Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth of Redmont v. Deadwax [2022] SCR 12

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Oct 2, 2021

The Commonwealth of Redmont



The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows: LHBank is run and operated by both Milqy & Secretary Deadwax. On July 13th, Milqy proposed a contract to Former DEC Secretary Wetc that would sell DEC minting requests to LHBank for $0.01 on the dollar. The dollar amount of those debts were $770,635, bought by LHBank for $7,706.35. This is an absurdly lower price than what would be considered justifiable. This proposal was made after the former secretary was asking around in a VC what final acts he could do to abuse his position as DEC Secretary because he didn't care about the punishment. During the VC they drafted the contract. After the contract was signed in the same VC Milqy and Wetc also mentioned that they were going to quickly delete any incriminating messages. LHBank later sold/attempted to sell, these DEC minting requests to multiple banks. These offers were around $0.50/dollar, however were at different amounts for each offer. Selling the minting request at this price would net LHBank with a profit of $377,611.15.

The cause for money laundering is the following:

Money laundering is defined as:

“Any act to conceal funds illegally obtained, through commercial transactions, business deals, or any means otherwise."

The Minting Request (and the profits made form the subsequent selling of those minting requests) are considered funds. These funds were illegally obtained through corruption. These funds were concealed through a business deal in which the bank owners who bought the minting request were forced to secrecy

The only reason Wetc accepted this contract from LHBank is that Milqy, Deadwax and Former DEC Secretary Wetc were "best friends". Along with a friendship, the three also shared a political partnership, with both Wetc, Deadwax and Wetc being among the highest ranking members of the MHP. Wetc being chairman and later on leaving the chairmanship to Milqy. Deadwax, and Milqy assisted Wetc in signing a contract that would benefit their own business ventures, which is cause for the charge of Accomplice to Corruption. After the fact, Milqy and Deadwax have intentionally tried to block any inquiries into the original contract, as well as the subsequent selling of those DEC-Minting requests to other banks. They went as far as creating a group chat called "If we go down we go down together". This is cause for the charge of Obstruction of Justice against the Defendant. Making people enter into a contract to not talk to the Department of Legal Affairs. Which is the definition of Obstruction of Justice.

1. The Commonwealth of Remont
2. Deadwax

1. Milqy & Deadwax created a group called "If we go down, then we go down together"
2. Milqy & Deadwax forced people to sign an NDA to not talk to the Department of Legal Affairs so we couldn't conduct an investigation.
3. Deadwax & Milqy have a very strong political and economic tie and would both profit tremendously from this operation as both are owners of LHBank.

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1. 1 count of Accomplice to commit Corruption.
2. 1 count of Obstruction of Justice.
3. 1 count of Money Laundering.

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. The Commonwealth asks the maximum fine for 1 count of Accomplice to commit Corruption for the Defendant which is a $3,750 fine and 1.5-month removal from public office.
2. The Commonwealth asks the maximum fine for 1 count of Obstruction of Justice for the Defendant which is a verbal warning.
3. The Commonwealth asks for the maximum fine for 1 count of Money Laundering for the Defendant which is a $50,000 fine and 10min of jail-time.

As the list of evidence is so large, I will attach the Report from the Office of the Attorney General.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 2nd day of August, 2022.
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The defendant, Deadwax, is required to appear before the court in the case of the The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Deadwax [2022] SCR 12. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff.

The Supreme Court would also remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
After discussion within the Supreme Court, the Department of Legal Affairs report will be dismissed as improper evidence and will not be used in this case. This report contains many claims, accusation, and other information relating to the case. Claims and accusation are not and will not be used as evidence in a Court of Law. The Commonwealth may layout proper evidence and exhibits in a separate reply. Please make sure all evidence is clearly labeled.
I am here your honour and give consent to xLayzur of the Redmont Law firm to represent me.

The Commonwealth of Redmont


Deadwax (xlayzur representing)

Defendant moves that the complaint, in this case, be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:

1. The Commonwealth is prosecuting Deadwax as an individual and not prosecuting LHBank as an entity.

2. The Commonwealth is misusing words and aiming to misrepresent the story. No evidence shows deadwax "forcing" individuals involved with the NDA to sign it. Nowhere in that group chat "if we go down, we go down together" is anyone forced to sign the contract. That NDA was signed on a mutual agreement between the group. Plaintiff further explains that the Bank Owners involved were "forced" to secrecy which is entirely false.

