Rescinded Congressional Process

How do you vote on this Bill:

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Mar 19, 2021


Congressmen and Congresswomen have the ability to officially propose bills to Congress. In order to propose a bill, the Representative will follow the congressional process.



Purpose of the bill​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Sections Without Subsections
Sections without subsections shall follow this format.

2 - Sections With Subsections
(1) Subsections with subsections shall follow this format.
(2) Authors will be sure to note the usage of parenthesis.

3 - Sections With Sub-subsections
(1) Subsections with sub-subsections shall follow this format.
*(a) Sub-subsections will appear like this, italicised and with letters.*

4 - Sections With Lists
(1) Sections may sometimes require lists, and such practice will be allowed.
(a) Lists will take the following properties:--
- They will be preceded by a “:--”;
- They will not be italicised;
- They will use the google docs dashed list formatting, because it is easy to copy into reddit;
- Each line will end with a semicolon; and
- The second to last line will have an “and” so that this theoretically makes grammatical sense as a sentence, with the last line ending in a period.



Purpose of the Resolution​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress, do hereby formally enact this non-binding resolution, as a request to our Government:


Presiding Officer Guide.png

1) The Bill is posted to forums by the sponsoring Representative as a Bill: Draft. A link will be posted to #bill-proposals by the representative.

2) When debate is finished in the House of Representatives, the Speaker will add a poll to the bill for a 48 hour voting period. The prefix will be changed to Bill: Voting.

3) After the 48 hours have passed; all votes have been submitted; or a majority is reached, there will be 2 situations:

(a) If the Bill is passed, the Speaker will change the Bill status to Bill: Pending and move it to the Senate, notifying the Vice President; or

(b) If the Bill is rejected, the Speaker will change the Bill status to Bill: Rejected and move it to the Rejected sub-forum.

4) When debate is finished in the Senate, the Vice President will re-open the poll for 48 hours. The prefix will be changed to Bill: Voting.

5) After the 48 hours have passed; all votes have been submitted; or a majority is reached, there will be 2 situations:

(a) If the Bill is passed, the Vice President will move the bill to the Congressional forum applying the 'awaiting assent' prefix, notifying the President for their assent; or

(b) If the Bill is rejected, the Vice President will change the Bill status to Bill: Rejected and move it to the Rejected sub-forum with Senate recommendations in the comments.

6) If a bill is passed by Congress, the President will do the following:

(a) The President will sign the Bill and move it to the Acts of Congress forum. The Speaker’s Office will update the Rules and Laws; or

(b) The President will Veto the Bill and move it to the Rejected forum, providing the reason in the comments.

7) Once the changes have been made, the Speaker's office will announce the changes to the public.


If there’s a tie (this is there are the same number of votes in favor and against independently of the number of abstains), the poll will be held again without the abstain option.


The bill or a bill of the same nature will not be proposed for a period of 14 days.


When the President vetoes a bill, Congress can override the veto through a 2/3 majority vote.


The quorum when voting shall be dynamic. Where a member abstains from voting, the majority will be decided based on those who have not abstained.


If or when there is a motion against or relating specifically to a member of Congress, their vote shall not be included. (e.g. Motion of nomination, no confidence, removal)

(1) A 'Redundant' prefix will be made available to the Speaker's office.
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Speaker's office where a bill no longer has legal relevance. Bills with the redundancy prefix will be moved to the rescinded / vetoed / rejected forum.
(3) Redundant bills will remain law until they are formally rescinded.


A motion is moved in #congress-chat. Representatives should all vote on a motion. It is simply a message such as:

I move a motion of no confidence against xEndeavour for...
I would like to move a censure motion against xEndeavour for...
Motion: Appoint xEndeavour as the replacement representative for VeryBadRepresentative42069.
Motions will be allowed to be re-voted on twice in case of tie or rejection, otherwise a period of 14 days will need to elapse before it can be put forward again.

This should not be taken lightly, as it destabilises the Government and has significant wider impacts. Where the speaker is ousted they resume the role of Congresswoman/man; a new speaker is then elected. Where a Secretary is ousted, the President will need to nominate a replacement.

A Censure Motion can be moved by any representative against anyone. It carries no punishment, however publicly condemns someone's actions. (e.g. The Representative broke the law on or off congressional duties; missed a vote without a reasonable excuse; and or didn't follow parliamentary process etc.).

