Former President
Presidential Commendation
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The Commonwealth (hugebob23456 and Mask3D_WOLF representing)
The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows:
Corruption is when someone uses their official position and powers to unfairly benefit themselves or others in some capacity outside their regular official duty. This is a fundamental principle that we all must agree on and abide by. If someone were to use a Government role to give themselves thousands of dollars without the consent of the Executive or Congress, that is Corruption and Embezzlement. If someone were to use a Government role to block a new law or regulation that would have been bad for their private business, that is Corruption. If someone were to use a Government role to strategically declassify documents owned by a Department that they aren’t even in to allow those documents to be leaked to themselves and their political allies, that is Corruption.
There is only one person who can truly take credit for all of these acts. One person who has stood accused of Corruption many times before and continues to evade justice on technicalities and plea bargains. When will we learn? When will we finally decide that enough is enough? How many times does someone have to face overwhelming evidence against them and skate by. Let me be clear, these are not victimless crimes. Each of these crimes measurably endangered the citizens of Redmont through irreparably harming the finances of the State, endangering the welfare systems that the people rely on, and creating a two-tier system whereby there is one set of rules for this Defendant, and another for the rest of us. Through a long-term investigation including multiple confidential informants, we have collected screenshots and testimony that we feel is more than sufficient to prove wrongdoing and will lead to more lawsuits against other people to be filed in the coming days.
On August 25th, the Defendant used their position as a Reserve Board member to propose that the Government take out a loan from a private bank amounting to $300,000 and that the Government would pay back the loan plus 5% interest over a 3 month period. The problem here is that the Defendant proposed that the Government take out a loan from the bank that the Defendant privately owned. This deal, had it gone through, would have put the Government in debt to the Defendant to the tune of $315,000. Using public office to enrich yourself is Corruption. Using public office to divert funds generated through taxes is Embezzlement. Using public office to undermine the stability and financial credibility of the nation and its treasury is Treason. Defendant will likely argue that this deal never went through, however the Defendant put in motion this process and it was only due to the action of other members of the Commonwealth Reserve Board that this was stopped early. It is clear that the Defendant sought to defraud the Commonwealth and made best efforts to enrich himself, failing to do so does not constitute innocence. Whether the loan went through or not, the actions of the Defendant would have been the same. It is only the actions of other outside parties that stopped this deal, and we are not litigating the actions of those other CRB members, we are interested only in the actions of this Defendant. If we can agree that these actions would have constituted Corruption had the deal gone through, then how can it be that the same actions committed by the same person would not have been Corruption because of the deal failing?
On September 18th, the Defendant used their position as Senator to vote against a bill which would have increased their own taxes (Defendant owns Hilton, which is designated as a Charity for tax purposes). Of course there is a great deal of nuance in the passage of bills, especially when there is a potential conflict of interest involved. The Defendant could argue that his opposition to this bill is because it would raise taxes on other charities as well which would be bad for those who rely on charities. However, this is inconsistent with the Defendant’s own statements claiming “As of right now I’m probably the only charity on the server still operating.” So by the Defendant’s own statements, the bill would have only harmed his organization and no other organizations, which removes all of the nuance from this problem. Conflicts of interest like this are why the option to abstain exists. The Defendant saw a bill which would have been bad for themselves and saw an opportunity to use their position to fight against it. Furthermore, Hilton is not some morally superior charitable organization that gives free money to the impoverished of our society, Hilton operates at a 75% profit margin every month by the admission of the Defendant himself. To claim that this organization needs tax exemption and that the Defendant needed to intervene with their position as a Senator for the benefit of society is laughable.
On September 6th, the Defendant used their position as Chief of Staff to declassify channels within the DEC to allow for a fellow member of the Commonwealth Reserve Board to leak internal information related to pruning, saying “Lol CoS does have some perks.” The Commonwealth Reserve Board was discussing the recent pruning actions by the DEC Secretary and their general dissatisfaction with it, when Reserve Board member QueenBear10 chose to leak that the DEC had made additional unannounced prunes and intended to make more prunes soon. When they realized that they may have committed a crime in leaking potentially classified information that could destabilize markets, they were reluctant to continue sharing the contents of an internal DEC discussion. The Defendant stepped in to pressure QueenBear10 to further disseminate classified information and stated “any chat u[sic] think is classified, as CoS i declassify it for u[sic] to send screenshots in here Of the Dec that is”. After seeing this, QueenBear10 elected to share sensitive screenshots of conversations with the DEC Secretary, these screenshots have not been submitted as evidence for obvious reasons however we are willing to send them via direct message to the Justices if necessary. This is a very far-reaching declassification. Effectively, all DEC chats that QueenBear10 thinks are classified are no longer classified. This includes DEC-Staff channels, this includes leadership channels, this includes private channels between the Secretary and the President, this includes any ongoing investigations within the DEC, as of right now the entire official DEC Discord Server is currently declassified. The Defendant used their position as Chief of Staff to pressure and to benefit a fellow Reserve Board member by alleviating them of potential criminal prosecution.