3. Deadwax did not form the group chat "if we go down, we go down together" In Exhibit A, you can clearly see that the individual Milqy has a Crown next to his name indicating they are the owner and creator of that group chat. As well as Milqy being the one to send the contract in that group chat.

4. Deadwax did not assist Wetc with signing the contract, as on behalf of LHBank Milqy oversees the legal side of the bank. Milqy constructed the contract after Former DEC Secretary Wetc requested that LHBank made the contract. Exhibit B shows OverloardofPeonys saying DEC Secretary Wetc asked Milqy to prepare the contract. To further explain LHBank did not go to the DEC, DEC went to LHBank.

5. There are no ties or evidence showing that Deadwax used his Department of Construction & Transportation Secretary position to further push this deal between LHBank & DEC.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
DATED: This fourth day of August 2022


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Your honour the Commonwealth would like to request, that Justice JoeGamer recuse himself and not discuss this case with any judges or justice pressing over this case. Justice JoeGamer is an accountant for Lucky-Hilton Bank we do not know the extent of his involvement in this particular deal however it is clear that JoeGamer has a certain relationship with the company and its owners and the outcome of this case could affect his employment status there.
Also, your honour, enlight of the decision that, the Report is not submittable evidence the commonwealth wishes to amend the complaint as follows:


The Commonwealth of Redmont



On July 13th at 12:47 PM EST Former DEC Secretary Wetc, announced in a Cabinet Press Release he would be resigning effective approximately 12 hours later on 12:00 AM EST July 14th. During this, the DEC Secretary has purposefully and maliciously committed several acts to undermine the stability of the government of Redmont. One of these Acts is accepting 5 Employee Applications without properly reviewing them to cause a problem for the next DEC Secretary which would most likely be his Deputy and former DEC Secretary Trentrick_Lamar.

Wetc has stated on several occasions, including cabinet meetings his dislike for his deputy-secretary Trentrick_Lamar and that Trentrick_Lamar is being praised illegitimately for the time he served as DEC Secretary and his current work as Deputy-Secretary. The Office of the Attorney General believes that this has been a factor in the decision to try to undermine the next DEC Secretary and the government as a whole.

While Former DEC Secretary Wetc was committing these acts, he is being charged with corruption and treason for he was in a VC with several people. Some of the people who joined were Senator OverloardOfPeonys, Senator Milqy & DCT-Secretary Deadwax. One of the witnesses in the VC stated that “wetc was wondering what final acts he could do as DEC secretary because he did not care for the punishments”.

Knowing that Wetc, was intending to commit actions that would undermine the stability of the government and did not care whether he would be committing crimes or not. Former DEC Secretary’s “Best friends” Milqy & Deadwax proposed a contract on behalf of the company they were both Co-Owners of “Lucky-Hilton-Bank”. This contract would sell DEC Minting Requests for 0.01$ on the dollar or 1% of their book value.

Lucky-Hilton Bank would agree to buy all of the minting requests for $0.01 on the dollar. This would be for the Minting Requests for the banks:
Tello with their debt value being: $90,635
Scion Region with its debt value being: $380,000
Piggybank with its debt value being: $300,000
This is a total of $770,635 that the banks would be required to pay back to the government. For reference, the budget of the entire government in the month of June was $702,000.

This would have been the largest scheme to deny the government money, ever conducted in the history of Democracy Craft, exceeding the Westray & Partypig Emblezzlement case and even the alleged 600k stolen by former DEC Secretary Thirtystone.

One of the bank’s minting requests that Lucky-Hilton Bank attempted to buy was Scion Regional. Scion regional is owned by the former DEC Secretary Wetc himself. Wetc was also the one who agreed to the contract
Corruption is defined as the following:

To use a government position, elected or otherwise, to benefit one's private interests or corporate ventures. By applying for a position or being elected into a position in government, the player agrees to serve the server over themselves.

Wetc used his government position to benefit his private interest. With those interests being benefitting his “best friends” by selling government assets for next to nothing to allow them to make 100’s of thousands of dollars in profit. However, Wetc also benefited his corporate ventures by selling the debt of his own company: “Scion regional” owed to the government for next to nothing. Scion-Regional is a subsidiary of Citi-Credit another bank which is also owned by Wetc. Although Wetc’s will does not specifically state that Milqy or Deadwax gets Citi-Credit or Scion Regional. The will does mention that Milqy gets all of his “properties” and Deadwax gets all of his “items”.

