Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth of Redmont v. xLayzur [2024] SCR 1

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Alexander P. Love

Justice Department
Popular in the Polls Legal Eagle Statesman Order of Redmont
Jun 2, 2021

The Commonwealth of Redmont (As Special Prosecutor)



The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

I was appointed by the Attorney General to investigate oval office corruption and prosecute independently. xLayzur rigged and is attempting to rig the recent HOR election in his favor, failed to cooperate with questioning, and failed to do his duties in the Congress.

1. xLayzur
2. The Commonwealth of Redmont
3. The Department of State

1. xLayzur refused to cooperate with DLA questioning, going beyond his rights.
2. xLayzur attempted to interfere with an election by intimidating the Secretary of State.
3. xLayzur has failed to hold Speaker of the House elections in a timely manner, ignoring Representatives.
4. xLayzur fired the Secretary of State because she didn't rig the election on behalf of the President.
5. xLayzur hired a new player with no experience who stated he would be reviewing past elections, further evidence of rigging.

1. x1 Count of Obstruction of Justice
2. x2 Counts of Corruption
3. x2 Counts of Electoral Fraud
4. x1 Count of Treason

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. For obstruction of justice, one verbal warning.
2. For two counts of corruption, $50,000 fine and barring from holding public office for four months.
3. For two counts of electoral fraud, $50,000 fine and permanent barring from holding public office.
4. For one count of treason, $25,000 fine and barring from holding public office for two months.


All other evidence will be posted by Discovery. Due to the urgency of the timeline of events, I am pushing out this case before I am able to post all of the evidence.

Due to the President's propensity to fire those disloyal to him and because I am prosecuting the President himself, I motion to have the Court block any attempts to fire me from my Special Prosecutor role or remove me from this case. I further ask the Court to block any attempt by the Department of Legal Affairs to motion to nolle prosequi. If I am fired before this motion is heard, I ask the Court to reinstate me for the purposes of this case and other cases pertaining to my mandate as a Special Prosecutor.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 11th day of January 2024.
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Emergency Injunction
The Commonwealth motions for the Court to compel the President to commence Speaker of the House elections pursuant to Congressional Standing Orders.
Emergency Injunction
The President has abused his position to try and remove political enemies from office and obstruct the House of Representatives, he does not have this power. Due to the immense power associated with the Office of the President and the severity of the charges being alleged, the Commonwealth requests that xLayzur be removed from office for the duration of this lawsuit. We will utilize the following precedent: Lawsuit: Dismissed - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Deadwax [2022] SCR 24


Lawsuit: In Session - The Commonwealth v. Bardiya_King [2023] SCR 23
Alex, please provide proof you have the authority to represent the Commonwealth in court.
As there appears to be a lack of response when reviewing the case docket within the court.

The court requests that the prosecution recertify the filing before we re-issue the summons or request that the prosecution withdraw their claims.

Please have an answer submitted to the court within 48 hours.
I will be continuing these cases under authority as a special prosecutor within the Department of Legal Affairs, your honor.
The court will require the Attorney General to confirm this authority has been given in person. While you have submitted a picture to the court, we will require confirmation as no public announcement was given, as is standard practice from the DLA.

Once confirmation is acquired, the court will re-issue the summons for the defendant.
Your Honor,
I confirm that I gave alexander love permission to continue this prosecution as a special prosecutor
Thank you,

Will re-issue summons.


The defendant is required to appear before the court in The Commonwealth of Redmont v. xLayzur [2024] SCR 1. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment.

I'd like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
The defendant failed to appear before the court. A public defender will be assigned to the case when one is available.

The court will be in recess until one can be assigned.
Although a Public Defender has been hired, due to a lack of another available Justice, this case will remain in recess.
Due to Justice SumoMC's nomination passing earlier this morning, we will be moving forward.

Due to the Defense not presenting, a Public Defender will be summoned.
They have 72 hours to give an answer to complaint or motion to dismiss.