When a Representative resigns or is removed from office, they will be replaced by any player nominated by the Speaker and approved by Congress. The nominee is, by convention, the player with the next most votes in the most recent election. The Congress can remove a fellow member of the Congress through a unanimous vote (excluding the representative in question). Congress should however only exercise this power where the circumstances are appropriate (e.g. the representative has been censured several times).

When a candidate for the Judiciary or the Legislative branches is nominated by the President or the Speaker, a supermajority approval is required.

Any changes to this process should take the form of an amendment to the Congressional Process.
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Congress Vote: 4-0-0


Formalise the Bill Making Format​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Congressional Process Amendment Act 2020”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Updated Format
(1) The previous format listed under the Congressional Process is not fit for purpose. To enhance the Congressional Process and formalise the currently used format I propose that it be updated to:


Purpose of the bill​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Sections Without Subsections
Sections without subsections shall follow this format.

2 - Sections With Subsections
(1) Subsections with subsections shall follow this format.
(2) Authors will be sure to note the usage of parenthesis.

3 - Sections With Sub-subsections
(1) Subsections with sub-subsections shall follow this format.
*(a) Sub-subsections will appear like this, italicized and with letters.*

4 - Sections With Lists
(1) Sections may sometimes require lists, and such practice will be allowed.
(a) Lists will take the following properties:--
- They will be preceded by a “:--”;
- They will not be italicized;
- They will use the google docs dashed list formatting, because it is easy to copy into reddit;
- Each line will end with a semicolon; and
- The second to last line will have an “and” so that this theoretically makes grammatical sense as a sentence, with the last line ending in a period.
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Congress Vote: 4-1-0


Amend the Congressional Process​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Congressional Process Amendment Act 2020 (II)”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Change of the Congressional Process Point
(1) “The Bill is publically proposed on the #bill-creation discord channel using the above format.”
(2) “The bill will be added to the schedule (in a Drive Excel and in forums). “
(a) “The schedule must contain:”
(I) “The date of scheduling, the date for debate and the date for voting.”
(II) “Status of the Bill (Awaiting for debate (orange), Debate (blue), Voting (cream color), Passed (green), Rejected (red), Withdrawn (brown), Act of Congress
(yellow), Vetoed (Red)).”
(III) “Number(AB for Amendment Bills and CB for Creation Bills and its number by order) and name of the Bill, the player who proposed it (with the
background color of their Party), the propose and a link to the Drive Document where the Bill can be found.”
(b) “There can only be 3 bills scheduled a day to debate and vote.”
(c) “There will be an exception for those bills that the Speaker considers as more important”.
(d) This is an example of how it must be done:


(3) "When the debate date arrives, the Speaker will introduce all the Bills to debate that day and change the Bill status in the schedule to Debate.”
(a) “The debate will last 48 hours and it will not be allowed to start another one within those 48 hours.”
(b) “The Bill may be modified during this period.”
(4) “When the debate is finished and the voting date has arrived, the Speaker will post a thread in the forums with the Bill and a poll so that the Representatives
can vote and change the Bill status in the schedule to Voting”.
(a) “The poll will last 24 hours”
(5) “After the 24 hours have passed; all votes have been submitted; or a majority is reached, there will be 2 situations:”
(a)“If the Bill is passed, the Speaker will change the Bill status to Bill: Passed in the forums thread and the schedule and send the
results to the President in order to approve it or veto it.”
(b)“If the Bill is rejected, the Speaker will change the Bill status to Bill:Rejected in the forums thread and schedule and move it to the
Rejected sub-forum.”
(6) “Once passed to the President:”
(a) “If the President approves it, the Speaker assumes the job of draftsman and will change the Rules and Laws.”
(b) “If the President vetoes it, the President will have to provide the reason under the Bill thread and the Speaker will have to announce to the Congress that it
has been vetoed and the reasons. The Speaker will then change the Bill status in forums and schedule to Bill:Vetoed and move it to Voted sub-forum.”
(7) “Once the changes have been made, the Speaker will announce the change and will change the Bill status in the forums thread and the schedule to Bill:Act of Congress and will move the thread to the Act of Congress sub-forum

3 - Change of the Ties Point
(1) If there’s a tie (this is there are the same number of votes in favor and against independently of the number of abstains), the poll will be held again without the abstain option.

4 - Motions
(1) “Point 3. Motion of Nomination”, will be changed to “Motion of Removal”
(2) There will be a new point, “Point 4. Motion of Nomination”
(a) When a candidate for the Judiciary or the Legislative branches is nominated by the President or the Speaker, the Congress will vote in favor or against that
nominee. The nominee will need at least 5 out of 7 votes in favor in order to be chosen.
(3) Any of the motions will be allowed to be revoted twice in case of tie, as the point 3 of this amendment says, or rejection. If after doing the polls the motion is
rejected, that same motion will be allowed to be revoted in 14 days.



