Vetoed Congressional Subpoena Clarification Act

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Construction & Transport Department
Oakridge Resident
Apr 7, 2020

Amend the Legislative Standards Act

The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Congressional Subpoena Clarification Act.”
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) Authored by Rep. xEndeavour
(4) Co-Sponsored by Rep. Reaperay

2 - Reasons
(1) The current wording of the LSA is ambiguous and this has led to inconsistencies in how Congressional Subpoenas are approved.
(2) Improves Congressional information accessibility.

3 - Amendments
(1) Subsection a will be amended to subsection b:

a. Current

17 - Congressional Subpoenas
(1) Process
a. Any member of the Congress may propose a motion to subpoena any number of people to testify.
b. Should a majority of the Congress approve such a motion, the subject(s) of the motion will be compelled to testify before Congress by the date specified in the motion.
c. Should the subject of a subpoena fail to appear before Congress without reasonable justification they will be charged 1% of their balance for each day with a minimum of $100.
d. Subjects of Congressional subpoenas may invoke their right not to incriminate themselves during the hearing.

b. Proposed

17 - Congressional Subpoenas
(1) Process
a. Any member of the Congress may propose a motion to subpoena any number of people or entities to testify.
b. Motions to exercise Congressional Subpoenas are accepted or denied by the chamber that they are proposed. Congressional Committees are also able to accept or deny Congressional Subpoenas.
c. Should the motion pass, the subject(s) of the motion will be compelled to testify before Congress by the date specified in the motion.

d. Should the subject of a subpoena fail to appear before Congress without reasonable justification they will be charged 1% of their balance for each day with a minimum of $100.
e. Subjects of Congressional subpoenas may invoke their right not to incriminate themselves during the hearing.
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you changed something in subsection c) but didnt mark it as a change


This bill is hereby vetoed.

This bill establishes a hidden process that can be abused, the claim that it is merely clarifying seems misleading. This bill would allow committees to issue subpoenas without the consent of the respective chamber. This would mean that potentially 2-3 individuals might be able to subpoena someone, it is not a democratic nor fair method.

Subpoenas are very serious government business with exhaustive impacts. Government officials who don't comply with subpoenas can be charged high amounts in fines and are effectively forced to testify. Therefore, in order to motion these subpoenas, a majority of the chamber should need to consent to it.

We simply cannot have small committees whipping around subpoenas for the sake of it, and therefore I cannot sign this bill in good conscience.
