and ingredients. On top of Yeet's order, we were also filling up our warehouses and retail pubs with desperately needed brews to ensure the customer is able to get what they want, when they want it. We give out a guaranteed time by which an order will be done as well as keeping our own inventory stocked, both of which that day we failed to deliver on. This resulted in loss of sales at our public retail locations, additional wait time for our employees (and myself) to be paid, as well as (and more importantly) reputation losses by missing the guaranteed deadline for Yeet's order (who was a first time customer) and not having every option available in our pubs for potential customers coming into our stores.

2. The order placed by your client; did it get delayed as a result of the defendants actions?

Yes, we missed our deadline by over an entire day because I was not able to enter brewery premises without getting killed immediately. I ended up having to log off for the entire night since Mr_SeaGuy clearly said that he won't be leaving unless I give him money and property. Not only was this a guaranteed deadline to our customer, this was the night before I had to go back to work so I intended to have this order totally completed as I wouldn't have as much time the following day to finish it off.

3. Can you tell the court the theft of the alcohol bottle and the breaking of the barrel?

Mr_SeaGuy set a "telehome" in a restricted area of the pub (c-227, now transferred to c044) In a panic, I tried locking him the room but he was somehow able to break a concrete block (above a barrel shop) which had an item frame and alcoholic beverage on it for display purposes, then proceeded to jump over the wall to continue killing me. In the evidence previously submitted, you can see him directly behind the broken block. If the block, itemframe and beverage was already broken then upon walking up to it, you would have collected those items. The items stay laying on the barrel instead as in the picture, indicating that he just broken them and has yet to move around to pick them up. When he did move away from the block, he did pickup the items. I took the screenshot soon as they were broken and they were never recovered. I had to go buy another stack of the concrete as I had none leftover, then craft the itemframe and take out an additional drink from the barrel shop for display.

4. Can you tell the court about the threats to invade your brewery, made by the defendant?

The defendant consistently messaged me throughout this ordeal, making threats and attempted to extort me for money and property in exchange for him leaving my brewery and letting me continue production. Not only was I financially unable to provide money and property to the defendant, I wasn't willing to pay illegal extortion fees on property that is legally and rightfully my own.

5. Can you tell the court about the extent you had to go too, in order to try keep the Defendant from harming your business?

At first I tried fighting back, with swords and firearms alike. He refused to leave, so in between my many deaths at the brewery trying to defend it I was able to dispatch him several times. I pleaded with the defendant to leave my property and myself alone, that he is interupting production on orders, that he is trespassing on private property, that he is breaking a number of laws to no avail. The defendant instead setup a telehome and continued killing me as soon as I spawn back to the property.

6. Can you tell the court about the constant trespassing and the signs and warnings, you gave to the defendant to leave your business?

There is clearly marked signs on each entrance to c-227 (now c044) along with every other pub I own, with the following message:

Banned List:
No Trespassing
You have to walk directly past those signs to enter the brewery, there is no missing them. I also multiple times stated to the defendant that he is trespassing, he already knew that he was. The defendant knew that he was trespassing and showed care or remorse for what he was doing to me and my business. I made every attempt possible to try keeping him out to no avail. By /locking doors, verbally speaking to him, keeping myself away from the shop for 20+ minutes at a time, he stayed there until after I had to give up for the night and log off entirely.
No further questions, your honour.
Everyone in this thread is hereby warned about continuing to talk without being called to do so. If anyone speaks out of turn again there will be contempt of court charges. There will be order in this court.
With respect to the objections,

Questions to Cofys:
  • Objection to question 4 is overruled, as it pertains to the possible deliberateness of the actions of the Defendant.
  • Objection to question 5 is overruled, as it relates to the Plaintiff's argument about time being wasted.
  • Objection to question 6 is overruled, as it also helps establish a claim of deliberate malice.
Questions to YeetBoy:
  • Objection to question 4 is sustained, as the witness's disappointment is not a concrete damage that the Plaintiff suffered. The answer to this question is struck as irrelevant.
The Defense may now present cross-examination questions to the witnesses if they wish.
The defence wishes to continue with closing statements.
Thank you. The Plaintiff may now present their closing statement.
Closing Statement - Plaintiff

Your Honour,
Throughout this case you have seen evidence and heard the testimony's about how my client had to halt his business operations, experience damage and numerous attacks and overall malice to his company and property.

So I'd like to once again breakdown this case and it's evidence, again.

Throughout this case, in it's filings and through witness testimony's you heard from my client and his customer in regards to loss of finance, delays of order and the cease of operations.

Your honour, this was not just some coincidence. This was malice. As shown in the evidence provided to this court it can be clearly seen that the defendant has full intention to commit these crimes. He stated how he was going to invade the brewery. He has shown his intend to damage my clients business, to disrupt his company's operations causing financial damage, loss of custom and delays in fulfilment.