Speaker of Congress
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Congress Vote: 7-1-0


Amend the Congressional Process​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Congressional Process Amendment Act 2020”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Reasons
(1) The Speaker of Congress has absorbed some of the roles and responsibilities of the Congressional Members.
(2) Bills are getting left out.
(3) Negates the need for a bill schedule and simplifies the process while getting Congressmen and women more involved in the bill making process.
(4) Forums acts as a workflow and bill schedule. An additional schedule is tedious and busy work for the Speaker to fulfill.

3 - Change
(1) Amend '2) The bill will be added to the schedule by the Speaker.' to '2) After 24 hours has passed, the bill will be posted to forums by the Representative.'
(2) Amend '5) When the debate is finished and the voting date has arrived, the Speaker will post a thread in the forums with the Bill and a poll so that the Representatives can vote. The Bill status in the schedule and forums will be changed to Voting.' to '5) The Speaker will add a poll to the bill for a 24 hour voting period. The prefix will be changed to Bill: Voting.'
(3) Remove any further references to the bill schedule and override any previous laws pertaining to a bill schedule.
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Congress Vote: Unavailable

Amend the Congressional Process​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Congressional Process Amendment Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Purpose
The Congressional process must be updates as Congress has been split into a Bicameral System and has two chambers and therefore needs a new congressional process.

3 - Congressional Process
4 - House Process

Bill proposals must be put in #bill-proposals on the discord once this is done the representative proposing the bill then is able to post the bill on the forums adding it to the docket.

1.Bills must be on the forums for at least 24 hours before they can be voted on during this time representatives are allowed to propose amendments.
Note: This can be bypass with a motion of urgent consideration this allows for the bill to bypass the 24 hour period and be voted on immediately, motions of urgent consideration only apply to the house the motion was made it and the other house will need to propose a motion of urgent consideration as well if they wish to review the bill urgently.

2.Once the Bill is able to be voted on this means it has been on the forums for at least 24 hours and is first on the docket bills are revised and added to the docket in the order they are proposed. The Speaker will then add a poll to the bill and will announce the bill is open to votation.

3. once a bill is voted on and if the bill:
(1)passes the speaker will send the bill to the senate for them to review and vote on it, they may also amend the bill but if they choose to do this it will need to be sent back to the house to be voted on again.

(2)is rejected it will be moved to the rejected bill section on the forums and a bill of the same nature (purpose) can not be voted on for another 14 days.

(3) fails to reach a majority of Ayes or Nays due to abstentions the bill will be revote on and if it does not receive a majority of ayes a second time the bill will be rejected and follow the same process as a rejected bill in section 3, subsection 4, paragraph 2.

4.Bills Sent back by the Senate
(1)Bills Sent back by the Senate that are amended must be voted on if the house chooses to amend the bill further it must be sent to the senate to be voted on and reviewed again.

(2)If the house chooses not to amend the bill further it can be voted on and if it receives a majority it can then be sent to the President by the Speaker.

(3)If the house rejects the senate's amended bill it must be moved to the rejected bills section of the forums

(4)If a bill fails to receive a majority of Ayes due to abstentions the bill also fails and is moved to the rejected section of the forums.

5 - Senate Process

1.Once a bill has arrived in the senate it will be added to the senate docket bills will be reviewed in order from when they were added to the docket with the bills longest on the docket receiving priority.

2.During a 24 hour period before bills are voted on senators are able to propose amendments to the bill all amendments must receive a majority of ayes before being added to the bill once the 24 hour period is over the bill will be voted on with all amendments added that received a majority of ayes.

3.The President of the Senate will add the poll to the bill and will announce that bill is open to votation.

4.once a bill is voted on and if the bill:
(1)passes without any amendments the speaker can then send the bill to the President.

(2)passes with amendments the bill will be sent back to the house to be re voted on and if the house chooses not to amend the Senate's version of the bill it can then be sent to the President by the Speaker if the bill passes with a majority.

(3)is rejected it will be moved to the rejected bill section on the forums and a bill of the same nature (purpose) can not be voted on for another 14 days.

(4) fails to reach a majority of Ayes or Nays due to abstentions the bill will be revote on and if it does not receive a majority of ayes a second time the bill will be rejected and follow the same process as a rejected bill in section 3, subsection 4, paragraph 2.