We could not establish that Wetc gave all of Scion-Regionals assets to Milqy and/or Deadwax. However, at least one asset that Scion-Regional owned was sold/given to Milqy. These assets were “Onyx-Backed Credit Obligations” which Milqy sold to Tello for $150,000. The person accepting the deal on behalf of Tello was Representative HKE.

It is clear that Milqy, Deadwax and Wetc had close economic ties. Wetc benefited his own bank Scion-Regional by selling its minting requests to Lucky-Hilton Bank. After Wetc left, Milqy has been given possession of multiple (maybe all) of Scion’s assets. This definitely indicates that Milqy would benefit considerably by Scion-Regional not having to pay the $380,000 back to the government.

Another way Lucky-Hilton Bank has gained excessive profit from this deal is by selling the minting requests to other banks. Lucky-Hilton Bank sold to Piggybank its own debt obligations for $150,000. Lucky-Hilton also sold Tello’s debt obligations for $13,595.25 to Overloard of Peonys.

The person agreeing to buy the debt obligation, Senator Overloard of Peonys later attempted to sell said debt obligation to Tello. The value of the debt obligation to the government stated in the original contract was $90,635.00. Which was bought by Overloard of Peonys for only $13,595.25.

On July the 22th Milqy created a group chat called “If we go down, we go down together”. The purpose of the group chat was to obstruct the Department of Legal Affairs in finding out what happened to the minting requests and who owns what. The Group-chat also required its members to sign a Non-Disclosure agreement. The Non-disclosure agreement goes as follows:

This agreement was signed by:
  • Senator and Chief of Staff Milqy
  • DCT-Secretary Deadwax
  • Senator OverloardofPeonys
  • Representative HKE
  • Owner of Piggybank Hugebob23456

The only reason Wetc accepted this contract from LHBank is that Milqy, Deadwax and Former DEC Secretary Wetc were "best friends". Along with a friendship, the three also shared a political partnership, with both Wetc, Deadwax and Wetc being among the highest ranking members of the MHP. Wetc being chairman and later on leaving the chairmanship to Milqy. Deadwax, and Milqy assisted Wetc in signing a contract that would benefit their own business ventures, which is cause for the charge of Accomplice to Corruption. After the fact, Milqy and Deadwax have intentionally tried to block any inquiries into the original contract, as well as the subsequent selling of those DEC-Minting requests to other banks. They went as far as creating a group chat called "If we go down we go down together". This is cause for the charge of Obstruction of Justice against the Defendant. Making people enter into a contract to not talk to the Department of Legal Affairs. Which is the definition of Obstruction of Justice.

Money laundering is defined as:

“Any act to conceal funds illegally obtained, through commercial transactions, business deals, or any means otherwise."

The Minting Request (and the profits made from the subsequent selling of those minting requests) are considered funds. These funds were illegally obtained through corruption. These funds were concealed through a business deal in which the bank owners who bought the minting request were forced to secrecy

1. The Commonwealth of Remont
2. Deadwax

1. Deadwax was present in the VC when Wetc & Milqy signed the minting request contract.
2. Deadwax was aware of the contract and was involved in the decision to create the contract.
3. Deadwax profited from the contract by selling the minting request to other banks.
4. Deadwax was heavily involved in the selling of the minting request to other banks.
5. Deadwax wanted everyone in the "If we go down together we go down together group chat to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement."
6. Deadwax goaded Overloard of Peonys to offer Tello a discount on a deal if they would refuse to help the Department of Legal Affairs in their investigation.
7. Deadwax stated on several occasions that he and milqy were unwilling to co-operate in anyway in the investigation.

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1. 1 count of Accomplice to commit Corruption.
2. 1 count of Obstruction of Justice.
3. 1 count of Money Laundering.

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. The Commonwealth asks the maximum fine for 1 count of Accomplice to commit Corruption for the Defendant which is a $3,750 fine and 1.5-month removal from public office.
2. The Commonwealth asks the maximum fine for 1 count of Obstruction of Justice for the Defendant which is a verbal warning.
3. The Commonwealth asks for the maximum fine for 1 count of Money Laundering for the Defendant which is a $50,000 fine and 10min of jail-time.


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I will be rejecting the request to recuse.