The defendant set a home in a restricted part of my clients business, refusing to leave, threatening to stay as long as he must. The defendant showed clear intent and willingness to commit these offences when he started entering my clients business. Ignoring the clearly displayed ban list which the defendants name upon it.

My client had to shut his business down due to this disruption. He had to close the doors to his brewery which relies on being open and my client and his staff to be present to make drinks.

In stating this was not a coincidence and proven by the evidence above. This was targeted. The defendant cause damaged to my clients property and took a bottle of alcohol.
My client has to use his personal and business profits and money to buy concrete, barrels and spend time to brew more of the drinks. Time that my client could have been using to brew his customers drinks, fulfilling orders. But due to this malice act was unable to.

The defendant showed a blatant disregard for the law, no remorse for his actions. As shown by the messages he sent to my client, as shown by the images supplied to this court. You've heard the first hand account from my client; describing the incident in detail, describing the loss, the cost to his company and the entire ordeal.
My client was trying to run his business, your honour. Trying to make money like he tries to do with his business everyday. Instead this day lead to a complete opposite.

My client had to log off for the evening in a bid to get away from these trespasses, damages etc. All because the defendant wouldn't leave, wouldn't stop his engagement of malice with my client and his business.
My client had to delay a very important order for his business, causing loss of revenue and loss of custom as a result of having to halt his business. Your honour, the defendant showed his intent the moment he walked into the brewery, set up his telehome, repetitively returned causing harm and damage each time and the second he started threatening and trying to extort my client.

The evidence shows to tell this. The testimony's confirm this.

Your honour, my client and I appreciate your time and patience on this case.
Thank you.
Thank you, the Defense may now present their closing statement.

Your honour, I'm sorry for the late response. I was dealing with real-life issues.

Breaking the barrel is not possible if you are not added to the plot. So this shows us the owner of the plot break the barrel. And the loss caused by the barrel is the owner’s fault.

The plaintiff could use /complaint command when killed by the defendant and also report it to the police after trespassing if happened.

We didn’t learn the agreed date for delivery. And this attack just happened on the same day. So 2 days of delay is also not realistic.

Also, the sign that says the defendant is not allowed in the store is not in front of the door as you can see in the picture sent by my colleague. So the defendant might not see that sign. In this case, the plaintiff must call the police to prevent this.

Thank you for your efforts in this case.
Last edited:
Thank you to both parties. This court is now in recess for deliberation.
Thank you, your honour 😄



Cofys v. Mr_SeaGuy [2022] DCR 19

1. The Defendant deliberately set out to harass the Plaintiff at the latter’s place of business.
2. The Defendant did this by setting a /home in a restricted section of the brewery in question, so they could repeatedly enter.
3. They then murdered the Plaintiff several times, and refused to stop, making demands that the Plaintiff give them property.
4. The Defendant broke part of the Plaintiff’s structure while inside, and continued murdering the Plaintiff and reappearing, despite the Plaintiff’s protests as well as a posted sign that the Defendant was no longer permitted on the grounds.

1. The Defendant could not have broken the property, as it is impossible to alter anything inside a plot unless you are specifically allowed by the owner to do so or are the owner.
2. The Plaintiff should have used /complaint to deal with the murders, as opposed to the approach they took.
3. The Plaintiff should have reported trespassing to the police instead of filing a lawsuit including it.
4. The attack took place in the span of one day, so lost profits due to the time spent dealing with the attack should not be considered major.
5. The sign was not placed clearly outside the establishment, so the Defendant could not have seen it.

1. It is not the position of the court to decide on if a person is capable of working around server rules, or if they did in the first place. That should be taken up with staff if it is believed to be an issue.
2. The SLATT Act (linked) does not refer to the placement of the sign, and theoretically it could be placed anywhere on the property. The proper response to trespassing when warned is to contact the police, as the Defense argues, however the Plaintiff was well within their legal rights to attempt to initiate PvP in this situation.
3. Due to the repeated nature of the murders, as well as the apparent gloating and unremorseful nature of the Defendant in the chat, it is obvious that this was a planned attack designed to target the Plaintiff and disrupt their business.
4. Given that brewing is a time-sensitive occupation, disruptions at any step of the process can severely hamper the ability of the brewer to go about their business.
5. The Defendant is thus liable for disruptions in the Plaintiff’s supplying ability as a result of their actions.

The Plaintiff has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the Defendant is responsible for the losses incurred during this time period. Accordingly, I hereby order the following:
1. That the Defendant be fined $1,000 for losses, and $1,000 in legal fees for a total of $2,000.
2. That the Plaintiff be unfined the same $2,000.

This case is adjourned in favor of the Plaintiff. The District Court thanks all parties for their time.

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