5. Bills Sent back by the House
(1)Bills Sent back by the House that are amended must be voted on if the senate chooses to amend the bill further it must be sent to the house to be voted on and reviewed again.

(2)If the Senate chooses not to amend the bill further it can be sent to the President by the Speaker.

(3)If the senate rejects the house’s amended bill it must be moved to the rejected bills section of the forums

(4)If a bill fails to receive a majority of Ayes due to abstentions the bill also fails and is moved to the rejected section of the forums.

6 - Presidential Assent and Vetoes
  1. Once the same bill has passed the House and Senate the President may then choose to veto the bill or give the bill presidential assent by signing off on it.
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Vetoed -

Although it was not vetoed for this reason, the bill could be far clearer for the benefit of the less politically minded player base.

- This process has left out critical aspects that all previous processes have defined. There is no mention of what thread prefixes should be applied and who is responsible for moving the bill in to which forum.

- How do we record the amendments made? How will they be made and how will that be communicated to the House?

- How do we record who voted for what in the first voting round when an amendment is made and the bill goes back to the House. The polls will have to be cleared to vote on the amendments.

- The assumption is that the President of the Senate is the Vice President?


- Perhaps specifically state the Presiding Officer's title as "Vice President" rather than President of the Senate.

- Rather than amendments made by the Senate, it rejects bills with recommendations similar to the current process with vetoing. This way the bill will be remade by the house and it will mitigate the issues with deleting polls and amendment tracking. It is also similar to the current process and will be easier for players to understand.

- Make the process clearer and easier to understand.

- Define the Thread Prefix that should be applied.

- Define who is responsible for moving the thread to what forum.

The 14 day rejection period is wavered due to the critical nature of this bill.
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This veto has successfully been overturned by the Congress of DemocracyCraft.
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House Vote: 5-0-1
Senate Vote: 3-0-0

Amend the Congressional Process

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Congressional Process Amendment Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Reasons
(1) The current Congressional Process is over-complicated and needs to be simplified.

3 - Congressional Process

1) The Bill is posted to forums by the sponsoring Representative as a Bill: Draft. A link will be posted to #bill-proposals by the representative.

2) When debate is finished in the House of Representatives, the Speaker will add a poll to the bill for a 48 hour voting period. The prefix will be changed to Bill: Voting.

3) After the 48 hours have passed; all votes have been submitted; or a majority is reached, there will be 2 situations:

(a) If the Bill is passed, the Speaker will change the Bill status to Bill: Pending and move it to the Senate, notifying the Vice President; or

(b) If the Bill is rejected, the Speaker will change the Bill status to Bill: Rejected and move it to the Rejected sub-forum.

4) When debate is finished in the Senate, the Vice President will re-open the poll for 48 hours. The prefix will be changed to Bill: Voting.

5) After the 48 hours have passed; all votes have been submitted; or a majority is reached, there will be 2 situations:

(a) If the Bill is passed, the Vice President will move the bill to the Congressional forum, notifying the President for their assent; or

(b) If the Bill is rejected, the Vice President will change the Bill status to Bill: Rejected and move it to the Rejected sub-forum with Senate recommendations in the comments.

6) If a bill is passed by Congress, the President will do the following:

(a) The President will sign the Bill and move it to the Acts of Congress forum. The Speaker’s Office will update the Rules and Laws; or

(b) The President will Veto the Bill and move it to the Rejected forum, providing the reason in the comments.

7) Once the changes have been made, the Speaker's office will announce the changes to the public.

Note: 14 day rejected bill wait period will be removed to allow House to amend the rejected bill as a new bill thread and pass it again. This process can continue without limit.
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This bill has received presidential assent and is hereby signed into law.​
House Vote: 8-0-0
Senate Vote: 5-0-0


Amend the congressional process

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Congressional Process Amendment Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Amendments
Subsection (a) is changed to subsection (b):

(a) If the Bill is passed, the Vice President will move the bill to the Congressional forum, notifying the President for their assent; or
(b) If the Bill is passed, the Vice President will move the bill to the Congressional forum applying the 'awaiting assent' prefix, notifying the President for their assent; or
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This bill has received presidential assent and is hereby signed into law.​

Establish a New Format for Resolutions​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Resolution Format Act”
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Purpose
(1) As it stands, resolutions are formatted as bills, which is confusing. The only difference is that "A bill to" may be changed to "A resolution to", however it's not codified nor is it detailed enough to differentiate the two.
(2) Additionally as it stands, resolutions are formatted to say "do hereby enact the following provisions into law" whereas a resolution is not a law.
(3) This bill establishes a format for resolutions, just as there is a format for bills.

