Lawsuit: Dismissed Commonwealth of Redmont v. Dygyee [2022] SCR 22

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Your honor, I am currently traveling to visit family will be completely out of reach from the 28th to the 31st of December. Could we please get a recess until January 8th?
The DLA has an extensive list of individuals who can respond on behalf of the state. An extension is denied, should you require an extension if we do not get to cross-examination we will review it then. For that, the extension request is denied.
As the witness Xeu100 did not respond in time, we will move on without him. The defendant can begin the questioning of their witnesses. Please provide a list of all the questions within 48 hours. If either party has a multi-part question or a question that relies on the question and how it is answered, please note it on the list of questions.
Your Honor, I will be taking over this case on behalf of Gertis until he is back.
Questions for ElainaThomas29:
(Depending on a couple of Elaina's answers, there may be further questions).

1. Do you believe that I accepted, or denied the warrant?

2. Why did you post a return warrant at the end of the conversation?

3. You stated "The plan was to go to Tello and show them a warrant requiring to them to share what bank accounts Xeu has access to, how much money is stored in them, and the timestamps of any transactions involving those bank accounts." Where do you think this information was stored?

4. You also stated "I'm not going to pursue this warrant then since it seems like he doesn't need it after all." Does this mean that no part of the warrant was needed, or just the in game logs that I approved your search of?

5. Do you think my ruling was wrong, and if you did, why didn't you appeal my ruling?

6. Do you think I had a conflict of interest, and if you did, why didn't you file a motion to recuse?
1. The warrant was accepted.
2. I requested the warrant on behalf of the DLA. They had already somehow obtained logs from in game, and what they were looking for went beyond that. Everything they could have collected via the warrant at the time, they felt they already had, so they decided that the warrant wasn't really needed after I had requested it.
3. I'm not sure, this was a part of a quote a member of the DLA had given me. Again, I was filing this warrant for them, so I was simply acting as a facilitator between the courts and the DLA in requesting this warrant. They never said where they felt this information was stored.
4. At that point, they felt they had all of the logs that they needed, so no part of the warrant was needed.
5. I didn't have a personal stance on it, the warrant wasn't for myself or any investigations that I was doing. Again, I was just a facilitator.
6. I wasn't aware of any of your relationships with Tello until after this original warrant. A later warrant request was opened in which I requested that the warrant request was only handled in the SC, that way you were not involved due to a potential COI.
Follow up questions:

1. You stated in your answer that you didn’t know where the information was stored. However since you needed to go to Tello and have them show you this information, we can reasonably infer that you knew this information couldn’t be found in game. Did you know that the warrant clarity act doesn’t let you search anything that is not in game or an official DC discord server? If so, what were you trying to search then?

2. You stated a later warrant was filed in the Supreme Court to obtain the same information. Did they allow you to search a non-official DC discord server?

3. Part 2 of the previous question: What else did the the Supreme Court allow you to search?
1. That was a quote from the DLA, not myself. It has nothing to do with my own thoughts. I don't know what they planned to search, I cannot speak for the DLA in what they were looking for or where they thought these things could be found. It may have involved a list of all of their current in-game companies. Yes, I am aware of the Warrant Clarity Act and what it entails.
2. I no longer have access to that channel, and this warrant was requested a long time ago. I don't remember the results of the warrant. I believe we used it to access information in game only such as withdraws and deposits through the companies and all companies owned.
Last question for the witness:

1. If the Supreme Court only let you search things in game such as logs, was there anything that they let you search that I didn’t?
Thank you so much to ElainaThomas. I have no further questions for this witness.
Does the prosecution have any questions for the witness? If so, please provide the witness with the questions within the next 48 hours. Should you not have any questions, please notify the court of such following the same time frame.
Your honor, the Prosecution has missed their deadline for the 2nd time. It is there responsibility to pursue the case as they were the ones that filed it, and it is disrespectful to both the court's and my time. Furthermore it shows their level of care and intent that they put into this case.
Apologies for the response. I had thought I submitted the court's response on this case prior. Sadly the forums must've glitched when submitting the response. Please note we will recall six days for a clerical error. The Supreme Court will not be paid for the time this case was left unattended.

With disregard and lack of interest in the absences of the prosecution, The Supreme Court hereby dismisses this case with prejudice on the matter brought forward.
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