Bill: Rejected Congressional Wage Decrease Act July 2021

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Apr 11, 2020


Lower the Congressional Wage

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the "Congressional Wage Decrease Act July 2021" or "CWD Act July 2021"
(2) This act shall take effect upon signage
(3) This act is co-sponsored by Huney69

2 - The reason for this decrease is simple. Congress members earn too much as we are the ones with the highest wage of all Redmont. This isn't only unfair for other hard-working workers, but it is also an unnecessary spending of the taxpayer money that could be invested on other more important things such as grants or cheaper education. An with the increase of Representatives, the amount of unnecessary money invested by the Government on this has increased too.

3 - This bill is meant to lower the following wages.
(1) The Representatives Wages will be lowered from $30/15min to $25/15min.
(2) The Senators Wages will be lowered from $30/15min to $25/15min.
(3) The Speaker Wage will be lowered from $40/15min to $35/15 min.
(4) The President Pro Tempore Wage will be lowered from $40/15min to $35/15min.


The wage decrease has failed Congress more times than I can count on 2 hands.

Why do we pay our members of Congress well?
Because they spend hours upon hours offline reading, writing, and debating bills. They don't get paid for this work. The Speaker and the PPT are both responsible for presiding over a chamber and have extra responsibilities, therefore they are paid more.

This bill knocks Congress out of line with the rest of the Government's pay scales.

A Representative will now earn the same amount as an Economist and they do almost 2x the work.
A Senator will now earn the same amount as a Tour Manager yet they are responsible for reviewing changes to the rules and laws of the nation.
The Speaker and the PPT, the Presiding Officers of the chamber, the leaders of Congress, will no longer be paid the same as the leaders of the Executive and the Judiciary.

This is a bill for cheap political points.

The more we pay our representatives the more time they can spend working as a representative and the less time they need to spend on supplementary wages.

If they don't want the money, pay it back, like I did for the previous 3 terms. Don't take it away from those who need it.
I stated my reasons in the bill and I keep them.

I also gave back to the Government all that I earned from the Congress from May-June 2020 until February-March 2021, though. Anyways I don't really see why you or me doing that would be an argument against the bill.