Lawsuit: Dismissed Commonwealth of Redmont v. Kitje_Katje_NL, et al. [2023] FCR 1

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Oct 14, 2021

Commonwealth of Redmont


Reverse Class Action
Kitje_Katje_NL, et al.
  • Kitje_Katje_NL
  • Olisaurus123


The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendants as follows:

Free and open market is a pillar and sign of a well-functioning, prosperous nation. However, the Defendants abused the market and their freedoms to skew prices and benefit themselves monetarily. They wiped out stocks of others and then used this to their advantage, by setting new and high prices. Together, they conspired to influence the market. For this, the Prosecution incriminates the Defendants.

  • Kitje_Katje_NL
  • Olisaurus123
  • Commonwealth of Redmont

  • In the time period from 27th to 30th October, 2022, the Defendant committed Firework Rockets wipe-outs at Lucky’s ($32 per stack), Lemonade ($25 per stack), LavenderxBlaxii ($25 per stack), Walmart ($19.98 per stack), DBee ($26.24 per stack), AirCo ($25 per stack) and BFG ($15 per stack)
  • On 30th October, 2022, Olisaurus123 created a new Firework Rockets shop at Lemonade for $100 per stack
  • On 7th November, 2022, Olisaurus123 created a new Firework Rockets shop at Lemonade for $75 per stack
  • In these new stores, from 30th October to 13th November, the Defendants made 72 transactions to victims
  • All of the Firework Rockets withheld by Olisaurus123 were received out-of-chestshop from Kitje_Katje_NL, as the former cannot provide where did they get them from, and they thus conspired to manipulate the market

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
  • Two counts of Market Manipulation, as per the White-Collar Crackdown Act, for Kitje_Katje_NL (first count) and Olisaurus123 (second count) for manipulating the price of Firework Rockets across numerous stores in Redmont, and the market as a whole
  • One count of Conspiracy to Commit a Felony, as per the Conspiracy Act, for conspiring to influence and skew prices of Firework Rockets

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
  • For the two counts of Market Manipulation, as per the White-Collar Crackdown Act, for each of the Defendants the Prosecution recommends $15,000, for a total of $30,000
  • For the sole count of Conspiracy to Commit a Felony, as per the Conspiracy Act, the Prosecution recommends $6,000 fine ($3,000 for each Defendant) and 20 minutes of jailtime (10 minutes for each Defendant)

Exhibit A: The publicly available extracts showing the crimes of the Defendants
Transaction PDF

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 27th day of December, 2022
Both Judge dygyee and Judge BananaNova have recused themselves from this case citing potential conflict of interest. The Constitution of Redmont grants individual justices the ability to exercise the responsibilities of lower courts (Part 2 Section 19). I will be presiding over the duration of this case.
Good Afternoon Mr. Jakovus,

Before I issue a summons to the defendants, I wish to know the reason for filing this criminal case as a reverse class action. Frankly, I don't see enough evidence to support the claim that Kitje_Katje_NL and Olisaurus123 worked together. In order to provide a fair trial, it is of my opinion that each defendant is able to defend themselves in their own cases. However, I do recognize that some criminal cases can be done through reverse class action, but there needs to be relations between the two parties named in this specific case.

Therefore, I request a statement from the Commonwealth connecting the actions of both parties named. This can be in the form of a statement to the Court, evidence linking the two actions, or both. The Commonwealth has 24 hours to comply with this court request.
Your honour,
for specific IRL reasons I am inabled to issue the required explanation. For that reason I will ask for a 24-hour extension to the original deadline.
Extension granted.
Your honour,

In convincing the Court to grant us a reverse class action, the Prosecution wants to point out that our Defendants worked in concert and are liable for crimes they committed together. We are intensively working to produce more evidence to clearly show this Court that the Defendants are in fact guilty of the crimes that they, independently, would not be able to execute. In tandem, they conspired, and each of the Defendants did one part of the crimes we allege. Reverse class action aims to punish their work and crimes together, just how the Defence executed them.

The Court still may be in discord with our explanation, and if that is so I would urge it to separate this case, as the Prosecution wants an impartial and a satisfied Court.
Thank you.
Your honour

can i say something about this as i think this claim is ridicilous?
+ what evidence i owned my own store CATSSTORE where i sold the rockets for 25 a stack as so to see i lost money in it because i wanted my customers to have rockets :D
Thank you for your response Mr. Jakovus. This case will continue as a reverse class action.
Kitje_Katje_NL, do not speak in this case unless you have been summoned. This is your final warning. Do not speak out of turn again.


The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case of the Commonwealth of Redmont v. Kitje_Katje_NL et al. [2023] FCR 1. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game or the appointment of a public defender.​
Joegamer I speak when I see people talk about me + I'm banned so I don't really care

Your honour,
the Defendant failed to, in any shape or form, deliver an answer to the Prosecution's complaint. Their previous comments are not answering anything, and are furthermore umeritorious and redundant. For these reasons, the Prosecution requests it be stricken from the record and disregarded.