The Commonwealth of Redmont



1. We deny that "xLayzur refused to cooperate with DLA questioning, going beyond his rights."
2.We deny that "xLayzur attempted to interfere with an election by intimidating the Secretary of State."
3. We neither affirm or deny that "xLayzur has failed to hold Speaker of the House elections in a timely manner, ignoring Representatives.
4. We deny that "xLayzur fired the Secretary of State because she didn't rig the election on behalf of the President.
5. We neither affirm or deny that " xLayzur hired a new player with no experience who stated he would be reviewing past elections, further evidence of rigging.

1. The defence will prove throughout the case that the alleged actions either do not match the charges brought forward, or the evidence provided is not sufficient for alleged actions.

(Attach evidence and a list of witnesses at the bottom if applicable)

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 15th of May, 2024
Apologies for not moving this case sooner. We will now be moving into Discovery, this will last for a period of 7 days.

1) Isn't it true xlayzur refused to cooperate with DLA questioning given the lack of straight answers in exhibit C?
2) Isn't it true xlayzur, as President, told his subordinate, the Secretary of State, to "fix" election results and announce wetc as the winner of the Representative election? "this better get fixed tonight..."
3) Isn't it true xlayzur fired somehumanonearth shortly after she didn't "fix" the election results and announce xlayzur's political ally, wetc, as winner of the Representative election?
4) Isn't it true Crobi268, who had less than an hour of playtime, was appointed as acting Secretary of State?

The prosecution reserves the right to ask up to one more question during discovery.
Inquiry to the Court

Most Honourable Court,
As per the nature of my assignment as a Public Defender, I often have very little, unhelpful or in many cases non existent communication with my clients. As such, it may not be plausible to respond to the interrogatories. I will attempt to get answers, but I cannot guarantee a timely response.

Please instruct on how you wish us to proceed,
Inquiry to the Court

Most Honourable Court,
As per the nature of my assignment as a Public Defender, I often have very little, unhelpful or in many cases non existent communication with my clients. As such, it may not be plausible to respond to the interrogatories. I will attempt to get answers, but I cannot guarantee a timely response.

Please instruct on how you wish us to proceed,
So long as the answers are provided within a timeline or an extension is asked then all is fine on our end.
The problem is that I often represent those who no longer have a presence in the server, and do not respond. I might not get an answer at all.
Inquiry to the Court

Most Honourable Court,
As per the nature of my assignment as a Public Defender, I often have very little, unhelpful or in many cases non existent communication with my clients. As such, it may not be plausible to respond to the interrogatories. I will attempt to get answers, but I cannot guarantee a timely response.

Please instruct on how you wish us to proceed,
Your honor, the defense attorney should be able to answer the questions with or without consultation. The evidence attached contains all the answers.
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Your honor, the defense attorney should be able to answer the questions with or without consultation. The evidence attached contains all the answers.
Please don't respond unless asked. This is struck.

The problem is that I often represent those who no longer have a presence in the server, and do not respond. I might not get an answer at all.
As a Public Defender, the defense responding is not needed and more often you'll have them not responding.
Given that you are to act as a normal attorney just without communicating with your client.
1) Isn't it true xlayzur refused to cooperate with DLA questioning given the lack of straight answers in exhibit C?
From what can be seen in exhibit c, there was a single question asked to the defendant and the defendant asked a single question back. Hardly any proof towards refusal of cooperation on behalf of the defendant.

2) Isn't it true xlayzur, as President, told his subordinate, the Secretary of State, to "fix" election results and announce wetc as the winner of the Representative election? "this better get fixed tonight..."
The evidence does have a quote of the latter, yes. If you are intending to ask whether or not the defendant has told the secretary to "fix" the election results in a malicious manner, I would not be able to tell you.

3) Isn't it true xlayzur fired somehumanonearth shortly after she didn't "fix" the election results and announce xlayzur's political ally, wetc, as winner of the Representative election?
I would not be able to answer this question.