Each of these acts are individually extremely harmful to the wellbeing of the State and its citizens, combined they are a whole new level of crime that we have never seen before. Even if any of these crimes fall short of the Court’s bar for Corruption, Embezzlement, and Treason, they are certain to meet the Court’s bar for Conspiracy. Each of these acts are felonies, and Conspiracy to commit a Felony is itself a high crime. It is imperative that we stop this Defendant before it is too late.
1. Milqy
2. QueenBear10 (not currently being prosecuted)
1. Defendant used their position within the Commonwealth Reserve Bank to attempt to force the Government to take out a loan from a bank that he personally owned without the consent of the Executive or Congress.
2. Defendant used their position within the Senate to vote against bills which would have been harmful to their private business interests (the proper procedure is to abstain in instances of a conflict of interest).
3. Defendant used their position as Chief of Staff to declassify DEC documents to allow them to be shared amongst the Commonwealth Reserve Bank.
The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1. 3 counts of Corruption
2. 1 count of Embezzlement
3. 1 count of Treason
4. 5 counts of Conspiracy to commit a Felony
The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. For Corruption: Removal from public office and disbarment from public office for a period of 6 months (2 months for each charge) and $75,000 in fines ($25,000 for each charge).
2. For Embezzlement: Suspension of the Defendant’s Entrepreneur’s license and ban from registering or owning any company or union.
3. For Treason: Removal from public office and disbarment from public office for a period of 2 months and $25,000 in fines.
4. For Conspiracy to commit a Felony: Fines of $125,000 ($25,000 for each charge) and jail time of 30 hours (6 hours for each charge)
In total we recommend the following sentencing: Removal from public office, disbarment from public office for a period of 8 months, suspension of Entrepreneur’s license, ban from registering and owning any company or union, fines of $225,000, and jail time of 30 hours.
Related to the CRB Loan Charges:
Related to the Charity Tax Exemption vote:
Related to the Declassification of DEC Documents:
By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
DATED: This 19th day of September 2022
The Commonwealth (hugebob23456 and Mask3D_WOLF representing)
The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows:
Corruption is when someone uses their official position and powers to unfairly benefit themselves or others in some capacity outside their regular official duty. This is a fundamental principle that we all must agree on and abide by. If someone were to use a Government role to give themselves thousands of dollars without the consent of the Executive or Congress, that is Corruption and Embezzlement. If someone were to use a Government role to block a new law or regulation that would have been bad for their private business, that is Corruption. If someone were to use a Government role to strategically declassify documents owned by a Department that they aren’t even in to allow those documents to be leaked to themselves and their political allies, that is Corruption.
There is only one person who can truly take credit for all of these acts. One person who has stood accused of Corruption many times before and continues to evade justice on technicalities and plea bargains. When will we learn? When will we finally decide that enough is enough? How many times does someone have to face overwhelming evidence against them and skate by. Let me be clear, these are not victimless crimes. Each of these crimes measurably endangered the citizens of Redmont through irreparably harming the finances of the State, endangering the welfare systems that the people rely on, and creating a two-tier system whereby there is one set of rules for this Defendant, and another for the rest of us. Through a long-term investigation including multiple confidential informants, we have collected screenshots and testimony that we feel is more than sufficient to prove wrongdoing and will lead to more lawsuits against other people to be filed in the coming days.
On August 25th, the Defendant used their position as a Reserve Board member to propose that the Government take out a loan from a private bank amounting to $300,000 and that the Government would pay back the loan plus 5% interest over a 3 month period. The problem here is that the Defendant proposed that the Government take out a loan from the bank that the Defendant privately owned. This deal, had it gone through, would have put the Government in debt to the Defendant to the tune of $315,000. Using public office to enrich yourself is Corruption. Using public office to divert funds generated through taxes is Embezzlement. Using public office to undermine the stability and financial credibility of the nation and its treasury is Treason. Defendant will likely argue that this deal never went through, however the Defendant put in motion this process and it was only due to the action of other members of the Commonwealth Reserve Board that this was stopped early. It is clear that the Defendant sought to defraud the Commonwealth and made best efforts to enrich himself, failing to do so does not constitute innocence. Whether the loan went through or not, the actions of the Defendant would have been the same. It is only the actions of other outside parties that stopped this deal, and we are not litigating the actions of those other CRB members, we are interested only in the actions of this Defendant. If we can agree that these actions would have constituted Corruption had the deal gone through, then how can it be that the same actions committed by the same person would not have been Corruption because of the deal failing?