3 - Application of Format
(1) All resolutions shall include the term "Resolution" in their short title.
(2) All resolutions shall include the Department or Governmental Entity that the resolution is directed towards.
(3) This format shall be included in the Congressional Process.

4 - Format
(1) The format will include the same section and subsection formatting as a bill, however the beginning of such format shall maintain different.
(2) The beginning of such format shall be added as follows:


Purpose of the Resolution

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress, do hereby formally enact this non-binding resolution, as a request to our Government:
House Vote: 8-0-0
Senate Vote: 4-0-1


Amend the Congressional Process

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Congressional Process Amendment”
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Reason
(1) Clashes with the constitution and old naming conventions.
(2) Exclusion of member whom motion is specifically in relation to.

3 - Motion Amendments
The following changes from (a) to (b):


The Congress can move a motion of no confidence against the Speaker of Congress and Secretaries of the Cabinet. This should not be taken lightly, as it destabilises the Government and has significant wider impacts. Where the speaker is ousted they resume the role of Congresswoman/man; a new speaker is then elected. Where a Secretary is ousted, the President will need to nominate a replacement. A vote of no confidence is to be unanimous. Motions are moved in the #congress-chat.


A Censure Motion can be moved by any representative against any representative. It carries no punishment, however publicly condemns someone's actions. (e.g. The Representative broke the law on or off congressional duties; missed a vote without a reasonable excuse; and or didn't follow parliamentary process etc.). Motions are moved in the #congress-chat.


When a Representative resigns or is removed from office, they will be replaced by any player nominated by the Speaker and approved by Congress. The nominee is, by convention, the player with the next most votes in the most recent election. The Congress can remove a fellow member of the Congress through a unanimous vote (excluding the representative in question). Congress should however only exercise this power where the circumstances are appropriate (e.g. the representative has been censured several times).


When a candidate for the Judiciary or the Legislative branches is nominated by the President or the Speaker, the Congress will vote in flavor or against that nominee. The nominee will need at least 6 out of 9 votes in favour, in order to be chosen.


This should not be taken lightly, as it destabilises the Government and has significant wider impacts. Where the speaker is ousted they resume the role of Congresswoman/man; a new speaker is then elected. Where a Secretary is ousted, the President will need to nominate a replacement.


A Censure Motion can be moved by any representative against anyone. It carries no punishment, however publicly condemns someone's actions. (e.g. The Representative broke the law on or off congressional duties; missed a vote without a reasonable excuse; and or didn't follow parliamentary process etc.).


When a Representative resigns or is removed from office, they will be replaced by any player nominated by the Speaker and approved by Congress. The nominee is, by convention, the player with the next most votes in the most recent election. The Congress can remove a fellow member of the Congress through a unanimous vote (excluding the representative in question). Congress should however only exercise this power where the circumstances are appropriate (e.g. the representative has been censured several times).


When a candidate for the Judiciary or the Legislative branches is nominated by the President or the Speaker, a supermajority approval is required.

4- Exclusions
If or when there is a motion against or relating specifically to a member of Congress, their vote shall not be included. (e.g. Motion of nomination, no confidence, removal)

5 - Abstentions

The following is added to the Congressional Process:


The quorum when voting shall be dynamic. Where a member abstains from voting, the majority will be decided based on those who have not abstained.
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This bill has received presidential assent and is hereby signed into law.​
This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.​

I would however like to urge the Congress to further refine this legislation. While it is a step in the right direction, it still holds legally conflicting language. Motion of No Confidence still holds references to Secretaries, who currently may only be removed via Impeachment or at the President's discretion, not via a Motion of No Confidence,

Otherwise, the internal workings of the Congress are of little concern to the Executive and I see no reason to involve myself in such.

Provide for a law in relation to redundant Acts of Congress

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Congressional Process Amendment Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon signage.

2 - Reasons
To provide for a prefix that the speakers office can apply to redundant laws which are no longer relevant. This allows our laws list to be more easily navigable. e.g. A bill that has been overridden by a new bill but was not rescinded.

3 - Redundant Prefix
(1) A 'Redundant' prefix will be made available to the Speaker's office.
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Speaker's office where a bill no longer has legal relevance. Bills with the redundancy prefix will be moved to the rescinded / vetoed / rejected forum.
(3) Redundant bills will remain law until they are formally rescinded.
This bill is hereby granted assent and is signed into law.​
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