DATED: This 2nd day of January, 2023
So Joe what's gonna happen to this ridiculous claim
And just fine me 50k or something I'm banned and don't got a penny lets get over with this and Joe warn me what ya want I don't really care about it
and don't throw a lawsuit vs me again I will answer shit again lol
I will be striking the comments made by Kitje_Katje_NL. Furthermore, after a brief discussion with the Staff team, Kitje_Katje_NL will be prohibited from responding to this case as banned players "can't do any citizen activity."

The Federal Court notes the absence of the other party. Pursuant to the Even Moderner Legal Board Act and Section 9 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the parties involved have the right to an attorney. In the pursuit of a fair criminal trial, all accused have the right to an attorney. Seeing as both parties named in class is either unable to respond or have not appeared before the Court, I will be seeking a Public Defender. Seeing as the Chief Justice has not directed a Public Defender Program as outlined in the Even Moderner Legal Board Act, this case will not be heard until the creation of such a program and the class named in this criminal proceeding is given the attorney guaranteed by the Constitution of Redmont.

If the Commonwealth has any motions, they may still use this thread for such purposes. If the Commonwealth has any questions about my decision, request a conversation with me using this thread.
i got a question why did you sue me if im banned?
The Commonwealth will standby and await the procurement of the said Programme.
Seeing as the Commonwealth now has a Public Defender program, I will be notifying the Public Defender Director to appoint a public defender to the defendants. The Public Defender Office will have 48 hours to inform the Federal Court who will be representing the defendant. The Public Defender will notify the Court via a reply to this thread.
I will be representing the Defendants in this case, your honor.

I request 24 hours to familiarize myself with the case and provide a plea.

Commonwealth of Redmont


Kitje_Katje_NL, et. al.
(Kitje_Katje_NL and Olisaurus123)

The Defendants plead Not Guilty to all charges in this case.

1. AFFIRM In the time period from 27th to 30th October, 2022, the Kitje_Katje_NL bought all the fireworks at Lucky’s ($32 per stack), Lemonade ($25 per stack), LavenderxBlaxii ($25 per stack), Walmart ($19.98 per stack), DBee ($26.24 per stack), AirCo ($25 per stack) and BFG ($15 per stack).
2. AFFIRM On 30th October, 2022, Olisaurus123 created a new Firework Rockets shop at Lemonade for $100 per stack
3. AFFIRM On 7th November, 2022, Olisaurus123 created a new Firework Rockets shop at Lemonade for $75 per stack
4. AFFIRM In these new stores, from 30th October to 13th November, Olisaurus123 made 72 transactions to victims
5. EXERCISE THE RIGHT NOT TO AFFIRM NOR DENY (see [2022] FCR 72) All of the Firework Rockets withheld by Olisaurus123 were received out-of-chestshop from Kitje_Katje_NL, as the former cannot provide where did they get them from, and they thus conspired to manipulate the market

Note: The Prosecution often used the term "Defendant" or "Defendants" when in reality, only one of the Defendants did certain action(s) above. I have replaced the terms with the names of who did the action(s). For fact 5, I left both names, however wish to point out that these actions are alleged, not proven.

1. According to [2022] FCR 72, "the burden of proof is never on the accused, nor does it ever shift to the accused at any point."

This means Fact 5 should be disregarded, as it is not required that Olisaurus123 provides where they got the fireworks from. It is up to the Prosecution to prove that Kitje_Katje_NL gave the fireworks to Olisaurus123. It is not up to the Defendants to prove that this did not happen.

2. Market Manipulation is defined by the White-Collar Crack Down Act as follows:

"Market Manipulation shall be defined as; “The act of fraudulently inflating or deflating the value of a company or asset of which you have a responsibility for” Any public company which values its own total market value over 500.000$, is expected to have a publicly available, detailed explanation, of how they reached that evaluation. Failure to do so may be considered evidence in a market manipulation case."

This is clearly talking about fraudulently inflating or deflating the value of a single company or asset (e.g. real estate). Olisaurus123 can sell any item for whatever price he desires. It's a free market. Additionally, without any proof that he was selling the very fireworks that Kitje_Katje_NL bought, there was no manipulation of ANYTHING whatsoever.

Exhibit A: Lawsuit: Adjourned - Dartanman v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] FCR 72

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 12th day of April 2023
Apologies for the delay. Thank you for the response Dartanman. The Court will now move to opening statements.
The prosecution has 48 hours to provide its opening statement.
Your honor, it has been 48 hours
Seeing as the prosecution has failed to show up, I will be dismissing this case with prejudice.
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