4) Isn't it true Crobi268, who had less than an hour of playtime, was appointed as acting Secretary of State?
I cannot attest to the playtime of the mentioned person at the mentioned time.
I would not be able to answer this question.
Objection, your honor. Non-responsive. The defendant can state whether or not the secretary was fired in those circumstances.
I cannot attest to the playtime of the mentioned person at the mentioned time.
Objection, your honor. Non-responsive. I asked if the person in question was appointed, not what his playtime was.
3) Isn't it true xlayzur fired somehumanonearth shortly after she didn't "fix" the election results and announce xlayzur's political ally, wetc, as winner of the Representative election?

I do not have access to the reasoning behind the firing of the secretary. Neither can I attest to the fact that it was due to the actions or inactions of the secretary, or whether wetc was a political ally.
With Discovery now over we will be moving into Opening Statements.

The Prosecution has 72 hours to provide their Opening Statement.
AlexanderLove is hereby found in Contempt of Court and I order the DHS to fine/jail appropriately.

The defense now has 72 hours to file their Opening Statement.
AlexanderLove is hereby found in Contempt of Court and I order the DHS to fine/jail appropriately.

The defense now has 72 hours to file their Opening Statement.
I never received the notification, but whatever. Holding in contempt for that is so lame. My opening statement could be “ “.
Opening Statements

Good morning everyone,
Your honour and the honourable courts, I would like to begin my opening statement by drawing attention to the list of charges brought forward unto my client by the prosecution. They all share the same doctrine of creating a large, impressive, albeit baseless list of accusations to create a certain weight, when the complaint holds none.
For the following reasons, I believe that the charges are either unfounded, unproven or does not fall within the word of the law.

1. Obstruction of Justice
Obstruction of justice is defined as such by the Savior* Act.
Willfully interfering with the process of justice through influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, police officer or by providing false information.

The defence assumes that this is related to Exhibit C. To begin with, the validity of any resistance in that regard if not minimal is questionable. The prosecution claims that the defendant "refused to cooperate". Not only would that be an exaggeration of what happened, even if it were true, it would not prove Obstruction of Justice. Not answering questions is not providing false information, and this does not fall into the first part of the provision either, as the defendant in this case would himself be the witness.

2. Treason
A day does not go by in Redmont without a political figure being prosecuted for Treason. Under the Corruption and Espionage Offenses act, the act of Treason is defined as such;
The act of a party in federal office who is caught attempting to maliciously sabotage or undermine the stability, sovereignty, and/or national security of the government of Redmont.
The wording and purpose of treason being illegal is clear. As the provision itself states, the undermining of the stability, sovereignty etc must be malicious in nature. The omitting of this requirement makes Treason an often misused venue for prosecuting political misconduct in the commonwealth.
Treason charges should be used to prevent people from attempting to harm commonwealth, not from their personal view of themselves or their political ideologies, but straight up attempt to harm the commonwealth out of a hatred or any other motivation against the commonwealth.
Even if a person were to commit a crime in order to get to a position of power in the commonwealth, this should be considered to be a myriad of other crimes, but not Treason, for they saw their rise to power as something inherently good for the commonwealth, and thus had no malice against the commonwealth. Again, the burden of proof in regards to this falls to the prosecution.

3. Corruption & Electoral Fraud (General Argument)
Our argument generally comes from the fact that the amount and quality of evidence provided to the courts during this case has been unsatisfactory and small. Considering the severity of the allegations, we believe the following burdens of proof must have been fully satisfied for any of this to be valid, while no proof supporting any of them was provided to the court;

1. That another candidate won the vote definitively,
2. The defendant's claims of possible electoral discrepancy were unfounded, OR the claims were made with a malicious intent & illegally to gain political advantage
3. The election therefore was overturned illegally,
4. The state secretary was fired due to such malicious reasons.

The lack of evidence towards such crucial components of the case is striking. We cannot make an argument against evidence that does not exist.

Therefore, that will be all.

