Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth of Redmont v. zLost [2023] FCR 108

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Follow-up Questions
1.1 Would you say being killed repeatedly and consistently being disturbed is annoying?
Respond to Follow-up Question:

Yes, in my personal opinion it is annoying and quite frustrating.
1. to stop them from destroying my friends hard work
Does the Prosecution have anymore questions? If so please provide them within 48 hours.
1. to stop them from destroying my friends hard work
Follow-up Questions
1.1 Did the victim request you to leave his property?
Follow-up Questions
1.2 So you will not confirm or deny that the Victim requested you to leave his property?
Asked and answered

The witness zLost has already answered the question 1.2 asked by the Prosecution.
Prosecution has 24 hours to respond to the objection. (From the objection message)
Your Honor,

The witness provided an answer to the question "Did the victim request you to leave his property?" The witness provided a response of pleading the fifth, meaning they wish to not self-incriminate themselves.

However, our follow-up question was a confirmation that the witness wished to not confirm nor deny the original question. In order for the objection to make sense would be if I asked the same question again. We are merely looking for the witness to confirm their testimony.
The Objection will be overruled given it is a different question asking for confirmation and not asking and seeking the same response.
Follow-up Questions
1.2 So you will not confirm or deny that the Victim requested you to leave his property?
1.2 i plead the fifth
Your Honor,

The Prosecution has no further questions at this time.
Alright, the Defense may cross-examine all of the Witnesses.
Alright, we will now be moving onto Closing Statements, the Prosecution has 72 hours to provide theirs.

Your Honor,

In the pursuit of justice, it is imperative to highlight the gravity of the situation at hand. The proceedings thus far have brought to light a series of disturbing events that demand our collective attention. Our primary concern lies in the relentless pursuit of justice for the individual who has fallen victim to the reprehensible actions orchestrated by the accused party, zlost.

The evidence presented before this honorable court has unequivocally established that zlost not only engaged in the harassment of an individual within the confines of our server but, more egregiously, intentionally subjected them to a torrent of unfathomable torment. This is not a matter to be taken lightly, and the weight of the evidence should guide us in our pursuit of justice.

It is with great disappointment that we note the defense's failure to provide a suitable defense in this case. Rather than addressing the gravity of the allegations, they chose a lighthearted approach, akin to that of a whimsical goose, missing crucial deadlines and failing to present a compelling case in defense of their client. This lackadaisical approach does a disservice to the pursuit of truth and justice.

What has been revealed during these proceedings is not merely a singular incident but, rather, a repeated and meticulous pattern of hate. The evidence paints a stark picture of not just one isolated act of malice, but a series of intentional, calculated actions aimed at inflicting harm on the victim. This is a matter that goes beyond the boundaries of a mere disagreement; it is a systematic and deliberate campaign to terrorize an individual.

In light of these revelations, we implore Your Honor not to allow the accused, a hardened criminal, to escape the consequences of their actions lightly. The citizens of Redmont, whose safety and well-being we all hold dear, deserve to see justice served. Upholding respect for our community requires us to take a firm stance against such behavior and ensure that those who perpetrate harm are held accountable for their actions.

May the pursuit of justice prevail, and may Your Honor make a decision that reflects the severity of the crimes committed, sending a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated within the boundaries of our community.

DATED: This 20th day of January 2024
Thank you, the Defense has 72 hours to provide their Closing Statement.
zLost is hereby found in Contempt of Court. I order the Department of Justice to jail and/or fine appropriately.

The Court will also now be in recess pending a Verdict.



Commonwealth of Redmont v. zLost [2023] FCR 108

1. Defendant harassed MrFluffy2U94 with relentless killing.
2. The Defendant did these acts solely because they failed to win a DCT auction that MrFluffy2U94 won.

1. The Actions in question are not Harassment.

1. To put this simply, yes, this Defendant did in fact commit Harassment and given the missing of an Opening Statement and Closing Statement this shows they either agree with the fact or simply believe this case should be thrown out. Given they only defended with a Motion to Dismiss will believe the latter. Despite that there is still clear evidence showing that the Defendant did commit the acts in questions and did commit harassment.

2. While, MrFluffy2U94 could've had the building vaulted in turn for a faster teardown and to appease the Defendant. They are not required to do so and given the Defendant even after MrFluffy2U94 stated they are not going to and started attacking, messaging, and other. All of this would mean harassment and fits within the charges laid out and arguments of the Prosecution.

1. Given this, I will be ruling in favor of the Plaintiff however will not be granting a full Prayer I will be amending Prayer One to the amount below. Reasoning for this is the sheer amount of the compensation and jail time requested. Instead the amount listed is still showing the Defendant to not do the actions again and will also be a low amount as to not bankrupt the Defendant.

As for the rest of the Prayers, they are all granted as normal due to the low amount or simply because of the dependent on the rest of the Prayers.

With that said, the charges are as follows:

  1. zLost is hereby to be charged with two Counts of Harassment and Serial Harassment and to be jailed for 40 minutes and fined $20,000 (doubled amount as per Prayer two).
  2. zLost is hereby found to be a Serial Criminal Offender in terms of Harassment and Trespassing only.
  3. zLost is hereby to be charged with Trespassing and to be jailed for 20 minutes and pay a $400 fine (doubled as per Prayer two).

The Federal Court thanks all involved.

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