On September 18th, the Defendant used their position as Senator to vote against a bill which would have increased their own taxes (Defendant owns Hilton, which is designated as a Charity for tax purposes). Of course there is a great deal of nuance in the passage of bills, especially when there is a potential conflict of interest involved. The Defendant could argue that his opposition to this bill is because it would raise taxes on other charities as well which would be bad for those who rely on charities. However, this is inconsistent with the Defendant’s own statements claiming “As of right now I’m probably the only charity on the server still operating.” So by the Defendant’s own statements, the bill would have only harmed his organization and no other organizations, which removes all of the nuance from this problem. Conflicts of interest like this are why the option to abstain exists. The Defendant saw a bill which would have been bad for themselves and saw an opportunity to use their position to fight against it. Furthermore, Hilton is not some morally superior charitable organization that gives free money to the impoverished of our society, Hilton operates at a 75% profit margin every month by the admission of the Defendant himself. To claim that this organization needs tax exemption and that the Defendant needed to intervene with their position as a Senator for the benefit of society is laughable.
On September 6th, the Defendant used their position as Chief of Staff to declassify channels within the DEC to allow for a fellow member of the Commonwealth Reserve Board to leak internal information related to pruning, saying “Lol CoS does have some perks.” The Commonwealth Reserve Board was discussing the recent pruning actions by the DEC Secretary and their general dissatisfaction with it, when Reserve Board member QueenBear10 chose to leak that the DEC had made additional unannounced prunes and intended to make more prunes soon. When they realized that they may have committed a crime in leaking potentially classified information that could destabilize markets, they were reluctant to continue sharing the contents of an internal DEC discussion. The Defendant stepped in to pressure QueenBear10 to further disseminate classified information and stated “any chat u[sic] think is classified, as CoS i declassify it for u[sic] to send screenshots in here Of the Dec that is”. After seeing this, QueenBear10 elected to share sensitive screenshots of conversations with the DEC Secretary, these screenshots have not been submitted as evidence for obvious reasons however we are willing to send them via direct message to the Justices if necessary. This is a very far-reaching declassification. Effectively, all DEC chats that QueenBear10 thinks are classified are no longer classified. This includes DEC-Staff channels, this includes leadership channels, this includes private channels between the Secretary and the President, this includes any ongoing investigations within the DEC, as of right now the entire official DEC Discord Server is currently declassified. The Defendant used their position as Chief of Staff to pressure and to benefit a fellow Reserve Board member by alleviating them of potential criminal prosecution.
Each of these acts are individually extremely harmful to the wellbeing of the State and its citizens, combined they are a whole new level of crime that we have never seen before. Even if any of these crimes fall short of the Court’s bar for Corruption, Embezzlement, and Treason, they are certain to meet the Court’s bar for Conspiracy. Each of these acts are felonies, and Conspiracy to commit a Felony is itself a high crime. It is imperative that we stop this Defendant before it is too late.
1. Milqy
2. QueenBear10 (not currently being prosecuted)
1. Defendant used their position within the Commonwealth Reserve Bank to attempt to force the Government to take out a loan from a bank that he personally owned without the consent of the Executive or Congress.
2. Defendant used their position within the Senate to vote against bills which would have been harmful to their private business interests (the proper procedure is to abstain in instances of a conflict of interest).
3. Defendant used their position as Chief of Staff to declassify DEC documents to allow them to be shared amongst the Commonwealth Reserve Bank.
The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1. 3 counts of Corruption
2. 1 count of Embezzlement
3. 1 count of Treason
4. 5 counts of Conspiracy to commit a Felony
The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. For Corruption: Removal from public office and disbarment from public office for a period of 6 months (2 months for each charge) and $75,000 in fines ($25,000 for each charge).
2. For Embezzlement: Suspension of the Defendant’s Entrepreneur’s license and ban from registering or owning any company or union.
3. For Treason: Removal from public office and disbarment from public office for a period of 2 months and $25,000 in fines.
4. For Conspiracy to commit a Felony: Fines of $125,000 ($25,000 for each charge) and jail time of 30 hours (6 hours for each charge)
In total we recommend the following sentencing: Removal from public office, disbarment from public office for a period of 8 months, suspension of Entrepreneur’s license, ban from registering and owning any company or union, fines of $225,000, and jail time of 30 hours.
Related to the CRB Loan Charges:
Related to the Charity Tax Exemption vote:
Related to the Declassification of DEC Documents:
By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
DATED: This 19th day of September 2022