Best Regards,
Thank you, due to neither side filing witnesses we will be moving straight into Closing Statements.
The Prosecution has 72 hours to provide their Closing Statement.
Your honor, I'd like to request a 24 hour extension.
This case is hereby in recess pending the appointment of another Justice
This case will now recommence with Chief Justice Dartanman, Justice Sumo, and myself presiding.

The Prosecution has 72 hours to provide their Closing Statement. Please advise if this needs to be changed to support change of representation etc.

@Alexander P. Love
May it please the Court,

Your honor, the narrative is simple. Former President xlayzur abused his position to consolidate power maliciously and selfishly for his party's gain, failed to cooperate with the (then called) Department of Legal Affairs when questioned about this, and appointed grossly unqualified acting Secretaries to further obstruct any attempt to halt or punish this treason. The case is only now coming to an end because of the former President's actions.

The President first rigged an election abusing his oversight authority over the Department of State. As seen in the evidence, the former Secretary SomeHumanOnEarth was bullied and intimidated into "fix[ing]" the results (the double meaning here is 100% applicable). The DOS formally announced that the winning candidate was in fact Dodrio3, going against the defense's point that this fact was unproven. It is common knowledge and available on public record. Then, indisputably, the President approached the Secretary and told her to announce wetc as the winner under the implied (and eventually carried out) threat of termination. wetc was a member of the RNP alongside xlayzur, showing personal political gain for the former President if the results were "fixed" in his favor.

The Secretary stood her ground and followed the law. She was then fired and replaced by a grossly unqualified person only with loyal to the RNP. His job? To "fix" the results in the RNP's favor. The results were unconstitutionally overruled, as decided by the Supreme Court in Dodrio3 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont. After all this, he was questioned by the Department of Legal Affairs in which he evaded answering questions and used stall tactics. While one can refuse to incriminate oneselves, they must still cooperate with questioning. They must give indication they are exercising their right to not self incriminate. They must, with reason, assist the interrogator in ensuring the swiftness and due diligence of the interrogation. Stalling on hiring a lawyer is unreasonably against one's right to an attorney. This refusal to cooperate shows even more complicity in the plot to overthrow fair and free elections.

The arm behind all of this was former President xlayzur himself, who knowingly took part in this conspiracy to hijack an election. Undermining democratic principles for personal gain is corruption and treason. We hold our fair and free elections dear to our hearts, so anything threatening these values must be so severely punished no one dare attempt it again. Be a reasonable person: there is no other explanation for what happened. The tone of the messages, the timeline of events, and the cause & effect relationships show a clear story: xlayzur is corrupt, treasonous, and guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The Court must find him guilty and sentence him to the maximum. Thank you.
I would like to submit an amicus brief to the Court, Thank you and God Bless.
I would like to submit an amicus brief to the Court. I think it would be of great value given my past expertise on constitutional and criminal law.
Your honor, this is a criminal trial, not some constitutional civil case. No input is required from riffraff that don’t play the server anymore.
I would like to submit an amicus brief to the Court. I think it would be of great value given my past expertise on constitutional and criminal law.
The court has unanimously denied your request to submit an amicus brief.

You have already demonstrated an unwillingness to conduct yourself appropriately in the court.

Noting your actions in this case, the court does not believe that you will be a friend of the court in your advice, rather that you will attempt to mount a second defence.

Due to in real life circumstances I have shared, I am unable to work at the moment. I request an extension until middle of next week as I suspect I will not be available until then. If time is of prime concern regarding this case, and such a long extension may not be afforded, the defence will have to rest its case, making no further arguments.

Best Regards,
Due to in real life circumstances I have shared, I am unable to work at the moment. I request an extension until middle of next week as I suspect I will not be available until then. If time is of prime concern regarding this case, and such a long extension may not be afforded, the defence will have to rest its case, making no further arguments.

Best Regards,
Your honor, time is always of prime concern to cases due to the Constitution specifying trials must be reasonably quick. While a 24 or even 48 hour extension can be reasonable in certain scenarios, week long extensions are highly undesirable. I motion to move this case into recess pending a verdict.
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