Given that the prosecutor has updated their initial filling with updated evidence and an updated report, I will also 24 hours for the defense to refile or update their motion to dismiss.
Your honour, the judicial standards act states the following:

13 - Recusal
(1) Judicial disqualification, also referred to as recusal, is the act of abstaining from participation in a case due to a conflict of interest.
(2) A motion to recuse can be filed at any point in a case prior to the verdict. A Judge must consider whether or not to voluntarily recuse themselves.
(3) Where a judge does not voluntarily recuse, a second Judge will respond to the motion and either accept or deny it. In the instance the judge accepts the motion, that judge will then preside over the case.

As you are the one the motion to recuse is on a second judge is required to accept or deny it.
Mr. Attorney General, if you wish to make a motion to recuse please file a proper motion. All indirect motions will not be further entertained by the Supreme Court.
Motion to recuse

Your honour the Commonwealth would like to request, that Justice JoeGamer recuse himself and not discuss this case with any judges or justice pressing over this case. Justice JoeGamer is an accountant for Lucky-Hilton Bank we do not know the extent of his involvement in this particular deal however it is clear that JoeGamer has a certain relationship with the company and its owners and the outcome of this case could affect his employment status there.
Justice JoeGamer had no business in Hilton Bank, he does not work for them anymore but still holds the title of Accountant anyways. He was also not involved in the possible things between the Hilton Bank and wetc. Even if he still worked as an Accountant, it was a minor job of copying numbers. Therefore there is no conflict of interest, but I will note it down. The Supreme Court upheld professionalism over judging cases, and I will not be dangering that.

The motion is denied. Further questions on the matter can be asked through the forum or in discord.
Given the resignation of Attorney General MilkCrack, the Commonwealth of Redmont would like to kindly request that this case be put on hold until a new Attorney General can be chosen. Thank you.
Your honor, putting a hold on this case would be violating my clients constitutional right:
"IX. Any citizen, criminal or otherwise will have the right to a speedy and fair trial presided over by an impartial Judge."

The Deputy Attorney General, Hugebob, only requests this due to his relevance in said case which makes him unable to represent the Commonwealth.
This case was originally filed by State Prosecutor Admin23, not Milkcrack. I see no need why the Commonwealth would need to put this case on hold. The Department of Legal Affairs has many resources at it's disposal and the entire department does not seemingly shut down when the Attorney General resignation is pending. This trial will continue as planned. The Court is currently discussing the Motion to Dismiss.
The Supreme Court rejects the motion to dismiss. The motion does not point out anything frivolous about the criminal case.

The court will now move to opening statements. The commonwealth has 48 hours to provide the court its opening statement.
Since State Prosecutor Admin23 will no longer be able to deal with this case and since I just got into the office and I won't be able to get online for another 4 days due to IRL issues, I ask that this case be put on hold for a week. I am fully aware that this is a long time, but I kindly ask that this request be accepted given the backlog of problems the office is experiencing.
The Supreme Court will not be granting the Commonwealth an additional 168 hours. This request is highly unreasonable considering the Department of Legal Affairs has multiple persons employed that can serve this case. The Supreme Court will extend an additional 24 hours on top of the 48 hours provided for opening statement.
Your honor, the Prosecution, and Defence have come to an agreement on a plea deal:

1. Defendant, Deadwax, pleads guilty to one count of Obstruction of Justice.

In exchange for a plea bargain, the Prosecution will drop the following charges:
1. Deadwax will not be charged with 1 count of Accomplice to commit Corruption.
2. Deadwax will not be charged with 1 count of Money Laundering.
I ask that the Commonwealth confirm this plea bargain and the defendant state their plea.

Please recognize that by pleading guilty you waive your right to a speedy and fair trial presided over by an impartial judge, the right against self-incrimination and that even by accepting this plea deal, the Court may still modify the sentencing outside of the plea bargain.

Please report back to the Court within 48 hours with a plea by the defendant and confirmation of this plea bargain from the Commonwealth​
The State accepts this Plea Bargain deal.
I plea guilty to one count of Obstruction of justice
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Commonwealth of Redmont v. Deadwax [2022] SCR 12

The Supreme Court has accepted the plea by the defendant and the plea bargain brought forth by the Commonwealth and agreed upon by the defendant.

The Supreme Court finds Deadwax guilty of violating Saviour Act §3.2 Obstruction of Justice

After reviewing the criminal record of Deadwax, seeing no prior sentencing of violating §3.2 of the Saviour Act, the Court issues a formal warning to Deadwax. This offense is to be marked by the Department of Justice on Deadwax criminal record.

It is so ordered.

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